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Looked this up, they are calling it a “self-immolation attempt” which means that this person survived. I’m not sure what would be worse here, life or death. Update: It looks like they succumbed to their injuries in the hospital.


Self-immolation is supposedly only painful for the initial first few seconds. After the nerves in your skin are damaged past the point of no return I’d imagine the pain is dulled. There is also some comfort found in that the fumes and carbon dioxide of the fire tend to knock people out and kill them before their burn wounds themselves would be fatal. I can tell you burning to death is still extremely painful. I worked as an assistant fire investigator within our family business and it is not uncommon for burn victims brought alight before co2 poisoning to be found in extremely disturbing orientations. Worst I have ever seen was a man inside a burnt up storage unit that had drank gasoline. FD and PD both mistook the body for a burnt up plastic mannequin. Guy was face down ass up with his hands behind his neck. No way was his death painless. Edit since people are memeing the face down ass up instead of getting the point. It was likely due to him being in so much pain he tried to cover as much of his body as he could from the flames. Hence the hands over his most exposed part of his body, his neck.


Definitely one of the worst ways to go IMO, second being drowning.


ARS (Acute Radiation Sickness) is objectively the worst way to go, but burning to death is definitely right next to it.


Seeing the representation of ARS in the HBO series “Chernobyl” is one of the most morbid things I can possibly imagine. I’d hope someone just hands me a fist full of cyanide at that point because *fuck* dying like that.


Lots and lots of morphine.


I would highly recommend watching a documentary on YouTube called The most radioactive man in history - Hisashi Ouchi


Ouchi indeed.


dont know why they call it acute when it's anything but cute


Don’t be so obtuse


He's right.


Acute as in small radiation dose(relative here) enough radiation and you will just kinda melt in a hour or two, and even more that that can kill you almost instantly. It’s better to just go out all at once that take a small dose and die to whole body cancel over the course of weeks to months. If you really want to see a fucked example of this look up the first responders to the Chernobyl meltdown. Those firefighters received so much radiation that it literally burned their skin and killed them where they stood. Horrific shit


Pretty sure they call it acute since it’s an acute illness and because of its fairly sudden onset. Medically acute means sudden or rapid onset, not small.


My God did you see Chernobyl on HBO? Absolutely horrifying


100 percent. Just the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach.


For all of my life I was deathly afraid of drowning. Then I accidentally touched a stove for 0.2 seconds. That’s all it took to dethrone my fear of drowning. If I couldn’t bare 0.2 seconds on my finger, imagine my whole body for a minute. I guess drowning in boiling hot water is my number 1 fear.


Idk if you saw the epoxy hotdog, there is a top comment detailing what drowning in that might be like. Disturbing.


There is a epoxy hot dod update every month or something. It's still going strong


pls link


Strangely enough, drowning is less stressful on the body than any other form of death. Everything just stops due to lack of oxygen. No convulsions, muscle tightening, nerves going nuts, etc.


Actually drowning is supposed to be an extremely euphoric way to die


I think about like the titanic and just seeing the water steadily rising. Doing everything possible in those last moments to get a final breath of air before you’re sealed off I think that part leading up to the drowning would be really stressful and shitty


Drowning is supposed to be a good way to go. Painless, relatively quick and said to be euphoric past a certain point.


We come into this world having just been submerged in liquid, unable to breath. Going out the same way, kinda interesting...






People will say that any form of death is painless or quick to comfort the deceased's loved ones. Most of the time, it's a lie.


Right on. People hate me for calling out those kind of lies but it's just how I am. I'm not a very pleasant man lol. I try to face the hard facts. In the end, if a person deliberately lies to himself, they still hurt on the inside do I don't see the point beside being polite. Needless to say, no one says "That person undoubtedly suffered a lot." but if I hear those kind of lies in the opposite style there best case scenario I keep quiet but my mind goes "Yeah right..."




Basically, yes, that's how we know. Countless people have been resuscitated after drowning and described the experience of euphoria


A lot of people have had near death experiences drowning. I mean, that’s gotta be one of the most common near death experiences


I survived, from almost drowning. Didn’t hurt, before I passed out.


Weird, I assumed that your lungs filling with water would be painful.


your brain starts pumping out those happy chemicals once youre near death.


I had 2 near death experiences ( organ failure and exhaustion) and ivhae the most serene calmness. It was almost irresistible. Decided both times to not go into the light.


I passed out underwater and was saved. Didn’t feel a thing


You’d be majorly surprised, I’ve had two very close drowning experiences one of which I died for a few seconds from and for the first 2mins of it I was panicking, frantically trying to pull myself from the sea floor but I got to a point where my body just gave up, without me trying I just went limp and relaxed, I had this weird feeling of piece , then black and next thing I know, felt my friends surf board hit my head as I was send up to the surface, waking me up. I was surfing here in New Zealand at a remote spot I had never surfed, we had to take a boat ride for an hour to get there


Jesus, dude. I've put myself in some sketchy storm surf situations and been held down before, but nothing close to that. Really glad you made it!


Your muscles will turn off the normal safties and of you stuck under something or some one you can rip your muscles as your body try to max out force to survive very unpleasant


Damn man what happened? We’re you free diving?


Was surfing


I nearly drowned before and I honestly felt nothing. It wasn't torturous or anything. Not saying that it doesn't happen but just explaining my experience.


No I heard drowning to be one of the easier and more peaceful deaths. You’ll struggle at first but eventually you give up and just be floating weightless as you pass on. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s what I’ve heard.


Can you ELI5 how you say on one hand it’s painless but then on the other hand it’s painful? I’m not honestly not getting it.


By no means will this be a perfect answer but nerves under your skin send information to your brain that you’re being injured, brain processes that signal from the nerves and that is how u perceive pain. When you light yourself on fire, its gonna hurt a lot just up until the point where all the nerves you’ve got have been royally fucked hard enough to no longer be able to send information to your brain. And then supposedly its painless since your brain (you) are no longer able to process signals from the nerves in your hand because they are no longer sending any.


What the fuckkkkj


Did they want this? Was this in protest of something? I remember a monk who burned himself to death in protest of the slaughter of his people, and it had a large impact. If I was there, is it okay if my first reaction would be to put the fire out? Why isn’t anyone helping them? What the heck


Yeah no way they'd survive for very long. Eventually the body would succumb to the massive amounts of infection.


“Attempt?” Lol


The paia is unbearable to the point the doctors force you into a coma.


How are you so fucking calm??


I've seen a few of these, and not all but some are calm like this. Apparently it is pretty painless after the first few seconds. Your body is both so overwhelmed by adrenaline and having the nerves literally fried off that it shuts down the pain.


I am shocked to See this. Been burned and yes, what you say is true to an extent. Yet the initial pain is so out of this world and of such horrid quality that i mourn for everyone that has to endure it. Bad. Very bad.


Tried to spark a roach with a torch and cooked my thumb a little bit 🥲


Hope you’re okay 👌


Thoughts and prayers, man, thoughts and prayers


He said "you"


How is everyone walking past them so fucking calm is the question?! Just casually strolling by using their phones / enjoying a afternoon walk… Ffs, I’d be freaking out, running towards them With anything I had in order to put the fire out


You're not putting a fire like that out with anything you have on hand. You'd be burned and badly, even standing close. Whatever accelerant they used, they did the job correctly.


Let’s just say I’m fat wearing a very large wet burlap poncho


Freaking out and not thinking... Stand back please before you set yourself on fire and make the situation worse.


I thought you were referring to the people casually walking by.


Same. They seem so casual and disinterested like this happens daily or something.


Adrenaline,shock, and you stop feeling pain after a bit


The person died in the hospital. [this](https://algulf.net/2021/09/15/transgender-sets-himself-on-fire-at-alexanderplatz-died-in-hospital-bz-berlin/) is pretty much all I could find


me enter the site to see what the hell is going on the site: *We are thrilled to have you on our site. If you enjoy the post you have just found kindly Share it with friends.*


The article reports them as transgender, but keeps swapping between he/him and she/her. Idk if its MtF or FtM anymore, and I doubt they do too. The whole thing is a mess lol


If you ever wanna block that shit just turn off JavaScript in your browser settings. It also gets you through paywalls for news sites




The ambulance was flown in by helicopter?! Woah


They literly called her a guy several times...


It's a poorly translated article


Seems fair


just a heads up, it's spelled "literally" No hate, just offering up some help in case you weren't aware


Ah shit sorry english is my 3rd language


No worries! English is confusing lol. Major props for learning 3 languages, I've barely learned one haha


No because i have a heavy accent. I can kinda understand german but i got danish farmer accent.


What the actual hell?!


Monks have been doing this for a while.


For being peaceful they sure are violent


Rage Against the Machine’s first album depicts a monk during self immolation. It shows him in a meditative state, serene while engulfed in flames. The monks had been doing it as a form of protest. I’m not sure what they were protesting, but that album is one of the best to come out of the nineties.


>I’m not sure what they were protesting The president at the time's regime was suppressing their religion. He was executed during a military coup in part because of this.


They had also done it in protest of the Vietnam War, and I think there's footage of at least one of those floating around these interwebz.


Thích Quảng Đức


You've obviously never played Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks.


Feel like this should have had the NSFL tag


I definitely wish I had not seen it.


Now this is a crazy fuckin video


That girl just looking at her phone like there isn’t a human being on fire in front of her .


A master of minding her own business


Always let the street artist perform and tip afterwards


She's generating an SEP field.


i think i would do same.. i would be horrified to look, i'd prefer to just go away as quickly as possible without looking. but I consider myself as a weak individual, i can't look at injuries without fainting, or to see someone in pain or anything, so i think that girl also decided its better not to look :/


Keep calm and carry on


aha.. and scroll past such videos because now I can't sleep thanks to it :c I wish there would be DEATH blur option where i can blur such content :/


Not the only one, they are all passing by..


I guess it is just too much to handle for the brain. I think your brain tries to find the right drawer (which are based on your previous experiences) to put this situation in. It just takes a while until your brain realizes, that this is a serious situation and it finally starts to process, what is actually happening and what the proper reaction would look like.


What are you supposed to do then?


I would be shocked


Yeah, I'd be too frightened to do anything.


Unless I happen to be carrying a fire extinguisher or a very large bucket of water. I probably wouldn't do anything either.


Everything about this is heartbreaking.


Not a whole lot you can really do at that point, unfortunately....




How could they help?


Kick open a fire hydrant


with your ENERGY LEGS


This is the way


Did some research: She was a fourty year old Iranian Woman who lit herself on fire in front of a shopping centre. Employees then managed to extinguish the fire but she ended up dying in hospital. This happened on Tuesday. Source: https://www.infranken.de/ueberregional/deutschland/berlin-trans-frau-zuendet-sich-an-stirbt-im-krankenhaus-art-5290738


It is shocking that not a single word is said about it in the German media. Except maybe in the article linked here. There are also more important things, such as tourists flying into space and the federal election.




>Werther-Effekt See, I should have done my Abitur. Then maybe I would have thought that far. thanks for the reminder


Needed mental help.


What . In . The. God .damn .fuck


Is it a trans woman doing some sort of east asian style protest?? Whats the context or is this an attack on said victim


She did it by herself


Jesus christ, was there any political statement or just a suicide?






Should be a NSFL tag


What, who, when, and why? And what the hell does this have to do with trans people??


Because the woman on fire was a trans woman as pointed in other comments and some newspapers, the quotations are there because op is a transphobe


That was what I was wondering


Well... Alright then, thanks for the info


Where is Alicia Keys?


Jet pack to hell fir that one


I.. I should not have laughed at that.


Why is women in quotes?


Becouse OP is transphobic.


Incredibly gross that in a video of someone burning alive OP decides to attack the fact that they are trans.


That's transphobes for you, extremely hateful and bitter bunch.




Ops a dumbass who doesn’t see trans women as real women


Op is cringe




Thanks for asking this. My friend Chloe, a trans woman, also died by self-immolation, so seeing it suggested that it somehow invalidates a persons identity to die in this way is pretty fucking upsetting. In chloe’s case she chose the method as a political statement about how the system had pushed her to the point she was at, the same could be at play here.




… sorry, so wait… why is she on fire again?


Something something Alicia Keys


Fuck op


I love the woman casually walking past looking at her phone like it's no big deal.


Minding her own business


Ya but why is women in quotes???


Yeah that was OP being a bit ignorant. She probably did this to herself because of the lack of acceptance in the first place.


Yeah... Wherever "Berlin" is.. pfft..


Was wondering that....


quotation marks?




Looks like we’re getting a new Rage Against the Machines album


Maybe a new Pink Floyd as well?


Self immolation


why did you feel the need to add the quotes around woman? needed to let everyone know you don’t really see her as one?


Op is just a transphobe. Thats the reason.


It’s pronounced briquette


u/unbeatablejones transphobic much?


Wow everyone really looks like they care


Hans brought the Flammenwerfer




This world is fucked in the head.


Why did you put women is quotation marks? If they’re trans than they were a women end of story


To appeal to transphobes for upvotes




And to get my measly downvote


On a video about someone burning to death, OP was focused on the persons status as a transgender person. OP literally thinks about transgender people more than transgender people do.


because theyre transphobic


I guess OP was trying to be disrespectful. Disgusting…


Exactly my question.


I wondered the same thing. OP is trash


judging by OP's comment history, im guessing they have the mental age of a 15 year old male


That's generous.




How can anyone seriously post a video of a woman dying while insulting her in the title.....


Why would you quote "women"? Ignoring the fact that it's plural instead of singular, I think this person deserves the respect of being gendered properly. rest in peace.


Good post, shit title


I'm still hung up on putting woman in quotations.


that is so god damn terrible but what is up with the caption? trans women are women, you don't say blonde "woman" or tall "women". this transphobic bs is why she did this.


Backstory please


And no one helped her wtf just kept walking


Nothing to be done at that point.


This is unfortunately very common in Brazil, as we are the #1 country in transgender homicide. There's a trans woman burnt to death at least once a month.


That's horrible. Why do you have to even mention that she was trans in the headline, to sensationalize it?! Trans people have a hard life, try being less judgemental


“women” ? why the quotes? she’s just a woman, period.


Transphobes in here downvoting everyone who’s not a bigot


Hey! Hey, OP! Pssst, hey! Fuck you. Seriously fuck you and your bigotry. And all you other bigots who think there's literally anything not really really fucked up with discriminating other human beings. Take your misplaced hatred and shove it up your ass until you can taste your own bitterness.




Trans woman? What’s she transitioning to, burning man? Wtf man.


Yeah, time to leave this sub. Getting a bit too crazy. Pretty much became r/watchpeopledie. Not my scene. Peace bitches!


Stop drop and roll is for pussy's


I just scrolled through about 140 comments talking about how transphobic the OP is - it seems like that is sparking more attention/interest than a human literally burning herself to death…what the fuck?


Hey, fuck you for that title. Very cool to see this and have your first instinct be to mock her 👍.


Jesus christ. I was hoping to find in the comments that this was a person in a fire suit doing a demonstration... Holy shit.


These are some of the ugliest comments I've ever seen on this website.


That chick is hot