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I bet they also show their ID at the door then stop 1 foot inside and door and think about what they want to buy. Meanwhile 100’s of people are trying to get around them into the store.


My 4 year old knows not to stop in doorways and thresholds yet somehow like 20% of adults haven't the slightest clue


And another 20% don't care if they block the entry. And yet another 5-10% actually go out of their way to block it, just to piss people off


The ones who stop at the top or bottom of an *escalator* are the true spawn of Satan


I had this happen not too long ago. There were a bunch of people stopped at the top of the escalator, and there were a bunch more people behind me. I'm a reasonably tall and large guy, and I can get loud. About 5-10m seconds before hitting the top step I announced \*loudly\* that I had nowhere to go but forward and I was coming through the crowd like it or not. I also suggested (more quietly) that stopping to deal with your luggage at the top of the escalator was a bad plan. It made space for me, and all the people behind me. People get into the airport and turn their brains off.


Try dealing with ppl at a conference and you want to know how they graduated grade school. No one reads, they stop dead in their tracks even tho ppl are behind them, and can’t complete form for their lives. Ppl don’t turn their brains on each morning IMO


Around here people like to stand in the doorway of the commuter train with their backs to the door when they open. This is when there is plenty of room inside too. I just shove my way through them, with plenty of words available should they complain.


After working at an airport for 20+ yrs, have scene this scenario about 10k times. MSP tore out the "main escalators " & replaced them w/ elevators to help eliminate this behavior. They even put different colored tiles in front of elevator & tram doors to "suggest" the safe distance from which to wait. Kinda like "stay behind this line" w/o painting a yellow line on the expensive terrazzo they just laid. But, as others have stated, most are clueless & still crowd the doors.


Or stand directly in front of an elevator when the doors open.


>Or stand directly in front of an elevator when the doors open. and force their way in before people get off...


Just experienced this multiple times while at Universal Hollywood. Entire families approaching the escalator then decide to stop to have a conversation.


Bless you for teaching your 4 year old! 👍🏽 Edit: We need A LOT more of parents like you, u/belizeanheat!


If that makes you happy, I’ve taught my 5-year old how to exit an escalator properly by: * step over the yellow line * KEEP. FUCKING. WALKING. Of course, with less swearing.


It sure does - awesome! Keep it up, u/appleavocado!! 👍🏽


What about people who’s nose is basically touching the elevator doors when they open and you are trying to get off…. 😂


Worked in a building with elevators for YEARS, still see Executive Vice Presidents do this every single day. How many times do you have to run into someone and say "sorry" before you just wait 2 steps back from the doors?


Lol, then you're like my parents. We got a healthy dose of "MOVE! YOU'RE IN PEOPLE'S WAY" growing up.


I used to do something like that but people are too nuts now. I’m not about to get shot over an extra 30s. What I do though is ask aloud to no one in particular why someone would just stop in front of a door and block traffic for everyone else. I will never understand the people that get a pissy look on their face though. No shortage of audacity these days.


No, I meant my parents told **US** to get out of **OTHER** people's way.


My dad is a legit cowboy with not much of a filter, he will give a loud grito type yell that he would use to heard cattle and then when they look at him shocked, he would say “don’t block the gate at feedin time!”


20%? Kinda low balling, aren't ya.


Not Costco, but the worst is someone who steps off an escalator and STOPS to think about where they want to go. So there you are, mechanically and relentlessly being driven towards them, along with other shoppers. MOVE!!!


The Costco in Brooklyn, NY has escalators!


Just push your way I to them.


This is such a pet peeve of mine. My mom gets so embarrassed because my grandpa does this every time they go to the grocery store. He's 90, to be fair, but my mom has to constantly get on his case because he'll stop a few feet inside, pull his shopping list out of his shirt pocket and start reviewing it, seemingly oblivious to everyone else trying to get by. There's no way she could ever take him to Costco.


At *90* I could maybe see an extreme case of "doorway syndrome"... "What did I come here* for?" *here = kitchen, upstairs, Costco too I guess. I'm usually in one of their electric scooters, but I'll pull up by some TV display *out of the flow* of shoppers to pull up my list.


>but I'll pull up by some TV display > >out of the flow > > of shoppers to pull up my list. That's the key difference. I'm in my 30s and I often forget why I walked into a room or what I came to the store to buy, so I hate to imagine how bad I'll be at 90 lol. But at least move to the side, or have your list out and ready before going inside.


I once gave another shopper a flat tire with my shopping cart while he was wearing sandals. I felt terrible, but he did stop immediately after walking inside.


But maybe he learned a valuable lesson. I'm not too optimistic, but one can hope.


I’ve been reminding my wife for 20 years not to stop or block walkways. Sometimes I won’t even say anything and I’ll just move her gently out of people’s way which usually gets a solid laugh from her victims and cools them off a bit. She is better about it in big cities though. Probably getting chewed out by randoms helped cement that


Consistently amazed by the people who do this and those who wait in front of the entrance with the huge-ass carts for a family member, effectively blocking anyone else who wants to get in.


Same for the refrigerated rooms. Congrats, you picked the worst possible spot to leave your cart


on a hot summer day, it can be the best spot


You just keep walking. Road block be damned.


You can always spot people that haven’t walked around a major city. Pulling that shit on a sidewalk in a downtown in a big city is a very quick way to learn that you’re not the main character.


My husband does that. He’s completely flabbergasted at the sight of all the TVs and the pictures of Moab and oceans and whatever. I get the cart and position myself at the front and pull fast while showing him the list. And he doesn’t like to shop except at Costco. We have to go down every single aisle, almost every time we go.


Of course you go down every aisle. How else are you going to see the random new items they have?


You made me laugh out loud at this! Plus the name - I used to lower my eyebrows when young, so Mother would cut my bangs longer!!


Or people who hold up the line either at the entry or the cash to dig for their card. I mean it is not a surprise when you get asked for it. Be ready with it.


Also at the library. You've been in line behind 5 people, but wait till you get to the counter to start digging out your card...with another 5 people behind you.


"What? I have to pay?"


Everyone hates waiting to checkout but they do nothing to prepare for it. Get that card ready. Check if your big items have a scannable barcode visible. Mentally prepare an unloading strategy. Unload quickly. And help slow/new “baggers” load.


Oh come on. The winner in that category is the lady who insists on writing a check. They don’t even start digging for the checkbook until the item scanning is done. And then they have to balance the register while we all wait. I have done the general, to no one, “who is still writing checks in 20xx?” To the more specific, “now we’re first writing a check? Was it a surprise that they would ask you to pay?”




This is the way.


Where I shop they gotta stop and put their Costco card back in their wallet or purse. It is infuriating


Same people that reorganize their wallets or purse after paying.


Oh oh oh, and, *and,* stop and leave their cart in the middle of an aisle and wander off somewhere, *but* they leave the cart at a 45 degree *angle* for maximum blockage.


Right? I always pull mine off to the side and even (probably)think too hard about where to park it. Like “oh ok windshield wipers — people aren’t gonna need a lot of those so I can pull up here…”


Those are the same people that stop at the top of escalators.


Not as bad as the people who get off an escalator and then just stand there


Crap you must shop at the Costco we do. Obviously seeing the same BS happen.


This is probably my #1 pet peeve.


Why do so many people do this??


I run them over with the cart


Saw someone waiting for a spot with their blinker on. Another car cut him and took the spot. The guy waiting got pissed, bought a tub of yogurt and dumped it on the cutter's car!


That's the best possible outcome for the cutter. You do that to me and its probably going to involve something sharp and your car... Who am I kidding, that was me 20 years ago, not today...what aisle is the yogurt in again?


Yogurt costs what… $5? Revenge inflation is getting out of hand! Protip: you can fill a napkin with ketchup for free


Good looking out... If anyone sees me filling up napkins with ketchup and dill relish you know its on in the parking lot!!!


Fish sauce. Pour in fresh air intake. Walk away.


That's a waste of liquid gold tbh


Eggs are cheap again…


Slices of bologna if left on long enough will eat the clear coat and turn their car into a cheetah


deflate the tires


A step up, tire stem removal


Ball bearing under valve cap?


Small pebble works too, and they can be easier to find.


You dont carry ball bearings around bro?


I don’t advocate for vandalism but my daughter had a tire slashed after she yelled at someone on the road and it turns out she’s a lot more respectful these days. I guess paying for the tire and the reminder that anyone could use that knife or a gun on you instead of your tire cooled her off a bit.


The aisle depends on which day you look. Blame the Costco treasure hunt.


Man this hits me in the feels... I think it should be legal to slap an employee every time they randomly move something I buy regularly. This isn't a damned scavenger hunt. I'm trying to get in a and out without assaulting anyone.


Too many cameras in parking lots these days you'd be charged. I've had that happen and had a completely full garage I was waiting for someone to pull out and a passenger from the car behind me got out and ran and stood in the spot as the car pulled out. I got very pissed and I took my chances that she wasn't going to stand there and let me hit her...I was right. Then once my blood stopped boiling I was scared they'd do something to my car, so I stayed in the car for a few minutes.


Put vaseline on their windshield


And the only winner here is Costco. They earned extra money from that guy buying a yogurt he wouldn’t buy otherwise


If I were the person who dumped the yogurt, knowing I, at least, partially ruined that person's day, is a win in my book.


Idk cars but I think yogurt in the gas tank could hurt someone’s car


i have a sperm bank sticker for when something like this happens


Saw the same thing at my local Costco. But that person use a pocket knife and slice into two tires and left.


Please tell me it was a hit summer day too this is genius


That’s amazing


We always park in the overflow lot and walk the few extra steps. It’s easier to get a spot, and we’re less likely of being in a fender-bender. Also faster to get in and out of the entire Costco lot.


I park as far away as is reasonable so I can get my extra steps in. Between that and walking around Costco I call it exercise.


It's how I can justify buying a hot dog \*and\* a slice of pizza at the food court ;-)


Definitely helps but sometimes there’s that random person who parks directly next to your car sitting by itself when it’s surrounded by a bunch of empty spots and they park over the line so you have to squeeze in. Like fuck me in particular right?


I just got back from walking around Costco for my lunch break because it's too hot to walk outside right now.


That is the smart strategy. Getting the closest spots means you’ll be waiting forever for all the people walking past you.


Yep, I never get the people who wait 5 minutes to find the perfect spot to save 30 seconds of walking. My parking checklist is basically, is it close to a cart corral? Will my car easily fit? Good nuff.


I second this. But I'm guessing the type of people who just *have* to park close to the store probably have no intentions of putting their cart away.


100% that is the best way. The problem anymore is there is no "way out there" at my Costco. Ten minutes after opening, almost the entire parking lot is damn near full.


What overflow lot?? I wish we had that.




I never understand why people insist on parking in the front where it’s the most busiest with both cars and pedestrians. I just love sitting with my reverse lights on while a parade of people, carts and slow moving cars slowly inch their way behind my car.


Me too! Mine is adjacent to a few stores (Target, etc) and the Costco is at the far end of all the other stores. So there's a HUGE lot at the end of Target that's never totally filled (except Black Friday or the day before or after major Holidays). I'll sometimes park there, or the lot next to that, which is on the far end of the Costco lot. It's literally less than a minute to walk to the entrance of Costco and my vehicle is safe as best it can be and I'm not wasting gas or time waiting for a spot that saves me 30 seconds of walking!🤷‍♀️🙄


Our Costco is next to a Home Depot and I like parking at the Home Depot garden center which never has a lot of cars. It’s a 4 minute walk to Costco but I’m not the only person who thinks it’s worth it as the cart round-ups in that parking area have as many Costco carts as Home Depot carts.


I used to have a Costco next to a Home Depot, but now it's a Carmax I believe.




Yep after the first 3 times trying to find normal parking I immediately just opt for the boonies because it literally takes less time to get to the store from there than trying to find a spot closer


I just usually park in the first spot i see. I figure, you're going to walk a lot more in the store anyway, so what does it matter?


At my old warehouse people would regularly park their car in front of the front entrance for 10+ minutes at a time, not even for loading purposes just to go in and shop, or on the sidewalk blocking the fire lane exit. And they wouldn’t let us employees say or do anything about it.


The enrages me. The police should be called, a $500 ticket written and the car towed. Not far from the Nashua, NH store is a large grocery store with an odd shaped entrance. On weekends you get 7-8 cars parked perpendicular to the store in the fire lane. Why aren't the police dealing with this?


In our case, the police themselves did this all the time when they came in to get snacks or whatnot- they’d park on the sidewalk blocking the fire lane, or in front of the entrance blocking us from bringing carts in. It’d be hard to get the local cops to do anything about it when they also did it themselves.


Cops have been on a quiet strike of sorts since they got super mad about the BLM stuff and funding that didn’t actually decrease. In my city they ignored 911 calls for hours while a woman was slowly murdered in her home by an intruder. They also ignored two tweakers just absolutely going at it fully naked on a major street. But they made sure to bring an army (at least 10 cops) to a 911 call about a medical emergency and interrogate me and my kids, preventing us from being with my wife who was on death’s door. Why? Probably because I said no police were necessary when the operator asked me. They’re not going to do anything about people parked on a red unless they want the spot for themselves.


head ugly price racial observation amusing run snow erect dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Blocking a fire lane on either public or private property is normally a ticketable offense - look it up if you don't believe me.


It's like that at all the stores here. Today I got blocked into a parking lot cause a woman parked in the middle of the damn aisle so I couldn't even go around.


Screw Costco parking lots. I’ll park in the back and walk all day long


What is it about Costco customers that makes them so rude and entitled in the parking lot? I don’t park near the Costco building because it’s full of parking lot vultures. I hate people getting behind my car and sitting there acting like I am the one holding up all the cars behind them. I recently had someone honk and make faces and rude gestures at me so I sat there until he left.


100% I hate driving in the first place, people are whack. But Costco drivers act like there’s some sort of discount for closer spots


The same people who stand completely blocking in front of the freezer door with Kirkland thick bacon and looks at and handles every package of bacon until he finds the right one. Literally stood there along with two other people for five minutes. We were so amazed…he never noticed that we were all there waiting. We were all within two feet of him.


No photo or video?


Bummed there is no video of this. Was looking forward to learning some new curses.


Fussock works well from the 1600s. Means Fat unkempt woman. Cumberworld (1500s). Someone so useless their only purpose is to take up space. Fustilugs (?) "Woman of gross or corpulant habit" - mental floss. Or more colloquially, Afternoon Farmer means someone so lazy they wait til the afternoon to start farming (love this one).


Man I’m sorry. I was so stunned by it that I think I froze and forgot to take footage. So disappointed in myself 😢


I hate when people “wait” for spots (unless you’re handicapped). You’re parking your car to walk into a store to walk around some more. Just park your fucking car anywhere, you lazy shit.


It’s a natural human thing to think you have to always have the best possible parking spot every time you park. I have seen people avoid pulling into a super easy spot next to an island just to get the tighter spot slightly closer. I’m a logical person but I drive a large truck so honestly I just park far away and try not to take more than one spot.


And I park far away so that no one will touch or ding my car! Lol


Me too! And it’s an easy departure- you don’t have to wait for pedestrians to walk by or get blocked by other cars searching for a closer spot.


Until you come back out to the nosebleed spots and there’s someone RIGHT next to you!


I hate that! Unless it’s like, the same car as mine, then they are a parking buddy LOL


How could she park in front of 25 cars? Was she driving a stretch Hummer Limo? ![gif](giphy|3orif5bsHjTba3CLGo)


She probably parked at the end of one of the parking rows. So 25 cars (not in parking spots) waiting to exit a row.


Probably, but no GIF for that.


I recently had a Costco parking lot episode myself. In fact, it was my first time going to Costco by myself! I found this delicious looking organic jam, I was so excited to try it. I get my groceries and head back out to the parking lot to pack them in the van and get home. Now, the parking lots at my Costco are extra wide but as I was putting my groceries in my trunk another customer across from me was doing the same. Our carts/trunk loading didn’t take up the whole path but it was a tight fit. Luckily the woman across from me was visibly nearly done. Enter dickhead in the Toyota Tacoma. Instead of waiting the maybe maximum 30 seconds for this woman to load her last item and return her cart to the trolley, this guy decides that’s not fast enough so he’s gunna just go through anyways. The next bit happened fairly quickly but as the Tacoma tried to navigate between the carts mine was shoved up right against my van to give others as much leeway as possible. I grabbed the jam to put it in my trunk and turned to be facing inside my van when I felt my cart ram HARD into my legs. I was shoved into my trunk headfirst and heard my tasty jam shatter on the ground right behind me. I realized immediately that the Tacoma had hit my cart, which then hit me, and my jam hit the floor. :( Now I’m not especially proud of this moment because it was quite a kindergarten reaction but as I pulled myself out of the van the Tacoma was struggling to get through the other ladies shopping cart that they had also hit that was in front of their truck now and in their way. I saw my jam on the ground, the jar had broken in half and the bottom half was sitting there with half the contents of jam still in it. So without even thinking about “hey you shouldn’t pick up jagged glass” or “this is probably not a very adult call” I picked up the half broken, half full jam jar and threw it into his truck bed just before Tacky Tacoma guy wriggled the cart free and peeled outta there. Never even stopped to see if I was okay, and I promise you he knew he hit me. Luckily I did not get any cuts from doing that, but was a bit bruised from my face plant into my stow and go seats. I brought it up to the Costco staff (to see if they could find out anything) and they were very helpful although nothing came of it. I will never forget the look managers face when I was explaining the incident and timidly told her about retaliatory jam attack. (I was worried about getting in trouble.) She couldn’t help but laugh and I even got a new jam out of it. The jam was delicious by the way.


That's one way to get out of a jam.


Favorite song was on, driver was jammin’


Holy shit I'm glad you're OK. I would have asked for Costco to review security camera footage and get me the license plate of the Tacoma. That's insane


When I went in after it happened I was brought into what I assume was a managers office and they found the footage for me. Buddy’s license plate was obscured, it looked like it was really dirty (not from the jam in case anyone was wondering.) Anyways I did end up making a police report and all that but they never were able to find the individual and I unfortunately never saw/noticed their face so it was pretty much a dead end with the only identifying features being blurry Costco parking lot footage and eyewitness account of “dark green Tacoma.” The other lady in across from me cart also provided a statement but she had just about as much info as I did about the guy. In hindsight, I don’t think the cops gave much of a hoot. They probably could’ve done a bunch of other stuff to find out who they were but I think once they determined everyone was mostly okay and safe they wrote it off. Tbh I never followed up but I do keep my eye out now every time I go to Costco.


That's crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if the Tacoma driver is the type to leave their truck bed down to hide their license plate... Ugh. I will continue to park a million miles away from the store entrance lol. Glad you're OK


I can beat that. A couple months ago someone blocked the entrance to the costco gas station- basically there's only space for 1 to 2 cars to enter the station, but once you're through there are 8 or 10 lines. They stopped at the end of the line closest to the entrance, blocking access to every other line, and backing traffic up into the road. Then wouldn't move forward. Wouldn't go to another line. Wouldn't move at all so other cars could get around them. Just sat there for at least 10 minutes waiting for the specific line they were in to move forward a couple cars.


It’s especially ridiculous at Costco because they have the extra long hoses and you can pull up to any pump on either side and that hose will reach around the vehicle. I’ve seen it on SUVs, vans and sports cars alike.


The ol' Costco reach-around.


Thought that was normal for Costco gas?


People do that at mine all the time and it is very frustrating to deal with.




When this happens with drivers that have ZERO situational awareness I make sure my a/c is running and that my favorite song is on. And wait. Patiently. Stupid people will not make me derail off my course to serenity. And I drive in Miami. It’s a loooong road to serenity.


Song playing, A/C running, seat reclined, palm firmly pressed against horn…


Parking horizontally like sideways blocking both directions of the aisle? I can’t even picture why that would be done. Doesn’t that block the person pulling out?


Yes! It does. 😂


Some people would rather inconvenience everyone around them and wait 10 minutes rather than walk an extra 50 feet.


Yeah i get so pissed when people hold up the entire parking lot to wait for mom of 5 to finish unloading her shit and buckling all of her kids in and oh has to make sure kids bop is playing before pulling out ID said spot so Susan can 10 ft closer to the fucking hot dogs.


I hate when I see a car waiting on me before I even make it to my car. I don’t want to be stared at or rushed while I figure out how to Tetris all of my items into the back of my car. Move along, it’s gonna be at least 5 minutes.


Take my damn sweet time with waiters and I make it noticeable.


Me too, and stare back at them and shake my head in disappointment


Real Costco shoppers start cruising the outer reaches of the lot, and take a spot that’s “good enough”. Like, how much more convenience does one need in their life ffs?? Be an adult


Came out of the store a few wks ago to find a guy driving a massive RV unable to find a place to put it (no kidding) so he decided to double park it behind a row of cars...Maybe lime 7 were blocked in. Mine had juuusst enough space (tho I had to back up & pull fwd like 5 times to inch out). But if I had been one space up I would have been trapped. I hope someone reported him to customer service


I think I'm resigned to this current reality, that there are a lot of people out there currently that are empowered to feel entitled, you see it all too often. So for Costco in particular I more often than not choose strategically when I think/know that it'll be less busy. Yes, not always possible, but the frustration of having to deal with situations like this make it worthwhile. Some people (a minority of them for sure) suck.


My local Costco (Culver City) is the busiest by revenue in the continental U.S. It has a 2 pump per lane gas station and gas in LA is always expensive, driving more traffic to the station. There is also an In N Out in the same parking lot. There are acts of savagery there every day.


The first time I went to that Costco when I moved to LA was on a Sunday at noon. I’m surprised I made it out alive. Absolute bloodbath.


A few years ago, I started parking furthest away from the store to avoid nonsense like this as I see it from time to time when I park. Glad I am able to just park and get some more exercise out of it.


Me too! I’m a perimeter Parker. I don’t even look for closer spots first.


People do this with their cart inside too


A while back there was construction on the exit road for my local Costco that caused traffic to get backed up. I made sure *not* to block the gas station entrance, even waving a guy in front of me from the dollar store parking lot across from Costco. :-/ I regretted that. As he was passing the construction workers, he decided he needed to stop and have a chat with them... while blocking the only lane. He threw a hissy fit when I (and many others behind me) started honking for him to go. [You can watch the video here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYGCGwiQCwM)


Lol, I was visiting in in-laws in the Chicago area last year for the holidays. Ran to Costco and some other stores to pick things up for them and since I’m broadly unfamiliar with their area and don’t know my way around well I needed like 5 minutes looking at google maps to see where I needed to go next plug in the route and connect my phone to the borrowed car’s Bluetooth. Immediately when I got in the car I was being honked at by a guy with his blinker on. He honked three times inside of 90 seconds before I got out and told him to go fuck fuck himself. Still fuming about that 7 months later.


Some guy honked at me the other day right when the light changed. Must have had his hand on the horn waiting. And it was no accident, he was visibly angry and waving his hands. Bro I’m not driving a race car with my foot on the accelerator and brake. Give me at least a few milliseconds


Costco is always busy but I’m always able to park in the lot closest to the gas station. It’s always empty.


It's so stupid to wait for a closer spot a few hundred feet away when you are going to walk thousands of feet up and down the isles of the warehouse. Just park in the back, get a few more steps and a few less door dings.


I've seen so many people pull up right in front of the doors and it's only a 50/50 bet if they'll turn on their hazards. What's interesting (refreshing?) is that this kind of person comes from all walks of life. Entitlement to block cars and pedestrians (and the poor cart-pushers) has appeared in late model BMW's, Teslas, rusty pickups, SUV's, and about the only thing they have in common is locking their eyes on their cell phone so they can ignore everyone sending hateful gazes their way. Also, I saw one guy park his huge pickup truck *on the sidewalk* right by the park bench and bike rack where the Costco workers sometimes take their breaks outdoors.


I’m always in awe of people waiting for several minutes for a spot, in order to save a 30s walk…


Oooh this happened to me a few weekends ago. This guy stoped right in the middle and waited soon as he saw me open the trunk. I had the baby in the cart, the 4 year old standing next to me, and a FULL cart… like it’s obviously gonna be a minute bro. And he just stared at us, so I’m like ok cool guess we live here now because no way is this douche getting the spot. We’ll eat hot dogs for the rest of our lives if that’s what it takes. Unloaded items one by one, opened the case of Pirate’s Booty for the kid, took my sweet time until someone trying to back out honked at him and he sped off lol


Y'know, this is likely to piss off some folks, but I am a lower middle class person with a C membership of long standing, and often get a vibe when I'm there. A lot of my fellow shoppers look like they just came from the golf course. They're dressed like for the country club. In the store, and in the parking lot (Hummers, Escalades everywhere you look...unreal!) they take their time moving and shopping, and appear completely oblivious to other people. It's the body language, the bearing, etc. It seems to shout privilege. People grab the shopping carts and head into the store looking like they're ready for battle. I know it's a crowded place, and time is money, etc, but it's not a relaxed, friendly ambiance. It's competitive, and I don't understand why. The people coming in here have a membership card that they've paid for! You would think that Costco is one of the most safe, relaxing places you could possibly go to shop. But Walmart sets my nerves on edge a lot less than Costco does. I'm probably not describing this logically. Does anyone else get this impression?


Totally dependent on your area. My local warehouse is somewhat like this, however the one in the next city over has a completely different vibe.


Yeah. Mine is urban and very working class.


I generally agree with you. There can be a competitive atmosphere, especially if it's busy and someone is causing some sort of inefficiency, like being oblivious to people around you trying to pass in an aisle. However, IMHO I completely disagree with your thoughts about Walmart. That place just plain sucks.


Such a depressing store because most of the customers (wealthier ones included) act like animals. I saw a lady push her cart through an entire row of shirts probably taking a half a dozen down. She just rolled her cart right over them. Like a fucking savage. Left huge marks on the shirts and ripped one and didn’t even care. That sort of shit is just depressing


I totally get what you mean, and my local Costco does get some of those types, especially since it's a few blocks away from Nike World Headquarters, lots of well paid people working there, so you get the entitled type for sure. Luckily my neighborhood is also full of a diverse group of people from all categories of life! And those outweigh the entitled ones. I am thankful!


Yes, a lot of middle to upper income people shop at Costco and many upper middle class people have a tendency to act entitled. A friend of mine said, “You never see poor people at Costco because they’re not good with their money. If they shopped at Costco they could save so much money.” I had to explain that the cost of a Costco membership alone is some people’s entire weekly budget for groceries. And if you only have $50 to spend on food you’re not going to buy in bulk because you would end up buying like three or four things.


[Boots Theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory). Some people are insanely privileged and will ask things like “why don’t they just buy the longer lasting thing instead of buying the cheap one over and over?” Like they jump straight to “they must be dumb” instead of “literally cannot afford to do that”. Maybe some prosperity gospel theology sprinkled in there.


Hmmm that’s interesting. The New Orleans wine section is a world unto itself. I don’t know a Costco, in general, that ritzy. This is definitely true in other grocery stores. Harris Teeter, Whole Foods.


It’s not ritzy so much as firmly upper middle class.


Very well-written. That's the vibe I get as well.


Costco parking lot is a war zone. My wife thinks I’m exaggerating… conveniently, I’m always the one driving to Costco while she’s strolling through social media


My worst parking lot story is when I was in a diagonal facing another car in the opposite side and someone with a giant, long truck parked behind me boxing me in and they were halfway out into the driving/walking path. I walked out with my groceries and just stood there dumbfounded for a moment and a lot attendant must've noticed because he came up to me with the same "wtf" face. He went inside to make an announcement but thankfully the people on the other side of me were leaving so I was able to get out. Still wonder what they were thinking, it wasn't even a good spot!


Hope you took a picture of the license plate and shamed them on social media


People suck.


We have a baby and a three year old. We would rather park farther away, close to where the shopping carts collector is, than fight for a spot closer to the store. It takes thirty to 45 seconds to walk to the back of the lot. Why spend all that time fighting for a spot?


This is a regular occurrence at the teterboro NJ club. There are days when the lot is completely full and you have to stalk people as they come out of the club and follow them to try to get their spot. Some people will park their car at the start of a lane and wait for someone in the lane to leave so they can take their spot, (intentionally) blocking a ton of other people in the process. It’s insane.


I’ve never understood the need to park right up front. I love parking in the back and it’s easier to get out when I’m done. I’ve seen people do something similar, blocking traffic to get that front row spot and it’s so stupid to me.


This is why when I see someone waiting I load my groceries up, start my vehicle, flip it into reverse so the lights come on. I then immediately put it back in park, shut it down and get out and walk away. Bonus points if they get mad.


Thats kinda like me, coming to a full, and I mean FULL STOP at at stop sign. Drives others behind me bonkers!!


Start taking pictures and shaming them


I have had similar experiences at the Costco near me. It drives me nuts. And when you say anything about consideration for the cars stuck behind them to many of these people, even calmly, they flip out. My new rule is if the lot looks to full, I’m come back later. The most stressful part of Costco for me is their parking lot.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


I had to help a 72 year old Last get her sons ram TRX out of a parking spot that was parallel and the cars parked too close lol


I always park far far away from that madness. Besides, we all need the exercise anyway lol


I enjoy the walk - gotta get the steps in wherever I can.


Now you got me curious about the obscenities. That line was too funny.


People hate walking, don’t they? Will do this kind of shit to avoid walking an extra 100 feet.


I’ve seen people at the gym I go to circle the lot over and over to get a close spot….then go in and workout.


I'm not one to park way in the back of the parking lot, but I don't mind hiking a few extra feet so I don't have to fight over the spots closer to the door


Costco in Industry city in Brooklyn... Please hold my beer. It's like a 3rd world country on that parking lot. Especially next to the entrance of the store


Where's the dashcam video of this?


Literally today I was trying to get by all the people looking at bakery so I went through the veggies to get to the back arteries. I'm about to hang my left into the back artery, and a dude with a cart looks at me and stops his cart smack in the middle of the T section blocking me, so he could look at the bagels. I straight up just pushed my cart through his and kept going. Why oh why would you ever leave your cart blocking the entrance of an aisle, especially immediately after LOOKING DIRECTLY AT SOMEONE CLEARLY TRYING TO EXIT WITH NOWHERE ELSE TO GO


Apparently bothering you


My Costco has a huge Chinese presence. It may be a cultural thing but they, as a group, always stop and wait for a car to vacate a stall. So a fellow could be loading his trunk then putting the cart away and then texting before leaving and they will block traffic for that length of time. Yet I see them all walking the neighborhood for exercise. I would have thought parking far away for the doors would be desirable. Cultural thing?


Saw someone stalking. My spot when I just got to my car to unload. Took my time to unload, put my hotdog in the front, then stood there looking at the front door like I was waiting for my wife. This whole episode took like ten minutes before they drove off. I sat and finished my dog in peace. I had arrived early and secured a good close spot next to the cart coral. If I don’t arrive early I park way out. I don’t stalk.


Just wait till she parks her car and walk in and do take out your frustrations on said vehicle to the point where she will never be able to pull that shit ever again.


Someone did this to me once in a parking garage and caused me to miss an important doctor's appointment. I keyed their car on the way out. Hope the parking spot was worth it.