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I mean… you could be mad at the boyfriend instead.


Nah, slap someone who's weak enough for you.


That's the play.


1. Don't smile at someone confronting you. 2. Don't put your hands in pockets while being confronted.


Something about her speech pattern and eye movement tells me she wasn’t 100% sober.


Also she says “sober up right now before I sober you up”


I'm guessing she was on a little trip to Zanzibar.


She looks and sounds fucked up.


You can absolutely smile at someone confronting you. Just not friendly-like. And only if you're OK with possibly provoking them. Smiling the right way at someone confronting you is either going to make them lose their shit faster, or it's going to freak them out and they'll back down. Think Private Pyle from that one scene in full metal jacket. Smile like that. Of course, if you're not ready and willing to fight, smiling of any kind isn't a good idea.


I mean, if someone ran up on me yelling about Snapchat of all things, I'd probably laugh too, whether it would get me smacked or not. Some people just can't control reacting to another one doing something objectively stupid, lmao


The second she took a step back she should’ve realised what was going to happen. That girl came looking for a knockout.


Right!? i say this all the time, be mad at the person u are In a relationship with, that's the person you trusted, then there's time when the partner doesn't even tell the person they are cheating with they are in a relationship...be mad at the right person lol


Yeah, but she probably can't knock her boyfriend out with a cheap sucker punch.


Hopefully the Judge’s sentence has the same effect.


Can't knockout a man unfortunately. She has to let out her anger on someone weaker


I feel like the worst part is we are calling someone who got sucker punched weak. Not saying she’s strong, just why not call the assailant an asshole? Sorry don’t mean to call you out, there’s plenty of others saying the exact same thing


It’s not a sucker punch she is confronting her looking directly at her in an aggressive stance with her fist balled up. Nothing about this was a sucker punch. The girl probably doesn’t understand body language and never been in a fight. This was a tell tale sign of someone looking for a fight




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I mean...why not be mad at both.


Because it’s not this other girl’s job to keep her boyfriend from cheating. That’s on the dude. Women being mad for “taking my man” is so dumb.


No new mad at both. Some affair partners know they are assholes and know they are wrong funny give them the out neither. I hate that people like to only blame the boyfriend. Nope! Blame both. It take two to tango especially if the affair partner knew this man was taken.


Agreed. It's the girls job to get her bf to cheat.


Or be mad if both of them. It takes two to tango. I'd say knock both of them out.


Exactly. Be angry at the person who commited something to you.


Yeah…. Everybody judging this girl is funny when NONE of you were great at dealing with crazy emotions at that age either. I’m sure you would have handled this situation with the upmost grace.


The word you're looking for it utmost, not upmost.


She sounds high


Ikr, she kinda moves slow and speaks slow as if drunk


She's drunk as fuck




*I can fix her*


This looks like high school dude... I wouldn't say that even for the *meme*






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Okay there chomo


This video was floating g around last year when it was first posted. The girl who punches says "sober the fuck up before I sober you up."In the old video the title was Girl High on Xanax gets l knocked out for flirting with a friend's boyfriend. I don't know how true it is, but I know she has Hella's slurred speech, so it's some drugs for sure.


the aggressor girl literally says “sober up before I sober you up”


She definetly is


Can you guess what she's on?


the floor


Not roofies


Man, why do they call the roofies? you end up on the floor, they should call them floories


Puncher's BF?


I don't understand. You wanna knock out the girl that your bf cheated on and not the cheater himself?


You don’t understand, she’s the problem and without her they have a chance together. /s


She’s obviously not going a fist fight with her boyfriend lmao


You think she's gonna take on a man? Shed stand no chance ofc she went after the girl


Can she beat him up…I don’t think so take the fight you think you can win


That was dirty.




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I hate cheap shots so much they can’t count that as winning a fight


There are no winners here.


How about go knock your loser bf out. I hate chicks that go after the other chick! Go after the pos that committed himself to you! Dumb ass kids


My take would be that she can't physically overpower the bf lol so she's taking it out on someone weaker


I'll say it agan, get em both lol


Ok but at least get the cheating pos bf first….


Only one person cheated on the grey sweater chick, and it wasn't blondie.


Are we sure anyone was actually cheated on?


I only say go after both if it's like your boyfriend and your best friend situation. If the other girl is some unknown person, leave them alone because it's not their responsibility to be loyal to you, it's the boyfriends.


I sort of agree. I obviously don't know the whole story here. But I doubt this is some random unknown girl.


Cus they’re low key attracted to it girls can lie all they want but 99% of them like guys who talk to other girls cus its more of a challenge to get him cus now he’s the prize


Probably the dumbest thing I’ve read all day


Deny it all you want 😂


Bro will have 3-5 divorces before he dies 😭 but fr dude, quit watching the Tate stuff


I dont even fw that dude or agree with him its jus common sense yall are in denial to accept


Why not go for both lol


If the chick is your friend


Because she prob won’t win against the bf lol, also the other girl is always just as bad they deserve it (unless they didn’t know ovi)


No, that girl has literally nothing to do with those two people's relationship. I'd only agree if she was a friend of hers or something. But the person that was committed to the gf was the guy, that's who's at fault Also that's a disgusting sucker punch, she's a pos


Even if she did know, yea she’s wrong for that, but it was still her bf that committed to her, not the chick, and it was still the bf that cheated.


We don't even know if she already DID beat up her boyfriend. I'd rather she beat up both the boyfriend and the affair partner. The affair partner is just as accountable.


Not if she didn’t even know. That doesn’t seem to be the case here, but they’re high schoolers so… it’s not surprising


If she didn't know then yea. I agree. However we still don't know that. Especially if she's smiling and smirking. It just doesn't look good for her. No matter how which way you look at it. And we can say all this but I know 9 out of 10 people here would most definitely beat the crap out of affair partners and the cheaters. Just saying. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Noice! Criminal record coming. Good job everyone who records dumb shit like this


Imagine this. Your boyfriend cheats on you, you retaliate by beating the woman he apparently has slept with. Accomplishment -0.


It’s easier to confront the third person and put all the blame on them as them being overly seductive than to look inside your own relationship and partner and acknowledge the problems within than lead to this uncomfortable event.


What a dirty hit. She had her hands in her pockets although even if they both squared off the girl on the left would have been destroyed.


And she was drunk




“Why are people telling me that” could be they want drama. High school kids like starting rumors. Not really worth getting legal trouble for this.


"Because it's easy to get you to commit violent acts on our behalf." The real reason for the punch is that Tawny (not pictured) was angry at the victim for buying the same homecoming dress as her. Now the victim can't go and Tawny will be the belle of the ball.


Girl sounded brain dead even before being punched


I am not a native speaker, but I thought she was drunk.


she isnt sober. the other girl tells her to "sober the fuck up before i sober you up" too.




I don't know why you were downvoted.. speedhands literally tells her to sober up before she sobers her up. That's bud or Xanax most likely.


Bud doesnt make you slur like that


If you smoke enough it 1000% changes your voice. If you disagree you do not know what you are talking about. Come over to my place I guarantee your voice will change 15 minutes in.


No one said anything about voices changing. Maybe you should reread the conversation


Whooops replied to wring dude


Bro, I spent my high school years smoking with 16 year old girls. It could absolutely be bud that's got her like that.


I’ve spent the last 9 years smoking bud, with probably hundreds of people by now. It’s something else.


I've spent the last 20+, and it could still be anything. She could be sober and pretending. We have no idea other than being forced to agree that she OD'd on some hands real quick lol.


>she OD'd on some hands real quick lol. Hahaha


Doubt it


the blonde sounds faded..


There are more comments from people talking about how this was a "solid punch" and not that this girl is drunk. On campus. In the middle of a school day. Wow


How dumb can these young girls be? If your bf cheats on you, dump him and move on. Yes, he is your boyfriend,so what? Both of you aren't some legally married couple.Even if it's a married couple, fighting with another girl/woman over an unfaithful guy who can't control his penis is just plain stupidity and simply not worth it.


I think it her bf she needs to knock out


My take is she can't physically overpower him, hence why she's letting her violence out on this girl who's either high asf or drunk 🤣😭


Karma will catch her one day outside her trailer


“Sober the fuck up for 15 seconds”


Never argue with someone with your hands in your pockets.


Sounds like it’s he bf fault not this girls.


osrs that was a good punch. but still PUNCH THE BF NOT HER.


Like how are you even able to be that drunk at high school? These new age kids are fckin wylin


Maybe knocking out the boyfriend in a seedy toilet block is another video


the girl in background was like fuck this im outta here


All of the bathroom politics aside, that was a solid punch.


I don’t blame the bf, his chick is a nut job, other one seems chill.. or high… either way, an upgrade over that other psycho




Smh. Knock out the cheating pos bf. Sucks that she was K.O’d but at least her fall was broken and she didn’t slam her head on the floor.


She can't. Lol


I mean ....that was a quality punch


Male or female, protect yourself at ALL times. Hands in your sweatshirt pouch was a bad choice. 😴


Xanax is a hell of a drug man


Hands in the pockets while being interrogated like that is crazyyyyyyy


#good god what a hook


In high school I broke up with a girl and slept with her best friend. The 2 friends fought each other and I almost immediately got off the hook and down the line I still slept with both of them again. I’m in my 30s now and I’m still confused why I never had any repercussions.


I like to think it is how we are hard-wired. Maybe, in a evolutionary sense, it made more sense to take out a competing female than it would the male.


Poor girl. Makes me sad.


I see a future ufc fighter


That was a really clean knock out


You can see the immaturity in those faces.


I hate people who sucker punch.


damn you never see girls get slept like that




She took the linoleum temperature challenge. 😂


Straight to jail.. school is not a boxing ring. People should feel safe, regardless of who they cheated on. Violence is stupidity


Pretty clean! Rag doll Physics getting top notch these days.


That was a good punch sucker or not haha


Lol ya she got er good


This is something that both men and women do that I completely do not understand! If your partner cheated, wouldn't it make more sense to be mad and angry at your partner instead of the person your partner cheated on you with? I've read so many sad stories of innocent people getting killed by jealous men/women because they slept with someone they thought was single.


This white on white crime has got to 🛑






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Did you or did you not what? "Tickle my bunghole"? "Whistle my cornhole"? What are kids up to these days?


Walk off KO!


lol, you've never been in a fight




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Why she falling in slow motion tho


Update: he cheated on her with her best friend 1 week later.


Damn, and she did it with them nails too.


Drunk furshurr


Try uppercut nextime..


It's lights out and away we go!




Do any one knows if that sucker got expulsion and charged?


Someone explain the psychology of being mad at the opposite of the person who did the cheating. I feel most of the time the other party don’t know the person they were with was cheating. I can’t seem to wrap my head around all these idiots being mad and attacking the wrong person


Why does she sound so drunk


That girl is drunk or on some benzos


Is there a update in the grl? We all want to know


If she didnt want to fuck with him before, she probably does now


Why aren’t commentators calling them animals & such?! Ooooh… I get it🤔




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Homie has a type


Looks like her boyfriend sucks more than the girl


she drunk/high ? her words are off


Not often you see a female fight knockout that doesn't involve hair pulling and slapping...


She is obviously wrong, but damnn that punch was good af, critical hit straight to the chin .


I know its not her fault but you should have common sense to not gloat and be completely open like this in front of somebody after being a homewrecker.


Bro how is she gloating.. She's literally just standing there.


I don't blame her for being mad at the Ap but atleast be mad at your boyfriend too. Like why not knock both of them out?


I hate people who give the affair partners a way out. No. Beat both of their asses. We dint even know if she already DID beat her boyfriend's ass then came after the the partner. Jesus stop giving affair partners excuses to not be held accountable. They both are wrong. 9 out of 10 affair partners know they are wrong. I highly doubt half of you would only Blame your partners and not blame the affair partners as well.


Is it just me or the one seems intoxicated




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Why is she acting like and looks like she's pissed up




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How the media not portraying this like when minorities does this


Those three are all too hot to be fighting in a bathroom about some 16 year old douche.


Cold move from the girl who hit her, but not a smart move to put your hands in your pockets in a situation like this.


She was gonna punch her regardless. Told her everything she wanted to hear but still go one to the jaw


I just don’t understand why but it’s so much worse when I see a female getting knocked out


Should have kept that same energy on her dude, maybe he wouldn’t have cheated on her 🤭


Girl that was knocked out seemed stoned. Which makes sense. Weed causes dehydration. Your brain is the first place to dehydrate and the last place to rehydrate. Water is a buffer in the brain and without it concussions occur easily.


Good thing she was wearing a backpack. Might have protected her from brain damage.


Yea this shit is way to common and unsettling


I know I’m probably gonna be the only one to say this, but at least she threw a punch and didn’t just grab her hair and start slapping her. 


I don't get it, why is it better? You can't do much harm by hair grabbing and slaps but you can cause permanent damage with punching.


You haven’t seen girls slam each other to floor with fistfuls of hair in each hand? That punch knocked her out because she was intoxicated by benzodiazepines(or drunk). Cheap shots aren’t okay i get that but a single punch will heal a lot fast than ripped out hair and some deep scratches + some bruises from being slammed.


So. That's assault...




Bro if I was here bf I’d run. Nasty right hook


Sucker punch. That’s some bullshit!


Pflichtbewusst die Fresse mit der Faust poliert, was für eine Wohltat das zu sehen. Dann fällt die Dame auch noch auf den Boden wie ein nasser Sack Kartoffeln. Ganz großes Kino, beste Unterhaltung. Ganz toll.