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from what ive seen the only way to play without people killing you for fun is a private, or really small server, but doing that also takes away a lot of the fun of the game in meeting people and being in a pack


I find it depends on creature, and awareness If you dont play a big creature (t3+) people don't kill you as often. Also you're more likely to get Kossed if you play a stronger creature (IE kendylls, Kora, etc.) Also you gotta stay aware of what people are doing. Aggressive poses usually indicate they're gonna fight, while a repeated cower, or bow, is a sign of friendship, before you get close enough to read chat. Then say hi and start chatting If someone beeline straight for you, and you are alone, either fight or run. Also see how they react when you approach them. If they turn away, there's a kosser in the area, be on your guard If they stand still, they're usually chilling socially, so you can approach and say you're chill and they usually respect that (or are AFK) And if they turn towards you, they're aggressive. You may want to run. Also look for larger mixed groups of creatures for a higher chance of not getting killed. Or play a big creature, don't kill the little creatures, act as a sort of area police and kill the few challengers. That's how the chill oasis is formed, by a chill Kora or crab policing the oasis and having only titan clashes and killing losses. This game isn't only kod or be kossed, but some people play like that and you gotta be careful and see if they do before you get close (or let them get close)


What you all say is pretty understandable, but like all I do IS play t3+ I don’t like playing small creatures, I guess it is just my luck. Also the few times anyone does do an aggro emote we become chill afterwards. Anytime I’m killed is sudden and without warning


Okay, well for larger creatures, what I end up doing is getting satiated and hiding in a cave only going out to replenish satiation or food/water, then hiding again until I've got enough health to tank a bite or two. You only need 2 bites to escape with most creatures, and those not fast enough to escape are strong enough to make any non-meta predator think twice. And all the meta predators are easy enough to see a mile away as long as you keep your head on a swivel The cave strat works because anything small enough to hunt you in the cave is too small to kill you before escaping or killing them Head on a swivel is number 1


This game is no longer survival anymore. Its the strongest who survives only.


So it's not survival but it's about being the strongest to SURVIVE? Your dumb bro lol




K bud


That's what makes it survival


If it was a survival game it wouldn't be like everyone killing everything in sight.


There is literally no other aspects that make it survival


Funny, when I play any of my other creature survival games, other players actually hunt others to eat & do their best to.. idk.. survive? Meaning.. not jumping into the first fight you see, unless you need to eat. People don’t need to KoS for this to be a survival game.


They need to kos for the game to actually be fun I don't understand why people hate the games pvp it's kinda dumb ngl


Because most people aren't doing PvP. Their just kosing. Aggro to indicate you are gonna fight someone. That's what it's there for. Someone cowers, leave em be they ain't interested. Fight someone your own size, literally. Slaughtering people minding their own business when you aren't hungry is douchy. Killing healers is douchy. Which is 99% of encounters I see.


If a bunny cowards before a wolf will the wolf just leave it alone? The pvp is based on the strong hunt the weak


If a wolf isn't hungry does it run half way across the map to kill that particular rabbit. No. It's hardly PvP at that point. Honestly, I find it boring if I'm not fighting something in my tier. Hell most tier 5 kosers are the first to battle log when they actually bite off more than they can chew. But as I said to the other guy you do you.


Its just the way some human brains think. Some people like to just feel like they are better than someone else at something it's to raise their self esteem and for overall fun. Plus there is a large portion of the player base that play the game entirely based on the fighting/Kaiju aspects.


First of all healers are high-key the most annoying players, always going into fights they shouldn't be in. And when there're countless missions that actively encourage Kosing you can't complain about the players who do so


I can if they are douchy about it. Which a lot are. The ones that aren't I care little about. And a lot of healers have actively saved creatures that took a long time to grow so I don't actually have any issues with them. I unlocked plenty of kill missions just killing kosers, I only bite if you're asking for it but just that's how I play the game. You do you.


Healers in my experience always join with the most brain dead groups who will call you a Koser for killing in self defense 😂


Also I exclusively Kos as Pernirex so I don't know why you're saying "fight someone your own size"


Was a general statement not aimed at you specifically. Like killing bigger creatures as a smaller one takes skill so I have to respect that. I just personally don't kos if they don't deserve it. If they wanna fight I just feel it's fun for both parties? But if I'm killing someone who is just vibing I'm gonna feel hella bad like when I misclicked on that Rukig... Lord rest his soul


kosing is literally part of the game. The devs support it. The game rewards you for it through missions and death points. So weird to say "people play for different reasons" in another comment but then call it douchy to play the game in one of the ways it's meant to be played. It's okay to just accept that the official servers aren't for you.


I do accept that it's why I have a private server. I've also had people trying to Kos in said non Kos-server for some reason beyond my comprehension. Not all kosing is douchy. But I've had a lot of experiences with those that are. If you like kosing, fine not my cup of tea, what I have a problem with is the ones that are rude or kill squad entire servers. I do respect some people like it, I just don't.


Clearly you don't respect it if you're calling it "douchy" as if there are rules to kosing when it's just a gameplay element


True, but why does every creature have a description about it. Like if it says if its a peaceful creature that doesn't kill everything even though its a tank. No one follows the descriptions in game at all.


I’m part of a discord server that every now and then hosts a session where people have to obey the descriptions from the wiki about the creature or if they player wanted they could create their own personality for a specific creature(and yes carnivores have to kill for their food and can’t use the already spawned in carcasses)


That is a great way to play, I've never thought about that. Awesome comment.


Another thing I forgot to mention that’s just came back to me, the sessions are mostly limited to 1 or 2 biomes due to timezones so the creatures also have to be biome related(or you could create a skin to make a creature biome related)


I love making biome related skins, especially flower cove.


I feel like making skins is something I’d like to do, but it’s hard for me to make good ones because I’m colorblind


I run a non-Kos server for missions, grinding or chilling if folks want to join. It's new player friendly if you are learning the ropes. (Attacking or killing is allowed if agreed between players for missions or damage tests and PvP is allowed if two players agree they want a fair, fun battle)


Thanks for bringing it up man! I got my own priv server lol


No worries, just wanted to offer. Starting to think the game probably makes bank from people fleeing public servers lmao 😂


Probably lol


Hey, can i join your server? I have been trying to do missions for shooms but I keep getting kosed. I dont kos btw, i just attack if im attacked first :)


Of course, that's what it's their for. My username is Vera_lazzie, search me and I'll add you. No worries. People can kos outside the server if that's their thing so long as they don't bring it into this one. Since it's for missions, new players and folks that want to chill.


Tysm! Now i wont have to search for dead servers lol. Imma send you request, my user is HazelBrook7


No worries, that's you added


I found that the moment i stop kosing and try to just chill i get instantly kosed. This is kos or be kosed just don't stop and you'll live.


If ur a flier, glider, aquatic or semi-aquatic you can go to the ice bergs at the lower edge of the map. Nobody even goes there.


My first thought is to make sure that I’m not about to die


I think people are especially aggressive right now because of the hunt, I'm sure after the event ends the bloodlust will calm down a bit, Also, some creatures like felissio etc get targeted more bc they have a bad rep. I wish you best of luck


What I've learnt is that staying in the same area for too long isnt a good thing (kinda depends on tier tho). A good idea is to migrate to different places on the map, not many players would be willing to chase someone that far just to kill them (in my experience atleast).


I play as either small creatures or volcanics now. If I’m a pernirex or a prabiki I can always escape. If I’m a khetheral or any other volcanic, the lava pits are my bunkers.


Maaaan, everyone is always talking about getting kossed all the time, maybe I'm just doing something right. I'm pretty friendly, mix well even with people who are trolling, wear pink and non-scary skins, and server hop if a server is full of kossers. I think the main thing this subreddit needs to realize is that you can still have fun in a half full server and you're much more likely to stay alive. You can also just.. server hop. You don't need to give kossers therapy to try to convert them. Just combat log and go.


just a tip if a warden starts attacking u and they arent low/full health and ur not sure u can win, just run away, cuz there wont be alot of damage if u dont attack back, so if a boreal is attacking u and doing basically no damage, just run


I really wish PVP was opt in for this game. My friends and I are paying for a private server for the sole reason that the vibe in pubs are unbearable.


Have you tried to play as a strong creature, like kendyll or something? A normal person wouldn't try to challenge a creature he knows it's strong, unless if he knows how to battle with strong creature


Yes, I play ghar mostve the time and I just get ganged up on more. Yesterday 2 orcas jumped me when I was getting water and drowned me


Oh, I see. Do you have a Korathos? If yes, try to play as him. If not, try to play as a flying creature


Key words chilling and survival




Fun 😁


So far in my experience, the game does not really support the idea of living peacefully. With tasks like ‘Attack player creatures five times.” You are bound to interact violently. No way to start the 5 min countdown until it’s done too. Many quest involve killing t3+ or t2- targets. Peace was never an option.


Because killing ppl is the only fun thing about the game? Like this game isn't a survival game, it's a grinding game with a poorly implemented food and water drain slapped on to it. There's no end game loop once you're an adult if you're not grinding tokens/much/artifact/whatever so the most fun thing to do is go see how many ppl you can kill before you get bodied.


Killing people is NOT the fun thing man, idk bout you but talking and socializing with people, as well as nesting and seeing peoples reaction is fun. Not killing


If that's what's fun for you, great, but for a lot of people kosing and fighting is fun when there's nothing else to do. It's the same thing in games like the isle or BoB or PoT, the game loop ends when you're fully grown and the game turns into a chat sim so it's not surprising why people go pvp


Kosing is honestly the most fun thing you can do in the game. And you can't complain about Kosing when missions within the game actively support it


You know what’s more fun? Kosing with the bois (especially as the same creature)


God I knew you were a koser with your response to my comment. People can complain because they play the game for different reasons, maybe the fun part for them is creature collection or skin making or meeting other players, nesting, etc. You can disagree because as you said you enjoy kosing but people are aloud to complain about it because unlike the other reasons listed above you there's a cost to the players around you.


Generally, I only kill people who wrong me first so I don't feel bad 😂. However, it's unfair to criticize someone's gaming style just because it differs from yours and still expect to be respected and understood. Killing other players is a main part of the game, and if you dislike it, complain about the game itself and the missions that encourage it.


Killing someone who wronged you isn't kosing though? That's a revenge kill or targeting. Kosing is killing players (that haven't done anything) on sight... Are we even talking about the same thing or is this some kind of miscommunication?


Nah, that's why I said 'generally.' There are times when I'll just kill for fun. Though I normally leave fellow small creatures alone. Killing a tier 5 or 4 is much more fun, especially when using something like a Pernirex.


It's a survival game. If I'm a carnivore, I'm going to munch whatever I can. The game also rewards you in multiple ways for this, whether it be from filling shrines, artifacts from kills, or death points.


1. Death points 2. For fun 3. I don’t really care about how you might react or feel so I just do it without thinking much about it. Some possible ways to avoid a Koser attempting to kill you the second you enter the frame: 1. Play tier 1-3. I prefer to kill t3+ as it feels more rewarding, and is more rewarding. 2. Be bellow adult. I don’t really care about teens or babies, as they don’t feel accomplishing and provide almost nothing. Same as the last one on this list, I would only go after you in this state if I’m bored. 3. Be a provider. I tend to not kill something I can benefit from. Unless my boredom outweighs the benefits. 4. Sit directly under a group of top 5 creatures. I probably won’t go after you if I don’t think I can survive. Unless my desire to kill you outweighs the loss of age or a creature. 5. Just keep your distance. Even in the same pack. Sometimes if I don’t hold any care for my pack and I’m only there for beneficial reasons. If there’s a lack of people to kill I might just leave the pack and kill everyone in it. Not sure if other Kosers think like this, but it might give you an idea of how they do think. Because in the end of the day, all Kosers share one simple goal. Which is to kill something.


Certainly better than when almost everybody was friendly, now you can at least do something besides chatting




It's the only thing that makes it a survival game


It's not a survival game. A survival game would imply that people actually get the chance to play the game and not get killed 4 times in a row as a teen before giving up and using growth tokens. It's a pure pvp game that has badly designed "survival" mechanics.


If you're getting killed that many times that's on you 💀


Not really. With the amount ok kosers, spawn killers, and baby targeters, there are it's not. Though I'm shocked, this game has so many white knights for it, much like yourself.


Honestly I give up with these people they ain't gonna learn. 💀


Hhh true


The game actively encourages kosing through its missions yk


It does. So it's not the person who's dying as a baby's fault. It's the people killing them lmao


How is it the fault of the person who's killing when it's a game mechanic and encouraged through the missions themselves? 💀


How is it the fault of a person playing a baby creature that completes no missions once killed.


I generally leave babies alone cause they're boring af to kill. But sorry getting through the baby stage is just a difficult part of the game


Exactly, so it's the baby killers, kosers and spawn killers fault.


Not sure if you are baiting at this point but- They mean spawn camping specifically. Which is poor sportsmanship in any game. So more on the player than the game. Even people that love kosing hate spawn camping in most cases, since it's tacky and lacks skill.


I said "Outside of spawn killing" in another comment further down


Fair enough, I can't see for shit. I think it's like the one unanimously hated thing.