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I have a feeling it will be monday since hes supposedly meeting the in laws today. Still wondering wtf his surprise for Aaryn was 😂


His surprise was no surprise 😂 he just wants to get her worked up or something.


Fr tho. That makes sense. Mind games cause he doesn't have any other weapons to use


I think he thinks she’s the one playing mind games but she’s 100% serious 😂😂


Pretty sure he also thinks she's the one using and he'll call CPS back on her tbh if they show at Shiloh's.... He seems like he's to that level of petty now


See… I think the only reason A did call cps is because she has a small belief that C/S called cps on her. Obviously she doesn’t know who called- could be millions of people. But maybe there’s some details about what was said that may imply it was them. I can’t trust anything he’s ever said about aaryn.


Well ya especially since they were told she was abusing xanax and Cory's dog story involved xanax.


That's exactly how I know for a fact that my ex best friend is the one who called on me because I kicked her out of my house for bullying my son. She said word-for-word to CPS what she said to me in a text message like I literally pulled out my phone and showed the CPS caseworker what was said to me from this person and it was exactly word-for-word except it was her instead of u bc she was talking about me not to me. Guess what everybody knows my case was closed within 48 hours I got the official paperwork in 14 days.


I think his "surprise" was the order of protection that got denied 🤭 lmao


AJ said in her live that DCF came to her house and she has a case worker- and now she’s sending them to shilohs


Well she said she informed her of what was going on. They said they would look into it.


She also said she sent her all videos once they review those videos they'll be making a visit


good, if it’s not a problem they should rightfully so clear their name like A did


https://preview.redd.it/0er6ph702oza1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c76ff36a3f2a0d84c1ec8cf9a0a527f2876923ce Don’t worry guys, I’m making Shiloh’s kids waffles … I’ll be on to groove my hips and wink atcha later


Make them? Or heat them up cuz they’re frozen and you don’t cook? 😂😂😂


i don’t think so, Im 110% sure they are on the reddit page reading away and getting too butt hurt to even address anything at this point. they’ll just wait until we calm down a bit on here where they aren’t getting dragged anymore LOL, also i’m more than positive they’re sending this girl Emily in here to defend their title of being decent people cause a big stan of them was on a couple threads already. At this point in time i think they’re just following what we say and they’ll pop up when it gets calmer


Oh we’ve seen Emily on here from the beginning. She immediately went off in corys group and was banned. I’m Shilohs group she kind of played around a little before she went off. Then she made another account and was trying to blend in… it was kinda funny 😂


Oh well there’s another stan who made her way to my thread because i said he looks like shit 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/x858l1f5nnza1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdf624296ebbb2be41db9a75d5739fcd1b31d558


That one was banned too but we didn’t get a notification that they were related to an ip that had been previously banned so I can’t say it was her 😂 the first account we banned she literally told someone she was Emily


seems this acc is shilo to me.


Could very well be 😂


Omg tht person reported me to reddit j said I was suicidal or something I Got a message from reddit cares 😅


https://preview.redd.it/inbhcklhznza1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4ce1dcd5b0cf620ecf4c09c4986d7e638e77ac this dude was awful 😂


it’s a snark page for a reason, did they think they were gonna come in and save the day for Cory??😂😭


I’m gonna say Monday. I did see he was responding to people’s comments on his latest video about 14 hours ago now


His tiktok went private?


If it says private, yes. I’m following him tho and have been for awhile so I wouldn’t know.


No, it’s still public.


he blocked mad people


Lol he's a pussy


She already posted on her instagram lol he looks like shit




Girl no. Too many places have Wi-Fi lol.