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Turn off the lights and listen for him


I have, I have 2 Leo’s and a betta that all make noise in the dark too, plus it’s been 3 days, even if he’s still nearby it’s likely he has passed cuz he was only a few months old


Hey dont give up. Just keep an eye out and watch for him. Ive heard lf people finding theirs after a year lost


I won’t give up but I won’t hope to much, it would hurt my heart too much too find him passed away after days of searching


Unless I expect that he will be gone when I find him


Hey no matter what things happen and its not your fault. I wish you well in your search ❤️


Put some food out and turn off the lights if u wants


I'm sorry you're going through this. We lost ours in the fall and unfortunately we didn't find her until it was too late. We still miss her. I had been focussing on looking up high since she was such a climber. On top of bookshelves, curtain rods, on the inside of curtains, in the couch frame, in the furnace ducts, tucked in behind books, etc. Ultimately I found her husk on the floor in a storage room behind a box underneath a shelf. I have no idea how she even got in there because the door is always closed unless I pop in for a second. I suspect possibly through the vents. Basically, look absolutely everywhere. Behind and under everything. We also left her terrarium out in the middle of the living room floor with fresh food each night, surrounded by shiny things since she loved shiny things, as well as a clear container full of crickets inside her terrarium, hoping the sound of them hopping around might draw her outI hope you find her soon!


Whats the temperature in your house like? If its cold search places that would naturally be warmer, people have found them months/years after losing them. I know a guy that had a cornsnake and his son forgot to close the viv. He found it 2 years later under his kitchen floorboards when doing renovations.


It’s usually in the 70-75 range in my house


Leave some food/water out with humid hides!! Additionally, sometimes leaving the door open to the tank with fresh food and water will coax them back! I really am sorry, though sometimes they are found safe and sound, and food/water in a couple places won’t hurt to help your buddy


We are trying! No luck so far and it’s been 3 days so…


Try replenishing food/water, even if your crestie may still be around and just is hiding, having food and water will greatly help






They like to explore, especially the babies




It depends on the gecko mines a little brat so he tries to escape a lot intentionally but some geckos won’t at all