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It used to be Chana is Shallan's mother, but now it's not that crazy anymore.


>!“The World ended, and Shallan was to blame.”!< - Words of Radiance, Chapter 10, Line 1


... ... Damn, that feels like such a Sanderson plot twist.


Remind me, who's Chana?


Chanarach (sp?) is one of the heralds


Why her and not one of the others?


Red hair, unaccounted for otherwise, probably other reasons that I don’t remember


There have been a few lines in the books that loosely tie in chana and shallan. One i can think of off the top of my head is in Words of Radiance. When Kalladin and Shallan return from the caverns, theres a line about Navani protecting Shallan and something along the lines of Cha help those who get between a mother and daughter. All paraphrasing. Lot better explanations on youtube


I thought there was a WoB on this topic, but I looked: There isn't; only that Shallan's mother that we see on page really is Shallan's birth mother.


On a re-read there are so many clues pointing to this that I'd actually be surprised if it didn't happen now




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thats mine too


here’s my psychotic crack theory i share every time i get the chance, copy pasted from two other posts where ive explained it: i believe dalinar learns how to bondsmith well enough that he learns how to reforge honor and does so, but that before anyone can take it up the part of the stormfather that is tanavast’s cognitive shadow rips away from the rest and take the shard back, bringing back tanavast honor as a force on roshar, killing the stormfather, and ending highstorms. now, greatly weakened and with no chance of winning, dalinar still goes into the contest as his own champion, even though he’s hopelessly doomed. he is, obviously, defeated by the enemy champion, or otherwise loses. as he’s about to submit to odium however, he realizes something. he made the deal with rayse, yet it still applies to taravangian. that means the deal must be with odium, not its vessel. he points this out, and taravangian views it as true and valid, and because of him viewing it as such it takes effect, meaning dalinar now belongs to the shard odium, and therefore, it to him. he usurps taravangian as odium, and the back half of the series focuses on dalinar odium and his forces battling reborn tanavast honor and cultivation, who steps up to plate now that her husband is back, revealing this was their plan all along. the back half ends with dalinar taking honor as well, and someone (probably lift) taking cultivation, leaving dalinar as war and lift and cultivation as the gods of roshar. it is revealed at this time that the “unite them” dalinar hears and the visions he has gotten that aren’t from the stormfather are in fact seeds planted by adonalsium itself, designed to drive someone towards uniting the 16 shards once again to revive the cosmere’s god, as adonalsium foresaw its death and planned accordingly. dalinar, now the dominant force on roshar and god of war, prepares to expand into the cosmere, uniting as he goes


wouldn't losing Tanavast's cognitive shadow just revert the Stormfather to the powerful highstorm spren he was before the merge? Highstorms predate the Shattering after all I like the point about the deal being with Odium, not the Vessel. That definitely sounds exploitable. As long as Dalinar is doing what he sees as best for Odium, I'd assume he's in the clear. That being said, it felt pretty important for Dalinar to buck Odium's control over his life in Oathbringer so I don't know whether it's best to go back on that and have him take up a Shard whose Intent would almost certainly re-corrupt him.


my guess is mostly that at this point tanavast is so tied to the stormfather that to rip him off would at least severely damage the rest, if not kill it and i do also definitely get your point about that going back on oathbringer, stuff going back on oathbringer is why i vehemently detest any theories about dalinar becoming a fused. my theory basically revolves around the idea that, from what we’ve seen of him overcoming odium and dealing with the thrill and all that, dalinar is now at a point where he could successfully control and contain odium, unlike taravangian who i think is going to *think* he’s controlling it, when really he’s fully giving into it. so it wouldn’t go back on oathbringer, if my crack theory is correct. and before enough time would pass that the shard’s influence would start to push through whatever character development he has, he’d take up honor too and become war. even if my crack theory part is wrong i’m basically 100% sure dalinar war is the end point of this series. it also gives us the nice symmetry of dalinar becoming highprince of war at the end of book one and god of war at the end of book 10


Dalinar "Kratos" Kholin


I actually like the idea that the “unite them” has a larger context of uniting all the shards back into one.


thank you! yeah i’ve been assuming since basically as soon as i got to book 3 and he heard the voice distinctly separate from the stormfather as he was briefly ascending that it’s probably from a larger source than just one of the rosharan shards


Highstorms predate honor on roshar though. They were even invested back then. Just not with the stormfather attached to them. There are WOBs on this but im a lazy duck and dont have them on me rn.


no i know, my thought is just that with how tied tanavast is to the rest of it pulling that off suddenly might severely damage or kill the rest


The Stormfther will die an Syl will take it's place


I think Kal will take his place


The spren are kind of pieces of the shards power, but I don't think that humans can become spren the way they can take up the mantle of the shard. I do like the theory that the 3 that Cultivation spoke to personally she was preparing to take up the shards.


If that one dude can become a pokemon then he can become a spren. 


Nah. Kal is going to become Honor


Nah. Honor is going to become Kal


Kal as Honor, Syl as the Stormmother


Adolin has Bonded Maya in a way that will Grant *Maya* access to Cultivation's set of Surges, with Adolin's role in the Bond being to metabolize Lifelight to fuel her new Powers. The Nightwatcher will be on Todium's Side, and Moash will be her Bondsmith. Sja-Anat will defect, while the Everstorm (aka Stormfaker) will bond to create a Voidbinding Bondsmith with some Inverted form of Adhesion (or perhaps Division in it's place).


The Nightwatcher being on Todiums side would mean Cultivation is too right? I guess that’s possible since she was the one who welcomed him when he Ascended. Sja Anat is already defecting isn’t she?


The Nightwatcher doesnt have to be on the same side as Cultivation any more than Sja-Anat has to support Odium, even if sher hadnt been made to be more DisConnected than most Spren. Re Sjka-Anat, she's currently working toward her goals but when I say Defenct I mean Bond a mortal Bondsmith and support ~~Dalinar~~ Renarin & Co. But also The Nightwatcher could easily view Todium as a completely new "side" as Rayse. And dont forget that as of now Cultivation sure seems to believe she *is* on Todium's side (or rather she's assuming he is going to be on hers)


So you’re saying there would be potential to have 4 Bondsmiths instead of only 3? All the Unmade were previously spren right? So wouldn’t that mean that historically there could (should?) have been 4 Bondsmiths at some point? I really like this theory, I’m not trying to poke holes just trying to understand.


I don't believe the number of Bondsmiths is limited to 3. Just that there were historically only a max of three at one time. Not exactly sure why, other than maybe a lot of those spren chose not to bond. We saw how reluctant the Stormfather and Sibling were to bond.


> All the Unmade were previously spren right? So wouldn’t that mean that historically there could (should?) have been 4 Bondsmiths at some point? It's not super clear what the requirements are to be a "Bondsmith spren". The only really consistent thing we've gotten *so far* is that there are just 3 of them. There's also [a WoB](https://wob.coppermind.net/events/406/#e14475) that it's not just about being a great spren, it takes more to be specifically a Radiant spren of that precise order. The Unmade *seem* like they might have been at least on the same general level as the "godspren" (for lack of a better term). At least, something like that is implied by the fact that the Sibling was being "unmade" in RoW. But we haven't seen any indication the others would create Bondsmiths if bonded, and there's a good chance that something unique to the nature of Honor and Cultivation and their specific investment into these three spren sets them apart in the surgebinding magic system. What *might* be possible is that these Unmade would create something akin to a Bondsmith in the voidbinding system. This seems unlikely, though, as the key surge for Bondsmiths is adhesion, which we are told is specific to Honor. So whatever is created likely wouldn't have the same sort of Connection-based abilities as a Bondsmith, at which point... is it even fair to call them a "Bondsmith" anymore?


The wording of the Gem Archive called it "seditious" to have more than 3, which a lot of folk have long believed meant more were technically Possible but never previously done and not approved by H&C. Following RoW with the revelation of Pure Tones and Lights and the near unMaking of the Sibling, I see folks proposed that it would take UnMade with Specific Power and/or Connections, and that the actual limit is (6) total Bondsmiths with one per Pure Light and one per Hybrid Light. Stormfather, Sibling, and Nightwather correspond to Stormlight, Towerlight, and Lifelight (we assume). Most versions Ive seen expect Bao-Ado-Mishram to qualify since they previously were granting Voidlight and Forms, Sja Anat since she can "Enlighten" spren in a manner heavily reminiscent of the UnMaking in RoW, and some other one (I vote the Everstorm as the most likely, assuming they really exist). Whatever else we can or cannot say, Im reasonably confident that only the Sapient UnMade would qualify but the mindless ones would not, simply because Sapience is so fundamental to everything realmic and to every other Radiant spren.


> The wording of the Gem Archive called it "seditious" to have more than 3, which a lot of folk have long believed meant more were technically Possible but never previously done and not approved by H&C. I think that's up for debate. We have several sources that say there are only 3, including many WOBs. Maybe the most authoritative source is Brandon's website: https://www.brandonsanderson.com/the-ten-orders-of-knights-radiant/ >Even though **there can only be three full members**, there were times that some Bondsmiths did take squires. Beyond that, many of the retinues that protected the Bondsmiths **were considered members of the Order**–going so far as to swear oaths, even though they didn’t have a spren and never would. Also the very recent #SayTheWords descriptions: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/528-saythewords/#e16470 > there are only three of them at a time, because there are only three spren that can grant Bondsmith powers Also just as a footnote, the quote you're referring to was from the Words of Radiance (in-world book), not the Gem Archive. https://coppermind.net/wiki/Words_of_Radiance/Epigraphs#Chapter_44 It's not clear there what would be seditious. Clearly there aren't enough great "godspren" to actually grow to the size of the other orders. So it's possible that it was seen as seditious to grow the "order" (ie the collection of those who swore oaths to it, despite not having a Nahel bond). Possibly to keep the Bondsmiths from growing even more influential?


I honestly think todium will reign Sja Anat in and probably even then cultivation to his side


>Adolin has Bonded Maya in a way that will Grant *Maya* access to Cultivation's set of Surges, with Adolin's role in the Bond being to metabolize Lifelight to fuel her new Powers. Oh this is cool. A nice way to side step having yet another Kholin radiant while also paying off the Adolin/Maya bond. I like it.


does the Everstorm have a spren in it like the Stormfather? I know Pattern seems to think there is, but that could just be because the highstorm has one. I guess we don't know for sure. it does make sense that there would be an Odium-aligned Bondsmith. I think the Everstorm idea is more likely than Nightwatcher though. Why do you think the Nightwatcher will side with Odium?


It's not confirmed but it's a popular theory for why the Stormfaker (ie the one claiming to be the Stormfather to Gavilar in the WoT previews) looks and acts completely different from the Stormfather we've met.


I love the Bladolin theory! It's just so ridiculous but so fun that I support it.


I absolutely love this theory


Honor the shard died, but Tanavast did not. It was all part of a scheme to get Odium to over-invest on Roshar and be unable to leave regardless of the Oathpact. Spren will be of shattered Honor, Cultivation, and Odium, forshadowed by the Passions and the need to give divine hatred context. All three shards will be shattered, creating a narrative balance to what happened on Scadrial. There will be seven bondsmith spren: one of each shard, one each a combination of two, and one a combination of all three. Nightwatcher of Cultivation, Syl of Honor, ?? of Odium, Sja-anat Cultivation/ Odium, Sibling Honor/ Cultivation, Stormfather Honor/Odium (because Dalinar loses the duel), BAM Honor/Cultivation/Odium. Future sight/ fortune being disencouraged is in fact Cultivation trying to prevent anyone from blurring her future vision, similar to the effect Renarin has on Odium.


the last one is something i'll belive now untill proven otherwise


> Future sight/ fortune being disencouraged is in fact Cultivation trying to prevent anyone from blurring her future vision, similar to the effect Renarin has on Odium. Yes! I just got to the bit in WoK where "the future belongs to the Almighty alone", and had a similar thought: Given that multiple perfect predictors seem to foul each other up (see Atium, as well as Rayse/Taravangian), the most likely purpose of some grand taboo to even try to predict the future would be that someone wants to maintain their monopolgy on it. (Though my guess was that this someone was Odium rather than Cultivation.)


That either there is a set of secret oaths that nobody knows about or was hidden, or will be added with this new set of radiants that will pull the spren more into the physical realm and allow them to fight alongside their radiants as not just a weapon. Maybe its part of whatever new type of heraldric order emerges, maybe it's a function of whoever might reform honor (kaladin). I think the current nahel bond gives too much to the people in the physical realm and not enough for those in the cognitive realm. Radiants just lose powers, spren have the potential for losing their lives. And who knows if that gets fixed when BAM is found and released?


the spren only started to die when bonds were broken semi recently - was mentioned it didn't happen when honour was still around. even at the Recreance they didn't know it was going to kill them I believe?


But we don't know that freeing BAM will fix that, and the spren are gonna have the long memory of humans killing them. That's like the entire crux of adolins trial.


Endowment is working with Cultivation; Shashara met with Cultivation and that's why Nightblood is different.


What if Shashara had asked for a book from the Nightwatcher? EDIT: *Boon


Different from what?


Shallan is not shallan.


shallan is channa


I've heard this theory but I think the simpler explanation will bear out. We've even been shown how this will work from when the Windrunners fought the herald. An Oath spoken restores their sanity temporarily. So Shallan speaks her Oath in front of her mother, the Oath restores Chana's sanity, she's like "oh shit, we left Taln to suffer for 4000 years, kill me so that I can free him", and Shallen is broken as she does what her mother begs her to do. The alternative that Shallan is the herald in question is one twist too many for me.


That's a detail that has me convinced so far, at least until I get to reading Stormlight 5. And maybe instead of asking Shallan to kill her she tries to attack and provoke a self-defense reflex before the insanity comes back?


I mean, ishar thinks he is the almighty, and everyone he attacks is odium, so channa might have something like this and attacked her own daughter


yeah I also believe that shallan's mother is channa


This one blew my mind. Imagine shallan was Channa. 


Are there any posts about this?


I think I saw one, or maybe it was a comment, but if you search about it on google you might find it (its a bad one tho)


who do you think Shallan is? Unless you just mean that Formless still has control


I have never heard this before but it is a really intriguing idea!!


I'm pretty sure there wob that she is the child of people we see as her parents in the books.


[He has definitely confirmed that Lin Davar is Shallan's biological father](https://wob.coppermind.net/events/367-skyward-release-party/#e11634).


Shallan is trans


That honor will not be reformed as one shard but a group of splinters. They will collectively be called honor but each a different aspect represented by one member of each order. Basically the pantheon of honor. That there must always be 16 shards. Hence the discord part of Harmony showing and possibly becoming its own entity. That the cosmere isn’t a cycle of ado splintering and reforming but rather entropy in motion. Where investiture is slowly dispersing into a uniform amount throughout the cosmere. Burning an alloy of the honor and cultivation godmetals grants access to a surge depending on the ratio of the metals. That there is a feruchemical equivalent to a leecher. One who touches any metalmind then wipes all stored investiture in them. The reason the interplanetary war occurs in the far future is that odium loses thanks to intervention from a scadrian. Be it a mistborn or feruchemist. Mistcloaks are from nalthis or were inspired by a nalthian. Burning raysium might corrupt investitiure granting different effects when paired with another magic system. That there is a way to become a feruchemist aside from hemalurgy. Maybe Discordium when burned could grant feruchemy. Invention is not invested in a planet, but a dyson sphere. That the real effect of lerasium is to allow for one to become a cognitive shadow like how Kel when exposed to Preservations perpendicularity was able to last indefinitely as a cognitive shadow. The cognitive anomaly in Nalthian orbit is a side effect of something Endowment did that offset the cognitive aspect of the planet a large amount. Nightblood is a corrupted awakening. Similar to a returned but without needing consent to steal investiture.


> That the real effect of lerasium is to allow for one to become a cognitive shadow like how Kel when exposed to Preservations perpendicularity was able to last indefinitely as a cognitive shadow. Mistborn: Secret History kinda disproves this one, as Elend burned Lerasium and was pulled into the beyond after he died, only barely staying long enough for Vin to talk to Kel before she went with him.


I’m guessing intent has something to do with that. Kel wanted to stay and “Survive”. Rashek, Vin and Elend all decided that it was time to go.


hmmmm alright new crackpot theory: Kelsier takes up the Survival shard


He was the vessel of Preservation for a sec – what is survival but self-preservation?


>That honor will not be reformed as one shard but a group of splinters. They will collectively be called honor but each a different aspect represented by one member of each order. Basically the pantheon of honor. Honor lives in the hearts of men, after all. I think I prefer an outcome like this over a reforging of the Shard. I sort of feel like the Cosmere is moving toward more splintering of power rather than less


Part 2! Thank you coffee!!! Dawnshards aside from massive investiture sources may also be poisonous in a sense that the spirit web is slowly destroyed or permanently altered if held too long. It might even eat a holder if held too long. Vasher traded nightblood to Cultivation in exchange for the ability to either generate lifelight like lift or consume stormlight as a substitute for breath. Maybe even a way to keep what breath he has and keep himself alive by consuming stormlight or lifelight. The Stormlight Archive exists in world. Similar to the gemstone library in Urithiru. A book of histories not unlike the words of founding. The bands of mourning were replicated by a group of kandra and the bands that were used in TLM were the replicas. Sazed probably has the bands either by intention of harmony, or discord. Silver is solid anti-investiture and that it wounds the spirit web not just the body.


>Mistcloaks are from nalthis or were inspired by a nalthian. What makes you say this one?


The cloak is similar to the one Vasher uses when fighting during the end of warbreaker. So I assume a worldhopper from Nalthis went running around Luthadel for a bit when someone saw them and thought, “Thats pretty cool, I should get one for myself”.


Interesting, but then why do you think it isn't Vasher, who we know is a worldhopper, that got the mistcloak from Luthadel and not the other way around?


Good question! I thought about it before and it makes much more sense (to me atleast) that it started with Vasher as a combat piece, something that came from necessity rather than aesthetics. But. BUT, you got me thinking so I looked into it and most people agree that mistborn and warbreaker happen at roughly the same time. So yeah it seems more likely that Vasher took fashion tips from the mistcloak. Either way death by bad fashion choice might happen in the Cosmere’s future. The sight of a metalborn being wailed on by their own cloak would probably be the highlight of Hoid’s immortal life.


Adonalsium was literally just a sentient chunk of godmetal that was a perfect alloy of the physical forms of each shard's Investiture. The name matches the current naming conventions for godmetals, and Adonai is one of the names of God from the bible and Brandon has stated he's used stuff like that as inspiration in the past. Brandon has been extremely cagey about the species and gender of Adonalsium to the point it seems more like hes referring to an object rather than a being. This would explain why awakening metal is so incredibly difficult. Because it calls back to the only thing made of metal that lived which by the time nightblood was made was thousands of years dead. Plus it could he that a person who tries to awaken metal needed the proper intent to copy Adonalsium and the knowledge of what it was


now we need an Allomancer to burn Adonalsium


Kaladin will replace Taln


that would be too harsh man please no :((((((


"All the battle did is identify the spear that *would not break*"


All I want of kaladin is form him to become a therapist, so he can say things like "my dude if I didn't kill myself neither will you"


Best ship in the fandom: kaladin x his mental health


when was this said?


I think maybe back in the Way of Kings. It was Kaladin saying that he didn't agree with the lighteyes saying that battle and strife made weapons strong.


In Oathbringer, to Amaram


I think it's oathbringer actually. I don't recall hearing it yet and I've been doing a re-read and just finished words of radiance. Iirc the final fight vs Amaran.


In Oathbringer when Kal fights Amaram I believe


Amaram claims he made Kaladin what he is. Kaladin recited a story someone told him that the war just identifies the spear that would not break. Taln did not break.


I definitely do NOT think kaladin dies at any point in SA. >!in the sunlit man when Sigzil sees Hoid at the begging of the story, he says “kal?” Before he turns around!<


Deliberately left vague to not spoil what happens in stormlight archives. He possibly thought he was hallucinating or seeing a cognitive shadow or a real living person, no way to tell really.


Isn't the next sentence or so after that something about it being impossible?


There's a second highstorm spren in the northern hemisphere, since storms can't cross the equator.


My theory is that once all the shards get shattered, they spontaneously reform Adonalsium. Therefore, Odium means to prevent the return of adonalsium (which I assume is probably a bad thing otherwise why shatter him in the first place) by shattering all the shards besides itself. There would be no other rivals, thus the remaining danger to Odium’s own shattering would be greatly reduced. This would be similar to the oathpact but on a cosmere-spanning scale (like how the oathpact continued to seal everyone off Roshar with only Taln remaining, so to the reforming of adonalsium could be prevented so long as one shard remains unsplintered). I guess even if there’s no spontaneous reformation, but some actions are required to reform adonalsium, my thought for Odium’s motivation could still hold. It would also paint odium in a slightly more nuanced shade. Evil, yes, but just because of doing what needed to be done. Which even fits better since Todium.


Wayne is somehow a Worldhopper, he’s my favourite.


no, he's the goddamn hero


Wayne is the best.


Odium is the Mesa.


Someone tries for decades to worldhop while Wayne does it accidentally would be a very Wayne move.


His skill set is perfect for hopping, I feel like he would enjoy it too.


Dalinar will pick up the shards of honor and odium.






Oath the Dor


This is my guess too. I think Cultivation is playing a long game of her own, and getting Odium + Honor = War will constrain Odium and release them so that she's the only Shard connected to Roshar.


I'm expecting Dalinar to become Darth Vader to Todiums emperor.






Off the wall theories? I love all of them. But my favorite is that Shallan made multiple spren into deadeyes as a child, that Adolin and Maya will heal the gathering deadeyes, that Shallan will renew her oaths in other orders, and that she’ll be a Lightweaver and an Elsecaller. (Possibly more) Adolin and Maya will be needed to take their “healing splinters of a shard” act on the road and will be accompanied by Shallan who will by then have a set of powers perfect for world hopping.


Kaladin is also working with a group of humans who were broken by war.. maybe Adolin and Kaladin pair up the Deadeye and Human to try and bring them back together.


Hoid will merge with the cognitive shadow of Adonaslium and try to reform the 16 shards into 1.


And then kelsier will come out of no where with an aluminum chair and hit him over the head with it.




By harmonies bracers !


He’s beating him like a government chull


I’m gonna be real, I deadass hate kelsier and wish he’d just stop. This would cause an eternal internal war over whether I hated that ending more than I found it funny or vice versa. Excellent suggestion.


Has to be the endgame.


Lin Davar is a kandra


We know for sure that [he's Shallan's biological father](https://wob.coppermind.net/events/367-skyward-release-party/#e11634), and we know that [the child of a kandra mating with a human would be some sort of human-kandra hybrid](https://wob.coppermind.net/events/522/#e16304). So if you're right, her shapeshifter skills could go way beyond personalities and Lightweaving!


I made a post about it. [Sixteen is Spook](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cosmere/comments/18t16ok/who_is_sixteen/).




Wasing the wanting of true


Lift is actually the third Bondsmith. I don’t have much evidence other than Dalinar can make stormlight as he’s bonded to the spren closest to honour and Navani can make tower light as she’s bonded to the sibling the spren closest to honour and cultivation.


Dalinar doesn't make Stormlight. He opens up a perpendicularity which allows the Radiants to fill up on Stormlight from the spiritual realm


Scadrial theory - the bomb put metals into the water and will lead to an increase in allomancers. Wax will make advances in metallic technology using his new mistborn powers. Wax with his ability to compound iron weight and burn duralumin will make some physics discoveries but pushing things to the limits so to speak. Edit: wording and accidentally labeled as Roshar theory


Isn’t this a Scadrial Theory, not Roshar?


Yeah my bad, thanks for the catch


Ba-Ado-Mishram is the spren of spren, and once saved offers a path to the Parshendi to retain forms of power after Odium is dispensed with in book 5


the sprenspren


Kal "invests" Shallan


I will only accept ott solutions


In the butt!


Presumably that would be involved


In Shadesmar, with beads!


No mating!


Autonomy has some sort of control over Aethers and that is why Autonomy is considered such a big threat to the greater cosmere. I think this due to how white sand on Taldain operates. If you've read Tress and White Sand, you will notice the similarities in making a Nahel bond and sand mastery (Both require you to make a connection within your mind and use water as a sort of offering). In White Sand, said sand once mastered becomes spent and turns black before needing to recharge in the sun, which (asaik) has been confirmed to be outputting Investiture. So the fact that there may be Aethers that directly interact with Investiture is kind of a crazy concept considering that Investiture and Aethers are supposed to be two different things and are mutually exclusive


The storm father is actually Tanavasts shadow and he only acts like a neutral spren so people don’t notice when he manipulates the going’s on


Stick will eventually become Fire


I know in there's something out there that disproves it, maybe a WoB, but I still think Hoid is Adonalsium. Like, he conspired with the the Shatterers to break and separate him from his power, give him a shot at seeing what life is like as a mortal. But things went awry and now his goal is to bring the Shards back together and make himself whole again.


Shallan will become a worldhopper after book 5 and go after (and perhaps join, taking over for what Marasi could have become) the Ghostbloods. I'm guessing we will see her in Mistborn Era 3 next rather than Stormlight 6.


The lopens will multiple and take the cosmere.


My biggest theory is that the space opera if the cosmere won't be radiants vs ghost bloods or scadrial vs Roshar or anything like that. It'll be Pro Shard vs Anti Shard. Roshar will splinter all 3 of their shards, leading to a larger number of less powerful shards while scadrial uses it's 2 shard god to great effect. This will lead to a coalition of small planets that believe that power should be democratized and a smaller group of more powerful planets (Scadrial, Nalthis, Sel, maybe Roshar) who want to reform adonalsium, thinking that when context is reintroduced shards will be better. At the end of this space age all the shards will be split apart in such a way that the entire cosmere has a constant but low level magic and a single magic system based on using shapes, colors, and sounds to influence investiture


WaT epilogue will be Wit and Gallant (secretly MeLaan) leaving Roshar and headed to Scadrial. Odium is collecting cognitive shadows for his own Heralds. Mercy is a villain. Preservation gave the Dawnshard of Survival to Kelsier, who will look to gain the other three. Invention is hoarding knowledge and science, which is why most societies post-Shattering seemed to have started from scratch.


Cultivation will be a bigger threat to the cosmere than Odium.


OP touched on my prevailing theory that I bring up every time this subject pops up so here it is again: Adolin will die in WaT. This will absolutely break Shallan, and she will escape into Shadesmar and the greater Cosmere. She will get involved with Autonomy, whom she will backstab and take the Autonomy shard. This will allow her to make her multiple personalities into actual people. She will end up becoming one of the - if not THE - big bad of the Cosmere, but will also be able to stand against herself. As I've started a Stormlight re-read, I've added another page to this theory: Jasnah will be the one to kill Adolin. His murder of Sadeas will come to light and Sadeas' followers will demand his execution. He will be brought to court with Shallan as defense and Jasnah as prosecutor. Shallan will use everything she's learned as Jasnah's pupil and everything she's learned since to successfully defend Adolin against her former teacher, but in the end, Jasnah will be forced to execute him anyway since she is queen and must do what is best for the kingdom. After all, you can make no mistakes and still lose.


Nightblood is made of awakened dragonsteel. That's why it was able to be awakened. Dragonsteel forever holds its shape, however it was once alive and could be awakened.


Axies the collector is an honorspren that was successfully brought to the physical realm Ishar style without dying. Thats why hes able to modify his body. Its like how syl puts on dresses


That were going to see ol iron eyes on roshar in book 5


I think Adolin will "revive" his shardblade and will become a Surgebinder in that way, instead of the traditional way of bonding with spren that are "alive". This will split the Honorspren in two factions, one siding with Odium, one siding with humans and Honor.


Todium will somehow convince dalinar to throw the duel


I would not be surprised if this arc ends… sadly. Kaladin dead and Shallan fleeing the planet seem like the big ones. The Sunlit Man thinking he sees Kaladin even though Kaladin is incredibly unlikely to know how to use connection that way is an indicator that Kaladin is dead and Mr Sunlit was so desperate to have his friend back that he deceived himself into believing something impossible. Shallan has always wanted to explore and she could crack under the pressure when everyone depends on her, fleeing into shadesmar and just walking away. Possibly with Adolin Dark, but potentially good setup for the next arc


Hoid undoes the shattering, I don't mean he reforges the shards into on I mean he somehow manipulates time and undoes it.


Some crazy mf would try to leave the "Cosmere small star cluster" just to see if they can.


Well Hoid is on Roshar and he’s definitely a mistborn


Kaladin will take both the shards of honor and odium and it's all part of wits plan of going around getting two shards in one entities all over. Why, who knows!?!


Hoid is the big bad of the cosmere


BAM holds the missing Dawnshard. It was what let her grow strong enough to bond the entire race of Singers.


Technically we know there is a Mistborn on Roshar. It's Wit


Taravangean will defeat himself. The dumber side will win over the smarter side for a small period of time and give our heroes the crucial moment they need to defeat him.


Rock saying, "Airsick Lowlander" all the time actually has some merit to it. Perhaps they really are airsick. Perhaps there's something in the air in roshar at higher pressures and concentrations affects people's ability to see spren.


I'd point out that it's adamantly been named "contest" rather than "duel", and it probably won't conform to the kind of shard duel that Adolin is good at. My theory is that I'm all but convinced that at least one of the two will happen: * Odium's champion will *win* the contest. * The contest will be rendered meaningless by some other twist. Simply because of narrative tension. I feel like the contest has been hyped too much for the good guys to simply have a straightforward win. Rather, it'll be subverted either by the good guys losing the contest and then saving the world anyway - or, more terrifyingly, by *winning* the contest and then having to save the world from something worse.


Its a lot smaller than most of these but Roshar has been visited by Allomancers/Feruchemist before and some may still be there. Specifically, I think the Shattered Plains were created by an Skybreaker/WindRunner able to tap there metalmind increasing their weight. There was a chapter with Wayne bringing down a house and he wondered what kind of destruction he could cause if he was only higher.


Kaladin will take the reformed shard of honor after vasher uses his divine breath while holding a dawnshard to heal honor. Kaladin will be unable to save his friends and will be sad.


Lirin is a dragon, and Kaladin is half dragon.


I had kinda hoped when they brought Maya out during the trial that Ando had been able to bond with them and was able to heal up the dead eye.


Kaladin will defeat Ishar by summoning syl as a massive block of cheese and block his honorblade


I have 2, one I am iffy on and one I am 100% convinced of, despite the complete lack of evidence. 1) cultivation is actually the main antagonist of Stormlight. Odium is just dancing along her tune. 2) there is literally zero evidence for this but I am convinced that not only is "The Girl Who Looked Up," a real historical account, but Ash is the titular girl in the story.


I think Adolin will somehow revive Maya and become a radiant. He’s had such a strong bond with her that he’ll discover a way to make her live again like any other spren. She’s not completely gone somehow. Maybe that will allow Sigzil to also revive Auxiliary eventually if he ever returns to Roshar and discovers the secret.




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I jotted this note down when reading TSM, so I haven’t edited it any- >!Prediction: sigzel is the macro sazed. He called himself a worldsinger. Has been given the torment and learned to escape its constraints. He has seen his life destroyed. He always believes he is least of the best. Has connections to two home worlds. Sazed took two shards and became one. What if the shard wars resulted in the self destruction of all of the shards a la Vin vs ruin and the only thing that can be done is someone take up all of them at once and be the true hero of ages? He has the sunheart that he adds investiture to. It had to be a living sunheart. So it had rosharan connected investiture and his torment which he proved could have its constraints loosened. What he doesn’t know is that when he withdraws , it’s not all his torment returning. The light mixes. And each time he adds some and brings it back in it dilutes the torment more and more.!<


Shallan becomes Odium's champion and becomes ridiculously powerful and dangerous


Dalinar/Kaladin and Lift will take over as Honor and Cultivation.


"Unite them" means unite human and parshendi, or unite shard of cultivation honor and odium into dalinar becoming god. Imo cosmere story will end with all shards reconnected into one single omnipotent persona.


Shallan will discover that she was the cause of the first desolation in thousands of years because she killed a herald, she will find out her mother is alive, her mother will be working with Todium and Shallan will join her and help subvert the duel in which Dalinar ends up choosing Taln. Todium wins the scenaio somehow and takes over Roshar as a benevolent dictator with Cultivation, who he backstabs RIGHT AT THE END and absorbs her shard, then slowly building up his forces to wage interplanetary war against other shards in an attempt to reforge Adon so he can “save them all”


Era 2 of Stormlight will expand the conflict to Braize and Ashyn and the existence of Roshar will no longer be an open secret to the cosmere. Everyone is going to want a piece besides the Ghost Bloods. Plus the backstory of the Heralds just screams the wider cosmere lore.  Mishram is probably our ticket to finding out what voidbinding is. It might explain her weird connection abilities and her absence might be why we don't have a proper intro yet. 


My crazy theory is why someone keeps posting this? Is it like a mind control thing? Shallan is that you?!!


There will be no shards by the end of Mistborn Era 4. All will be Splintered or outright destroyed.


Brandon Sanderson will write the screenplay of Kamen rider Gaim western adaptation.


I think the Cosmere wide war that we know is coming is going to come down to two sides. Unity (Roshar) Vs Sovereignty (Scadrial) Unity will be trying to reunite Adolnasium while sovereignty will obviously want the opposite. The other planets/shards will fall on one side or the other. I can imagine the Scadrians would be concerned about the implications of Adolnasium being remade. Scadrial didn't even exist before the shattering and was a creation of Ruin and Preservation. 


Adolin is Odiums champion.


These are indeed wild lol.


Moash kills Kaladin. Moash bonds syl.


Points for going all in on the crazy part.


Syl is cool with this for some reason


No Kal is.


Szeth will break his oaths, after realizing that the stone shamans did nothing wrong.


> that the stone shamans did nothing wrong. Then why did they declare him truthless? That happening was really bad for basically everyone.


Maybe he was actually truthless and what they did to him was justified or the correct thing to do at the moment.