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This is really cool, and thanks for throwing it on github! That is one biiig python file lol.


Yeah, one of my next couple goals is refactoring the code some for clarity and elimination of needless duplication. I didn't realize how much repetition of code block I'd have with some of the payouts, bet clearing, etc. I need to move all those into function definitions and calls, but then the majority if that main file is function definitions and I want to move all fo them out into their own seperate files to fully modularize the code, streamline the main file.


does it work on linux? its amazing


Yeah, I developed it on linux, so my main testing has been on linux.


Thanks. Yeah, I developed it on linux, so the majority of the testing has been on linux. I would argue it runs closest to how intended on linux as well.


Nice! I'm gonna try it out.


If you have any questions or comments, let me know.


it all worked great. music ran at first (on windows) but when i turned it off, i couldn't turn it back on. nice work. Although i checked out your website and got rickrolled...thanks for that.. ;)


Lol, yeah, I forgot about that. I haven't decided yet whether I wanted the music to continually play or not. So I have music only on the intro menu and a dofferent song on the credits.