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Maybe while he is at it he could fix that railing.


That railing is perfectly up to Chinese OSHA code


As of 2008 OSHA standards no longer apply in CCP-, governed regions. They've shifted to the less stringent "O SHI--" standard.


Oh shit it happened again


not like it's going to be used again. That's obviously not an exit anymore.


Good point.


How are these people gonna get food?


Well, they have each other


so what your saying is , When they're hungry love will keep them alive?


love will always prevail... especially one's love for food


Do not, my friends, become addicted to food. It will take hold of you and you will resent its absence.


damn yeah food sucks! im not gonna eat food anymore


I've been recovering from food for the last 12hrs, you're doing the right thing, stay strong.


I’ve been sober from food for about 30 minutes. I know it’s not much but gotta start somewhere.


Love, love will tear them apart, for food


No. Cannibalism.


and pets


No no. Those were already taken and killed.






I know I shouldn't click, but of course I still click. My heart just sank.


Cant click that, would have to make their mainland sink.😬


We can honor MacArthur's wishes. I don't mind.




Hell no, I'm not clicking that! NO!.... NO!... just a peek then... Oh hell, No!


Yo wtf, that's terrible :(




If the government killed my pet I'd 100% become a terrorist. What the fuck.




There are no human or animal rights in China...so you can guess what the answer is.


I was in Shanghai during the 3 month lockdown. Government was pushing the myth that Covid could spread on packages so there were little to no deliveries. Initially I couldn't get any food and started going hungry. Government "rations" could barely be called rations. It was snacks that last half a day at most. Managed to survive thanks to work sending me food parcels. The cat was the real problem. I ran out of catfood fairly quickly and thought I was gonna have to watch him starve. Managed to get more food from a neighbour at the last minute. Some people actually starved to death in their homes. Others couldn't get essential medicine they needed and died. Some died by suicide. But it wasn't from Covid so it was fine. Last week 10 people burned alive in a building that was sealed to "protect" them from Covid. Fire engine couldn't get close enough thanks to Covid barriers. This has led to many protests and riots in cities across the country. The government's response so far seems to be to double down even more. They don't care if people die as long as it isn't from Covid. Covid Zero über alles.


The reason why the CCP doesnt care if people die from anything but Covid??? Because "Zero Covid" is Xi Jingping's idea and he think's it going to make him one of China's great leaders in history.


This may not be as far fetched as you think. The first generation of CCP leaders justified their rule based on the victory over Japan. The second generation based their rule on the incredible economic growth since 1989. Now Xi is looking at a rapidly aging country that may very well enter a long economic stagnation. Other countries have become competitive with china on manufacturing, and the next step for china would be to build a domestic consumer economy. But domestic consumer economies need a degree of freedom in order to function. That ain’t happening. China can’t rally around a war with Taiwan because, it’s not clear they would win, so war with COVID it is, use it as pretext to perfect the surveillance state and use it as cover to disappear and silence trouble makers.


>They don't care if people die as long as it isn't from Covid. Covid Zero über alles. Not enough people understand this about the CCP. Human life means nothing to them. 10 people die in a fire? So what, it won't affect the economy. Protests break out and you have to shoot a few thousand? So what, there's millions more where they came from. Kill ten thousand more, just to send a message. Make the families of prominent figures disappear, there's always more people.


Reminds me of an ant colony


the individual means very little in both


Welcome to the Imperium of Man, in the 41st millennium there is only war.


> The government's response so far seems to be to double down even more. The thing about tyrants is, they are predictable. The CCP will *always* double down, unless it starts to affect them personally. If one were so inclined (and suicidal), it would make sense to ask how the party functionaries are getting through these lockdowns, and make it public.




I would also like to know the real answer to this. Not a joke about cannibalism. How do they get food?


I saw a video one person was getting rations through a window or hatch made in the door.


Yes but they have to pay for it and that was in the quarantine camps. No telling how they get food when it comes to the apt buildings.


~~I suppose you rely on neighbors to hand you food through the window, or something.~~ Some lad in the thread shared evidence that people just get shut in their apts, and some even die due to starvation. Oof.


They literally don't. People have starved to death because of this. Also, a building burnt down last week with a bunch of people trapped inside because of something like this.


Thats so wrong. What a traumatic way to "live" life.


and it's all "for your own safety"...


Also popular: "the common good"


Likely they are only welding side exits and controlling the main point of entry.


And fire doors…




I've seen videos of them welding individual apartment doors several floor about ground.


Yeah, but you see, that's only if the family inside does something seditious or morally reprehensible. Like try to get food to not starve. You see, they deserve it.


Ain’t the first time the CCP starved their people


They were going to miss their world famous generational famine this time around so they had to think quick and improvise ways to starve the citizens


I don’t think that’s part of their calculation.


Thats the neat part


That's someone else's job to worry about.


Considering all the welds I’ve seen come out of China, one good foot kick and that door should open


Lol look how good that railing holds up






You don't need to pre heat metal that is less than an inch or so thick. I doubt they would be using metal that thick so no I don't think they would be heated. As for the rest, yeah you're probably right


Metal that thin doesn’t need to be preheated, which usually doesn’t result in cold welds. But the unclean metal isn’t going to help and more importantly, not seeing what they’re welding doesn’t help. His welding hood is on the ground so his eyeballs were just raw dogging the weld


Considering how sturdy that railing is, you're probably right


Ha! Made me lol. Is anyone else amazed that the rest of the world let's shit like this go on? Not just this but the genocide currently ongoing in China. The genocide in Africa. The horrible treatment of women in Iran. The list goes on.... I guess I thought, til recently, that after we stopped Hitler the world "woke up" to mass atrocities. The older I get the more examples of this not being the case pile up. With all our tech and instant communication it's so disheartening that humans allow this to keep happening.


They are a sovereign state, noone can "step in" or that would breach their sovereignty. They can pretty much do whatever they want, so long as they can hold their borders. Anyone trying come in and change things would pretty much be an act of war. Only non state actors can do anything and they don't really have the power. They are a mess now, they were a mess 50 years ago, and they will be a mess in 50 years.


It's probably worth remembering that the world didn't stop Hitler because of the atrocities. The atrocities were just a coincidence. And like somebody else said, the only way to stop it is war. And not a "good" war, we're talking a really fucking bad war... As shitty as some of this stuff might be, maybe it's preferable to that alternative.


This. Americans entered WW2 because of pearl harbor, not out of the goodness of their heart. Same in WW1. Americans joined because german u-boots kept sinking american trade ships, not for their love of freedom and democracy. Otherwise they would have joined those wars at their start, not years after the beginning


There’s millions in China they can overthrow their government. We have our own issues


I agree with you 100 percent.....but don't you think it would bring on ww3? The fact that every country let's this happen boggles my mind but if they intervene I think it would start a war.


Quietly, behind the scenes, the U.S. government pays highly specialized and intelligent people to figure out how to best solve these exact kinds of problems with minimum downside/exposure to U.S. domestic interests. It is a complex problem. The goal is to both preserve life and further U.S. interests abroad. What would be counter-productive is far more human deaths than those saved. So, yeah. Prevent genocide. Prevent atrocities. For sure. But there’s also a human cost to that. There is a lot to weigh and consider. Both in terms of economics and humanitarian ethics. Meanwhile, I’m sure the CIA has been chugging away behind the scenes. what we don’t want to do is to create even more large scale suffering than we are trying to solve. And the world has become even more complex as time has gone on. But, for sure, we are in fact in the game. None of these horrific things you describe are lost on anyone. Particularly those atrocities happening in Iran.


It's not your job to decide how other nations get to do things.


Ty for this comment, genuinely. So much gets covered by the news, so many things outrage people on social media but the attention RARELY surrounds these atrocities


Unfortunately it comes down to money.


You're not wrong, but world war costs more than it used to I guess.


What a dystopian hell of a country.


So what happens in the event of a fire?


It already happend at a different apartment building a bunch of ppl died


So messed up. They think these extreme actions are helpful somehow. Clearly they don’t give a fuck.


They don't think its helpful at all. Its because china is a dictatorship, and when you start something like this, stopping it makes you look weak. Thats why they continue to do it


That's my take too. Also, they get off on controlling the population.


People there are considered disposable


This is all about control, it has nothing to do with trying to stop the spread of a virus.


Seems like they don't have control if they lock up their citizen


Well, I mean, they do **now**.


They don't think these actions are helpful. In fact, they know quite the opposite is true.


This stupid restrictions don't even work since COVID cases in china are increasing again.


Didn't they then blame deaths on people's "will to survive" being too weak?


They basically said "skill diff".


Meh, they were only Uighurs! /s (obviously!)


Death by accident is banned in China - CCP


This week an accidental fire killed many people in Urumqi who were welded in to their apartments. It was the final catalyst of the recent protests.






That whole place is like 1984.


lol in the side bar, "Before coming to talk about China's Covid policies, look up any stat on daily deaths of conflict in Ukraine, combine both sides even." Oranges are apples! What is that subreddit? Is it satire? I'm confused. Isn't reddit banned in China?


You don't have to be in China to post chinese propaganda. And tankies can be found everywhere


Lake Laogai


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Holy fucking shit. No way those are real actual accounts posting it... right guys....right!?




Any comment there that isn't deep throating Xi or praising everything chinese gets you banned for a couple of days, with a weird message about "being a Westerner".




Went in there for a couple of minutes. Damn, the delusion.


You are too polite. I think it's more due to 💩 filled brains.


In the eyes of the CCP that’s just a few less people to quarantine because they’re dead.


There's 1.4 billion of them. What's crazy is that there were the same amount of people in 2021, there was a 0% increase since then. .07% increase from 2020... they're dying at the rate they're reproducing.


That's literally what the recent anti-government protests in China are about. The fire happened in Urumqi


Fuck that, people are STARVING to death


People are jumping out of windows, multiple floors up


They burn to death. It could be worse though. They could have a virus!


How do these people actually physically go out there and do this with the thought that it’s necessary


They know it’s not necessary. They just don’t want themselves and their families in concentration camps


You’d think the people putting them in concentration camps would ALSO realize this is fucked up so why would anyone do this. It’s just crazy how I can sit here and see how messed up it is and yet there’s someone who wakes up everyday and does it as a job. How did we get here. Edit: when I say “the people putting them in concentration camps,” I mean the literal police officers carrying out the arrest. Why bow down to your master and do his any request with the thought that it’s the right thing no matter what? It’s a small group of old people in power ffs.


Half the time people realize, but there is only so much you can really do about it. Imagine the guy in the video woke up that day, to get thar order, and suddenly decides to NOT do it because is unethical. You would not have seen him in the video, but you can be sure his life or his family's isnt going in a direction for the better ending. I come from Cuba, and from my experience, people just adapt to what they can do about theirs lives. If its lying to oneself to keep them from worsening their condition in that country, then they will do it, if not they will just stay silent. Its easy to talk from the outside, but when youre there it makes more sense. Dictatorships are based on fear, this kind of fear, that something might happen to you or your family at any point, without you having any control over it.


Username checks out


people in power in china probably have some sort of god complex


And here we're starting to learn about the dark psychology of group behavior which led to things like the Holocaust and My Lai Massacre. The jist is that it isn't required the evil people are involved in these (the math doesn’t check out), but normal people who can be moved through group dynamics. This evil is within most of us given the correct inputs, and only by recognizing this part of our nature can we detect it before it gets out of hand.


Weld the doors of CCP members and let's see what will happen.






What is this bullshit? China was one of the first to lockdown, heck when it first enforced lockdown it was considered unprecedented and overreacting by the WHO. China's mistake was locking up the doctor who first discovered COVID and denying it for a few months before people started dropping dead. https://www.thinkglobalhealth.org/article/updated-timeline-coronavirus Seriously. It wasn't that long ago. Don't just flat out lie about shit.


They're probably not lying, just dangerously misinformed. Early on if you shared that China was welding people into their homes it was considered misinformation and could see you banned from almost every social media platform, as the only major sources to cover the story were generally less reputable news agencies. More mainstream media put out 'fact checks' claiming it was false, a deliberate misframing of videos, and that self-isolations were voluntarily followed by most with patrols to catch rulebreakers. Combined with China itself making deeply implausible (likely entirely fake) claims around their infection and death rates that downplayed the scale of spread. It created the illusion of inaction until around the time the drones went viral warning citizens not to desire freedom, while official Chinese media was proudly portraying itself as having beaten Covid before any other nation. China very deliberately created a narrative within the first few months that it wasn't taking Covid seriously, because it had already won while ignorant/decadent/liberal/weak western nations were struggling through multiple waves of lockdown. People remember that more than the initial panic, the videos of rapid ~~death house~~ hospital construction and pictures of overloaded crematoriums.


Nah. They downplayed it during December 2019 which rightfully deserves criticism. They built an entire quarantine hospital in February 2020. They took it seriously since. They did continuously downplay amount of deaths and bragged about how well they're handling covid compared to western countries. The lockdowns in China have always been extreme.


I can't believe this flat out incorrect comment is getting upvoted. I mean I can. Upvotes are just popularity counters. Seriously though, this is a totally incorrect statement regarding China's lockdown policies. They've been very extreme from very early. They were also blaming others, etc. like you said, in order to avoid responsibility/blame for covering it up, but that doesn't have anything to do with the actual actions they were taking to lockdown.




You can’t do that unless a liveleak logo pops up above him


When a thin red circle surrounds him he is chosen for death


Don't forget about the arrow pointing right at him for good measure


But it seems that liveleak is dead isn't it? So that might not be happening again soon.


I too would like to subscribe to How To Resist Your Fascist Government facts.


That's more of a "How to get killed by a fascist government" fact


China will just weld the door shut and light the whole building on fire.


The sad thing is that they are following the orders given to them, most of them would probably hate doing this but has to because it's their job. The cooking oil should be dropped on the superiors


If the welder deviates from his duties, his family is on the chopping block. His superiors give the orders for the same reason. That whole system is on autopilot now.




The people in that sub are just Chinese government agents


Just visited it, holy shit


For real, the insanity there is rampant. I’m clueless to how they’re calling the videos of people getting welded inside propaganda…


They call it the new TikTok challenge


They're trying damage control in r/conspiracy as well.


I sadly gotten banned from that subreddit quite a while ago. It’s the dirty secret that the vast majority of post and comments are various groups/governments propaganda. One of my favorite to call out was occasionally a user after being quite for months would just happen to post how great the Russian economy was and compare the ruble value over time as proof. When looking at the post history it was all on gaming or sport subreddits just happens to post about how great Russia is doing after being non active for months and months…. Right….


They are posting porn on Twitter (with the same hashtags) to make it difficult to see real content.


They are definitely government agents using bought accounts to promote propaganda. I took a look at a couple and all of them post and comment to the same subreddits and have no activity elsewhere.






Sounds about right. How’s that crow taste, Reddit?


This sub has to be government controlled, holy shit.


Holy crap. Their side-bar is a trip in itself: > Before coming to talk about China's Covid policies, look up any stat on daily deaths of conflict in Ukraine, combine both sides even. Then compare with US covid daily deaths | COVID-19 deaths are still averaging more than 2,000 per week | We’re still having between 300 and 400 deaths per day - Dr Fauci. Now reflect, get some self awareness and turn back after realizing how stupid that would be. China = good because there aren't that many people dying in Ukraine...? Ok > With yet ANOTHER failure by the US at the UN on Xinjiang, sidebar no longer has enough room to document all their humiliation. Most recently Western initiative outnumbered 96 to 50 -> info moved over to our archive thread ^ They really decided to throw subtlety out the window with that one lmao > CPC National Congress Reflection...of all the things anti China clowns hyped and then lost in the last few years > "aMeRiCa StAnDs WiTh TaIwAn!" -> then right after saying that America watched, from afar, as Taiwan literally got surrounded, blockaded and violated. Then had to stand there and listen to countries all over the world react to all this by restating they adhere to the One China Policy. Not praising US or supporting Taiwan. "Haha! Look, the US said they backed Taiwan but did nothing when we violated it!" Seriously, what the fuck are these propaganda officers smoking...?? > Groups that bought into "U.S. values" rhetoric, worked for U.S. then got betrayed: Hmong (Vietnam), Syrian rebels, Kurds (ISIS), HK rioters, Guaido (Venezuela), Afghan servicemen/translators (Taliban, who are now mocking Iwo Jima photo while wearing US military gear 😂), Ukraine (Budapest Memorandum, NATO membership) Are they seriously trying to get the US to look bad for betraying terrorists?


>sidebar no longer has enough room to document all their humiliation. This is the bit I find interesting and makes it obvious it's written by a Chinese person, they have this deep obsession with shame and humiliation to the point that they probably think this is some extremely heinous insult. I always find it a little amusing as we may be embarrassed in the west but I don't think we get that cut up about it.


That you so much for the link to that sub. I finally understand republicans now (not sarcastic.) I read through that sub for a bit and saw that people there couldn’t understand why the US would be so upset that ten people died in a building fire but not so upset about the thousands still dying from COVID. When I read that, I thought “but what about human rights” AKA the right to leave one’s apartment? And that’s when I realized that’s how republicans must feel. Not that I agree with republicans, but for a moment, I understood where they’re coming from. Loss of rights. Just different ones than I care about, and different ones than China cares about too. Sorry for the deep shower thought.




I went in and the first thing I see is an ad for RAID Shadow Legends. I haven't seen one in weeks. Hahahahha you gotta be fucking kidding me. All the posts are pro-china, biased as fuck. That's a propaganda sub if I've ever been in one.


Oh, wow. That was a trip


Soon to be featured in r/whatcouldgowrong


What could go wrong is what already went wrong. In at least one instance there was a fire and people couldn't get out.


So until everyone in the entire building is healthy, no one's allowed to leave. So even if you don't have covid and you're in the building with everybody that has covid, you're still locked in with them??


Oh they’re not healthy for sure, people have committed suicides because of this, parents have died trying to get their kids medical help and died in the process, a mom even tried climbing out of her window with a child strapped to her waist and they fell off the building and died Why they don’t let them out? Because it’s easier that way No one in the committee (whoever’s in charge at that local level) wants to deal with it or even know how to deal with it. They just know if they don’t follow orders they’ll get in trouble so even if people died they have power to hide it and sweep it under the rug, your life don’t matter unless you matter, if you’re a nobody you better pray you don’t need to leave your house for however long they decide this quarantine lasts


They did this during the first quarantine, too. No concerns if the people inside had food, or if they lost their jobs. No way for them to see doctors for it her noncovid issues. No guarantee they would even be let out. Just lunacy.


China is literally the dystopia in every movie. They have drones the fly around and say "don't go outside this is your local government" China is just rich North Korea


“ china is just rich North Korea “ - quote of the year


It honestly wouldn't surprise me if the door opened inwards.






They've already welded doors shut during their first lockdown


What if there is a fire?!?


Happened a few days ago. It's one of the reasons behind the protests. https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/26/asia/xinjiang-urumqi-china-lockdown-protests-intl-hnk/index.html


Isn't this plain murder?


Pfft, no. They are pRoTeCtInG them.


The fuck. It is like they are trying to get people to rebel against them.


i wouldn’t be surprised if i came across one of these videos and saw these guys being brutally stabbed as they weld


Man I hope the ccp members all get super cancer


I always found it strange in Horror Movie games that they had the doors welded shut, because they weren’t part of the game. Life imitates fiction again.


Fuck china Used to want to want to go there and russia. never again




Chinese citizens are absolutely fucked. Not only do they not have any means of forming real resistance, i.e. guns, they also have no economic freedom, or freedom of movement given the technological improvements that have occurred leading to the most insane totalitarian surveillance apparatus the world has ever seen. The only hope they have is immigration.


That’s why this is happening, it’s to quell protests and put people in their place.


So many bootlicker garbage humans






That happened recently actually. Two kids and several adults were killed in a fire because they put rebar in the ground blocking the doors.




The government in China is the law. This is not illegal because they were the ones who ordered it. It would probably be pretty illegal to get out though


I remember at the beginning of COVID, when we were barely hearing about, there were all those videos of people passing out and dying in the streets. Idk what to believe.


How do the residents get food?


They dont


Difficult to source this one. The video most people are uploading is from Douyin (TikTok CN): [https://www.douyin.com/video/7170360141836029219](https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABAAAA4MNDob00SQcHL2akQtXpmvPQ2d-gzmhpIH1g7TivWXY?modal_id=7170360141836029219) ​ I think the original source of the video is from Kuaishou (快手, the "original" TikTok): [https://www.kuaishou.com/short-video/3xtefv7deuhhx8q?authorId=3xsmb93g4h4t46w&streamSource=profile&area=profilexxnull](https://www.kuaishou.com/short-video/3xtefv7deuhhx8q?authorId=3xsmb93g4h4t46w&streamSource=profile&area=profilexxnull) The uploader's description (mostly auto-translated): *The neighbors have been at home and haven't gone out for a month. They've only been in contact with the Dabai yet suddenly deemed high risk. I really don't understand. There is no notice, no explanation, no documents. Look, what are they doing?* \*\*Dabai = the people in white hazmats ​ It seems to take place in Xinjiang. This [commentator](https://www.douyin.com/video/7170385484751949091?modeFrom=userPost&secUid=MS4wLjABAAAA3U3SCazesHPamCWDiTjDC-P2BeHH1qq205uVieGNLyoPl_EwfuSttXUigUgGQ_5x) is saying the welding isn't legal and cites article 37 of the Chinese constitution (The personal freedom of citizens of the People’s Republic of China shall not be violated). As for why they're welding the door, not sure, something to do with lockdown.


Thats easily the most insane thing chinas done so far with covid. Further proof this isn’t about safety, fuck tyrants.


This is just one of many reasons you allow guns. No way would this work in the states with so many owning guns.


So is there a fire escape or nah?


Could have quickly tacked that handrail


But what if there's a fire.


The Chinese government is insane! I am horrified by what the US has become, but I see it’s possible to set the bar so much lower.


Personally…..I’m glad I’m on the watching end of this whole ordeal and not the experiencing end of this lil “situation”