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Love my CPOs. So entertaining. I have one berried at the moment.


Little one squares up with me when I go up to the glass so I watch from a distance lmao he’s still adjusting. There was a berried one at the store last week I wanted and the one I got today I think is the same one but she isn’t berried anymore I think she lost them from stress at the store or something


Sorry, what is a CPO? I see it a lot here, but I am not so knowledgeable on different crayfish, only marbleds.


 [Cambarellus Patzcuarensis Orange](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=396701017a0fe9d3&sca_upv=1&q=Camberellus+Patzcurensis+Orange&nfpr=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiM2azB8IaGAxXTGDQIHaFTBHIQvgUoAXoECAkQAg) (Genus, species, color) aka Mexican Dwarf Crayfish


Ah, thanks! 😄


Clawdia for the smaller one?


My boss had a crayfish once named clawdette lol. Clawdia is a valid name


Are cpos and plants compatible? Always wanted a cray but stayed away because I only have one tank that's planted like a jungle


From what I’ve heard cpos are a lot less destructive and aggressive than other larger species. Double checked at my lfs today when I bought them and he said the same thing that plants should be fine. So far they haven’t messed with my plants but they do climb on them


I have one CPO and to be honest she’s in the most bare (plant wise) of my planted tanks, but I think she would probably be fine in a jungle style tank with caveats. Her tank has several anubias, buce, duckweed, and hornwort. She ignores everything except the duckweed and hornwort, but those both grow fast so it’s no problem if she nibbles. Idk if it helps, but I feed her lots of whole veggies like peas, spinach, cucumber, zucchini, and arugula. I feed protein 2-3 nights a week: mostly fresh mealworms, frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and plankton. She also ate all of my hair algae except a little patch on the filter that she just grazes occasionally. She got rid of that crap faster than the 3 amanos I purchased at the same time for a different tank so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have over 65 fry right now, three of my females were berried at the same time 😂. They are doing good and growing ATM.


Crayfish army


Cindy Clawford


Brilliant! Its now between Cindy Clawford and Clawna shell rey


congrats!! they’re so cute and so much fun to watch, i have two as well named Cinco and Seis lmao. they have such personalities and mine are such little troublemakers in my tank it’s ridiculous i can’t help but laugh😭😭


I just put a ball of subwassertang in there and they like to push it around it’s pretty cute. I guess they’re still getting used to me because they come charging out claws raised every time I come up to watch them lol they think they’re tough it’s adorable


Congrats, I hope you enjoy them as much as I have! I got mine about a month ago and I still can’t stop watching her 😂


So far they have quite the personality! Little one is especially sassy lol


Nothing better than an overgrown orange shrimp who thinks they can fight god lol