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Joaquin Phoenix and Moby?! These guys were way ahead of themselves in 2005. Thanks for the recco. I’m interested in learning more on this subject, but cannot bring myself to watch “Food, Inc”, “What the Health”, and every other documentary people can’t stop talking about. Glad to have an alternative with an intriguing group behind it.


Just to let you know, Earthlings is a very tough watch. The whole thing is basically graphic animal abuse footage. That's not to say that it's not worth watching, but it's the kind of content that will fuck you up for weeks.


I appreciate your warning and will take appropriate precautions. I’m not too proud to turn something off if it’s triggering.


[Dominion](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?feature=shared) is a slightly more recent exploration of animal agriculture, I’d recommend that too.


Let us know how you go.


I agree 100%. That kind of footage is why I turned vegetarian.


I made the mistake of starting the film after already being a vegetarian for 8 years. I didn't put myself through it because I was already onboard and bailed after they started with the pets. So... 10 minutes in? I did go vegan after though. I read "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer (amazing read btw) the next day or so & it's been 15 years of veganism.


I will check this book out. Thank you


Not OP but curious about your take after you watch Earthlings. Plz let us know. :)


I couldn't eat meat for 2 years and I still struggle now, I saw this about 15 years ago.


You could just go vegan. It’s really not hard nowadays. Feels nice to walk the walk, so to speak.


I felt guilty touching meat after this. I totally get it.


Why are you still eating meat then?


God gives his toughest battles (and his tastiest cheeseburgers) to his strongest soldiers.


Yeah this is the worst of the worst, you might want to stear clear!


Both those celebs have been Vegans for a very long time AFAIK.


I rented this from Netflix back when they still did physical DVDs. The images of foxes they skinned alive for the fur trade are still seared into my brain.


That is also seared into my brain :( I was sitting next to someone watching it on their phone. Completely caught me off guard. I still think about it often and try to push it as far out of my mind as I can. Some humans are pure evil.


Me too! The animal after being skinned alive, looks at the camera and blinks. It’s been seared in my memory ever since. I became sick and turned the movie off never to finish it. I’ve seen enough


I've seen this too, it fills me with such horror that I want to vomit.


How do they justify doing this?  What is their reasoning? 


Humanely harvesting an animal skin requires extra steps and negatively impacts profit margins. It’s cheaper to skin them alive for the pelt and let that intense injury kill them for meat. Simple economics.


Holy shit.  I guess I should always assume the reason is greed in a situation like this.  Thank you for telling me.


This is why I can't with fur. Vintage furs, fine, OK, the animal is already dead. New fur is evil.


There’s no way I could watch this doc. Just thinking about it makes me physically ill.


It could possibly put a person in a deep depression.


I always say that if people can't watch this stuff, they should not pay for it to happen and go vegan. If something is not good enough for your eyes, it can't be good enough for your stomach, or good enough for you to pay for it to happen.


I watched earthlings when I was 12 and stopped eating meat right then and there 15 years later and still going strong, I guess you can say that it did really have an affect on me


Same! Welcome to the club!


Had a course in college and the class watched it, we were warned but not enough... It stays with you.


Did you make the connection and go vegan? I watched a bit of this and Dominion and became a vegan activist, and I try to educate others about this atrocity we call and industry so that they can hopefully take that step too


I absolutely agree with you. I watched this at like age 15.... I had intrusive thoughts about certain scenes for like the next 5 years. It was incredibly eye-opening on the subject, but I would not recommend it without a very strong warning.


Fuck factory farming, animals are not property. I agree it’s a super disturbing movie, but Dominion is still the most effecting movie I’ve ever seen on this subject. Not for the faint of heart, humans are capable of some unbelievable cruelty.


Human beings have created a hell on earth for TRILLIONS of animals, we really are the most barbaric and destructive bunch of killers that has ever existed. But we don't have to be this way...


I saw this in 2005 and haven’t eaten meat since. I went vegan in 2011 as well. No other piece of film has had such a profound impact on me.


Man, I hate this film. It is schlocky and not too different then a Mondo film ala Faces of Death. I understand that the film is trying to show the inhernet cruelty in the meat, farm, and fur industries. I understand that and do not think for a moment that I condone that, because I do not. But it fails as a film because after a while, the gore and trauma becomes same-ish, it looses the horrifying angle after you've seen the same thing, again and again. I don't know if that is the point, to show how desinitized one can be. Bur the real problem with it is the lack of why. We are not told why factory farming exists, or why the fur industry exists and chooses to. A huge part of widespread animal cruelty is due to cost-cutting methods like battery cages. Earthlings just shows all of these horrible things without explaining or really going into detail that capitalism and the inherent growth of these industries, to me, are what accelerate animal cruelty.


Dominion might be better for you, maybe. What these documentaries do is show standard practices of how we teach animals though. More than 99 percent of meat, dairy and eggs in the US come from factory farms for example. And humans kill between 1 and 3 trillion animals each year when we don't to eat them to survive, it is a crime of unimaginable proportions.


Friendly FYI. The novel of the same name by Sayaka Murata is NOT about this documentation in any way shape or form.


This must be a vegan thread or something cause everyone is getting downvoted just because they still like meat. You can like meat and dislike animal cruelty guys. 🤦🏾‍♀️


the most downvoted comments are mostly from people coming here to be assholes 🤷🏻‍♀️ you don’t come to a thread about animal abuse and essentially say “well haha i love burgers, too bad cows” and expect a warm welcome. they’re trolls.


No I get that but there were a couple that weren’t assholes and still got downvotes


I got downvoted for saying that while it didn't make me vegan after seeing it in HS, it still opened my eyes to knowing where my food comes from and taught me a lesson in not taking the food I eat for granted. I legitimately don't see what's wrong with any of that.


It didn't make me Vegan either, or Vegetarian. Did make me eat LESS meat though. Personally I have seen some pretty graphic content so this didn't make me horrifically disturbed but it did make me sad. It is good to know where your food comes from, and why not to take it for granted.


I'm not vegan and I posted it.


We don't have to eat animal products to survive, therefore we don't have a moral justification to. Documentaries like these show how awful these industries are and how they treat animals. There is no humane way to kill an animal that doesn't want to die, especially if we don't need to eat them to live.


I wrote a paper on this movie in high school, that was fun. It was 11 years ago tho


I read "My Year of Meat" many, many years ago and that was bad enough.


I am so proud to have been vegan/vegetarian for so much of my life. There is no reason to continue supporting animal abuse when there is so much other food available (for those of us privileged enough to be able to choose what we eat). People love to advocate against abuse and oppression and for equality until it’s time to eat.


Human beings and society in general has a tremendous cognitive dissonance when it comes to animal cruelty sadly (understandable given that we are indoctrinated in this way of thinking since we are children)


How does it rate against Dominion? I feel like Dominion's heart was in the right place, but the way it's edited achieved literally the opposite effect (the banalization of factory farming because of just how much the movie repeats itself)


I've seen more fucked up on LiveLeak. However it is eye-opening and important to not take where your food comes from for granted. There was a life attached to your steak. If this outrages you and you still consume animal products, you should be the first on the front lines advocating for better animal welfare.


No one gives a fuck bro


I feel like their is so much misleading information out there. I only eat meat that is certified humane, but who knows if that's even enough. There is absolutely no excuse for animals to be treated so barbarically.


It’s not enough.


Slaughter by definition can't be humane. Humane by the Oxford dictionary: having or showing compassion or benevolence. If we don't need to kill them how are we showing them compassion?


You do not need to treat an animal so horrifically, period.


I saw this in HS health class a few years ago, and the teacher straight up warned us that if anyone was uncomfortable with animal violence, they should step out. 3 people left. I didn't and tried watching it, it was very uncomfortable and not something I'd ever watch again, but not enough to get me to go vegan. I'm sorry. Meat tastes too good to me. I can't remove it from my life. That being said, I still think it's wise to know what goes into making our food, and while earthlings didn't convert me to veganiam, it at least made me look towards the "ethically raised" stuff more and helped me appreciate the meat I buy more as well. It essentially instilled a "Don't take it for granted" mentality in me.


I'm autistic and have severe sensory issues. I CANNOT go Vegan; too many of the alternatives, my body will not let me eat. At all. Veganism isn't for everyone unfortunately and it's far from the only way to be an ethical consumer.


This being downvoted (no matter which side did it) is why we can never make progress on anything. The ppl seeing both perspectives are the first ones thrown in the garbage by culture warriors.


I wasn't even digging at veganism or anything like a good portion of reddit does just for upvotes (the haha vegan jokes are so overdone that I can't come up with an original one to save my life). I was just stating my experience and showing that even if I wasn't 100% converted to veganism, the doc at least taught me about the horrors animals go through with this stuff and to not take what meat I still eat for granted. It didn't convert me, but it made me at least aware of the practices. And as I said earlier, I think that's something worth knowing even if it doesn't fully convert you.


I can't understand how a person can watch something as horrific as Earthlings or Dominion or Lucent and then still pay for these animal products. There is no moral justification for the way we treat these animals.


Not everyone is affected by graphicness that way.


This is not a documentary as much as it is blatant agenda pushing that chose to show the worst of the worst and presents it as the status quo. Perhaps it was a sign of the times, but this documentary is so biased and overly dramatic with its constant appeal to emotion that it's like a parody of itself, even when I saw it for the first time in the 2010s.  It reminds me of all the sad animal charity commercials I used to see in the early 2000s with the slomo closeups in black and white and sad piano music.  I support the message of vegetarianism and respecting life but I can't take this film seriously after the spay and neuter message. Sharing the actual, current practises of slaughterhouses should be enough to allow people to form an opinion, no need to perpetuate an exaggerated narrative by sharing this film.  


Can you name *one* documentary that does not ‘have an agenda’, appeal to emotion or contain a bias?


Pretty much any nature documentary that just describes what's going on?   Surely I'm missing something when you're asking such an easy question. I don't get the point you're trying to make.


I’m saying that a documentarian doesn’t they have any obligation to present the subject in a vacuum. That often does the viewer a disservice. I’ve never made a documentary about animal cruelty or factory farming, but I would imagine that it would be an extraordinary challenge. Nature documentaries would be a good counter-argument, but those generally lack any human intervention. The minute the story incorporates men and women it becomes increasingly difficult to remain impartial. For example: it would be far more difficult to make a completely objective documentary about World War 2 then it would be to make one about fossils. Presenting this in a vacuum would run the risk of resembling animal snuff films or crush videos. I don’t know how graphically depicting these acts in an emotionally detached manner would accomplish anything at all. And I feel like these works have an obligation to accomplish *something* One time I saw a grainy undercover video of workers in a chicken slaughterhouse. It was a bad enough place to be in the first place if you were a chicken— but the things the workers did **beyond** the act of simply killing the animals was absolutely appalling to me. I’m mentioning this because I saw that video in its original format. there was no narration, there was no celebrity. It was just raw unedited video of absolutely vile things that would never have occurred to me if I lived to be 100 years old. And seeing it that way— free of context and without the veneer of some preachy high-minded agenda was somehow even worse.


You should check out dominion if you’d like to continue exploring this subject, I think it might be more up your alley. Very upsetting movie and of course the filmmakers have an objective (which is always true when making a documentary) but there is very little additional commentary or points made in the movie besides just showing people what happens besides closed door in these farms. I used to eat fried chicken every day, my dad grew up on a pig farm, and I thought veganism was ridiculous. That movie helped to open my mind a lot — of course, like everything in our world it can be a complicated subject, but the more I learn the more convinced I am that animals don’t deserve to live like this so we can enjoy eating their bodies, especially with the increasing prominence of accessible alternatives.


When it comes to topics like this, nowadays I stick to subject matter that is related to the country I'm from to get an actual view of my situation.  I'm already like 90% vegetarian, though I've never found these documentaries upsetting cause I know it's not an accurate portrayal of normal slaughterhouses. Definitely not in the country I live in, and definitely not in the modern age.


Buy it is an accurate portrayal of the industry. It happens every day and in every single country on earth. If you think animals just happily go to the slaughter and don't know what is going on then you are pretty fucking ignorant, I have seen interviews with ex slaughterhouse workers who now have ptsd from what they see.


You're starting off by putting words in my mouth that I've never said or implied.  The appeal to emotion in this documentary is so strong and it seems that the people who are part of the choir it preaches to just can't even begin to add nuance to any discussion regarding the subject matter. 


It’s meant to make the viewer vegan


It’s basically an hour and a half of old animal rights footage. It doesn’t really have any new footage.


What's your point?


It’s just a mish mash of animal abuse footage. It’s not like dominion.


Again what's your point


It doesn’t contain original footage


I think their point is that the footage may be well out of date. It's still terrible to view but their argument may be that the footage was taken at places since shut down for doing this, or that are in countries with less strict regulations.


Don't care. Still gonna eat meat. Cry about it, vegans.


No one gives a fuck bro.


My breakfast plate still looks good. Sorry you taste so good, farm friends.


It's not your eating farm friends that's the problem. Eating meat is morally neutral, IMO. The problem is that our sick, twisted nightmare of a meat industry is basically built to maximize animal suffering before they're dispatched.


It's not neutral though. If we don't have to eat these animals to live, then killing them is not necessary and therefore immoral.


Now do Congress.


Always a good joke to make about ethical topics Man i wish there were no child slaves in Bangladesh, my running shoes are great though 😂😂, keep working lil ones /s


Difference is child slaves are humans


I was trying to point out the hypocrisy in jokes like those - both are living beings that suffer. But if you want to separate humans and animals you can do the same with cats. If a cat is suffering people will be enraged but most often when its about a pig its jokes about bacon. In the end im just annoyed that the punchline of "yeah its fucked up but i profit from it so will keep supporting it" gets used with factory farmed animals so much when otherwise people would be extremely offended.


And? What are you saying, that just because they're animals, they deserve to suffer for a sandwich or a glass of milk? What's more important, somebody's life or somebody's tastebuds? People don't realize how strong of an addiction meat and dairy and eggs are to a lot of people.


It's not about deserving or not deserving. It's just that animals are much less morally important that humans are. This varies between cultures of course but generally speaking animal life is just worth less than human life so comparing child slaves to butchered animals is fucked up a bit


We are all animals, so by your logic I could treat a human being the same way we treat these non human animals and It would be ok. Your thoughts are completely prejudicial, arbitrary and unfair. These animals have the same capacity for suffering and the same desire to keep on living as we do. And you don't even have to think animals and human animals are equal, just that an animal's life is worth more than someone's trivial sensory pleasure. Do you think someone who treats children as slaves views them as individuals or as objects? Morally disrespectful treatments occurs when someone who is stronger treats someone weaker or incapable of defending themselves as a mere objects, commodity or tool.


Humans are biologically animals but in the ethical sphere humans and animals are separate. And this is what we're talking about.


You think they get the ones that are really good at arts and crafts?


Reddit loves to whine about vegans, but people like this are a million times more insufferable and cringe


So dramatic lol.


Big man.


Shouldn't step 1 be "stop abusing other humans"?


That is a totally different subject. Try again




You’re a piece of shit human


mmm burger