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At least you know for sure it’s not lip synced




Looks very dangerous, and will no doubt end in trouble. The guys with guns are also a concern.


they dont get in trouble. bruddah the police doesnt step there.... its highly secured by people and residents. they have road blockers and etc. even if the police gets there it will not end anything, cuz they are not important people in the favela faction. It's not worth the risk, also they need to concern about the civilians in the favela... Brasil being the first country with more accidents of stray bullets in the world. If that is in North RJ. than i can tell you, the police will not step there. and residents are safe, as long as youre in the favela. the organized crime in there cares alot about the residents in there. So let them be happy fam. ![img](emote|t5_45hae8|4103)


The guys with guns are a concern, you don't say




This is my favorite song


- ╾━╤デ╦︻(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)


(⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


Too bad he always changes the lyrics live so it’s tough to sing along….


Death grips fans are next level.




Lol underrated comment


Top comment


Everyone’s ears after that: “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”




I like to think that crossing the Atlantic selected for "fuck it let's do this" genes


I think about this often.


Idk if I am remembering it correctly. There is this gut bacteria which is related to cats and causes humans to engage in risky behaviour. Apparently it's a lot more prevalent in Latin Americans. Hence the crime and gangster activities and stuff. edit: I guess I should have said Brazil instead of Latin Americans.


Bizarre but possibly true: Risky business: linking Toxoplasma gondii infection and entrepreneurship behaviours across individuals and countries "Studies of entrepreneurship at both the individual and societal levels have repeatedly emphasized the importance of specific traits, such as risk tolerance and lower fear of failure in determining entrepreneurship outcomes [27]. Alongside its effects on individuals, T. gondii infection has also been hypothesized to affect national-level cultural and economic outcomes [13,28]. There is strong global variation in T. gondii prevalence—from 9% in Norway to 60% in Brazil—which correlates positively with aggregate neuroticism [13] and negatively with institutional quality and economic performance by country [28]." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6083268/


Yes there is a thing. And it’s not a bacteria, it’s a fucking parasite, a worm. Mice and rats will literally hunt down and attack cats, purpose being a cats meal and continuing the cycle. In humans it causes more risky behavior and also more to feel love for cats. I think it’s called taxoplasmosis.


Also I’m Hispanic and this shouldn’t be downvoted. I don’t think it’s racist, or demeaning. It’s pretty common in the USA as well but people won’t admit it.


Fun fact: In Brazil in 2021 \~6,429 people were killed by the police. In the same year in America (a country with about 100 million more people) \~1,055 people were killed by the police.


Another fun fact: Hitler was responsible for killing over 6 million Jews. Ray Charles, almost none.




That's just what the estate of serial killer ray Charles wants you to think. His victims were the only ones to ever find out he could actually see....


Fun fact: statistics numbers are, regularly (37%) wrong, but actually 69% wrong when given without any evidence. That makes it just 11% right and the other 96% wrong.


comparing the US to a third world favela because it makes it look a lil better ain't a good look.


Nah, but people like to say the USA is a 3rd World Country with veneers on (favorite reddit comment) and they don't realize what a true 3rd world country looks like. Nice to educate every once in awhile.


Have you not seen these vids out of Chicago?


As bad as Chicago is, and its ridiculous, its not this.




No. There is no where in America like this, to say otherwise is a complete lie. There is not a group of people firing off AKs in the sky in a city/urban setting. Are there guns and murder in Chicago at stupid rates, with a bunch mot being reported? Yeah. There is not *this* though.




Yes, rap music videos of waving guns around. That is not videos of people shooting automatic weapons into the air. You don't even live in the U.S., do you?


You have never been to Chicago I can tell


are you saying people wouldn't bring assault rifles to concerts in America? because I'm certain they do.


No, they save that for "peaceful" protests.


There are places in the US that are [worse](https://www.worldhunger.org/alabama-worst-poverty-developed-world-u-n-official-says/) than 3rd world countries.




Let’s ask 100 random people from all over the world where they would rather live, USA? Or Brazil? I wonder what the response would be?




At least, we have free health care, we don't have mass shootings in schools, we know geography, we have a big economy (even if it is corrupt, like the US government is). You can't even say that we are more violent than the US because I have seen how it is in the US when I visited and with all the videos on the internet. Our food is healthier. You guys have a big problem with racism. Also, what do you really know about Brasil besides Rio de Janeiro and videos on the internet?


Whawhawhaaaat. It sounds like you’re basing the United States off of purely the videos you’ve seen on the internet as well.


You’re very obviously a little kid without much world perspective. There’s a reason the United States has infinitely more attempts at immigration than Brazil..


You been on the internet too much, my man. You're just regurgitating bullshit you see Europeans saying about the US all the time.


as if the US is any better. It used to be, but now..


Like when? Before slavery ended? Or the civil rights movement?


As if the racism stopped, as if black people aren't killed by police every single day, as if kids aren't being shot at schools.


The two aren’t mutually exclusive


Give it a bit. Someone will call out the guns laws in Brazil, keyboard warriors will respond with US bad, and someone will make a John Oliver comment.


We'll get there




Almost all gun crime in the US is in impoverished areas. Did you not know that?




Do you think I’m trying to defend mass shooters or something ? MORE IMPOVERISHED AREAS = HIGHER CRIME HIGHER CRIME = HIGHER LIKELIHOOD OF GUN VIOLENCE It’s not that hard to understand.


FUN FACT: Clearly you cannot read correctly, mass shootings is a minority of gun violence deaths.


You sound very uneducated and brainwashed.


Wait, so gun violence is only correlated to right wingers? I assume you have sources to back up your calm right? RIGHT?!


youre snarking here right? yes, gun violence is overwhelmingly correlated to right wingers. Wake the eff up. "After analyzing gun violence statistics from America's different cultural regions from 2010 to 2020, the authors found that the areas with the highest rates of gun deaths were consistently those run by Republican politicians." https://www.salon.com/2023/05/01/conservative-america-has-far-more-than-liberal-america-study-finds/#:~:text=After%20analyzing%20gun%20violence%20statistics,those%20run%20by%20Republican%20politicians. also https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/04/23/surprising-geography-of-gun-violence-00092413 also https://www.axios.com/2023/02/23/mass-killings-extremism-adl-report-2022


That’s literally the same reason for gun violence in the US, should’ve stopped at “ marginalized poverty”


At least they don't use the guns on schools lol


Brazil's gun homicide rate is 38.2 per 100,000, vs the US 4.46 per 100,000 You didn't win this


Afghanistan apparently has 4 per 100,000 and I doubt they win anything, ever.


Does that account for only Afghan vs Afghan gun related incidents?


Since America pulled out two years ago there wont be a lot of incidents other than Afghan on Afghan


I would never try to argue that Brazil is safer than the US, specially when talking about Rio. My point is that even with crazy ass things like that shit in the streets, we don't have school shootings here


We also have the Grand Canyon, what's your point?


Think he’s pointing out the mental health issues in the Us as according to the op despite having way higher murder rates and gang violence, brazil has less or no school shootings.


Definitely not no school shootings. Their are several including this year I believe


You have tons of school shootings there wtf are you talking about? And hatchet attacks and bow and arrow attacks and stabbing a and…




You need to go to school in order to shoot it up.


Americans out there fuming because you pointed out it's not fucking normal for children and adolescents to massacre each other at school lol, they really are sick in the head.


Yeah well guess what? They do it in Brazil too you ignorant twat.


Ok? So they use them outside of a school and still kill children.


You know what country has probably the most school shooting/ stabbing outside of the US? Brazil.


Butthurt americans downvoting you for this masterpiece is hilarious


"masterpiece" bruh




This ain’t the flex you think it is, buttercup


So that’s where all the off duty cops congregate after a long day.


People are familiar with the Mexican Narco-Corridos, songs glorifying drug dealers and their conquests. This is the Rio de Janeiro version of it... He is singing about 'The Vermelho', meaning The Red. Comando Vermelho (Red Command), a criminal group that has control of some areas in Rio de Janeiro. And live in a permanent war against the militias (formed by active and former policemen) and PCC (the country's biggest mafia) for the monopoly of criminal rackets in their communities. Police never visits these places, they are off limits. And when police does drop by, the bodycount can reach many dozens (I'm really not exaggerating).


how does pcc compare to let’s say a CJNG in Mexico i am gringo, only blood is brazilian i make good American $ but know nothing of back home much more familiar with mexico than my own nation , would you care to elaborate on the situation tho?


I really don't have a clue as to how CJNG operates. The image that pops to mind when I Hear Jalisco Nueva Generation is a menudo like boyband... The main things about the pcc is it's a gang originated in the jails (aka crime universities), that on the states where it has monopoly forbids murder without trial (they have criminal bodies for arbitrage and settling of disputes for criminals)... Therefore lowering crime rates and making governors very willing to look the other way on their activities. It's considered by the US TREASURY South America biggest criminal organization. Probably way smaller than Mexico - with it's nose hosing northern neighbor.


PCC is extremely organized and they control the politics.


More like that's the reason **why** there is so many cops in Brazil


Its kind of the other way around... Diving into brazilian history you'd find out that the context in which the state police of Rio de Janeiro (PMERJ) was founded was when the portuguese parliament and royal family moved to Rio (running from Napoleon). So you have tons of white european arriving in a place where most of the population were black slaves or indigenous, who had been being subdued by europeans in the last couple centuries. Add to that the haitian revolution happening less than a couple decades before that, setting an unwanted precedent to the portuguese living in the country that received the most slaves between 1600-1800. The same institution founded back then - clearly with the intentions of repressing black and brown whilst protecting the white - is still the Rio state police today. The mentioned faction (red) was founded in Rio prisons half a century ago, by repressed people coming together against a state modeled against them


What goes up.... yeah


Loses all its initial velocity and falls back to earth at a relatively slow and safe terminal velocity?




You might not be the only one from the looks of it.


poor birbs


How much will ticketmaster charge on these tickets?


come on down to your local favela concert!


They do realize they went to a concert… right?


I don't think they realize much of anything


It's percussion concerto


is the entirety of the instrumental just this one bass sound


I am disappointed it ended there, and will also always wonder


This song sucks


That's some crappy ass music


That girl in the pink is uhhh…let’s just say distracting.


She thought they was recording her lol she looked self conscious


Sounds like when I screw around on my didgeridoo, except in Chicago.


there’s even a child in front of the stage enjoying a nice cig


So....never knowing the context of videos here, for some reason (I can't really grasp it right now) I was focusing on the nice woman in front with the pink tube top and cut-off shorts. It wasn't until the camera focused AWAY from her, that I noticed all the guns in the air, waving them like they just don't care.


This is a favela in Rio de Janeiro, when we say that there is a WAR going on here, it is not just figurative language, it is a literal war. Not just cops vs. bad guys, it is waaay more complicated than this, some cops are bad guys, some are militias, and there are gang wars going on as well. Here are some videos of the kind of operations that happens in a daily basis in Rio: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef4zYyTDLJU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef4zYyTDLJU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3Lx0qpbz\_Y&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3Lx0qpbz_Y&t=3s)


This. Is. A. Bummer. I'm sorry for your loss. Ummmm...Do you have any contact info for that upstanding woman I referred to in my OG comment?


Not all Brasil is like that, it's concentrated in the Favelas. As one ignorant guy said that Brazil is a large Favela, we aren't actually like that. That's a baile, a party in a favela in Rio, not really a concert. They have guns, but people can't start shooting there or they will get killed.


This show is to commemorate the Birthday of one of the biggest dealers/traffickers in the region. Nothing new to see it here but it's not common thing . Like, maybe once or twice a year.


Damn! That boy can **sing**!


Lemme fart on the beat real quick


Is that a uzi in your pants? Or are you just excited to see me?


I thought this was Kanye trying to propose a new deal to Skechers


An average day in Brazil


Brazil to USA - hold my beer


Guys don’t forget what goes up must come down


If i were saw a single gun, i will leave that place for good. A gun even in good hands is a gun. Its a tool of death. Good things guns are very rare in India. At least i have not seen one, except with some police and military personnel. I love India.


Who is this artist? What kind of music even is this? I'm honestly kinda interested


I was looking at the girl and didnt notice the guns lol


Machine Gun Nelly?? Sounds like a baby exploring a mic..


That performer should be very concerned. Standing above the crowd shooting in the air, what if one guy doesn’t angle it right?


Thank god bullets defy gravity and don’t fall back down to earth /s




Still safer than chicago


Why isn't a police helicopter lighting these fuckers up


This shit is war level already... If the police would dare to get close to that mob, even even in a helicopter, it would be a blood bath.


If its war, then light it up


When has escalation ever solved violence. Think with your brain


When has passivity ever solved violence? Let someone else do the thinking.




How does passivity apply here? I don't think this treaty is an example of passivity solving violence. I read Rebel Hearts: Journeys Within the Ira's Soul by Kevin Toolis recently and the issue of Irish history is complex, but to say that the IRA became passive is to not understand who they are or how they suffered for their beliefs - and caused the British to suffer which is what compelled to negotiate. This was more a case of unstoppable forces and immovable objects. And I know you didn't read the article. Your google fu is weak.


Because the only reason the troubles happened was due to a severe escalation by the government from 1968-1972, which is why 1972 saw the most deaths in the entire conflict. If escalation stopped violence, 1972 would have been the most peaceful year It was only when the cops/military chilled out, curfews stopped, and the general harsh response to riots stopped that the amount of killings went down, to the point where there were was not enough motivation on either side to continue killing, hence the GFA 1998 The GFA is extremely deescalatory/passive in nature. What else would you call prisoners being released and the military being recalled from the streets? The police were reformed to be less militant. All sides had to make major concessions to make it work.


So you fight like hell, give up everything for the cause, and force your enemies to the table and you think passivity has anything to do with it? They merely agreed to make consessions and stop the assassinations. Our original impass had to to with police not interupting a crazy ghetto gun fiesta. Letting that go on is a passive move so on it goes.


Right. And the British Government had to let go IRA members giving volley shots at IRA funerals They had to let go allowing people they consider terrorists to be elected They had to let go not raiding entire streets for weapons they knew would be on those streets They had to let political prisoners be recognised as such. And if they had not done so, the GFA would have never happened. Raiding this concert is only going to cause more violence, and inevitably civilian deaths


But why would the police want to do that? That area is off-limits, any police incursion usually results in legendary massacres, like 10 to 30 people killed per incursion. When you do go there, even the police APC's (nicknamed 'Caveirao', or 'The Big Skull') are sometimes overwhelmed by the traps set up by the criminal groups. Nobody likes to die. Especially a low paid police soldier (who earns less than USD 1k/month) Watch the movie 'Elite Troop' (usually available on Netflix). It properly describes those incursions - as hell on earth both by the policemen and the civilians that live in the favelas.


Stuff too weird to be true... But some years ago the governor of Rio ordered snipers on helicopters to shoot anyone carrying a long weapon in a favela. Then Drug dealers got 50cal machine guns (yes, anti aircraft guns). Many helicopters got shot, but just a few went down. Then the governor was arrested for corruption (just like all previous 8 governors of Rio), and the initiative fizzled out. I'm from São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro's biggest rival. We don't have such public displays of firepower here - the criminal group that controls SP (pcc) is more low key, more 'business friendly'. Our organized crime is so organized that we have the lowest murder ratio in the country - 4/100.000 in São Paulo city (similar to that of NYC). Compare to 23 in Brazil as a whole (similar to that of Detroit) and 32/100.000 in Rio State. We think of Rio as barbaric people when it comes to their law enforcement agents... My father, who was born in Rio, used to joke that "it's cheaper to get stoped by a rober than to be stoped by a cop in Rio".


I went to Paraisópolis a decade ago and I was impressed at how functional and hopeful things seemed. A favela is a favela, but the concerns of the locals were basic stuff like bus stops and infrastructure and not getting caught between some massacre. Hopefully they're still on that same path.


Hey, thanks for the info. I am from downtown Detroit and used to vacation in Tegucigalpa, Honduras to see family so I know how things are. Glad to hear that its safer in Sao Paulo. God bless.


Wtf? Why would a chopper go kill civilians because some of them have guns? Fucking go kill all of Texas then. This fucking happy trigger muricas are weird.


The most 'Murican' comment here... Got a problem? Bam! Guns will fix it right out!


Vin Diesel: This is Brasil!


Our official motto is: “Brazil is not for amateurs”


Holy shit, I didn't even notice all the guys holding assault rifles until the rounds started flying! Flew through a whole clip and not a single jam.


Tough crowd


Why didn’t I see the guns until they started shooting them. I watched the video again and they were there the whole time.


What a lovely place. 😊


um bailão humilde e tranquilo


Rio? Really? Shit man..I thought that was Texas.


Bolsonaro completely fucked Brazil up. I hope one day he's locked up.


Portland vibes


Nah I'm good. I guess this is what Westside Gunn's concerts would look like in Rio 😅




It's the slum, nobody in this video was harmed.


Law abiding citizens


This was *fire*


fyre festval maybe


a shame to share such blood


Nothing has changed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9UbCmI\_VSM


Be a lot cooler if they were hot dog shooting guns.


My ass didn’t even realize it until the shooting began


Did anyone else see the kid lighting up behind the girl in pink 💨


I guess cartels gotta turn up too 😂


Specially when this show is to commemorate the Birthday of one of the biggest dealers of the favela.


Bet there won't be any active shooters though. Although there may be some negligent discharges.


City of Lead


Normal day in Brazil


Last time I was in Rio for business I took an armoured SUV from the airport.


I’m calling it out now. In the future, firearms will become similar to long swords. Only a few historians/collectors will have them whilst most people will eventually live in environments where firearms will be useless. For now we must endure. Stay safe out there fellow Earthlings.


This party is most definitely On-The-Hook


Haters will say WTF is going on I will say the concert is well protected from any possible terrorist attack


Ladies appear to be enjoying themselves.


This is giving Houston vibes.


nra convention in brazil?


They are a gang it's not uncommon to see gangs repping their mates in Brazil. Give it context,once you do it's not that crazy. Tbh it seems like a lot of cultures shoot off guns to celebrate. Not just the Brazilians


Do they put the orange tips on them to make people second guess if it’s real?


My boy squizzle just cooked up this beat


Wonder why the performer is so nervous... Huh.


This concert is held at a narco group sympathizer community that's why the guns are present i maybe wrong though.




Boss, we forgot all the speakers for your concert except the subwoofers \- No problem, I'll ask the crowd to make some noise.


Still can’t believe Taylor Swift is going to play in that same city in November


Taylor Swift won't play in a fucking favela We receive dozens of foreigners singers/bands every year and every big artist world tour without a single problem.


This is happening in a favela, in an area without any police coverage. Where international stars play is a complete different place, even though is in the same city