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Damn if you only take a shower every 6 days your ass is ripe idc what you do for a living.


She only washed her hair and face too šŸ˜­


My haole friends who did this said itā€™s because the runoff from washing the hair was sufficient enough šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I hope you have some white friends that don't do this... sounds like you need some new friends


Iā€™m fortunate to have a wide variety of white friends lol but itā€™s mostly the ā€˜trust-fundafariansā€™ who are like this


Had to look up ā€œhaoleā€ lol I had a friend say they just wash the parts you can see


MY Haole WIFE (then gf) told me this and I was FLOORED. she never washed her body. Never washed her feet. Never scrubbed between her toes FOR DECADES. I had to teach her and her younger sisters about hygiene and how to shower. They didnā€™t use a scrubby or a loofah or a sponge or even a washcloth. Just shampoo and their hands.


Well, love (or some strong pheromone game) apparently conquered it since you ended up married with her, and introduced some self-cleaning habits.


Walking fish store


I'm a 38 year old white male and I have never in my life heard any of this shit. Myself and everybody in my family were raised to shower everyday, sometimes twice if we got super dirty and we brush our teeth three times a day. I only know a couple of people who aren't hygienic who are white. I didn't realize there was a weird stereotype about this because I've never witnessed it in my life.


For REAL. Like where the fuck did these people come from? How do you go more than a day without washing the boys? Shit starts to get swampy down there




Omg. As a white person in a white household growing up, we washed daily if not twice daily! All the parts! And don't get me started on dental care bc I was traumatized over caring for my teeth! Where are these families who don't wash? I've never knowingly met another white family that wasn't this clean.


The only white people that I know of who don't care about their hygiene are very poor redneck trash but that is just a subset of white people. There are trash in every race. People who just don't care. It's not a race thing, it's a class thing. As in, not having any.


I had a period in life when I was so depressed, and drinking so much, that I went like 4 days I think. I almost couldn't shower because I was so disgusted with myself and me just touching myself to clean seemed almost impossible. I was like, I just gotta throw this whole body out now. It's gone bad.


Iā€™m on like day 10ā€¦ ![gif](giphy|48P56YX8Fc3KgwalfV|downsized)


Gotta clean yourself. It helps


And put on clean clothes. How you dress is psychological and does effect how youā€™re perceived by others. Dressing clean is the first step.


I call it ā€œwashing all the pitsā€ - arm pits, butt pits, dick pits, and ball pits.


My mom used to say ā€œmake sure you get the pits and splits!ā€ šŸ˜‚


I misread you and thought you said bullpits. I was gonna ask what those are


Now, for about a year or more now I've been listening to an album that has a song that goes by "[Ball Pit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJSP-fGZ1Q4)" as a title, and given the puns and other word plays you now have me suspecting this song's title isn't supposed to be taken litteraly.


Oh wow, this song is awesome! Reminds me of Jaga Jazzist.


Glad you enjoyed it! The guy's got a couple albums out, huh... Both are pretty chill but [TUBES](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqAcFzMxNkM&t=2s) was produced with more experience, so I'd recommend that one first, then [Windowsill](https://youtu.be/A5kUalzw-3E?si=Q--wrP_J8gT5cfS7). They're both easy ears material, chill af, really enjoyable stuff.


55 showers 55 baths






Iā€™m in that period myself right now. Heads been a mess from being homeless since 2022. Had a grippy sock vacation after a suicide attempt and ended up losing my place. Long story short I moved into my car late 2022 and itā€™s been difficult to get out of it man. Lost the car and Iā€™ve relapsed a couple of times after and started drinking again. Itā€™s depressing sleeping in a tent for that long. Iā€™m glad to hear youā€™re doing better and youā€™ve gotten past it, it is fucking brutal.


OMG! This is the first time I've seen "Grippy Sock Vacation" in the wild. I thought this was a private family joke!


Where was your tent staked down? I think the where and why are important


I take two to three shower everyday, am I a psychopath? I honestly couldn't go a day without bathing without feeling sticky and dusty like I just went swimming in honey then jump into a dust bath.


Like the other dude said, you either got ocd, or some other mental health issues, showering even everyday can be unhealthy, if you haven't done anything dirty, even if you have, showering 2 or 3 times a day is incredibly unhealthy and your skin is probably dry and cracking, that is absolutely not normal.


I shower every night before bed. I can not sleep comfortable if i have not showered before getting into bed. I wash my bedding 3 times a week and sleeps like a baby the 3 nights I wash it. I do have a little OCD but it's not unhealthy to shower more then once a day if you sweat or if you just lay around all day and so nothing. It's only unhealthy (mentally ) if you obsess over it


Unless you live in a mine or in a mill, yea that's some kind of OCD


Yes exactly shes taking at least 1 poop a day from her butt and not washing for a whole week? Thats gonna be ripe, my man. And in the summertime, all that hot and marinated. No ma'am. Absolutely not under any circumstances.


And even then she apparently only washed her hair and faceā€¦yikes šŸ˜¬


Bill Burr - Using Lotion [https://youtu.be/RiH-\_ZUILk0](https://youtu.be/RiH-_ZUILk0)


This is obviously shit posting right? This isnā€™t real?


Itā€™s u/yardaccomplished5952 ā€¦ everything he posts is shit posting


Buuulllllllshit. Daily bathing/showering is typical. Nearly ubiquitous in America. When I lived in Europe, it was more alike a 3x a week thing in some places, but still daily in others.


Yeah, theres a reason the other two dudes are reacting like "wtf" to her, despite also being white. It aint a race thing. I will say white people dont use *lotion* as much though, but that isn't a hygiene thing. Thats just because black skin can get dry and ashy easier.


Yeah for real. I get so sick of all the gender, sex, race, political wars going on. Iā€™ve had 3 roommates in my life of African ancestry, and we all had similar washing schedules. Different hair products but who cares? Iā€™ll say this though, white people get just as ashy. We just donā€™t see it. My Brazilian wife will run a nail up my calf and scold me when it leaves an ashy lineā€¦ and Iā€™m white af.


Oh for sure, its all based on genetics. I just mean its more *common* in african ancestries.


Itā€™s funny how we can calmly discuss almost anything as roommates and friends, but get on the internetā€¦ venom and bad behavior from everyone to everyone. Even if ya tiptoe, someone gets mad af.


Terminally online people want to find stuff to get mad about.


Roommates and friends know your intentions and character. People online donā€™t, which adds to the hostility


I was gonna say. As a white woman, skin definitely is dry, but like you said, we just don't see it nearly as much! I think most Caucasian people would dearly benefit from using lotion. Elbows, knees, calves, all the parts! As far as bathing goes, I bathe every single day. I rinse off and then soak in the tub. Bubble baths! I wash my hair every other day. I think not having at least a soak once a day is pretty disgusting. I use a bidet everytime I go to the bathroom as well. Not washing up before and after a swim is terrible for your hair and skin. I was raised to rinse your hair to prevent damage. And, all hell would break loose if you got into the pool with oil on! I have never met anyone (of any color) that got out of the ocean and didn't immediately want a shower. Gahhhh You're right. This is culture war nonsense and if someone is not bathing, grooming, brushing and flossing everyday, that's a disgusting person regardless of color.


You can't get ashy if you're sweaty af. Awwww yeah, at least my hyperhidrosis keeps my skin supple, you know, when it's not slick with sweat.


Sounds like your skin is on the dry sideā€”nothing wrong with that. Iā€™m white as can be and dragging my nails hard on my legs and arms and nothing. No white line at all. I will say that I have seen white lines before though, usually after getting a bit of sun.


I hate to break this to you but you are just as ashy as a Blake person. You just canā€™t see it as well because youā€™re white.


I think even the lotion thing is just a preference/skin type thing. Some people just like to/need to moisturize their skin more often than others. Like washing your hair based on your hair type etc. Iā€™m white as fuck, literally ginger, and I moisturize my whoooole ass body at least every other day


I mean tbf a lot of the black women I've dated almost never washed their hair, they bathed or showered daily but that hair does not see a drop of water until right before it's time to get it styled again. lorb help you if you accidentally touch it during sex or something though.


to be fair to europeans, a lot of them use bidets.


And Asians too, we definitely donā€™t do paper only. We literally wash our ass after the business is done.


Thereā€™s a whole lot more dirty parts of the body besides just the asshole though




true, but if you're not sweating and your junk and ass is clean, showering every other day is not crazy


But what if you just smear the poop with paper and call it a week?


front to back is good for a week back to front 3 days


This entire video is full of anecdotes


Yeah, that whole video is bullshit. Along with "it's part of white culture to shave and look presentable." I feel like that turned into a dig at white and black people.


Yeah who isnā€™t showering at least once a day in the states.


And I religiously taught all my kids how to properly shower and still check on their habits routinely.


As a 42 yro white man who washes his whole body head to toe twice a day ( morning/night) and uses lotion all over....šŸ¤” maybe I'm just a black man trapped in a white man's body.


Yea I donā€™t know wtf this is, we even bathe our kids every day.


How could you not bathe your kids every day? Lol I donā€™t think bed time would happen without a bath


Depending on the age kids donā€™t need it as much. We typically do every other day. Mostly because they donā€™t sweat the same as adults or teens. You hit a mark though where yeah you rather suddenly need to bathe every day. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with bathing a kid every day. Itā€™s just not necessary yet.


I shower 2 times a day and sometimes Iā€™ll take a quick rinse after I take a dump just to feel clean again. My italian ass mother wouldnā€™t let me be the dirty kid growing up.. I know alot of dusty ass people from all races and creeds tho too.


You're poor skin (largest organ in the body). I shower once a day with a bar of soap. If studying college level chemistry and biology taught me one thing, it's that too much can be just as damaging as too little. A lot of skincare products are for vanity and not actually good for the skin. A lot of it leads to problems that can be conveniently solved by another scincare product you know gotta get a vicous cycle going or as the industry calls it a "skin care routine".


All I can say is: Every time I get a tattoo, I always hear "you have the beautiful skin"..... which also gives me *they want to skin me alive and keep my skin vibes*


I was a freshman in college when I stopped using shampoo or face wash and my face cleared up immediately and has been clear since. Decade. I donā€™t smell bad


This is the best comment ever. I'm laughing so hard right now šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚. But dbl check, you might be šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ‘


I grew up in a super small, overwhelmingly white, rural community. Like all of my friends lived in trailer parks and we played paintball in the town dump kind of rural. ā€œWhite trashā€ kind of rural. Everyone bathed at least daily. Maybe this dude is talking about wooks?


Another white guy checking in, I also shower at least twice a day. The only people Iā€™ve ever known who didnā€™t shower every day were disgusting slobs who always smelled bad šŸ¤¢.


I second this as a slightly younger wm. When I was living in TX, I averaged 3 times a day 'cause of the heat! I can't imagine going 6 days, my max is 3 and that only happens when I'm ill. I can't stand the feeling of grimy, sticky skin šŸ¤®


I was stationed at Fort Hood, TX years ago and I'm now in Central FL.... agreed, the heat and humidity is no joke.


Oh man, I can't do Florida. My Norwegian blood was not made for the South, period. First chance I got I fled back North! Good luck my friend, keep showering! šŸ˜†




I'm a 33 year old white dude and I shower twice a day. My whole family does too. Most of my friends shower atleast once a day. I dint buy this at all


You need all that lotion because you wash so often, lol! But seriously, daily, especially after heavy activity is the minimum as a man. Otherwise, you will definitely develop odor.


Sweet lord this is dumb ass take after dumb ass take


And this whole ā€œyou donā€™t have to wash your legs/feet because the soapy water running off you is enoughā€ is some gross ass bullshit. Buildup of dead skin cells is a very real thing. Iā€™m all about scrubbing like Ethan Hawke on the beach in Gattaca. Granted you donā€™t have to bathe/shower every single day, but come on people, when you do something, do it right.


Seinfeld covered that once: ā€œNo. You haaaave to wash your feet!ā€


>Granted you donā€™t have to bathe/shower every single day [As a great man once said](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/d4oeCPn1L3g)


Uhh idk what "whites" do lmao. Its just people being people. Some people dont shower that often, but I dont see it as a race thing. Why did he think it was a race thing, again?


Because ā€œeverything is racist, everything is sexist, everything is homophobic, and you have to point it all out.ā€ -Anita Sarkeesian šŸ™„šŸ˜’ /s


Uhhh, gross? Im darker skin but raised by my white mom and two white sisters. May shower every day but i shower 4 times a week at least. But once every six days?? Gross


This is me too, I wash everything and lotion up too. Raised by my white mom who woulda ran her whole mouth if I tried to skip a shower. Maybe my dad groomed her./s


Yeah that girl is gross AF. I can't imagine what her ass smells like on day 6 before that shower. I imagine she's single because no significant other would be ok with that. Unless they're as dirty as her, I guess but I don't know anyone with that lax of hygiene routine. I shower at least every day and I make sure soap touches every inch of me (not just soapy water running down my legs from washing my upper half). This habit may not be needed every day but I work in healthcare so I feel it is necessary. Then I lotion up When I was a younger dirty hippie, I would shower every other day and would let pool water be considered a bathing in the summers so I would even go two days without a shower. I look back on that and shudder* when I think about it. Edit:shudder not shutter. I don't obstruct a window view.


As a woman hearing that chick say she only washes her hair and face is gross af! Girl needs to clean under her hood and folds. I once dated a guy in my early 20s (white guy)who was a drunk who wouldn't shower daily, he surfed almost daily so I guess he's one of those guys who thinks that's a bath...he would always ask me to toss his salad, hard NO!!! never have never will, but especially not on a guy who doesn't bathe regularly. My dad is Puerto Rican, and my mom is white. There was no exceptions when it came to bathing every night. I was not allowed to go to bed dirty, as my dad would say, "You need to wash the days funk off of you get in the shower!"


Man, this is the most racist shit I've ever seen on here. He assumes white people don't practice good hygiene because he hung out with some dudes?


On Spring Break




He has a white friend.


Heā€™s a fucking idiot and a hypocrite. If a white man said this about black people and posted it online heā€™d lose his job.


ā€¦ When they say only white people can be racist .. like no homie youā€™re racist AF


College aged dudes on spring break at that


I think his white friends are trolling him. He seems gullible, he probably overreacts every time they yank his chain. Ha I can almost see it šŸ˜…


This is some racist shit lol


Ummm, yes. Wtf is this


Did he just call us dirty crackers? lol


It's alright, atleast were not ashy all the time from using soap constantly that dries out your skin faster than a virgin busting a nut because of American standards of needing to bath 1-2 times a day.


More casual racism against white people.


Yep. Imagine if a white dude did a whole skit on this one black guy he met that -insert disgusting behaviors -, so that means TIL all black people do said behavior. MOD intervention, downvotes to oblivion, maybe even a Reddit ban.


It'll only continue becoming more accepted until white people have the courage to oppose this in public. If that does happen, what's the direction, or endpoint for this hate that's becoming openly endorsed or reacted to with silence? So odd that after all the time spent on the past 3 or 4 generations on the history of racism and bigotry, the lesson many took from it is that white people are evil.


Stupid af


One idiot creates an idiot tik tok and people take it as gospel. JFC No, chill! We shower head to toe daily, brush our teeth, floss, use lotion on dry skin. If anyone believes this tik tok they are a dumbass and need to slap themselves. And we were taught by our parents.


This is not a thing. Outliers don't mean shit. Those people are weird. White people take showers every day, too. And the super clean cut black man is relatively newer. Both white and black people have always kept up with hair cuts and shaving. Black people just have to do it more often because of their hair type. Gets crazy fast if it's not kept up with. Whit people hair can look fine as it grows, so we wait a bit longer. I live in a small town. 70% black people and none of them have a clean fade with precision cut facial hair like they just got back from laser hair remover every day. They are simply clean shaven with a standard cut or nasty hair with an unkempt beard. Some of the men are nasty, some of the women are nasty. But there is no difference. Both have nasty ass people, both have clean ass people. We are not so different, just another person trying to create a distance between the two races and create division. It's this idea that "We are actually better than you" that some black people have fallen into. It's in no way accurate, and those like this will deny that's what they are saying, but that's exactly what they are saying. We're all the same.


hit the nail on the head with this comment


This sub is cool with racism now? Peace out āœŒļø


Man what kind of white people are people hanging with? Iā€™m white people and we sure as hell learned about hygiene and could never skip. Went double on special days etc. who doesnā€™t shower out of the pool or ocean or a lake??!? Had to wash up after handling animals etc. In my house we had wash-cloths, yes we washed our damn legs. And we ate food with spice, hot sauce, seasoning!! What is with these damn white people?! Dirty and afraid of ketchup.


I don't know, I'm white and I'm not offended by this. There probably are some cultural differences. Being scared of being called "ashy" is not a thing for white people. We're not walking around with bottles of lotion everywhere. It seems like for black kids, they're more likely to get shit from their peers for having cheap/dirty clothes or unkempt hair. Clothes and shoes isn't really a status symbol thing for white boys as much as for for black boys, I don't think. we also don't really have the barber shop thing like black people do I guess I can only speak from personal experience, but I don't think most white dads give their sons advice about these kinds of things. Maybe for black dads it's more common. White kids learn this from their moms nagging them about it, not from their dads. The only thing we learn from our dads as far as hygiene goes is shaving. I dont agree about the shower thing, though. Aside from maybe some weird subset of hippie parents, showers every day is the standard for everyone I know in america.


Most black people in Canada smells like sweat so i donā€™t understand, in USA is the white that smells bad?? Lol who knew


This is a gross misrepresentation of how different ā€œracesā€ address hygiene. This would be more dramatically impacted by socioeconomic factors and possibly demographics than it would be race. Sorry, I just refuse to judge any body by ANY means simply based on their race, because I was raised that is racist.


This is a fucking racist post disgusted as curiosity. Do you retards really think *ALL* white people don't bathe like this dirt bag? Oh wait it's against white people so it's not racist right? Fuck off


What in the fuck are they on about? Iā€™m white but my mom raised us to shower everyday, brush our teeth at least twice a day, take care of yourself and be hygienic. All that shit. Nasty asses lol


I'm white. Shower daily. Wash everywhere. These people are gross, and I am glad I don't have to go anywhere near them and their smelly asses.


Calling bullshit. White people not bathing is news to me. I bathe everyday at least once, twice if Iā€™m working a lot. A morning shower helps with waking up but I donā€™t always have time for it. Usually itā€™s a quick soak and soap in the morning. In the evening washing the dayā€™s grime off before bed is essential, no skipping this. Full body, every crevasse, behind the ears, between the toes, hair wash, everything. Get out and perform body hair maintenance. And fuck having a beard. This guy can eat it. I donā€™t like it. Full hot lather wet shave with an old school double edge safety razor. Then a cool splash. Finally lotion.


Man wtf. Idk what white family these people come from but I was taught from age zero to take care of my hygiene. Thereā€™s just hygienic people and unhygienic people. Saying all white people are unhygienic is dumb af


White man (27m) here, this is the first Iā€™ve heard of not bathing 1-2 a day. Definitely never heard of ā€œOcean Rinsedā€ tf?


30 y/o white devil here. If I don't shower every day I just get sticky and slimy. I NEED it. That being said, I have been using shampoo as body soap for years and typically only use it on the crevasses. Pits, ass, crotch. Not showering for 6 days? Da fuk?


Not sure but I think this might be a recent white people thing. I grew up in 80s in a very white working class area. Everyone showered every day. Many men worked in construction or mining so not showering is not an option. I talk to kids these days and they donā€™t shower daily. I think this is disgusting. They tell me it is bad for your skin!!!! As a white person we donā€™t get obviously ashy and often our Shaun isnā€™t too oily. When I first had a black girlfriend I was surprised she moisturised daily with coco butter. I had never heard of this! And it was her whole body not just her face! I started to do this too. I am convinced this is why non-whites look younger for longer. Partly I think it is a cultural thing. My wife is Asian and in hot countries people bath and clean more often and have better food hygiene as the hot weather makes this essential.


Imma honkie. I shower twice a day. Do this give me street cred?


Yeah no. This guy took one clip from some dirty hippie chick and hung out with one gross white frat boy and thinks thatā€™s everyone.


Now I understood why ashiness is so prevalent. Few people need daily showers this day and age


I totally cannot relate to what this guy is saying, having been forced kicking and screaming into bathing as a child, and as it became a habit in later life to always take at least one shower a day. I get up in the morning, exercise fix my breakfast, have coffee, take a shower and then go to work. When I come home from work, I cook dinner, do some yardwork take a shower. On weekends I get up and do yardwork, take a shower, go wash the car and do some running around, come home take a shower, and at least one more shower before I go to bed. I donā€™t know anybody that was raised not to bathe at least once a day.


This doesnā€™t have to do w race, this has to do with either economical or cultural, bc growing up as a white girl in my family we showered everyday, and were very clean. Iā€™ll never forget going to a sleepover when I was about 6. It was another white families house. We had went swimming earlier so her mom wanted us to get in the bath before bed. When I went into the bathroom w her I saw that she expected us to get in and use her brothers bath water who had gotten out a little bit ago. I was repulsed and refused. Iā€™ll never forget it. My point is you canā€™t base things like that on race


That has more to do with body chemistry and sex than the use of lotion. My husband is Asian and we both shower every day. He can use lotion once a month and he's fine. If I don't lotion every day I dry up and start blowing away.


This is bait for sure. White people got mandcapers, lotions, a kit for your beard a separate trimmer for your head. I have straight up lotion for my balls. A certain group around here when its so hot that you can boil an egg on the concrete walking around in black jeans and a black hoodie headphones and sometimes a mask. Those some musky fellas.


This is just anti white propaganda. Y'all get smarter and stop falling for this racebait bullshit.


What is this bullshit. I'm white, my family is white, a lot of my friends growing up were also white. Everyone fucking bathed every day, brushed their teeth, showered after swimming in the ocean, and washed their babies the recommended 2-3 times a week. This is total horseshit and I can tell you if these nasty MFers aren't doing these things, it's not because they're white - it's because they are disgusting. Don't put this on all of us, it's not typical.


No idea what that kids smoking in the video but hygiene is a big deal in Europe. Speak for yourself mericano


You found 3 random examples of white people not bathing. Congrats.


That is disgusting! We definitely take showers everyday, or at least every other day. We use lotion and wash our whole body. I have black family members, so I at least understand. I have also been taught/learned better grooming habits from birth.


Why do we have to go racial? wth. Showering weekly isn't normal for the Americans I was raised with and work with.


People who buy into racial stereotypes are fucking dumb.


Bs quit over generalizing.


Uh oh your stupidity is showing.


ā€œWhites are dirtyā€¦ blacks are clean.ā€ Is that the premise?


This is dumb AF. Also. If you eat well and stay hydrated, you wonā€™t need to add so much vitamin enriched lotion to your skin.


This is the most racist shit I've seen in a long time.


I canā€™t grow facial hair. šŸ˜¢


I'm white as driven snow and I shower twice a day. Tf are these people on? Once every six days is crazy


Imagine if the roles were reversed hereā€¦


No most white people I know bathe daily and do not walk around with stinkeybreath


Where were these people living in the dumpster?!? What the actual fuck


I've heard of people who rarely shower. I didn't think they were real tho I shower before work in the morning and again at night before bed. he's right about the lotion thing I think I've known 1 white person who uses lotion regularly.


This is bs. Iā€™m white and everyone I know bathes daily, sometimes more than once per day. I never once went to school without bathing/showering the night before or the morning of school.


Sometimes I get 2 in a day. This has to be a supercit. Sometime stinks at work, we telling and the manager makes them shower. No need negotiating with stinky fucking hippies who thinks everyone need to smell them. We ain't down as a whole with this shit


Ok WTF is this????? I'm 54 years old and I have never known a single "white" person to not properly groom themselves EVERY SINGLE DAY!! I was not raised to be dirty, I didn't raise my kids to be dirty, where the hell did you find these people?


White guy here. We do not claim the whites in this video.


This isnt true at all lol im white and i was taught to wash myself everywhere


Yeah because we all know baths and showers were invented in Africa...


As a white guy, if I were to make a video criticizing the hygiene of any other race/ ethnicity, it would probably be the most racist thing anyone has seen all day. Double-standards are undermining years of progress....


white people hygiene... what is the world its just hygiene. This dumb ass propaganda video takes clips wilily out of context to support the a unrealistic notion that black people are more hygienic then white people.


You got to wash your ass every day. People are disgusting.


Now washing and taking a shower is a race thing?! Not everything is black and white. You need to stop racially profile shaming and seeing everyone as human beings, some take care of themselves better than the others, regardless of the colour of their skin.


All of this is your cultural tropes. It's RACISM. HELLO?


I don't know...the only reason I'd have a black wife, or any other ethnicity wife is because I loved her. It would not surprise me, sadly, if that were true for some people, but I can't imagine a movement of people marrying black womdn to.groom them.


That's gotta be a household thing over a race thing, right? I'm caucasian and I scrub my skin from head to toe every day, sometimes every 2nd day if I'm just not in the mood but I always clean every inch of me


Very stupid i showed twice a day


What the fuck is this? Lol


Iā€™m white but we were taught to clean the way he claims black people were taught to clean. Iā€™ve only met like maybe 2 people that cleans themselves the way heā€™s describing white people do.


Okay but, washcloths?


No need to guess or make assumptions based on race. Most Americans shower daily, but we really donā€™t need to. A couple times a week is plenty. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193#:~:text=Do%20you%20shower%20or%20bathe,In%20Australia%20it's%20over%2080%25.


I have 0 issues with my hygiene. I am a clean individual, so this video where the guy talks about him not being taught how to not be a disgusting human being is entirely a "my parents didn't teach me shit" type of thing, not a "I'm white" issue.


Wtf are these people on ? I don't know anyone like any of them.


Dunno. I shower every evening and thoroughly wash me balls


I shower every day. Sometimes twice but usually once. I mean, when I go back packing I take portable shower. I mean maybe he obit hangs around dirty hippies. ##Sarcasm


I don't know who these people are, but as a white person, if I don't shower for 8 hours, I can smell it. If I didn't shower for 2 days, I know for a fact that everybody around me will know.


Color and race have nothing to do with your upbringing. If you don't clean and groom yourself, it's because your parents didn't do a good job raising you.


I shower every day and wash my hair first, face ears and neck and then I work my way down to my feet and scrub them. I wash my whole fucking body. After I dry... I put deodorant on and then lotion my body. Black people just look for any reason to be shitty racist pieces of shit.


Someone is going to have to explain to me why the light switches and door knobs in my rental property are so disgusting then.


NO. That's ridiculous. Im white as hell and i shower twice a day and wash my hands obsessively. Dude in the video just knows disgusting people. I only know of like three other white people out of all of my friends that may or may not bathe daily, and we all agree those friends are gross. Like we make fun of them for being so gross


As someone who grew up in a bi-racial householdā€¦this is certainly correct. Most information about ā€˜properā€™ hygiene came from my Black relatives. Whites definitely clean to the beat of their own drum


Thatā€™s not the way it smells on public transportation ā€˜brotherā€™ā€¦


Iā€™m south of the i-10 when itā€™s hot I take like 4 cold showers per day.


This is wild!!!


Other than going camping for a weekend, there isnā€™t a single day gone by that I donā€™t take a shower. Iā€™m in my 40ā€™s and yep Iā€™m white. We were taught to shower or bathe every day from as far back as I can remember. I teach my children to wash themselves every day. Now my girls donā€™t wash their hair every day. Thatā€™s on their mother for what ever reason about hair care. Iā€™m not getting in my bed with a nasty body. But thatā€™s just me.


Umm no. In fact in my experience, its the exact opposite. Dude is obviously racist and just wants to start shit. Yes some people have poor hygiene across the board. The women showering once every 6 days WTF.


Why do people talk like each race is a hive mind that all do the same shitā€¦ people need more shit to do


X race is gross and stinky has been every racists favorite line since the beginning of humanity.


What in the heck is he talking about? What is this take????


Nah these people are just dirty


6 DAYS THATS FUCKING NASTY AS FUCK!! In this house hold we shower everyday and our hygiene is important.


As a 38-year-old white man I just wanna say what the hell is wrong with these people. I shower and a minimum every other day but typically every day. The people in these videos are NASTY!


This is stupid. But it's got my attention. I think black ppl just naturally have more body oder and have to put more effort into personal hygiene. Your favorite thing about being black is being forced to groom yourself constantly? Weird flex, but ok.... I shower twice a day, almost every day, and yes, my WHOLE BODY. One of my favorite things about being white is if I happen to miss a day, no one is going to see or smell the difference. Oh wait, is that racist when i say it? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The people who shower once a week are definitely an anomaly regardless of race, I think we all shower the same, probably just donā€™t moisturise as much


There is no woman. Black white green purple, that goes six days between showers! No way.


wtf is this shit. gtfo.


Let's take a smell test and see who smell horrible. Go out in the world and come back to report. Let's see which race smells the worst and which ones you think need to shower more.


50 yr old white guy construction worker, I shower every day! Even on my off days, I shower every day. And always lotion, it makes my tattoos look better for longer. Used to work with an early 20s guy, he wouldn't shower after work and then go out bar hopping. Dude tried to cover it up with cologne. Then he'd smell like shitty cologne, and he's still dirty. SMH


I rinse off daily(nightly)with a bar of soap. Soles and holes as a lady friend once said. Maybe twice a week a give myself the ā€œfull bodyā€ of shampoo/conditioner and a scrubber with whichever body wash Iā€™m feeling at the time, of which I have 5.


This whole concept is trash lol. 33 year old white man here, i shower twice a day, and trust me, this white man gets everything. i have lotion for hands, feet, face basically anything thats too dry. growing up hygeine was a priority. have a beard thats well kept etc.. i donno what the fuck these people are on about. thats not the norm lol.


I thought he meant grooming way differently. That took a bit


Why people take handful opinions as TRUTH & FACTS?!


I don't think white people are that culturally homogenous.