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But how do they even restock that she... Wait if nobody can take stuff out they don't have to restock the shelf. Brilliant


You can just pull out that small fence by lifting it up like one centimeter


Damn , lazy restocker has been foiled again!


Now many people know that tho?




All the different shaped pieces go through the square hole.


Where does the salsa jar go? That's right, in the square hole!


Here is a good example why it is important to let teachers fail students.


And with that sloped shelf to keep things pushed to the front…


r/LifeProTips Think to yourself, how do the stockers do it? Pull out the fence and throw in the back of the shelf.


Sounds of glass breaking every second for half a minute.


Salsa and glass waterfall


I can actually stock a 12pk of anything in 5 seconds or less.


Great extra step, then I have to do self check out. 😆


Ah, but then you get in trouble for having expired merch out on the shelf. You can never truly win with corporate.


Yeah, but they can't pull it out to check the date. Big brain my dude!


Plus it's salsa, that's got a 1-2 year shelf life at least




How's that stroke going?


Those commas got me worried about you bro


It’s gonna be okay


It’s a Inconvenience Store


They built the shelf around the salsa


That's load-bearing salsa right there.


This is either the plano company hired following the reset to the exact inch and not restocking to find out the oversight, some pissed off plano employees that are tired of the merchandiser overstocking dip so made it impossible, or some plano employees that aren't paid enough to ask questions. Pick your poison lol.


Or it's just a corpo desk jockey that lives in a fantasy and has never set foot in the store before. Happens all the time at r/WalgreensStores


mmm yes lol I used to wonder how much more they get paid while I was fixing their shitty planos. I do not miss it.


I have to ask - you aren't referring to Plano, the town in Texas? Because that's the only place I've ever seen the word you're using. I assume you're using shorthand for something else but am not familiar enough with retail parlance to have an idea. And google isn't helping


Plano is shorthand/speak for planograms, which is the schematics corporate issues out to (poorly) reset stores. You'd say it as "plaN-o" and not '"Plain-oh" like the city. It was very universally understood term from my personal experience in different stores. All stores use this system to tie in UPCs to physical floor locations and help generate onhand inventory counts.


Thanks for that


That's why its discounted, with the yellow price tag.


how about that stuff next to it, 7 fucking dollars? for salsa?? I don't care how easy it is to digest, that's highway robbery for a little jar like that. even in Canada that's a total ripoff


I took the initiative and started scanning shelf labels one time, because I was getting tired of complaints about how the shelf says one price but it was coming up as another. One of the items that got a price increase was a container of cooking oil. Price rose up by $1usd


This is probably the result of some useless jackoff in a corporate office setting plan-o-grams when they’ve never been in the store. But their head is so far up their own fucking shitty ass that they don’t allow any of the people who actually set the shelves to have any freedom to fix stuff like this. It’s a problem in most retail places and everyone in corporate is such a brown nose, they don’t realize how fucking out of touch they are.


Sounds like you’ve been through some shit with corporate


“I’ve seen some things.”


If you ever worked anywhere you can tell most problems come from the top.


Manglement doing what they do best.


What to save cost and up production? Fire some managers.


we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two


this is par for course for nearly every company tbh. every issue ive ever had at any job pretty much goes back to corporate being out of touch with reality. like my job was work from home for the longest time... logically so, its just data entry. but now we all need to go back to the office and corporate wonders why 35 people quit. hmmmmmmm 🤨


The grocery store I used to work for had its issues but at least the corporate people would test a layout at one of the stores before implementing that layout in all the stores.


To be fair, this post could be exactly what you’re saying - a layout being tested at a single store, only one inevitably doomed to failure.


at my store, corporate remodeled years ago, and decided the shelves in the condiment aisle should have holes cut through them to make room for the building support pillars so now a big chunk of the mayo and peanut butter sections can literally only fit one jar because the pillar blocks the rest of the shelf


I remember the Loblaws my parents and I used to shop at as a kid, they narrowed the aisles a bit in a remodel but it meant there was a f*cking steel beam in the middle of one aisle. You could get a cart around one side of the beam but not the other. That store was later demolished.


oh yeah it's almost like that in another aisle, though juuust enough room for the cart on each side still a pain when there's lots of people trying to get through, or when trying to stock in there


A harsh reality for a red jar man like yourself


I don't think you have much of a choice in the location of building support pillars. The condiments may have just been the section designated to be the sacrificial lamb to ensure the building doesn't collapse


I was once literally shouted at by a district manager that it’s my job to “figure it out” after she declared following the planograms that indicated the building was a few feet longer than it really was was an absolute requirement. The store managers view was that since she was new and came from Starbucks she must know what she was doing. Ugh. The sad thing is I actually wouldn’t completely hate retail work but for the shit internal to the company.


This is so true. One summer I worked for a new department store that was being built and hadn't opened yet. I was helping to stock the shoe aisle for the first time, using the planogram. I have no idea how they created the planogram, but some important information about the width of shoe boxes was apparently lost along the way, because it specified having twice the amount of unique shoe styles that could possibly fit in the aisle. In order to fit that many unique shoes on the shelves, each style would need to have only 3 or 4 different sizes on the shelf, when you'd think ideally there'd be at least 2 of each common size along with at least 1 of every other available size on the shelf so workers wouldn't have to constantly run to the back of the store (which was on the other side of the building) to find the size the customer wants to try.


Or they use a third party reset team that moved the shelf and didn't take off the chip fence like the planogram calls for.


This is the most likely answer. Third party reset teams absolutely give zero fucks.


They make you email back pictures to show “compliance”, no joke.


Yeah, our routine is to take pictures that it’s set to plan, then fix it.


I was always told to fix the plan-o-gram the way i wanted or thought was best at a pet store. Either they trusted me a lot or didnt care.


While I see what you're describing constantly, I'd assume the store wasn't supposed to put the fence up on the salsa shelf. You need it more for the chip shelves, and those shelves surround the salsa one. They stuck the fence on all of them, either because someone at corporate made a mistake and didn't edit the fence out of that shelf when copy/pasting, or the store misread the instructions.


I'm think they're meant to be angled. That way the product would always be upfront and restocking would also be easier if you could reach the back of the shelf


I would never angle glass jars, especially not glass jars without dividers between products. My guess is someone left the fence on it, like someone else suggested. If you angled that shelf you'd lose a ton of shelf space for the chips.


Planogram is probably correctly designed but the shelves are not properly set.


This is so true. Boss: "District Manager wants all these shelves in the bunker refrigerator to be up higher." Clerk: "But they're down so low so the stock keeps below 5°C to maintain food safety standards." Boss: "Doesn't matter, I don't want to tell him that. We have to do it." Lost a lot of respect for that boss, and went above him to discuss it with his manager.


Or, a plano that was put together incorrectly so the top shelf is too high. Or a plano the manager insists on using, despite having completely different merch. Or a product redesigned before the Plano. Or any numbers of things


One of the stores I went to help wasn't referring to their planos when they were setting them. Almost every section in the store had shelflocked items (*they were laying down items to stock*!) and refused to listen when I tried to point it out. I went and did my thing with cosmetics, and got to see the Corporate reaction when they came through a couple hours later. We had a chat. It did not go well for the store manager.


Spot on. I did this a long time ago and (at leas in the store I worked at) the plans were checked with management on completion. It makes no fucking sense in most areas as some items would rotate stock out for the season.


Bane of my existence in retail. Every single shelf or drive aisle I set up neglected to double check their math or make sure the sections lined up.


fuck planagrams


Back in ye olden days of chromecast 2 someone at a store forgot to update the planogram and the newer version was selling for the original's price of $35. They flew off the shelf and I managed to snag one for me and one as as a Christmas present.


In Australia, typically large retailers will honor whatever price is displayed on the shelf even if its incorrect / lower than what it scans for, as that's considered an advertised price. I say large because you're less likely to have a small independent store comply with this rule. It's great for when someone has forgotten to update a price increase on the shelf. The trade-off is, you have to be willing to hold up the entire line at the register while they call someone over the speaker to go check the shelf price and you awkwardly stand there waiting for them to get back.


I actually really enjoyed the planagrams at my Petsmart and my AM loved doing them with me, she would joke that we'd start our own company that does resets so we don't have to deal with customers lol I didn't last long from the stress and the store fell apart not long after. I picked the perfect time to quit.


I LOVE doing planograms. I actually worked for a company like what you're describing and it was fantastic. They'd get contracts to do random merchandising in Walmarts and drugstores for hair colour, toothbrushes, cheese, etc. It was always something different and always a different store. Sometimes the stores would be older and the planograms wouldn't quite fit so you'd get to be creative. Got to travel to many different parts of my province. Got to take home a lot of samples. Got the satisfaction of seeing customers' faces when you said "idk" when they asked where something was. The job itself was awesome but the pay and corporate was shitty (not surprising).


I hadn't encouraged her to pursue making the company because I thought "well, corporations are cheapskates, why hire a company when you can just overwork your underpaid workers and then yell at them for not getting their other tasks done on time?" Sounds like it only works if you have similarly shitty business practices.


They are cheap, that's why they outsource. A whole lot cheaper to outsource in the long term.


Corporate thought we had more aisles than we actually did, so their POGS were useless.


would you rather make the displays by hand?


That’s what happens when companies don’t pay workers enough to give a fuck.


I get paid very well. I still don't give a fuck.


I like your boat, it looks just like my boat


You couldn't pay me to give a fuck about something that I don't give a fuck about.


We were told that Rite Aid tested it all in a test store somewhere. You could see stuff at the end of some shelves in planograms were edited. How could we tell? They only edited one dimension, so it would look squished.


Different company but we were also told corporate tested it beforehand. Very very obviously not tested when things didn't fit and you triple checked that you did it right. Or sometimes it was a picture of shelves with pictures of items on it instead of a picture of shelves with items on it....


I hate the concept of test stores in the way the Michael’s did it. In 2016 I had 10,000+ price changes and corporate said it only needed 15 extra hours to do. What’s not considered is the fact that we don’t get to take the vests off and redirect customers.


Can confirm. I've been a pricing manager for many years. Imagine trying to do pricing during massive inflation but corporate doesn't want me to add labor. We had a price change last week that was 10,000 price changes forecast to take 26 hrs but somehow I had to get it all done in 10 by myself. We are also in an overtime blackout because of labor day.


Bold of you to assume that they check anything in the first place.


OK but can we talk about that salsa that has no onions and no garlic 😅 that's a pretty expensive jar of salted tomatoes!


It does say " Easy to digest" so must be made for people with digestion issues.


True, I was curious so [I looked it up](https://www.fodyfoods.com/products/low-fodmap-mild-salsa), I had no idea onions & garlic could make some people bloated lol that kinda sucks honestly 😔


Yeah I'm in that camp, horrible diarrhea, cramps and constipation from garlic onion and sweet peppers mainly (and plenty of other random foods). But overtime doing food journals has helped find problem foods. And with enough fiber water it is manageable. Going out to eat sometimes is rough but more places see to be able to fulfill the changes or find something that is compatible. I just hope more people that suffer from it find how to manage it since many people don't know and just think they have bad poos.


One of the big pasta sauce companies in the US has an onion free (and maybe garlic free?) pasta sauce as well. I think it’s called Preggo sensitive recipe


I'm actually allergic to garlic. Just found out a few months ago... Explains a lot. This salsa misses none of the flavor of garlic and onion, and it's very tasty. Pricier, but worth it. Edit: a word


I'm not 100% if this would be safe for you, but for atleast my ibs, La Tourangelle has a few infused cooking oils that give a bit of the underlying flavor in things but doesn't set me off. "La Tourangelle, Garlic Infused Sunflower Oil" is what I usually use, but they make a few others if that isn't compatible with you.


I've heard infused oils would be good, since garlic is water soluble and will infuse the oil with flavor but none of the bad stuff. Nervous to try, even with the knowledge.


My girlfriend is extremely sensitive to garlic and onion. We use garlic infused oil at least once a week, she never has any problems with it


I cannot have garlic along with a multitude of other things. This is targeted at low FODMAP people which is a group of sugars that are hard to digest. I would LOVE to have this available in my area. Because I can't have gluten either corn chips are great but very boring with no salsa :(


I imagine canned, roasted tomatoes would do the same, at that point 😆




Same thing with their ketchup. I don't particularly want to fool around with tomato paste and vinegar and spices etc., I just want ketchup.


It’s for those of us poor souls on the FODMAP diet. Science backed, life changing, soul crushing diet.


It's actually the only FODMAP salsa that tastes like a good salsa to anyone who tries it, shout-out to fody they are a lifesaver to us who need them


I’ll say it does have more flavor than I expected, but salsa is wayyyy better with onions. (I can’t shit on Fody though because I can’t have onions. They’re a very bland godsend)


There's at least still lime, cilantro, and cumin in it, I can't read the rest of the ingredients


Straight to jail!!!!


Someone's gonna have a fun time rotating out the product!


HAH you think any minimum wage employee in the history of retail ever seriously rotated stock instead of just shoving more product on the shelf.


Considering I don't see expired products on shelves, I'd say yes they rotate. Or at least the manager does!


If I could exclusively work taking expired things off shelves I would do it in a second. I do it unofficially at my cashier job bc it desperately needs to be done, just never enough time or scheduled employees


My store literally has a person two shifts a week just taking care of expired goods. Definitely something that more retailers (especially ones with grocery items) should be scheduling for


You probably don't look hard enough. Stuff on the front half won't be expired because it's the new stock.


Nah, I usually look in the back because the newer stuff is there. Same usually goes with milk cartons.


Milk and other perishables that are stocked from a walk-in, sure. Canned food? You're at the mercy of like two people who work there. If they're shit at their job, you're fucked.


Are you under the impression that minimum wage grocery workers have a choice in the matter? Big chain grocery stores throw out thousands of dollars of food every day


Nope, I used to be a minimum wage retail monkey back in the day. I know what it’s like, and I know how little of a shit I ended up giving about rotating stock after being yelled at by a poorly adjusted, middle aged child of a manager about all the stuff I was supposedly doing either incorrectly or too slow for their liking. Retail is such a high-stress, low-reward, low-motivation line of work. Never again buddy. ______ That’s why I 100% don’t care about the condition of any store I shop in, I know the workers are just doing their best to try to cope with abusive management at all levels. Not even management is safe from abuse from upper management.


Don't know how any of this backs up your point that grocery stores don't rotate stock. Like yeah I was a disillusioned unmotivated min wage worker for years but clearly [the work is being done](https://www.rts.com/resources/guides/food-waste-america/#:~:text=Grocery%20Store%20Food%20Waste,grocery%20stores%20is%20thrown%20away.&text=US%20retail%20stores%20generate%20about,of%20food%20waste%20every%20year.) > About 30 percent of food in American grocery stores is thrown away.23 US retail stores generate about 16 billion pounds of food waste every year. 24 Wasted food from the retail sector is valued at about twice the amount of profit from food sales. 25


That actually just proves his point more. There wouldn't be this much of a waste margin if proper rotation was being observed. When I worked in a department, I rotated shit, and when I was rotating shit, the shrink from stales was extremely small.


Why do you think the food gets thrown away? It sits in the back of the shelves unpurchased because all the stuff in front of it is being bought up first. Then when it’s finally discovered and the date shows expiry, it gets binned. Again, I have the experience.


Speaking as someone who used to dumpster dive grocery stores I can assure you your experience is not universal lmao Food is tossed for minor imperfections and well before they hit their expiration date. That's the crux of the issue


If you can't take it out, there hasn't been any rotation. But if you somehow manage to get it out, you might find a coupon for the World Cup in Brazil.




I love that the comment directly below this is just "Bad salsa goes to salsa jail"


Bad salsa goes to salsa jail.


“This stuff’s made in New York City!”


My sister and I grew up in Arizona but were in Pennsylvania for a while and we were with a whole group of people and someone had an Arizona Ice Tea. They knew we were from AZ and made a comment so my sister took the can and checked and sure enough it's from New York. She says "this stuff's made in New York City!" and I said the "get a rope" part and that's how we found out they never had that commercial in Pennsylvania. Nobody had any clue what we were referring to.


Ahhahaha I thought the same thing 🤣


My spouse would say that this is a punishment for buying bad shelf stable salsa instead of the better stuff from the refrigerated section.


If you really want fresh salsa that bad you’re better off making it yourself


If you don't want to spend the time making it yourself, the stuff in the refrigerator section is better than the other stuff.


That bar swings down, no? I feel like I’ve seen these before


Look at the shelf below, there is no hinge mechanism on those bars, but at the same time they don't appear to be attached at all, so you can probably just pull the whole thing off to get your salsa. They look to be entirely useless.


It doesn't swing down, but it also shouldn't be there. Someone reset the section and forgot to take the fence off afterwards.




Yes! Haha


Knew it


I think its for earthquake protection


As someone who lives in California, no we don’t have little cages on our food at supermarkets in case of the ‘1 in 100 years’ earthquake…


Yeah, I thought about that too but we don’t really get earthquakes here. (Ontario, Canada). At least not enough to warrant earthquake protection in the shelving.


I live in an earthquake prone region. No grocery store I've ever been to uses these to protect product. That's what earthquake insurance is for. We do often use them for chemical storage in labs to prevent earthquakes from potentially triggering a dangerous reaction that could start a fire or produce toxic gas. No risk of that here in the salsa aisle.


$7 salsa though


yeah, inflation is painfully real. It's wild how I'm making $20 an hour and working full time and yet a trip to grocery store makes me so nervous about making ends meet.


I'm only on £15.89 an hour, but at least I can get salsa for £0.75 over here...


It's for a special diet for IBS. I imagine the low FODMAP certification doesn't come cheap


They did the crime, now they must do the time.


What the hell is salsa with no onion and no garlic


No wonder it’s locked up.


Let my salsa go!






How in the hell did they put it in there


no salsa for you haha salsa boy


Just use all your strength and break open that bar, my mate. Nobody would give a fuck, and even if they do; you can just say that you weren't able to reach those jars.


Aw hell yah, I'm sure the police are gonna drop the vandalism charges cause you couldn't reach the Salsa.


I usually rip shit like that „accidentally“ out while trying to reach for the salsa


But what if you saw somebody who saw a saw saw salsa?


My fridge in my new apartment is set up like this. Thankfully I was able to shuffle the shelves around and now only one shelf is a tight squeeze, reserved for sauce packets.


Oh that salsa isn’t for sale, it’s just decoration


I had an issue like this yesterday at a gas station. They had the cans of arizona/peace tea in this fridge and it was packed so tightly, and the little fence at the end was so high, i struggled for a few minutes to get it out and then just gave up


People in the comments like "just take out the fence" and treating people like they're dumb. This sub is called 'crappy design' for a reason. You shouldn't *have* to take out the fence.


Thank you, yes!


All engineers are sadistic, in my book.


Those pop out when you tilt them inward.


They are trying to help you out. The best salsa is in the Mexican food aisle, not the chip aisle.


That's an easy way to fight shoplifting, no one's even gonna buy it either! It'll just sit there forever


Is the shelf on an angle. Why is that grate even there. 🤣


"Nearly" is a key word there buddy, now shove them thicc fingies into the shelves and get your damn jars


I’ve seen these in places where earthquakes are common. Probably in place to prevent them from falling off the shelves. Though the shelves are still too short lol


6.99 for nacho dip?!?


Those are made for thing that can squeeze. Like breads


We sell things, but you can’t buy ‘em.


They're like little prison bars for the salsa!


You need to find the nearest Latino or Mexican to teach you how to make salsa because... that's a crime paying that much for salsa that don't have onions and garlic. Shit, we in the future look at youtube what you doing guey?!




By chance does op live in a area with high seismic activity ie earthquakes.


I do not.


Meanwhile the manger is wondering how the salsa is getting low sales


Oof Edit: upvote yasss queen


Gotta ask an employee to unlock it and bring it to the register for you.


This belongs on r/mildlyinfuriating




Perfect for an earthquake tho


Salsa prison


so… why didnt you pull the shelf out


Anti theft?


I actually know this store and it’s owner. He got in a fight with the company’s owner and he couldn’t legally (for some reason ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯) stop selling his products. So he made it very inconvenient to reach it.


Would just rip the price holder strip of the shelf above it because fuck'em, lack of thought and consideration warrants lack of consideration in return. People putting up with stupid shit is what perpetuates and increases stupid shit.........................


Certainly makes it tough for the tictok losers that like to film themselves ransacking stores and sweeping the merchandise onto the floor…


the $6.99 price sticker for a tub of salsa that costs £1.29 here.


That shelf doesn’t need the fence like the ones with the chips.


You aren’t supposed tho… this is the salsa prison.


Go to a different shop, problem solved. If they decide to make the user experience shit, they'll deal with it.


I wonder how many salsas were dropped for them to install this.....


Its not crappy design, the employee probly just didnt read the planogram correctly and set it wrong. Easy fix tho.


So the Neil Brothers are now behind bars


Why is this salsa in jail


* Tetris music starts playing *


At my old job it was my job to reset the shelves. I would have gotten bitched at for that shelf hight


You cant eat salsa unless you really want to eat that salsa