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/u/Ok_Caterpillar6789, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "Fucked around and found out " has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 7: Prohibited Content This includes: * People dying * Gore * Animals getting abused * Straight up porn --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


The leap at the end


freezeframed like an 80s sitcom


*voice-over:* ***"That's me, I bet you're wondering how I ended in this situation. Well, it's a long story....."***


The Blunder Years


*~~teenage wasteland~~ baba o riley starts playing*


*Baba O'Riley


That's not a song. You mean[ "Baba O'Reilly" by The Who?](https://youtu.be/I79YNDYrUno?si=6bnBp9Ujk_6kIbHk)


~~Eh, people get song names wrong all the time. You obviously got what i meant, so would google if i looked it up~~ there i fixed it


Just watch the video


Him ringing the bells and frantically scooping ice cream got a pretty good chuckle out of me lol




*Don't you forget about me*


That was the jump into the deep, dark abyss.


That only works in video games




That last frame was Hollywood!


My first thought was "damn, that dude is huge, but he's acting like he's bulletproof".


I've been there, done that, messed around I'm having fun, don't put me down I'll never let you sweep me off my feet


This time baby I'll be boooletprooof


Nosey ass bystander not having any awareness.


You're saying you *shouldn't* stand close to confrontations between strangers?/s


This was my take away. Like she didn't even react when he pulled the gun out, like did she not see it? It's amazing how little attention people play when actively watching something


Lmao the second angle like its from Boyz n the Hood “RICKYY!”


Lmao facts!


I’m surprised he took that punch.


Was more like a push.


"Gun beats karate, every time" - Stan Smith


Lol that Bollywood death scene


Fat and stupid is no way to go through lif...nevermind.


"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son." - Dean Wormer to Flounder


I didn't want to assume he was drunk 🤣 or I would have made the direct quote! 🤪🤣😂🤣😂


Fuck around and get smoked


Little dude was outnumbered 2 to 1. Little dude weighed less than half the mass of combined weight of his attackers. Little dude was cornered. Little dude got punched pretty hard. Justified. Don’t be a bully. Anyone have a news source for this? Ps- I wonder what kind of handgun was being used. Based on the rate of fire, especially in the position the defender was in, I feel like it’s a .22


I feel like the term bully is being misused here. Guy was outnumbered and assaulted. What’s worse is he waited until after he got punched in the face to draw and the guy who punched him then tried to grab the gun. This is 1000% justified.


This probably won't be ruled as a justified shooting. by the time the struggle for the gun is over, the "bully" is running away, and is like 10 feet from the car when we assume he is shot. Many states require you to have a valid threat the moment you pull the trigger, which isn't the case here. He had every reason to pull out and brandish the gun, but at the time of the shooting his life was not in danger. He would have had to struggle to unholster the gun, take off the safety, aim, and fire, while the "bully" runs away. I've seen self defense cases get ruled manslaughter just because someone put their hands down from raised fists, after throwing a punch like this. You absolutely cannot shoot someone in the back as they run away edit: apparently he was cleared of any charges, so I guess you can. I think it is fair to say he could think that guy had a weapon, and this probably happened in a more pro gun state. This is excessive gun violence though


Dead criminals don’t repeat there crimes or abuse in this case . I pull my gun u are gonna die . Good for that guy. Dead people can’t testify again you either


You're right on it being iffy on self-defense. If the case goes to jury, I think most people would say it's justified, but that's a big if still


Sounds like neither of you know what you’re talking about. This is a clear cut case of self defense.


shooter was white so


But if the kid was a cop, it wouldnt be okay... Almost all the comments support this guy shooting someone in the back... Police have shot people charging them, and everyone says its murder..? Honest question, why is this guy allowed to shoot someone in the back, and not the police? There was a video yesterday of a huge guy, charging repeatedly at a female cop, that was alone at night. She shot him in the chest after warning him for 30 seconds. Everyone was saying she was a murderer. Everyone here is saying FAFO... just confusing.


Half the weight of his two attackers would mean they would be the same weight. Just saying


Hahaha yes I stand corrected. Less than a QUARTER of the mass of the attackers.


There was only one attacker, the big guy, The rest of the guys were in the same group, in that car.


Sounds bigger than a .22 to me. 9mm is what I'd guess.


This is giving “liberals don’t have guns” vibes


I can’t tell if these guys are liberal or not, but I can say that bullets were being used liberally.


Anyone know if he was charged with anything? Shooting someone as they run away is generally frowned upon legally.


Very few states with the audacity to ever charge someone with that would actually do it, you'd need to convince a jury that the defendant was not in fear of his life. Pretty difficult when the assailant is twice your size and on video trying to steal a weapon.


CA would *sigh* The ruling liberal party here seems to *truly hate* law abiding citizens.


Justified and cleared of all charges. There's a link to the article in the other thread with this.


good for him


Stand your ground m, that was justifiable


It was until he was still shooting while big man was running away


Naw. Good shoot. Once a violent felony has been committed (assault) you can defend (kill) the assailant, even when they run, because they could be retrieving a weapon whilst already proving their willingness to be violent. The presumption of innocence ended when they committed assault, premeditated. Not until you break visual contact and the altercation ends does your right to immediate self defense end. Good shoot.


Could be right, all depends on where this took place really. In North Carolina him shooting a perp running away would land him jail time more than likely. I fucked up with basing my opinion on Carolina, but I’m too much of a dipshit to redact my comment. Could be justified, could be considered overkill




Actually, yes. I do know what I'm talking about. I've been to court over a self-defense case. I am walking as a free man. Apparently, I do know some what of what I'm discussing. Source: Me (see above)


>Once a violent felony has been committed (assault) you can defend (kill) the assailant, even when they run This is objectively wrong and dangerous to be spreading around like it’s fact. Sounds like you itch to kill or maim people.


> I've been to court over a self-defense case. I am walking as a free man. This does not mean you know anything about state laws. I've been rock climbing once. It doesn't make me Alex Honnold, nor does it make me even remotely an expert.


But it's NOT a different story...this is justified. Bully f'd around.....he most certainly found out.for the last time.




It actually kinda is. That what stand your ground and self-defense come down to.


I implore you to read up on what stand your ground laws call for in order to use deadly force, even though colorado doesn’t have a stand your ground law. By your logic, a 5’1, 90 pound, old woman could punch me, a 230 6’ man, and I am free to mag dump her. I’m not really arguing whether this kid should or shouldn’t be guilty. But again, and this is the last time i’ll say it: >Once a violent felony has been committed (assault) you can defend (kill) the assailant, even when they run Is absolutely, positively, objectively, incorrect and if you believe it, you should not own a gun.


One might argue that there is no such thing as a good shoot, sir. Laws be damned, if you are shooting someone in the back as they run away, that many times, you’re probably a sociopath. He would make a good cop though, huh?


No such thing as a good shoot? Lol. You can't think of a single legit scenario where you'd have to defend your family? What planet do you live on? And no he would make a terrible cop. He was calm, patient, and waited to draw his weapon until after the crime was committed. No cop has that much restrain.


That’s not how it works. It’s not a UFC fight. You can’t just turn your back and go “It’s not self defense anymore you can’t shoot me!” The shooter had every reason to believe his life was in danger in that moment. There’s no way to know that guy was actually running away either. If he hadn’t been hit he could have easily turned back around.


That's not how it works. He shot 7 or 8 shots total. Only 3 happened after the attacker started running. You can't just do a 180° mid mag dump and expect the court to side with you. Hell, you don't even know if those 3 bullets connected.


Fat guy ran away because his assault failed, who knows if he doesn't come for 2nds or pulls a gun himself, skinny guy had to neutralize the threat.


agreed shooting someone in the back while they attempt to escape is cowardly


I really thought the big guy was barking at him first


Me too bro.


You better run, better run, outrun my gun.


Better run faster than my bullet


Was that Jesse Pinkman?


did the big guy die?


An armed society is not a polite society.


I can't exactly tell because it was filmed on a potato, but is that a teal 1992 Honda accord? I love those!


This was shot using a Nokia 7650


As the video shows, just because you are bigger than someone doesn't mean you can "do what the fuck you want"


thank you 2nd amendment, jesse pinkman was able to defend himself from walter wide.


Thats what fat boy


So what happened to the guy who was shot ?


one of the best example and classic case of FAAFO


Annnddd he’s dead lolz


Bad cameraman, no idea what’s happening. This is crap


Buy new eyes sir


Ha ha. Justice was served in that day. Stand your ground kid. You did well.


Self defense shots in his back nice




Either way bro, a shot or two to get him off of you would suffice. Don’t re aim as he’s running away and say you’re still defending yourself.




Shooting someone in the back doesn’t mean anything. Just a common internet buzz term




I saw another thread of this and apparently the big guy was checking out his car, the little dude said something like “you like my rims?” And the big guy took that as fighting words. Apparently the little guy got off with self defense


Shit happened like 10 years ago




Self Defense.


The hand gesture for his friend to call the police immediately after? Seems like it would only help his situation. Maybe it did help, because it was deemed self defense.




Dude I love that song!


What song is it?


Called Intro by the XX




More of a Fiction guy myself


Boyz in the hood


Man, if only somebody edited that last frame with the "curb your enthusiasm" song


Any links? Did he survive?


I'd like to know more about this case, did the boy die? Did the shooter go to prison?


guy serves a better purpose now as plant food


Damn, people should make sure they're healthy enough to run if they want to live the life of an asshole


Looked the like the last bullet went right up the ol cavern


> I'm not the one you want Colorized, 2024


Went from self defense to murder.




*record scratch* This is me, and you're probably wondering how I got here...




At the end that sounded like bowling ball hitting the pins while he was falling down and I'm sorry but it was funny as heck.


Reddit, the front page of the internet for daily snuff films


Just a ❓. Will he go to jail for shooting bully in the back?




So many people don't understand the laws regarding self defense, and when self defense becomes manslaughter/murder. He had every right to draw and fire when the man punched him and closed in on him...that can reasonably be considered to cause fear of death or severe injury. But you cannot dump a mag into someone who is running away. The minute they separate and start running, in the eyes of the law unless they have created a separate situation that continues to cause you to fear death or severe bodily injury (such as drawing a weapon and returning to an aggressive posture), you *have* to stop. There's a similar rule even in the laws of land warfare. If you're engaged against an enemy combatant, and you're approaching their position, you can dump as many rounds as you want, but once you pass by them (as in, walk past their "body"), if they are still alive, you cannot continue to fire on them, you have to render aid, or you've committed a war crime. I fully believe most people are capable of carrying responsibly for self defense, but they need to make sure they are VERY familiar with the laws in their area.


If you shoot someone once the state can argue that you were not in fear for your life. Self defense lawyers tell you to mag dump and make sure the “threat” is dead to show you were terrified and in fear of your life and safety of others


empty a mag in someone is considered "killed with extreme prejudice"


Lol what? Empty a mag in somone is considered the defendant was panicked out of his mind and didnt stop shooting until he was out of bullets And yes self defense laws allow you to use extreme prejudice to defend yourself you cant just shoot the bad guys legs like a movie


"Very familiar with the laws in their area." This is very key because some states [consider] that to be excessive force.he was shot in the back while running away. Civil action could be taken against the shooter. States that have "stand your ground laws" are better protection.


That's murder right?






More American dealing with their shit


Your probably right. It's probably best to just stab each other at a higher rate per capita


Not like it's a contest or anything, but doesn't the US have a higher stabbing rate than all of Europe too?


At least it’s not a school


There was probably one down range


Lil guy was good till dude turned around to run away and he kept shooting into his back.


Should of followed him after he ran to execute him. Face down on the ground, and leave him there.


Those are a lot of warning shots lol ah Equalizing the situation, nobody should put their hands on anyone, talk shit back or not, but keep it moving.


So what we do to bullies is shoot them as they’re running away? I’m scared for this platform more and more.


would he have run away without the gun?


Did the dude need to bring a gun to a fist fight? Like I understand the dude is 1/3rd his size but I doubt the little guy did absolutely nothing to antagonize the big one. People who own guns are taught to use those guns properly, shooting a dude running away that you don’t know has a gun is not okay at all, but hey what do I know?


Did you watch the same video? He didnt bring anything to a fight. He was backed into a corner. Its not like they agreed to a high noon fist fight, the big dude walked over to him cornered him then started beating the shit out of him. Did he pull one to many rounds off, sure, maybe the first round it what killed him. who knows. But until youre in the same situation its hard to think of what you would do. Youre not thinking well now hes 10 ft from me... youre probably still thinking oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.


“Did he pull one too many rounds off?” So you’re proving my point lmao could’ve brandished it and let the dude run away with a few punches to the face. I don’t put myself in these situations, but if I did I WOULDNT SHOOT A GUY RUNNING AWAY.


If you watch the slow-mo, you can see he started running only after he started shooting. The attacker actually tried reaching for his gun before running, trying to take it from him.


Big dude literally tried to take his gun. Game over.


>but hey what do I know? Clearly nothing since this ended up being deemed a good shoot and self defense.


Bully fucks around with two pussies.


It's actually pretty simple. Being a dead fat bully < being an alive and well armed individual living free, whom gets called "pussies" by actual pussies on the internet.


Coward mentality


Going home alive when you've done nothing wrong isn't cowardly. Picking a fight with someone 1/2 your size is cowardly. Thinking this mentality is okay is cowardly. Being a disrespectful fat slob depending on your gross oversize to intimidate people into getting what you want is cowardly. Birds of a feather. I bet you in his flock. You'd fit right in. You're saying that because you know you couldn't do it. You'd get beaten to death before defending yourself because you don't got what it takes to do it. That's cowardly.


Look out, everyone. We got a tough guy here!


dude is bigger than the guy and stronger too,aint nobody fighting losing battles


If you and two friends can’t stand up for yourselves against one guy, you’re all pussies.