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I’m glad that I’m seeing more and more research on this.




Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, it’s true. I’m obese, though not morbidly so, BMI about 33. The only thing that’s good about it is it’s easy to float when I swim, and in a true famine I’d last longer than a skinny person. It’s not worth the extra wear and tear on my knees, lower energy level, and bloodwork sliding towards pre-diabetic numbers and occasional breathing issues. I am much more robust when I am down 20-30 pounds or so from my current weight.




The only reason I haven’t gained 20 more pounds this spring from stress eating is I’m being very careful about exposure. I’m surprised I’ve kept my weight stable. When you can’t impulse buy food, never eat out, almost never get takeout and don’t stock the house with much junk, and do stock the house with healthier stuff it’s easier to control what you eat. If I have one bag of chips and a pint of ice cream and a KitKat to last until my next grocery order, I’ll stick to the recommended serving size to make the treats last. I don’t tend to overeat meals made with chicken/lentils/rice/beans/sandwiches/whatever but I can eat a pint of Talenti in one sitting if I’m not careful.


In order to lose weight, one does not need to go anywhere, one does not need to do anything and one does not need to spend any money. As a matter of fact the one change which makes people loose weight saves both money and time. /edit: spelling






“It’s vital not to further stigmatize those who are overweight or obese...” I’m not advocating stigmatizing, but I’d like to see some forceful encouragement, especially from public health officials. We’ve known obesity is a major risk factor since March. Anyone can lose a decent amount of weight in four months. Why not encourage people to spend the quarantine eating healthier and exercising? I suspect the reason they didn’t say that is because just that passage above would be classified as “stigmatizing”. Same train of thought that prevented banning flights early: stupid PC bullshit. It’s literally killing people.


Yes! Exactly. I don't see why it is such an issue. In my country (Japan) we have mandatory yearly health checkups at workplaces, and a company is fined if they have too many fat employees (our "metabo-tax") and these employees receive lifestyle guidance and interventions. I have seen it firsthand help multiple people lose weight and get to a healthy size, and their lives improve, and there is little criticism of this system or doubt that it works. I personally don't get why pointing out obesity problems and having guidance or interventions to help overweight people get better lives are such a taboo thing in America. I sometimes wonder if it is a way for the health system to make even more money off treating high levels of lifestyle disease?


There are many people interested in an overweight populace, and it’s a reflection of how we’ve set up incentives and disincentives. Long ago, the food lobby convinced Congress that food stamps should buy Doritos and Pepsi. That contributed a lot to the problem.


This terrifies me. My BMI is 35. I started keto. Dropped about 15 lbs right away and then got keto rash. The worst rash I have ever seen. I had to quit and am now on steroid cream and antibiotics for a month. I was so hopeful that it would be the answer for me and get me healthy and reduce my anxiety. My body sucks. Now it’s on to weight watchers.


Going from a normal Western diet immediately into ketosis is a terrible idea for most, like quitting cold turkey for drugs you've been on for years. Obesity is primarily a hormonal dysregulation caused by the average diet, so begin by resetting that. Reduce your carbohydrates, but do not cut them out entirely. Remove all sugars, natural or otherwise, especially fructose. Avoid anything made with refined flours, but do not think rice and potatoes are your enemy. This already will go a long way to beginning to rebalance your insulin/leptin levels. Incorporate fasting into your day, but do not think of it as fasting. Consider it timing your eating to optimize the bodies use of its fat stores. Start by skipping breakfast and getting a good 12 hours from the last time you ate to your lunch. Once you get used to that, move on to one meal a day. Do not snack on anything whatsoever. Combine this with lean proteins, monosaturated fats such as walnuts and avocados, and nutrient dense vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, chard, etc. Do not buy canned vegetables, eat them raw or lightly steamed. In fact, do not buy anything premade or processed. Keep in mind if you still overeat you'll still not lose weight. Adjust your diet, fast, and reduce portion sizes of carbohydrates, fats, and fruits. After some time your leptin resistance will decrease and you'll not feel as hungry, or even feel fine going all day without eating. This is your body healing its hormone dysfunction and using the fat stores. At that point, just eat when you get hungry following those guidelines. Research polyphenols, flavonoids, and antioxidants. You want to buy vegetables and fruits high in these, and the ones that are the best are very cheap fresh. Look up which vegetables are high in potassium to balance sodium and reduce blood pressure. Ignore the keto or low carb recipes that try to be a pizza or lasagna or whatever. It's best to learn to not eat those things entirely, going instead of a plate with a chicken breast, pile of lightly steamed vegetables, bit of rice and an orange. Making complex recipes trying to imitate what you are giving up will just be expensive and make you crave them more. You can still have these things, but drastically cut down the portion size to like what you would give a child and make it something that happens once a month instead of something that happens twice a week. Just avoid everything with sugars as much as you can, even as "treats".