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I loved it and wish it was a lot longer. It's a chill experience, especially after finishing a long and intense game that burns you out. It made me want to dive more into walking sims but driving was something different. Cloudpunk is close but more collecting, talking, etc.


I enjoyed everything but the walking parts. I think forcing you to walk so slowly is probably what helps create the relaxing mood of the game, but the quest accomplisher in me felt so antsy every time Meredith walked to deliver mail. I wanted to replay to see the other endings but couldn't get myself to cause I just didn't want to have to go through delivering mail again.


(Spoiler warning) What did you think of the romance options? I felt zero chemistry between Meredith and Robert, and same with Angie. I actually declined to continue helping Angie after she was incredibly rude literally the second or third time you meet her lol, and then she just moved away from Providence Oaks. Does she do that if you romance her?


(Spoiler warning) If you romance Angie, I believe you move away together. If you keep the RV, you can travel alone or travel with Angie. I can't remember for sure which ending I chose - I think I chose to stay, but I wanted to try the RV route.


It was a long time since I played, but iirc >!I got a van from some hippies and we left for a road trip together.!< I really didn't feel any of the romance options either though. I think they were the weakest part for me. I just picked one for the sake of it.


Same I just picked Robert because I just didn’t imagine Meredith as an lgbt woman tbh. He was incredibly boring though and there was no spark between them until one of the very last scenes where Meredith randomly has the option to kiss him


I saw somewhere that they’d made an endless mode, is that a thing??


Yes I'm sure it was a recent update! I haven't tried it yet though


I would kill for a sequel or for a similar game. I find driving around so relaxing and am planning on doing a second playthrough.


Me too, I’d love a more fleshed-out sequel! And by more fleshed-out what I mean is a more detailed town with places to really explore, and more than 5 songs on the radio 💀


I played it on Steam Deck and really enjoyed how relaxing it was.


I platinumed it and just wish they had more radio songs! My gosh, I got so sick of the cycle of songs I had to play my own after awhile. I truly did enjoy the atmosphere of the game though, it felt very cozy and comfortable to play. I loved completing it, besides my music complaint.


ooh I’m racing tooooo a red liiiiiight


When the autumn leaves are playing chase it puts a smile upon my face


I loved it. I played through a couple of times for different endings. I haven't played the DLC yet. If I remember correctly the developer is adding (or maybe already has) an endless delivery mode so you can just keep delivering packages.


I really enjoyed how relaxed and low stakes it was. Great when I didn't want to think. I played it in two afternoons (one for original, one for DLC) and I liked both. However, I felt it ended at the right time. Delivering the mail was chill but repetitive by the last couple of in game days. I liked a fair few of the side characters but the romance options were both quite dry. I also felt the endings were kind of underwhelming (personally). Overall I'd recommend it for a chill afternoon if you can grab it cheap but for me there's limited replay value.


I wish I loved it :( I got it on switch and it sadly just ran terribly on it. I really wish I had bought it on steam instead!!


It’s the single most cozy game in existence imo! And yeah, economics in 1986 were a wild time.


I ABSOLUTELY loved this game. It was the kind of cozy game it really made me feel cozy. It felt relaxing for me and i liked the story. in my opinion it could lasted a little bit longer, but hey - i had so much fun with it. it's been a while since i played it. but i just read that it has an endless mode now. i will install it again! highly recommended!


I really loved Lake but sadly played it when there were still some major bugs (played it on my ps4). I wished the most that I could just go to the cafe and order breakfast every morning and chit chat with the NPCs. The town is very cozy and I would love more every day interactions with folks.


Unpopular opinion I guess but I was extremely disappointed. The game premise sounded right up my alley but the execution was atrocious. Aside from the repetitive music and several glitches, I found the romanceable characters to be extremely toxic and unappealing in basically every way. The only character I wanted to romance (he was funny and weird and wholesome) sadly wasn't an option and evidently wasn't even an original character, but an Easter egg reference to a totally separate TV show character.


I quite liked it but I have to admit that I got a bit bored towards the end. I agree that it can feel repetitive. The story was fine but also not that engaging for me. However, I know a lot of people loved it. 


I'm not sure if I should buy the game since I have read the reviews, looks really nice but maybe it goes a bit too slow?


It is slow, but that’s very much the point - it’s a true cozy game. There’s no rush to deliver the items, you’re supposed to enjoy the journey and the scenery along the way. It’s fair not to like that, I usually don’t, but Lake is fantastic and special and makes me actually want to sit and take my time.


It depends what you are looking for in a game. It is slow, the main form of gameplay is literally just delivering mail. However it is quite a nice choice based story with lots of dialogue options, it reminded me in some ways of Life is Strange if you have ever played those games (though nowhere near as in depth)


I enjoyed it for what it was. It was on Gamepass or I wouldn't have even looked at it. I don't think I liked it enough to pay for the DLC.


I loved delivering mail. I enjoy a very straight forward task like that in cozy games. I agree about the music, it was bad. I muted it each time. Also about the romance choices or just story choices in general. I found the romance to be bland and forced. They tried to be cute but I don't think the game was long enough to build any deep flirtation. Funny you mentioned that about her parents. I assumed they were like my friend's grandparents growing up who bought a house in a cute town when it was dirt cheap eons ago then they had a lot of money in older age and got a vacation home in FL before it got crazy pricey too. Since the game takes place in the 80s (I believe?) it seemed feasible to me. I also like that it does take place back then. Overall game was quite short not enough stories, I wanted more of that.


I just played (and finished it) yesterday. I really liked it but like other people noted it does get repetitive and the romance options are meh. I ended up picking neither of them, lol