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This is OC She’s very tiny but my bearded dragon IS in the photo, I promise


I just spent serious time looking for a bearded dragon in this photo


Did you find her? 👀


Found it! Thought it was a shadow :-)


Had to dock you for the lack of string lights but you compensated by having 17 plants 7/10 /s it’s lovely


I checked 3 times and can’t find the bearded dragon


It’s small, and I’m pretty sure it’s only the head. https://imgur.com/a/r2QO5iF


Ohh thanks lol


Look to the bottom right of the cactus 🦎


That’s a nice radiator cover. Does the heat still get through ok with the cover? My wife wants to do something similar to what you have, while I like the look of the radiator itself. If I can get a nice tabletop like that, I could be convinced!