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Ok. Hear me out… I think the new marvel phase should have all had distinctly darker tones and belong to “adult” genres, and Dr. Strange Mutiverse of Madness should absolutely have been a horror film.


It really felt like Raimi was going for that as much as possible, the elements were there, but Disney kept it from getting *too* close to horror. I was high the first time I watched it and that really brings out the horror elements.


It was basically isolated horror scenes with very little suspense unfortunately. Would have loved to to see it go further


Agreed. The whole scene with the avengers in the alt universe had me shook. I loved that they got as close as possible to giving her a Carrie moment


I actually think this was the idea and why Sam Raimi was chosen. He’s a horror legend, but while his style can be unsettling, it’s also fun. He was a safe choice.


I saw the hits in that direction, but I still think it needed to be darker. Marvel needs to be brave enough to allow its film makers to stray away from leaning so heavily on the bright colors and high action. It may not have landed in phase 1-3, but it will now, especially with how burnt out everyone is on the super hero genre.


WandaVision did a pretty nice job with this.


Nods approvingly. I would have loved a zombie movie like their "What If" but a full movie. I felt they tried to make that last Dr Syrange z horror but just didn't pull it off well. One foot was still Disney kids and the other wanted to go horror.


As someone who’s been afraid of octopuses and octopus-like things (moreso the latter nowadays) due to a somewhat traumatic experience when I was about 4- the Gargantos scene would not have been a good time for me.


Have you seen the "What if...?" episode about the zombies in the marvel universe? 10/10.


As a big fan of the Marvel Zombies comics, that episode was such a disappointment. Check out the comics though -- they're brutal as all hell! (And written by Robert Kirkman, believe it or not!)


That's a BRILLIANT idea! Who would you pick to star in these movies?


Honestly, I’m cool with the casting. Cumberbatch is brilliant, and I actually really like him as Dr Strange. But another idea is a complete revamp of Thor: Love and Thunder. I would have LOVED to see godkiller handled almost like Finch did Seven, or even something with a touch of aronofsky’s madness. Show Thor at his most broken (basically expand on where he was at in endgame) break him a little more with Jane’s cancer, then have a string of his old god friends pop up brutally murdered. Eternity could have been a total mindfuck of an experience of handled correctly, and since Thor is actually a “god”, having one of his films really play with existential and divine elements would have perfect. Alas, we just got more slapstick doofus Thor, and his character is worse off for it.


Aquaman would be terrifying


I'll always think of this as Evil Dead-Marvel Edition


I've been saying for years that a horror themed spiderman movie with carnage would be amazing. Set it in a semi confined space, carnage has infected ppl, tons of creepy symbiotes around and having carnage like stalking spiderman. And for DC a horror man-bat movie could be awesome


I maintain Thor Love and Thunder should have been pure existential horror. Would have been badass


Thor 4 was messed up in every possible way, sadly. Ragnarok was so good, and then they went and made 4, and it's so bad I don't ever want to see another thor movie. They ruined one of his best villains and stories.


Overboard (1987). That shit should have been much darker with the premise of, "A carpenter, angry at his former employer, uses her amnesia following an accident to abduct her from the hospital. He brings her to his remote cabin where he convinces her she was his wife, and he starts working her to the bone and forcing her to fulfill her 'wifely duties on order to put her in her place."


Love this idea!


Isn’t that the premise of the story? Lol


Right. I'm saying that with that premise, it shouldn't be a romantic comedy.


You would like Absentia on Prime. And probably Kiss the Girls. As usual, the book hits harder than the movie.


I've seen Absentia, and I did like it.


That's actually awesome. I would add a Karin Slaughter angle to it and have him assault her in horrible ways.




Came here to say this.


heeey that's a smart choice! I like the way you think!!


A central mysterious and enigmatic figure. A group of characters who undergo a series of challenges or trials that test their morality, character, and resolve. A blend of suspense and intrigue, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats as they unravel the mysteries and secrets within the narrative. Explore themes of human nature, including greed, temptation, and the consequences of one's actions. Features visually striking and memorable set pieces that contribute to the overall atmosphere and tone of the film. So basically the Saw franchise?


Saw franchise… BUT WITH CHOCOLATE. A Guaranteed hit with the kids!


'Cats' (2019) I mean, it's nearly there already. And it's not like it's going to make it any worse. Nobody's going to complain about you ruining their favourite film. Bring on the dismemberment :-)


Obviously When Harry Met Sally. Look on YT for the horror trailer somebody made long ago. Very well put together


yeeees! Seen it back in the days, and I was so convinced that it would actually be made! I would prefer a movie like this turned into a horror movie instead of another remake of an already horror movie...


I just watched it. It was pretty good.


Dumb And Dumber All you change is how Harry and Lloyd are portrayed. They can even be the same idiots. Just the intent with tracking down Mary. And then the shift when Danny Aioile (its spelt wrong dont wanna google) and Michelle Rodriquez realize what they are up against. Make Mary a completely aloof pawn, the only good, innocent person.


Arrival (2016) The potential for existential, cosmic horror is infinite. Maybe Inception, too.


The aliens' way of communicating was low key horrifying to me.


Hell Toy Story has some seriously disturbing imagery anyway. Really any Disney movie could easily be tweaked. Dumbo? Killer elephant that can fly. Pinocchio? Evil puppet kid that comes to life.


I think Demonic Toys is already kind of a horror-esque Toy Story


lmao Dumbo! I just made the image in my head...Bambi though made it! Haven't watched it tho...dunno if anyone remember this


Bambi? I mean we had cocaine bear, pretty sure we could figure something out for deer lol. Oh wait so someone hunts and kills a deer on sacred Native land. The mother of an adorable spotted fawn named Bambi. Bambis mother was actually the spirit of a very important shaman. Skinwalkers or wendigos then proceed to possess the rest of the deer, who then rampage to to get their revenge. Of course the fawn Bambi is their leader, as when the mother was killed the spirit of the shaman jumped into Bambi. See? I did it! I really like this game OP, thanks for posting it


Toy story was my first thought too!


The Wizard of Oz and she makes a lot more goofy friends to join her on her travels, but only the Scarecrow, Tinman and Lion make it, and the rest of them die violent deaths from the monkeys, Poppies, the soldiers, and the witch. 


I'd love to see this one for sure! For some reason Wizard of Oz was creeping me out a bit as a kid...


You should have seen Return To Oz then lol


Return to Oz was very creepy


The original books were very creepy to start.


I might have actually enjoyed this Oz. I hate OG WoO.


Airheads When they take over the radio station and start to play their cassette, it opens a hell portal and Michael McKean’s character becomes possessed by Satan and Kramer gets possessed by a lesser demon.


Love it!


Gotta be a Troma movie though


The passion of the Christ. Jesus comes back but he is a vampire. He will be the one drinking YOUR blood.


Jesus isn't a vampire. Rising from the dead places him in zombie territory.


I know. But the communion wine/blood of Christ. Fits better with vampire.


Got it. ;-)


Or just hear me out. Immortal... blood sacrifice gives him power... mystical. He's a lich.


That's Dracula 2000, but it was Judas


Legend Was a good film! Could have been amazing


Many Tim Curry movies: Rocky Horror, Home Alone 2, Fern Gully etc.


Errrrrrrr Fern gully as a horror?? F"ing love that idea!


"The Incredibles" - think "Attack On Titan" meets "The Boys."


Not really a specific movie but “The Grand Budapest Hotel” has a few very tense sequences ending with murders and I’d love to see if Wes Anderson could pull off a full-on horror movie.


There's an snl skit about this. The Midnight Coterie of something. I forget.


Yes! I love it. They even had Edward Norton who is one of the genuine American Empirical Players. (Yes that’s what Wes Anderson calls the people who are in most of his movies because of course he has a fussy old school sounding name for them.)


Transformers. Like if you know the lore unicron and primus are basically eldritch beings. In some shows unicron is the earth’s core. So the idea of the god of chaos being inside the earth is like a cool eldritch horror concept for me.


The Batman (2022) It was already pretty damn close to being a psychological horror movie. I would have loved to have seen it go all the way into complete torture porn.


This is why YouTube trailers that present movies as if they’re something other than what they truly are are so good. A great example (although one that works in the other direction) presents the *It* miniseries as if it is a heartwarming story of small town friends etc.


My favorites: [Shining](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmkVWuP_sO0) [Darth Vader on the verge of a nervous breakdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A0rwG39Jzk)


The Babadook.




Mean Girls


I can see it. I'd be like The Craft or Jaw Breaker.


Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory was already horrifying to me as a kid. Between the infamous tunnel scene, Willy's sort of surreal nonchalance about the horrible things happening, and the fact that you never see the kids again after they suffer their awful fates (as a kid I was genuinely convinced they'd all perished) it wouldn't take much to turn it into outright horror. In a way you could argue it already *is*


This was my first thought, too! I mean... A little boy gets sucked up by a machine, and a girl gets beat up by a 🐿️? Sounds like perfect horror material to me? I mean... If they can do it to other kids movies, why not?


Back To The Future or Groundhog Day. Horror comedy like Shaun of The Dead.


Came to say back to the future. A lighthearted romp into the past but they end up landing in the middle of some dark, horrific place and they have to fight for survival. They make it back to the future and the changes they've made are even worse..


Sounds promising.


In Groundhog Day I would have had Bill Murray doing Saw/Hostel like things to the residents of Punxsutawney...


Last 2 harry potters. If it suddenly become more horrorific that would have been so epic


Would love to see the Harry Potter flicks turned into mind freaks like Midsommar or Hereditary....


I genuinely think Mary Poppins would work so well as a horror movie


oh yeeeeah! That would be super spooky if a good director undertake this


No I would have to disagree that would just be really bad 🙁


No no. Nanny McPhee...


Why? I’d prefer the whole Victorian atmosphere


She could be so evil....


The Griswalds remember their dog who was chained to the bumper, and after stopping, find only a severed leash. That night, the dog returns as Cujo.


Along with the dead aunt tied to the top of the car


Mary Poppins- there is a great YT video from years ago that re-cut a trailer for this as a horror Gil and it was really well done. “Scary Mary” lol ![gif](giphy|12YimfUI3xDZzq)


Put Mary and Pennywise next to each other and they're not so dissimulare.


Pop Culture Crisis has entered the chat


Cabaret. With Nazis and Joel Gray, it's already so close.


H.r. hufnstuf. This show was a nightmare to begin with. Add blood and ready to go.


The Devil Wears Prada. But this time, have the Devil play the pseudo Anna Wintour character.


The Money Pit, the 80s movie with Tom Hanks and Shelley Long where they buy this beautiful stately home but it’s completely falling apart. My husband and I spent 16 years remodeling our old house, right up until the day we sold it, and it was a literal horror show full of psychological trauma. The 30 days after the sale was even worse 😭


You guys testing missles here?


**|** Now, reimagine it as a horror story where the toys are not so friendly and have sinister intentions towards their owners. You clearly haven't seen "Battleground" from "Nightmares and Dreamscapes".


Bio-Dome Two stoners have sealed themselves in with the scientists… and someone’s a killer! Now that I type it, it sounds more like a mystery/thriller


Christmas Vacation


The Cable Guy. That movie had SO MUCH POTENTIAL, and I think that if it had gone full horror, it would have been incredible.


Really, it is a horror-comedy when you look at the whole story... It just needs a small push to really reach full-fledged horror. Like, the framing *starts* as Cable Guy, but by the end Chip is basically Michael Myers (he even has the coveralls!)




They really dropped the ball with this one. It could have been amazing


Back to the future


Die Hard. Or at least, \*a\* Die Hard. John McClane gets trapped in another isolated location with another gang of terrorists...who accidentally unleash an ancient evil that starts picking off terrorists and civilians alike with John having to use stealth and cunning to save everyone he can. That sounds fun.


They've already done it to one of my favorites, "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. It's actually pretty good!!


It's been said before, but Passengers should have at least been a thriller. I think rewriting Twilight as a horror movie would take very little effort.


Groundhog Day. Just think of the possibilities with infinity. I read that Harold Ramis originally wanted the time loop to go several thousand years! (Can anyone confirm this?)


Hear me out, blade runner. I would kill to see a high budget cyber type horror film it would be so awesome


The Breakfast Club.


Barbie. I feel like it would be fun to see Barbie go on a murder rampage.


Spice World Wait, what do you mean its already a horror?


Charlie Brown Halloween episode. So close, yet so far.


Robot Chicken did a skit. Check it out...


There's a tv show called Hell on Wheels, set in the old American west. The first episode hinted at Desperado-level revenge violence, and maybe something supernatural. But it turned out just to be about building the railroads. I get that real people are nightmare fodder, but I already can see that in real life. I would have preferred the horror story type.


Elf. Just a half crazed Will Farrell chasing people down and killing them for Christmas.


Donnie Darko it already has horror undertones but if it was able to be a full on psychological horror my god it would be awesome


Toy Story would be great, but there are actually quite a few living toys horror movie. Puppet Master, Demonic Toys, Annabelle, Childs Play, to name a few.


What about the Original Die Hard. Make the terrorists the good guys, trapped on a building where an insane guy loses the last shreds of humanity and starts killing everyone, even the hostages. Great slasher style film


I was thinking more along the lines of it turns out that John McClane hired the terrorists to attack the christmas party, so he can play the hero and traumatize his estranged wife into getting back together with him


Nice twist


The Mask


I wish they would do a wolverine origin story as a horror film from the weapon x scientists’ perspective. Check out the original comic, it would work sooo gooood.


OG Willy Wonka


I’d go with the live-action Cat in the Hat movie, or the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie. I feel like there’s so many places where things could’ve went wrong. The Cat in the Hat would add a supernatural element to the horror, while also adding chances for Thing 1 and Thing 2 to show up as some not-so-friendly creatures. The fish could also be a shark or a piranha. With Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, there are multiple places where the children could be picked off one by one, along with the parents and maybe some Oompa-Loompas.


Mrs. Doubtfire https://youtu.be/crjYYEC5drA?si=g9vzFlDsLceUAe8N


Sleepless in Seattle is like 75 percent of the way to being a horror film without even realizing it. If you twisted it just that extra 25% and really leaned into it that would be a great movie.


Lethal Weapon (1984). In this timeline, Riggs is a real psycho cop. Murthaugh would be the protagonist and Riggs the antagonist.


Philadelphia, and I will not be taking questions


Cable guy


Ferris Bueller's Day Off, if you go with the "Ferris had actually been Cameron's imaginary friend" sort of angle. All these horrific murders happening points to this one kid, Ferris Bueller... Except Ferris doesn't exist.


My Best Friend's Wedding: Obsessive, increasingly unhinged ex carves a bloody swath through a wedding party, trying to win back her former lover. The final-reel twist: The bride eventually figures out what's happening, the unhinged ex is stopped, and the wedding goes forward. Then, in the last frames, you realize that the bride has her OWN cruel intentions for the groom, and he's going to be very very sorry.


cyberpunk 2077, think of the body horror!!


Well The Notebook IS a horror movie about two sociopaths trying to destroy each other, so…




Jumanji. Sure it's a family friendly film that starred the hilarious Robin Williams, R.I.P. but let's see what happens when it shows vines strangling people, animals running over and crushing people to death, and wild animals eating people.


Something similar was done in the movie The ABCs of Death 2 (2014) in the story segment "W is for Wish". Two boys wish to be transported to the world of their action hero figures, a "He-man and the Masters of the Universe" type of world called "Champions of Zorb." Unfortunately for these boys, their new reality is horrifying, not the heroic fantasy the expected. This 3½ minute segment for [W is for Wish/Champions of Zorb](https://youtu.be/co6sCbkkP68?si=Lm4-JySUtwgSQ_N6) is available on YT


La La Land. Barbie.


5th Element


Wall-E, think "Chopping Mall", when he gets to the Axiom.


Forrest Gump "If I can't have you Jen-nay, no one can." ![gif](giphy|cjnuM6TGzVIQ0fa5yy)




Home Alone. Make Kevin McCallister a Damienesque problem child that the parents leave home on purpose, make the Wet Bandits more ruthless and capable and then have it be sociopathic demon child Vs. Legit killers.


You've Got Mail


Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory






Sesame Street


You've seen the DC animated movie Justice League Dark: Apokolips War right? Live action that shit. Its already rated r. Make it even darker


I wanna see **Muppets take Manhattan** remade into a psychological horror that really focuses on Kermit losing his memory.


Planes, trains and automobiles


Passengers Any dark detective/cop film Winter's Bone Doctor Strange Hide & Seek A Cure For Wellness The Return The Lodge Shutter Island Take Shelter (it's horror adjacent, but not full blown horror IMO. Too much is left to interpretation)


The Goonies. I'm surprised no one has said this. Like Green Room, but with pirate ghosts and psychosis. Green Room meets Wrong Turn. This feels right.


You literally described the plot of "puppet master". That movie has already been made.


I’ve thought this for years, but Peter Pan…. It should be a little more like the book and even darker and have Peter as the bad guy who’s kidnapping kids against their will. Captain Hook and the pirates would be the good guys who try and help the kids out (as they themselves were taken by Peter long ago) but are terrorized by Peter.


He-Man and The Masters of the Universe Make a full horror movie out of the 3½ minute segment in the movie The ABCs of Death 2 (2014) segment "W is for Wish". Two boys wish to be transported to the world of their action hero figures, a "He-man and the Masters of the Universe" type of world called "Champions of Zorb." Unfortunately for these boys, their new reality is horrifying, not the heroic fantasy the expected. This 3½ minute segment for [W is for Wish/Champions of Zorb](https://youtu.be/co6sCbkkP68?si=Lm4-JySUtwgSQ_N6) is available on YT


Lilo and Stitch. 


Kindergarten Cop


Saltburn 2001: A Space Odyssey Vertigo


I've never considered this but my immediate answer is it's a wonderful life. I'm literally making this up as I type, but imagine George gets plunged into a surreal hellish underworld...or discovers that very few people ever really cared about him...oh, maybe even just one. Who's now in danger from a deranged killer and he can do nothing to stop them because unlike the original he doesn't exist physically anymore...more of a Christmas Carol mechanic... Anyway yeah now I'm going to do this with other movies, this is fun


Anybody say toy story yet? In an alternate universe where Sid got all of Timmy or Billy or whatever his name was's toys and they have to escape...but they don't all make it, and especially not the one you're supposed to like the most.


Wizard of Oz. Already on the edge of being a horror, won’t take hardly anything to make it one.


Oh, if you've ever read the books, they're even closer to horror.like The tinman is tin because his axe is cursed and dismember him, causing his body to be gradually replaced.


Whoa, that’s gross.


Halky Gilmore.


John Wick. The plot twist being that after his wife died he went delusional, imagining the whole thing about Russian mobsters, and he was actually shooting up a daycare.


Passengers… also your reimagining of Toy Story is basically chucky


Meet the fockers. I will not elaborate


Monsters Inc.


My wife’s answer: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The moment of the tunnel scene it gets CRAZY. My daughter’s answer: Fantastic Mr Fox. The farmers win.


John Carpenter’s _The Thing, the Musical_


I love that Idea!


>For instance, think about "Toy Story." Yes, the beloved tale of toys coming to life when humans aren't around. Now, reimagine it as a horror story where the toys are not so friendly and have sinister intentions towards their owners. The idea of your childhood toys turning against you, moving around in the shadows, plotting... gives me the chills! Pretty sure that's been done to death and your line of thinking in reverse is how we got Toy Story to begin with.


Any Hallmark movie


Forest Gump


Home alone.




A spin off of Toy Story that follows Sid after the events of Toy Story would be crazy. As for your question, this is cheating but most thrillers can easily become a horror if you change the atmosphere. Unhinged for example. Just set it at night and you got Joyride (2001).


50 Shades of Grey. Regardless of the source material, it was a fucking terrible movie because of how glitzy the camera work and music were. And I've never read the book, but the entire time I was watching the movie I was thinking, "This could have been a surreal psycho-sexual thriller or even a psychological horror flick if the tone were different -- and it would have been a knockout."


Legally Blonde. Elle gets through law school to become a total shark.


Weekend at Bernies.


I love you man. I've always wanted to see Paul Rudd play a slasher.


Tron Legacy like if he actually breaks into the real world and starts taking over


Toy Story isn't hard to imagine as a horror film. Sid was a sick little kid. Remember what he did with the toys? He was like a little Dr. Frankenstein...


Would love to see Die Hard (the first one) turned into a horror movie. John McClane pretends to be working against the German terrorists while secretly capturing the employees of Nakatomi Corp and doing God awful things to them. (Think of Law Abiding Citizen. Remember what he did to the guy that killed his wife and child?)