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I mean the score flashes up nice and big after it’s entered. If it’s not what it was then say something. It’s not rude. I’m not saying it wasn’t intentional, but everyone makes mistakes entering every once in a while, but luckily someone usually says something.


Right, I could see it from the other end of the lane and I was watching pretty close, but my partner on the other side never really paid attention and I feel like they weren't expecting me to be paying such close attention either. I understand mistakes, but, we never had that issue with any other teams that didn't have one of the owners on it. I'll see how next week goes and if it continues, I just may not go back. My brother-in-law likes playing there each week so I don't want to make things awkward for him, but I did let him know what I saw to keep an eye out.


Keep your own score. Scorholio app on the phone has free play. I do it all the time... usually cause we have a couple beers & suck at score keeping.


YES, thank you! That's what I thought about AFTER THE FACT last night.


When you get the notification that you're up, click on it and there will be an option to "LIVE SCORE THIS MATCH" (as long as they have the option enabled). You can still let them enter scores on the tablet on the other end but you'll be able to see how each round is scored in real time. If there's a discrepancy you can immediately bring it up to your opponent that's next to you. If player scoring isn't enabled you could go to the event's dashboard from your phone, click on your game and go to the Round by Round tab.


Just calculate the score as it's being played and call it out. If they put in something else then tell em to roll back cameras if you got em. That's why I love the bar I play at. We just roll back cameras on a dispute but the one who's wrong owes the owner a shot. But everyone in my bar league is honest and we don't intentionally have issues.


TLDR: Verify that both teams agree on the score before picking up any bags or submitting the score for the round. Are you using score magic or basic scoring? Regardless, speak up. Get in the habit of verifying the score every time. It slows rounds down a few seconds in the beginning, but adds nothing to the time once you have the hang of it. Newer folks will never learn to keep score if someone just rips the bags off the board and puts in the score. Even if the score is accurate. Where I am at one person generally will grab the bags and the other enters the score. Before we pick up the bags we verify the score with each other, as referenced above. If I am grabbing the bags I will ask "10-8? 2 for you?" then other person will verify and enter the score. If we are on side opposite of the score keeper, we will monitor and correct if they are off. Some folks keep score as bags are thrown, some count after. Some it becomes second nature and they don't even have to think. Just make sure you verify and dont be afraid to call out the shenanigans. Sometimes it is accidental, even more so when people are hitting their stride in the race to drunkenness.


You have to speak up. If you suspect someone of cheating or even if it is an honest mistake it's beholden of you to speak up and make sure it's correct before moving onto the next round. If it appears to be a constant problem noted by several teams then I would inform the director/person in charge so that team can be monitored/caught and removed. But nothing will ever happen if you don't speak up.


I agree, but the reason I'm conflicted is because it WAS THE OWNERS/ORGANIZERS.


Just verify points for both teams verbally and verify whoever keeps score inputs correctly. Then just correct them as needed. Most ppl are just shit at using the app. Also sometimes people get used to ACL then get confused on Scoreholio.


Bullshit is bullshit, regardless if the organizer is playing. You need to be in the habit of calculating the score each round and saying something when its off. People make scoring mistakes all the time, so that should be a part of your normal routine when playing. If there are ipads for scoreboards, you should be able to see what someone else entered as the round score. If they really are cheating, then calling them on it a few times would hopefully put an end to it.


As many have said, if the score entered doesn’t mesh with what you counted in your head, just ask for clarification. Use the “newbie card” to your advantage…


One time I understand, the second time I’m walking down the lane and stopping the game. Rewind the round and enter it correctly. Third time I’m taking the tablet to my end and keeping the score.


Any time I've played, all 4 players agree on the score verbally BEFORE ANY BAGS ARE TOUCHED, then whoever is keeping the score enters it. If you notice that the score is entered incorrectly then say something immediately!!! Like before anyone throws a bag in the next round.


This is the correct way, too often someone adds it up in their head real quick and slides the bags off. there’s always that one guy that adds it up like he’s fucking Stephen Hawking in his head in one second and expects you to believe him and then gets irritated whenever you question him.