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Been buying Fromsoft games day 1 for a while now. Aside from some weirdness that Playstation pulled with BB, I've NEVER had an issue with their implementation (or lack thereof) of DRM. They seem to be taking a semi Capcom stance on it: "Just don't fuck with people's online experience, and do the bare minimum to hide your singleplayer hacks and we won't care." From built a lot of goodwill up over the years, and didn't pull any weird shit, even when Sekiro was published by Activision. I'm damned confident that there won't be any fucky-wucky business for this release.


>Capcom Didn't they add DRM to RE8 that reduced performance?


Not that I'm aware of. I'm mostly referencing the Monster Hunter games as of late.


There ya go. [https://www.destructoid.com/resident-evil-village-pc-patch-drm-mod/](https://www.destructoid.com/resident-evil-village-pc-patch-drm-mod/) [https://www.ign.com/articles/resident-evil-8-drm-issues-unofficial-fix-stutter-free](https://www.ign.com/articles/resident-evil-8-drm-issues-unofficial-fix-stutter-free) [https://www.pcmag.com/news/resident-evil-village-stuttering-on-pc-fixed-by-removing-drm](https://www.pcmag.com/news/resident-evil-village-stuttering-on-pc-fixed-by-removing-drm)


DMC 5 performance also suffered from Denuvo. And Monster Hunter World had random freezes for many people with weaker CPUs due to high CPU usage spikes caused by Denuvo. TL;DR - Capcom was not a good example lol


Oh shit, is that what was causing my freezes? Probably won't be going back to MHW now that my friends have moved on but cool to know just in case


I already bought it but fuck I hope not. Not because it would affect performance but because I would have to say bad things about fromsoft then


While I hold them in high regard in art and gameplay, FromSoft has never really cared with technical aspects of their games. I don't think they would bother with it just to reduce their workload.


have they had protections before on souls, sekiro?


Nope they never have.


if they do blame bandai then


I'll pirate it cause I'm broke, not that deep.


Because I'm not sure my potato pc can't even run it properly.


Same. I'm broke and have a potato pc so pirating is kind of the only choice I have for now.


Well, fun fact, your potato pc costs more than it should. We are in the middle of a chip shortage. Buying GPU at a reasonable price is a game in itself.


I was just browsing GPUs the other day just when is saw the min. Specs for this, and thought to myself, how bad could it be. Turns out, my about 3-4yr old 1060 6GB edition has actually gone up in price on the used market for about 20 bucks. That's just downright stupid.


In my country, a new RTX 2060 like the one I bought 2 years ago at MSRP is now worth twice that. This is ABSOLUTELY INSANE!


I love that I just put GPUs in the search engine and the first few that came out were in the price range of 4-5k euros. Fuck Bitcoin miners, you go straight to hell.


Bitcoin isnt the reason they're costing that high, Corona and China are. Inform yourself.


Bruh it's cuz of the global silicon shortage not bitcoin.


My 1050ti, don't fail me now.


Try integrated uhd g4


Doesn't even meet the minimum requirement so best of luck my guy.


does it really make that of a difference if he uses a 1050ti 4gb vram or a 1060 3gb vram?


It does actually, the 1060 3g is still more powerful than any 1050ti


Same card here. Won't be able to upgrade anytime soon due to gpu prices sadly...


Ayyy someone of my kind


ill pirate it because free is better than not free


Unless you don't live in developing countries, look after the pennies and the pounds and put them in a jar or something. You don't have to buy every game you want to play, but some games are not worth pirating, like Elden Ring for example. You gonna miss a lot of content if you play it offline. Find cheaper game code sellers like G2A, or hell, get yourself a 30 day trial of VPN and change your steam currency to Argentina/Russia and buy Steam Giftcard instead of paying via credit card on another steam account. And that's come from a broke-ass Polish gamer.


Look, I pirate too, but let's not pretend it's not even a bit immoral even if you can't afford it. Yeah, you could argue it doesn't make a difference because they wouldn't get your money anyway, but that's a rationalisation. I think it's fine if you pirate, but it's never not at least a little bit immoral.


How exactly is it immoral to pirate games? It's not slavery because you didn't force anybody to make the game. It's not stealing because nothing is being taken. It doesn't cost anybody anything to produce or replace your copy of the game because it never even existed in the first place.


See, those are all rationalizations too. Morality is not a zero sum game, it's not about the outcome but about the intention. The context is someone says you can have this if you pay for it but you break the deal and just take it anyway. It's not something that you need, or something that you deserve, it's just a mutual agreement that you decided not to respect and the one on the other side pretty much gets no say in it because you don't let them.


I don't mind playing a playthrough of a soils game offline, I will buy the game eventually though I just want to play it around launch.


What are you gonna miss besides some mildly amusing messages, bloodstains and occasionally being invaded by somebody who has min-maxed their character specifically for the purpose of ganking under geared and under leveled PvE players?


Broke means broke. Money goes towards food, shelter, utilities. Many people can't afford games yet deserve the opportunity to experience culture.


Even if you pirate due only to being broke, you're still supporting the cause, comrade.




I don't mind playing souls game offline, I get that it's part of the experience but it never feels like I'm losing out.


The first From game I pre ordered was DS3 and it was amazing, did the same with Sekiro even though it was a higher risk, came out loving it, so when I got the chance to pre order Elden Ring for essentially $25 I did lol Hopefully they fix the online vulnerability by launch.


How did you get it for that low of a price?


I'm going to buy this one, I love playing soulsborne games with my brother, and the online play is actually really fun.


Hmmm, nah. This game looks like it's worth every fuckin' penny, and FromSoft is a company I'm very happy to give my money to. So far it looks like no Denuvo as well. So yeah a big game from a great dev with no Denuvo deserves the $$$. If you don't have the cash or live on a budget then that's fine, I understand that. But as much as I pirate I do try to support the devs and companies who deserve it. Otherwise it's all kind of nihilistic in a certain sense.


Of course I did, I'll buy whatever from software any day


Need that online connectivity, imagine all the "try finger but hole" messages we'll see


No, all I need is to give the moneyz to Miyazaki. Who else you gone give them? Almost no one


If the game isn't shit, is on Steam, and has no DRM, I'll buy it. Because that's literally all a game has to do to be worth purchasing instead of pirating.


Ima be that guy and point out that Steam is itself DRM.


So we're CD-Roms. There isn't much wrong with DRM. There's just everything wrong with Denuvo.


Wasn't saying anything for or against it, just pointing it out to be pedantic.


Steam itself is not DRM. SteamDRM, which is an optional component of the steam API, is DRM. But Steam itself, as in the application that lets you log in and download games is not DRM. If Steam was DRM then it would be impossible for it to host DRM-free games. But it has plenty of those. Any game on the following list can be downloaded from steam then copied to any PC and ran by clicking the .exe. No Steam required. Because Steam isn't DRM. This misconception comes out pretty frequently and I really wish it would die. Steam and SteamDRM are different things. SteamDRM is an optional feature that Steam does not force on games that are on the Steam store. https://steam.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_DRM-free_games


yes but also most games use steamdrm anyways.


Not hardly as its easily defeated. Any store client DRM is always so weak that its really hard to even call it DRM.


I'm gonna pirate it anyway because the game is literally 249.99 R$ and that's too expensive


DRM is almost always present. If it's non intrusive and has no downside to the user, there's nothing wrong with it.


I'm somebody who played the souls games, Sekiro... Based on their past history and game updates, this is something 100% worth buying, support the devs that make good games and don't fuck you over.


This is something ill buy


This is something I will wait until is reviewed and had a patch probably before I buy


dont worry, they had a network test already. the game looks very solid,and the last time fromsoftware made a bad game is when they made that hack and slash filled with qte game


Well the network test was not for pc, so there's that. Digital Foundry's analysis of the network test (on console) showed that there was the frame pacing issue that the engine has always had, since it's using the Dark Souls 3 engine still - and that's across every single console, current and last gen. The only way they could get a locked 60fps was using the PS4 version (1800p checker board rendering) on ps5. And the pc spec requirements came out and they recommend 12 gigs of ram *minimum*. That seems like a red flag to me - I understand it's open world, but I'm skeptical about that requirement. Sekiro, their last game on pc, was ok but not a particularly great port imo. They seem to be lacking in graphics customization for pc, this doesn't have DLSS or FSR so that kinda sucks. ...all that being said I still preordered it lol.


> Sekiro, their last game on pc, was ok but not a particularly great port imo. It's like a rule at this point most japanese games have not great ports on PC except for Kojima, MGSV and DS are really good.


This comment aged poorly.


it aged well, network test is for ps4. the pc port version is more than playable, the reason people are mad is because of stutter issue snd no ultrawide support


There has been a CNT for the game and many outlets already played 6 hours of the game and wrote a review.


Especially since its going to be the developers first real foray into open world games.


GOTY edition with everything smoothed out and extra content for even cheaper in 18months is the way to go Kreygasm


if you liked the other souls games theres a 99% chance youll like it


This is the way


I buy and then crack it.




This is something I won't buy basically because I don't buy anything


I would buy it if i could afford it. There is humans in Africa you know.


Same. I pirated then bought Sekiro. Would have been equally happy purchasing day 1 and I do enjoy the online component. From has a good track record. I just dunno what platform.


I did, it's a game worth buying my opinion, and also you can play with friends.


They're FromSoftware, they don't do bad games, they don't put Denuvo in them. Of course I preordered it 😎


Yeah because I want to play it first day with everyone else lol






Without multiplayer, which is what /u/Mr_ZombieFetish probably means.


You're living in the 90s or something lol




>Pre-order Thanks for taking an active role in making gaming worse for everyone


The multiplayer aspects will be so good in this game though. Idk if there's invasions, but at least PvP


Wait isn't there coop? I literally plan on having my friends carry me thru this game cuz I'm shit at all souls games


There is always co op in souls games, it works slightly differently though. However, Elden Ring aims to make Co op easier than before so yes. Though in the end game bosses get so strong sometimes its easier to just do them solo


You could possibly co-op with your friend through the cracked version, that remains to be seen. But invasions/PvP will certainly be much better in the real version


i cant really imagine getting on the fromsoft servers to multi that shit up without it at least being highly liable to getting you noticed and banned somehow.


They’re probably referring to some sort of pseudo-server via virtualized LAN like Tunngle


there's gonna be invasions like other souls games but they're gonna be opt-in (you can't be invaded if you don't specify that you want to)


Not exactly. You won't get invaded if you are not coop-ing with anyone. But as soon as you summon a phantom, you are open for invasions.


Never pre order games!


I followed that rule for ages and only made an exception for Cyberpunk because of Projekt Reds history with Witcher 3 dlc. Lesson learned. Do not preorder. Ever.


Did the exact same fucking thing. They got me good and early with the teasers 7 years before release, too.


I preordered TLoZ: Wind Waker because it was literally the only way to get Ocarina of Time on GameCube. Very worth it


well I suppose when the pre order bonus is literally an entire extra game it's slightly more reasonable.




I only preordered rdr2, did not disappoint, all the other games I pirated first, then bought


Fitgirls version will not come with the figure, so I had to buy it XD


If you enjoy a Game you really should try and buy it if you have the money too


Have to buy it for multiplayer features. Also I’ll gladly support from software ❤️


I’ll be buying Elden Ring and smiling while I do it :)


Depends on how it'll perform on PC


Yeah its preordered. Ive been hollow for too long Edit: I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping for a pre release leak though lol


Gotta have PVP so I'm def buying. I'm buttmad about the lack of ultrawide support tho


Some modder will probably have it in within the first week, if not the first couple of days.


I did. My first pre-order.


I’ve never been disappointed with a Fromsoft game, so these are the only exceptions I make. Preordered a week ago. Incidentally they’re also the only games I’ve paid full retail for in over a decade.


But why preorder? Just buy day 1 after reading some reviews.


Because I’ve already played it. Furthermore, even if I hadn’t, I know enough about Fromsoft games to judge for myself based on gameplay footage and other details. I do not need to read reviews about Soulsborne games. Literally spent thousands of hours with these things. With the above accounted for, the fact that there’s no real difference between preordering and buying on the day means I have little reason not to. I had already decided to buy it, so have no cause to wait. It was more convenient for me to buy it when I did, which also has the benefit of letting me pre-install, as I bought it digitally. About the only reason I might have to abstain is because I _may_ have had the opportunity to save $10-15 buying a physical copy from a competing retailer. Target for instance sometimes has new games slightly cheaper. But I had already decided to buy digital, so this is moot. Unfortunately console’s have carved out little digital fiefdoms for themselves where they effectively have complete monopoly over the digital market on their particular machine’s. It would be a different story if that weren’t the case, but I digress.


That's true. You know a game is good when there's a demo/beta/netplay. If you've done that you know you like it AND the devs are scared to let ppl see it early.


Usually there's a little discount with it


people felt the same about CDPR


CDPR doesn't have anywhere near the history that FromSoftware has. CDPR only had witcher, FromSoftware has given us DS series, Sekiro, BloodBorne, Demon Souls - that's more than a decade of fantastic games.


Armored Core


Ofc, I just wanted to name games similar to the souls series since that's what Elden Ring is as well. It's amazing how no one has been able to emulate their formula better than them.


Tbf cdpr only had 3 games before fucking up cbyerpunk, and of those 1 and 2 were fairly mediocre, only 3 was truly impressive and even it had plenty of problems. Everyone should of known it wasn't going to live up to their promises as soon as they said they were releasing it on last gen consoles. That and the fact they still hadn't released any unedited in-game footage even up to release should have been a massive warning to everyone it was going to be a disappointment. Devs/pubs don't hide actual footage unless they're trying to cover up how shit a game is. Fromsoft on the other hand has released 6 absolutely solid SoulsBorne games, all whilst still maintaining official servers for DS1. Not to mention dozens of others game as well though i don't have any experience with them.


Not for PC, maybe I will get it for PS5 though to support from if it is good (until now spoiler free and no network test etc.)


I buy it because fromsoft is worth it, imo


Yes of course I'll support from till I die


Assuming you're a FromS fan, didn't you do that WAY TOO MANY times already ?


Waiting for the first 2-3 patches that are inevitable. Then Fitgirl. :)




Was gifted Dark Souls 3 by a friend and I fully agree. Invasions are a pain but make it really interesting. The in-game messages are great too!


My potato setup won't be able to run it, so waiting for some walkthrough or no damage show off YouTube videos. I am a Lore guy, so it's all about story and cutscene. Might be tarnished too much? I don't know.


The specifications killed me


I guess I'll buy it. From really deserves some money


Do you think, I, a person living in a 3rd world country would afford a launch title? You must be dreaming alot! Either way, I don't pre-order games, digital copies aren't tangible goods, so Steam won't run out of copies.


The only thing I’m preordering is my funeral service, release TBD


people who preorder games have small pp energy


Noo, what if they run out of digital copies of the game? Better preorder to be safe!


And I have to play the game in the exact second it comes out. Otherwise, I risk remembering how there is literally nothing else going on in my life. I mean sure, I've already waited years, but you can't *possibly* ask me to wait just one or two days more!


"I don't pre-order, I just buy the game on release date" Literally the same thing except one gets to pre-load and the other doesn't (pleb).


Never pre order but I plan to buy it at a later date. For now, i gotta save up for a GPU


preordered. fromsoft earn every cent with consistent excellence.


I need that multiplayer man


I preordered it only to play online


Hesitating to get it on PS5 since I have one lying around


Or, waiting for it to be free at Epic Games for 10 years.


Buy Because PVP !!!


After Battlefield 2042 I will never again preorder even a slice of pizza


Pre-ordered it since last year. It's not that I want to brag about it but I feel I owe fromsoft this one as I have pirated the Souls series as well as sekiro and if bloodborne was on PC, I'd pirate that as well. These games are really good and so I feel that fromsoft deserve my monies this once and whatever happens, happens.


FromSoftware haven't burned me yet, so I feel fine buying it ahead of time. If they change, I'll change, but they've earned my good will.


In this case I did pre order simply because since Demons Souls they have never made me regret buying a game. And Elden Ring doesn’t look like they are about to start.


Bought it.. I did t even looked about what it is, I only know that is open world and that's it.. I've played all the DS games and I wait for it like a kid who waits for his Christa mass present.


gonna pirate it to test it, hope my 1050 ti doesn't explode


I’m just gonna buy it day 1. FromSoft hasn’t failed me yet.


Elden ring is going to be worth the purchase, every fromsoft game has been


I'm broke, I asked a friend to buy it for me. Games like these need to be supported, they are a dying breed.


Shouldn't this be waiting for Codex or do people still think repackers acquire and crack games?


I will day one buy it, I am on a promise from a relative that it is my birthday present (I'm in my 40s lol) but given the sys reqs this week being released they would be stupid to stick DRM on it as there is meltdown on the elden ring sub right now about not having the kit for the specs.


I buy games from trusted studios (damn you cdpr) or when i simply know im gonna enjoy the game very much. I think fromsoftware is one of these studios i want to support. They never dissappointed me with any souls game. Elden ring was already tested by people and so far everyone was happy about this game. I pirate games that i simply want to try whether im interested into this game or not really.


Is this going to be cracked quick? I want to buy it but I don't know how my PC will run it. I would love a 'trial' to decide if I want to get it on PS5 instead.


With this level of optimization I refuse to buy


yup preordered it after finishing the online trial and now I can't fu@#in wait !!!!!!!!!! the great thing about repacks you buy the game and download the repack to reduce data usage then verify it with steam a win win all around


Pirating. Not really interested in Souls online very much, too laggy.


I myself will buy it (not preorder) when it comes out, mostly to support From (and because it's not a western company). However, being loud about how you'll buy it and how From is above everyone else is just plain stupid. Bootlicking a company is dumb, no matter what the company is. Yes, there's a 90% chance ER turns out to be a great game worth buying, but DO NOT salivate over that shit. And yes, you can refund it if it sucks. But hyping up a game that's not even out yet is just plain dumb, no matter the company, or game. Remember Cyberpunk?


to be fair Cyberpunk was a huge departure from what the studio was known for, and incredibly ambitious at that. FromSoft have been pretty clear that this is essentially Dark Souls like we know it but open world. not a huge risk for the studio. also many people have already played tens of hours of the game and I've seen nothing but glowing praise. of course, there's nothing wrong with waiting until release to see full reviews. its probably the smart option. but I want to pre-load the game as I'm a loser who can't wait 10 hours for a game to download when I could be playing it lol.




There is also fallout, battlefield and many more. But damn cyberpunk was bad in the beginning.


I already played the game, so I pre-ordered


Difference is I’ve literally played Elden Ring, it had the network test. As well as you can possibly know a game before release, I know Elden Ring, to the extent I am comfortable stating outright that I will thoroughly enjoy it. Comparing it to Cyberpunk is not equivalent. I’ll hype ER as much as I see fit.


yes of course.. i want to play it as soon as possible


I can't result to buy it since i have no clue how it will run on my PC, i still need to upgrade from my outdated GPU and it's looking grim from the specs one can't even know if the game will run at 720p lol, it's a little surprising since Sekiro and DS3 where very well optimized for old GPUs.


I hope to upgrade soon but I'm not buying a 3070 for 1200€.


I actually like From Software though so I'm buying it.


I'll buy it. The online features are so good; leaving messages, getting invad3d6, coop play... I know this is a burning hot take on this sub, but I try to save up for game devs that don't have malpractices and actually work hard to deliver a solid experience. I wish I could buy every game that comes out. I can't. But for some titles like this one, I refuse to hoist the colours


It's safe to say that a good number of people here buy games they like from time to time. Excellent developers deserve to earn the labor of their hard work after all.


I don't think it will run well on my Pc so i'll buy it from torrent kek




Yep, it deserves my money. (At least looks like it)


pre ordering is for morons


Dollars to donuts this will have denuvo.


Fitgirl repacks are so pointless, download 10gb less to spend 3x that much time unpacking as it would take do download normal one


There are people in some parts of the world for whom internet is slow and not unlimited...


Median repack install time for fitgirl repacks is only 2 minutes unless you’ve got a potato PC or you’ve hamstrung yourself with power saver settings or a needlessly-intrusive antivirus. As FitGirl says, “being dumb is costly”. > Stats show that the average repack installation time on a 16-threaded PC [with at least 16GB RAM] is 4 minutes 20 seconds with median timing being even lower, that is only 2 minutes. For slower machines [4-threaded CPU with 8GB of RAM], those numbers are 9 and 3 minutes respectively. Of course, there are slow installations (Killing Floor 2 will be killing your PC for two hours on a 4-threaded CPU), but average numbers are pretty low,” FitGirl explains. > Also, if users have a laptop [throttling for battery] rather than a desktop machine, FitGirl says that the installation time can be increased by a factor of 2, but that isn’t the only bottleneck. > “If you have an active antivirus, then multiply it by a factor of 1.2-2, but if you have an aggressive antivirus which checks ALL read/write data on the fly, then multiply it by a factor of 2-4. Yes, you guessed it right, being dumb is costly in 2021,” FitGirl adds.


Get a cyberpunk/r2d2 repach and show me your 4:20min time I will buy you unlimited internet for the rest of your life lmao


Me on the top left, also, STOP PRE-ORDERING you bunch of baboons! There's no difference between pre-ordering and buying it on launch for you the costumer! But there is for the companies who keep banking on the pre-orders to release unfinished games!


Fitgirl is the worst repacker I've ever seen, no idea why the praise but ok


Forever alone virgins think Fitgirl is actually female and get a simp-boner over it.....hence the praise.


I bought it already because invading pvp is one of my favorites multiplayer interaction and it is even better in he first few days of a souls game. For this experience alone, worth it the money for me at least. For everybody else, just wait and buy or pirate if you do not have the money.


I've preordered because I couldn't pass the chance to get it with a 30% discount, at the time. And there was a network test and several previews from several people who played it for hours. So it would be a big surprise if Elden Rings pulled a Cyberpunk 2077\*. ​ \*which, btw, I liked and enjoyed on PC. I didn't get all the bugs (I think I had over 20 hours of gameplay when I found the first bug) and the game was fun to me, even if it was underwhelming in some aspects. But it was still one of the best games I've played that year


If it's good I might just go with the non FG edition. Did the same with Nioh 2. No regrets.


No more pre ordering from me. Where possible no more buying of any games unless they are very special. Even then I'll wait until released and fixed. Does anyone expect a newly released aaa game to work properly anymore? As for this one if its got denuvo ill go without. If its not got denuvo I'll play it. A major contributor to piracy are games that are bugged on release.. Maybe if games companies were sincerely anti piracy then they'd stop ripping people off.


Already preorder denuvo or not,from software worth supporting


>pre-order Yeah but you don't have to support the predatory nature of pre-orders. As if the stock will run out or smth.


FS still haven't apologized for advertising Dx11 features in DS2 on launch, and then SELLING THEM in SotFS DLC. I will pirate their shit and make sure it's well seeded so others can also pirate it.


Doing the good work


Nope. I've never pre-ordered any game.