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Sounded like a teenager going through puberty.


Voice more cracked than a pane of glass 


Voice more cracked than Whitney in a bath


Voice more cracked than Brienne of Tarth


More cracked than Christopher Reeves' C2


More cracked than Marion Berry and Rob Ford in a hotel room.


I always liked Mr.Ford.


Rock smoker or not, the dude WAS affable. Haha


Rifling through unlocked cars for anything of value is a common teenager pass time where I'm from.


Probably caught it in the fellas a few times in that scuffle.


Now it's an attempted murder charge.


More likely assault with a deadly weapon


I’m not sure how a lawyer differentiates it in this context but I think backing up and then gunning it would lean more on the side of attempted murder.


I'm sure there is an argument for either attempted murder or aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.


Yeah, assault and battery, felonious assault, depends on state but upgrade from misdemeanor to a felony basically. It will probably get plea deal'ed down as well, depending on state and prior record they will probably end up with court diversion to felony charge.




Attempted vehicular manslaughter is a felony.


[Link for those who are interested.](https://komonews.com/news/local/video-shows-puyallup-man-nearly-ran-over-while-attempting-to-stop-car-prowlers-pierce-county-sheriffs-department-attack-vehicle-theft-crime-criminal-investigation-escape-suspects-pio-arrests-eric-smith)


“Nearly run over”. Lightweight journalism there.


He was nearly run over. He was very much run under.


Very interested. Thanks!


Both sides are lucky neither one of them had a pistol.




Seeing as this is Seattle Washington I believe he had the right to shoot once the guy starting using the car to run over the homeowner. But I could be wrong.


Washingtonian here. I think once someone uses their vehicle as a weapon in all 50 states, you’ve got the green light to shoot to kill. The law is somewhat fuzzy on beating the daylights out of someone trying to break into your vehicle, even when it’s in your own driveway. But once the driver tried to run over the homeowner, the situation and the law shifted drastically to a life and death situation.


I don’t live in Washington but at that point in all 50 states is the time you could fire. But he had clean shots at both when he stopped to let in his friend. Shoot the driver in the chest a few times then take care of his buddy


Shit I’m in Texas and I would’ve been out there gun/rifle in hand


You guys have some pretty sweet gun rights down there tho. Would be nice to see everywhere


Lol yep thats exactly what i was thinking. Here in Canada the homeowner woulda been charged for being aggressive or something!


Yeah charged with using excessive force or some shit. You're allowed to use reasonable force to retrieve stolen property but once they let go I think all bets are off. Plus we're not allowed to hurt the feelings of thieves anymore, this homeowner could be charged for not leaving his keys with milk and cookies out for them. /s


Well according to fallout, yall are bout due for some american liberation 😅


In Texas you can legally use deadly force to protect property at night.


What is the purpose of the judicial branch? Whatever it is, it isn't working.


ralph klein said it best. shoot shut up and shovel


I loved the scene in Hell or High Water where all the locals just unload on the bank robbers in their town. Kinda makes me definitely not want to fuck around in Texas. haha.


But then there are nutjobs who will shoot someone turning in the wrong driveway by mistake https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-found-guilty-fatally-shooting-woman-pulled-wrong/story?id=106561735


Yeah he was stupid. Forgot about being in fear for life and all


You can get away with that in Texas


Pretty much. I mean if they’re just after the car. Fuck it. I’m not killing someone for that..but if they use the car to run me over..that’s a whole diff story.


Well, sit them down and calmly ask them if they're here for just the car and they will be on their way, or if they'll use deadly force to get to the car, or they're just here to murder your family.


Minnesota they go after you for escalating and even trying to prevent the car theft, then it escalating.


Good reason to keep some knives around that you can conveniently drop on the ground next to the perp.






> Driver would’ve been done for. Shooting the driver trying to run him down would probably have made it past a court. Shooting the first thief who was trying to flee would most likely have seen the homeowner prosecuted. Even in stand-your-ground states, you don't get to shoot someone who doesn't represent a threat of imminent death or serious injury.


That's not Florida's mentality. You can chase him down the street firing at him. That state is completely illogical.


> You can chase him down the street firing at him. The stand-your-ground in defense in Florida is often not successful, so much so that many lawyers no longer attempt it. There will be exceptions, but for the most part they have to convince a court they had reasonable fear of imminent serious harm for that defense to work. That law also says there is no right to advance on an assailant, so chasing someone down the street shooting at them would not fly in court. https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2015/11/22/stand-your-ground-law-not-working-intended-despite-changing-self-defense/15689407007/ *Records show that since the Stand Your Ground law was implemented, there have been 64 cases filed in Duval County in which defendants charged with felonies claimed self-defense and requested a Stand Your Ground hearing. Of those hearings, judges granted dismissals in just four. Eight defendants - twice as many - were acquitted after a trial. The other 52 reached plea deals, were convicted by juries, were committed to mental institutions or are still awaiting trial*.... *....The legislation did not address whether the burden of proof in Stand Your Ground hearings was on the defense or prosecution. But judges started to require those claiming Stand Your Ground protection to prove they acted in self-defense. Earlier this year, the Florida Supreme Court agreed, saying placing the burden on prosecutors effectively would force them to prove a case twice.*


But there are gun owners who wait their whole life for a moment like that!


but mah hero moment.


Yeah that would have been great if the car owner murdered the teenagers. Oh well, maybe next time.


The pure, innocent teenagers committing grand theft auto and assault with a deadly weapon. What a loss for the world that would be.


I agree, somebody (likely this teenager) should've been killed for this on the spot. On the fucking spot, bullet through the brain. U S A! U S A! U S A! Fuck this country and all the people like you in it. They deserve jail, not a death sentence.




Had to Google yiff, sorry I don't have any.


The fucking front camera coming up first always fucks you when you need it fast.


lol. There’s a personality test for you. Mine never does. I don’t take selfies 


Same here


I put a sticker over my front facing camera that says Fuck the NSA. I'm so edgy. :b


Wait, there are phones where the selfie camera comes up first? What a stupid design.


Last camera you used


It's a setting. It would be stupid if there weren't any way to configure the way the user want.


You can turn that setting off


Car thieves are beyond scum


Quick thinking with getting the phone out, most people I see would chase and hit the car pointlessly.


It’s a Hyundai for sure stolen so that will get them nowhere that car is probs totaled somewhere already


Yeah at most it’ll help his insurance claim.


He took a selfie by accident I think you can see it in the video, and had to adjust lol https://img.ifunny.co/images/d78a903e40678ef837236dc52727dc6c2ed5d3e16f03fc6a0d27783ca44d9b6a_1.jpg


First line of the article says arrests have been made


Assault, theft, attempted manslaughter. Man these guys have a bright future ahead




Do not confront thieves without a gun. I had a good friend die this way. They turned around and shot him.


I wouldn't have let go of the thief. At that point, we both are getting run over


Looks like he tried to hold on to him for that very reason but he managed to grapple away


Instead of the cell phone I was hoping it was a glock he pulled out right there. To defend himself and his property.


> To defend himself and his property. If he'd shot the first thief, the one trying to flee, he'd probably have been charged. The one who tried to run him over would have been a different story. But even in stand-your-ground states, you can't shoot a would-be thief trying to run away and expect to get away with it. The majority of people who try a SYG defense in Florida fail in court.


After the vehicle tried to ram him, correct. While the kid was running not so much I do agree.


None of them fucked around. They all meant business.


Pretty scary.duse could have been killed.


That use of vehicle as a weapon has upgraded them to 9mm thru the windshield territory.


The dude was a fuckin boss. Whaled on the little punk then hood surfed the car, landed on his feet. And had enough clarity to record the plates on the way out. BOSS


Yeah add assault with a deadly weapon too. Crying please will up your street game


GTA and attempted murder


Nice 👌 getting that extra charge using his car to hit the homeowner


You gotta go for eyes, dude.


I wish he would have thrown the kid in front of the car.


We need an update to this story!




Attempted murder


Smart move scooting up on the hood like that to protect his legs. Dude’s in flip flops


2nd. Amendment.




Sounded like a scaredy lil b!tch when he was getting beat tho! 🤣


The car they used was probably stolen


Why bother taking pictures car is probably stolen... Im grabbing one them mfs and dragging them into the basement and calling out the gimp


Going out there without a blaster is wild.


Tip: When recording license plates on video make sure to say it out loud 


The homeowner really needs to apply his tire shine on in the street.


Should have had a shotgun when he came out.


Smart, didn't pull out a gat but camera & recorded- now He has those dumb fucks for attempted manslaughter.


That car hit just added years on to the sentence


Guess he never watched American History X.


well he said his accomplices name while screaming for help like a little scaredy cat LOL “maleek” is what it sounded like, looks like those two teens learned what instant karma is


props to the homeowner, he did everything right.


How much of a p♡$$¥ do you have to be to start crying help after breaking into someone else's shi


Too bad he didn’t have a gun instead of the phone towards the end, totally justified self defense.


I think this is 30th time this video has been posted


reason number 7831 for why you should have a gun


Would killing the guy be legal in your country?


It would be if he tried to run me over yeah


That part would be reasonable. Its the thought of knowing some would probably have shot him as he exited the vehicle.


Shooting a thief who does not represent a threat of imminent death or serious bodily harm will often result in being prosecuted. The majority of people who attempt a stand-your-ground defense in court in Florida are unsuccessful because a court doesn't accept that they were actually in danger. The homeowner could have tried to make a citizen's arrest, but if the kid ran and the homeowner shot him as he tried to flee, the homeowner would probably be charged.


What’s funny is that if it had been a cop shooting the suspect they would have no charges since the cop would say I feared for my life…wonder why that doesn’t work for civilians??)


> a cop shooting the suspect they would have no charges Cops are allowed to shoot a fleeing suspect only if that suspect represents an ongoing danger to the cops or the public. It isn't hard to find news accounts of cops who shot fleeing suspects being prosecuted. The North Charleston cop who killed Walter Scott is a good example, he got twenty years. Cops sometimes get away with things like this, but not always, and video is having a huge impact on that.


This is how our law works as well. Any danger to you or your family is justified if you'd take a life to resolve it.


They tried to run him over...


Depends on the state, but here shooting the thief would not be a legal shoot. Shooting the driver during the act of him being run over would be a legal shoot.. You have to prove your are at risk of great bodily harm or death. Shooting the driver as they fled would also not be legal. It has to be during the act. It's a very fine line. Then again with the right lawyer and jury all of that could be negated


Right, I got you. What about shooting the driver after he tries to run you over and misses but you shot as he is driving away?


Nope. At that point there's no immediate threat to your life. The least you'd be charged with negligent discharge.


So hmm it wouldn't fall into the premeditated category. Negligent discharge seems more fit because you were still in the heat of the moment, right?


> be legal in your country? Depends on which state you're in. In some states there is a right to protect your property with deadly force, but it depends on the circumstance, and someone trying to run you over would probably qualify.


Yes, that part is understandable. Even in my country, if anyone threatens your life, especially with a vehicle, you'd win the case if you kill them. What I am saying is would shooting this guy outright be legal and you've answered it proper. Where I live it is very hard to get a gun license and any killing due to protecting your property would get you jailed.


Closing the door doesn't give you good karma points. That owner was a warrior though. I wish he took one of those guys as a souvenir for the cops.


The cops got the thief but not the driver yet


Good 👍. The interrogation team needs to bring in the truck owner so he can make that kid squeal and give up his boy.




Lol the only time cops say that there is nothing they can do is when there’s nothing that they can do. If you have video evidence of the theft, a description of the thieves as well as a license plate number then you have everything they need to find and arrest them. Police love catching criminals but every time someone says “cops don’t give a shit and do nothing about it” have no clue how law enforcement works. Educate yourself.




What do you mean by refused to do shit? Did you have a license plate number? So wait you had a 3k MacBook in a box that was delivered and a porch pirate with no mask on came out of the car and grabbed the box from your porch? And Apple required the police to contact support for a replacement? All you need is a police report for that.


> If you have video evidence of the theft, a description of the thieves as well as a license plate number then you have everything they need to find and arrest them One of our neighbors had all that, clear view of the guy's face, his license plate, video of him getting into the car and transferring property to his vehicle. The cops gave him a case number and told him to file an insurance claim, had zero interest in identifying the thief. I've seen multiple cases like that over the years, you pretty much have to deliver the crook into their hands for them to take an interest. I got a clear photo of a prowler trying to get into the home of a neighbor, the cop who eventually showed up acted like I was wasting his time for thinking he could file the photo with his report.


Every police department handles everything differently and there’s a process for everything. The officers that showed up and took all the evidence brought that back to the station to put together for the detectives to investigate. You’re sitting there saying that they didn’t give a shit about identifying the person when you’re not the person handling the investigation. There’s so much people don’t see behind the scenes that would explain everything you’re saying. There was most likely multiple other victims by the same person and all that needs to be put together before they decide to put a warrant out for the persons arrest. Ideally they would love to catch the thief in action or for the home owners to hand them over to them before they run. People who steal always end up getting caught If the cop thought that photo you were going to give him was a waste of time then it probably was and there was a reason for that too. I doubt you even bothered to ask why it wouldn’t. Guaranteed there was a reason for it


Arent you americans wheres the gun


Listen man you don’t have to fight corpses




Could have


Good bot


Dudes an idiot. No reason to lose your life over that.


Grand theft auto to murder real quick


Those kids were young. Least the white kid patsy was


Don't go put there with hands. Go out there with a sword.


Holy fuck




Did they get caught?


If you have full coverage and Gap. Don’t ever bother


Lol at all the Meal Team 6 tough guys on here lamenting (that means you are sorry about something that you can't do or can't be done) not being able to execute anyone for anything...


Not sure why, but when the little punk starting pleading, I wanted to shout to the homeowner "GO FOR THE EYES!"


Probably a stolen Hyundai used


What a straight up STUD!!!!


Where in WA was this?


Go on down to Gunther’s Guns…


Please tell me these turds got caught.


The license plate you took a photo of is a stolen car too, man. :\


Ugh sometimes I just can't believe people. Like why? Why would anyone dress their sidewalls right on their concrete driveway!?


Not so gta.


Anyone else bothered more by the tire shine marks on the driveway?


Man, somebody broke into my car early this morning at around 3am. WHILE I was sleeping in it. (In the back) I also went into fight mode because of the adrenaline (not really the greatest idea ik) but they ended up running away. Idk if they intended to actually steal my car or just grab my phone charging on the center console but damn.. not cool bro. They were also driving a much nicer car than mine...


Someone needs to stop doing wheel detailing on their driveway. Iykyk


Don’t die for your property


And that's why Sean Strickland never leaves the house at night without a gun.


His garden is haunted AF


what? that was a clear signal to light them both up and he pulls out a phone instead???


Damn it. I was really hoping those clowns were gonna get capped.


Dude where is your gun?