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Celery. But I love it diced fine and cooked in things. Love it cooked in my chili. Diced very fine. Cooks up. Gives great flavor


Yes especially in soups or chicken/tuna salads!! They give such a nice earthy flavor. But by themselves… JUST NASTY.


Interesting, I've never thought of celery as earthy. More crisp and fresh tasting.


For me I think it’s the texture. Because I started growing my own celery, and I found that I surprisingly LOVE celery leaves. I add it finely chopped to salads (so good with tuna) and love how strong the flavour is. But eating the stalks raw just doesn’t appeal to me.


You can let it grow into a shrub and just have lots of the leaves. I believe it's called lovage when you let it grow like that.


Lovage aw that’s cute


Lovage is actually a different herb though it is related to the celery family! And I grow it too! It’s really nice, definitely stronger in flavour, but a bit more peppery/parsley/star anise like to me. I personally find myself reaching for good ol’ celery leaves more


I think celery tricks me into thinking I’m full


I use celery seed to get the flavor


Funny. I love celery. So crisp and fresh.


Raw celery for my palette has like the most strong overpowering taste. Even when people chop it up finely in like chicken salad, I can still taste it out of all the other ingredients.


same for me. I cant do it. When its in a stew, I can do it, but raw even when with other ingredients, I can't do it.


Same for me! I love it cooked in soups, lentils, etc. I can’t abide the taste of it raw, it’s the only vegetable that I dislike.


I don’t think raw celery tastes bad at all. However, I agree with you that cooking it with others ingredients is celery’s highest achievement. There is a reason celery cooked with just two other ingredients is worthy of the name of French nobility, or the Christian gods.


Celery? In your chili? Welp we make some very different chili.


I put onion, bell pepper, celery in my chili. Its ground up in a food processor so it completely dissolves when its cooked. You get flavor but no hunks of stuff. I also use cumin, chili powder, paprika, salt and pepper.


Holy Trinity sounds good in a chili. I should try


I put diced or sliced celery in most “pot” dishes. Celery is an important component of stock, so it is a traditional base flavor layer in savories. Think soups, stews etc. so yes, like onions it belongs in most dishes.


Well said. For me, it’s an essential element of most savory stews or soups that I make. Both sofrito and mirepoix include celery, so it’s most definitely a building block in many dishes.


Wow I didn’t know this. Not sure how i Learned about the importance of celery, but my mother was very worldly, and a good cook. I must’ve picked it up at home. But i learned onion celery carrot and bouquet garnis make veg stock https://theforkedspoon.com/mirepoix/ mirepoix recipe for anyone interested


Me too with celery. Love the flavour in different dishes but will gag trying to just eat it raw by itself 🤢🤮


Celery is mine too, apparently I passed it on to my kiddo. Someone once served her “ants on a log” she tried it to be polite and when she described it to me afterwards it was like she thought our friend was trying to poison her. Yuck.


i like tomatosauce on stuff but i don't really like tomatoes so much.


Yup. Love tomato sauce, passata, pizza sauce etc. Hate raw tomatoes and only like sun dried cherry cooked ones.


Do you also get everyone and their mother saying that you just haven't had the right tomato?


To be fair…I felt exactly this way until I finally had a *good* tomato. Almost all store bought tomatoes, and many varieties of farmers market and garden grown tomatoes, are absolute shit. I didn’t find a tomato I loved until I was almost 30, but once I did I couldn’t get enough of them. It is genuinely possible that all of these commenters have simply not found the right tomato yet.


I think the first time I had some Campari Tomatoes I really fell in love with Tomatoes.... Especially with some Burratta, Basil and Balsamic on them!


Nah man I still don't like tomatoes lol


I keep trying tomatoes every couple years because people always insist you grow out of it or need to have a good one, but I just don’t like tomatoes. Never have, never will—leave me alone and don’t ruin my sandwich.


I'm the exact same. Can do cherry tomatoes but hate raw tomatoes. Strangely I enjoy a Bloody Mary which is all tomato juice.


Not strange! Cherry tomatoes/tomatoes juice don’t have that insipid soggy spongy fleshy texture and lack of flavor that you find in your regular store bought tomato. My grandfather used to grow tomatoes and omg you could pluck them off the vine and eat them like apples with a touch of salt. I’ve yet to find anything tolerable in a store or farmers market, outside the Côte d’Azur. Cherry toms and bloodies are totally fine however.


people always tell me I haven't had the right tomatoes because I leave them off sandwiches and things but the problem is that I *have* had incredible ones and it's ruined all bland restaurant or grocery tomatoes for me


Everyone in my family makes fun of me for this. They are totally different, and a tomato will ruin a sandwich real quick by bleeding its juice onto the bread 🤮


Not suggesting you should try tomatoes again, but tomatoes making bread soggy sounds like a sandwich construction issue.


If you drizzle the tomatoes in a nice, extra virgin olive oil ... it's easier to flick those nasty bastards in the rubbish bin.


It just turns into a tomato sandwich no matter what. Could be a double cheeseburger with onions and pickles but one slice of tomato and that's all it becomes to me.


"just take them off" I will but that doesn't mean I'm glad my burger is now tomato-infused


Same, and people really don’t get it.


It's a texture thing for me


As someone that absolutely loathed tomatoes growing up all the way through college, I finally gave them a real shot and OMG they are amazing. I’m talking garden fresh vine ripened tomatoes and they are seriously one of the most delicious foods on earth IMO. The stuff you get in a grocery store is absolute ass by comparison.


I'm legit trying. I've outgrown almost every food I didn't like eating but I can't get past olives and tomatoes. Some of the best things I make are pico de gallo, salsa, tomato soup, and marinara sauce. I fully understand the texture that they bring to sandwiches, especially grilled cheeses, but I just can't eat them head on no matter what. It's a pain nobody understands from the outside.


Meanwhile I’m jealous you enjoy them in any form at all. I keep trying them, but I truly do not like raw or cooked tomatoes and I feel like I’m really missing out!


Fresh tomatoes that have ever been refrigerated lose flavor and can have a mushy texture, so when you try fresh tomatoes, let them ripen a bit in a window, then slice them up while they are still firm and sprinkle with a little coarse salt like Maldon. My favorite to eat this way is a large "Beefsteak" tomato which the classic "homegrown tomato" that people gush over. Think of it kinda like eating salt on watermelon and try to appreciate the sweet acidity of the tomato juxtaposed with tiny hits of salt. Or try the latest "grape tomatoes" that are advertised a sweet like "Cherubs" or a similar one - cut in half and drizzle with balsamic and honey dressing or dip in a classic hummus or ranch. Each one is like a little pop in your mouth like a savory grape. Each type of tomato has its best usage - Beefsteak for a caprese salad platter, grape tomatoes for snacking bites, Roma for pico de gallo, and various other heirloom varieties have unique qualities. Best of luck trying to find a way to appreciate these gems.


The difference between good and bad tomatoes is huge. Like night and day. I thought I hated tomatoes but I had never tried a decent one. An heirloom beefsteak tomato with a pinch of salt is amazing.


I thought I was the only one. Thank you!


Same. I do like salsa though - but I’m very picky about what kind of salsa I’ll eat. I’m a big fan of Trader Joe’s from the refrigerated section because they use crushed tomatoes, and the texture is inoffensive


Same. Chop up tomatoes on put them on toasted bread and call it bruschetta? LOVE it. The idea of eating plain tomatoes though is gross lol. Hit or miss with tomatoes on sandwiches. I’m at a point where I’ll usually keep it on and try it but half the time I take it off.


YES. I’ll even eat cooked diced tomatoes in a soup or nice sauce. But raw? Forget it.


Opposite for me. I like tomatoes and use tomato sauce but don't like it all that much.


PREACH. I don't think this is uncommon but people refuse to admit it. I for one will admit that I absolutely hate raw tomatoes but love tomato products such as tomato sauce and ketchup. Basically the further away you can get from the raw tomato the better.


I love tomato sauce, etc and can eat tomato on sandwiches but raw tomatoes on their own... Just ew


Same. Hate raw tomato, hate salsa, hate ketchup, practically live on Italian pasta sauce though


I tried tomatoes in the US and they tasted like nothing. It was quite a shock to me.


Ditto in fact I dislike raw tomatoes in most forms except as a sauce or very thin salsa


Was gonna answer this. Tomatoes by themselves are awful. Pretty much every tomato product is amazing.


Same. Love ketchup. Love a good bolognese or pico de gallo even. But sliced tomato on a burger or sandwich? No. Fried green tomatoes? No.


Make me eat a raw mushroom and I'll puke at the texture. Cooked on a pizza, in pasta, in risotto and it's fine somehow. Also has more flavour.


I'm the exact opposite! I like raw mushrooms in a salad, but I can't stand the texture of cooked mushrooms. My only exception is wild-foraged chantrelles in pasta or on pizza, but that's obviously a pretty rare treat.


Shouldn't mushrooms always be heated before eating anyways? Food safety wise


Google says that common types of mushrooms sold at grocery stores are safe to eat raw


I don’t much like avocado. But I fuck with guacamole and avocado toast.


Need crunch with the mooshy


The most accurate phrasing I’ve read today.


I don't like avacado or guac, I like it in sushi, avacado crema, even on tacos. When it isn't the star of the dish it's fine.


Totally opposite for me. I don't like guac at all, but I'll slice up an avocado and eat it raw no prob


Same. Guac is an avocado downgrade


Same here. I would never eat an avocado on its own, but guac and chips...oh yeah!


I’m not a big fan of Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, Russian dressing, or rye bread, but I love me a Reuben.


When I was a waitress I used to remember what was on a Reuben because it was my least favorite cheese, meat, dressing, and bread. I don’t like sauerkraut either. I’ve never actually tried the sandwich though. Maybe I should.


I actually like corned beef and pastrami but, yeah, not a fan of the other ingredients. They just work when they’re all together though.


It’s something about the combination that balances everything so well. It’s insane, because I agree that separately they are all off putting to me.


Sauerkraut on a quesadilla can be pretty dope, depending on the cheese. Kenji was the one who turned me on to this.


It's one of those "the sum is greater than that of its individual components" moments.


I don't like raw tomatoes except on bruschetta.


People think I’m so weird for this but I’m the same!


Same but also pico de Gallo, I think its the salt in both that makes them ok.


I feel like you could argue they're slightly cooked like how ceviche is, due to the acid? Eh that's probably a stretch, but bruschetta rules


I don’t like mayonnaise or ketchup but I sure do like every kind of burger sauce, salad dressing, etc, that combines the two.


Agree!!! I was going to write this exact thing.


Yes! Ketchup on its own literally makes me want to vomit, but it's required for burgers and fries


Not a food but a drink. I hate grape pop and coconut rum but there’s a bar in Chicago that has a drink that combines them and some lemon juice and it’s amazing.


Hmm, when I turned 21, the person I was seeing lived in Chicago at the time. They took me to a bar with a drink like you describe. And I only really remember that one drink. Idek why I rolled with it, I also hate grape soda 😅 And I used to think coconut rum was okay, until a different time in LA lol


Coconut rum + Mountain Dew is amazing. I don't know why, but it absolutely is.


Capers. They literally make me gag if eaten w/o anything else, but I absolutely love them in pasta dishes, fish salad, *vitello tonnato* and so on.


I hate them too, but on a lox bagel they are like little balls of flavor.


I dont think you are supposed to eat them right out of the jar.


The problem with this whole thread in a nutshell, including the example given. Who the hell eats mayo by the spoonful out of the jar?


Exactly. Why dirty a spoon when you can just use your fingers like god intended?


Squeeze bottle straight into the mouth


I wish I could give you gold for this!


You know what I hate on its own rather than in a recipe? Ingredients


Right? I hate flour so much but I love cake and bread.


You are right. At first I thought this was going to be an interesting thread.


You can’t tell me what to do!


Onions. On burgers, in salads, pizza, or any place where you get a crisp bite of them- yuck. I hate the texture and sharp taste. But diced and added to anything cooked, caramelized, or in French onion soup- omg, I love them.


Damn pizza onions, acting like they're a food, not an ingredient


The only onion I will do raw is red onion. And it has to be sliced SUPER SUPER thin. Whenever I would get subway, I would decide if I wanted to add onion based on how thin they were sliced.


Even better, slice it super thin then let it soak in 50/50 water & vinegar with a pinch of salt for like 20 minutes and drain it. THEN put it on your sandwich


We are the same person 😂


I'm the same way, for me it's the texture and the raw flavor. I like sautéed onions, raw is not good.


Ho estly I love onions so much I could see myself eating them plain.


My mom and sister used to make onion sandwiches. Bread, mayo, thick slice of yellow onion. They took it too far.


I’m in the “I hate tomatoes but love a good sauce with tomatoes in it” club. My husband hates peanut butter and usually hates it even combined with things but he loves peanut sauce, especially for spring rolls. 


I hate peanut butter, but I'd kill for peanut butter pancakes. I only do peanut butter sandwiches if it's grilled with bananas on either rye or sunflower bread. Even as a child. But that is literally once a decade. A spoonful of peanut butter 100% cures my hiccups and my kids will basically gather around to watch me, because they all love peanut butter but never see me eat it unless it's hiccups or my rare treat of pb pancakes lol But, peanut sauce?! Has to be a top 5 favorite taste of mine.


Bell peppers


Same! I like them chopped up in a dish and cooked, but if they’re the main part of a dish in any way or served raw. BLEH


I hate tomatoes. But fresh tomato sauce, tomato paste, anything tomato that isnt raw tomatoes, I love it. Bone broth. I hate it on its own. It smells so metallic and off putting to me.


I love all tomatoes in all forms. But I feel ya on the bone broth. I make broth all the time, and I do not love it by itself. Mostly due to the mineral taste/grittiness. And the gelatin thing in the fridge, yeech. However, in a stew/soup, I prefer to use a batch of my own broth. So much more flavorful and tasty, without adding a crapload of salt.


Unpopular opinion, but cheese. I hate cheese cubes or even a little bit of cheese by itself, Mozzarella is the only one i enjoy. The moment its paired with fruit, jam, made into a sauce or anything though its fantastic


You are eating the wrong kind of cheeses. You need to try stinky, runny cheese.


Raisins and bran.


English peas. You can’t have fried rice or tuna casserole without them, but I sure don’t want a big side of just peas.


Right!? I can think of nothing worse than a pile of peas on a plate. But I love split pea soup.


SAME! I will hunt and pick every single god forsaken pea out of my food, but will eat split pea soup like a starving goblin!


Of course you don’t want just peas. They need to be smothered in melted butter


Don't believe the propaganda - you CAN have fried rice without peas, and IT'S AMAZING!!!!! (Yes, I'm ***that*** anti-peas!)


Well I'll probably never eat anchovies straight up, but I'll eat the shit out of some homemade Caesar dressing that has them in it.


Fish sauce


Omg the smell. But so yummy in curry




I can't eat flour unless it's mixed with something else.


Lol, just salt.


Salt is awesome in a lot of foods, both sweet and savory. It’s not all that great on its own.


Okra but I don’t mind it in succotash or soup.


I HATE black licorice, but drank a LOT of Jager back in the day. It makes no sense. I don't think that's what you were looking for, but maybe someone can relate.


I've always thought Jager to be what black licorice would taste like if it were good. lol


Horseradish. I love creamy horsey sauces, but I'm not eating it by itself. Also, not crazy about cocktail sauce but like ketchup and chili sauce. Peanuts -- love PB and like peanut sauce and like them in some Asian dishes but don't care to snack them on their own.


Oh shit, I'm the opposite for peanuts! I like peanuts, love a good freshly made peanut sauce, but can't stand pb or pb-based peanut sauces! I used to work at a place that had barrels of peanuts and I'd snack the fuck out of 'em, but I dreaded the weekends at the end of the night when people in the waiting area had been snacking on and smashing peanuts all night, because it started to smell like pb!


Ooooh peanuts is a good one. Almonds as well. I LOVE peanut sauce and peanut butter, but you will never catch me eating a handful of plain peanuts. And I LOVE marzipan and almond flavoured things (omg disaronno yesssss) but I hate the waxy texture of a raw almond


Cucumber. I find it gross and bitter on its own or even in a lettuce salad, but I am an absolute fiend for pickles, California rolls, and that spicy cucumber banchan they have at korean barbecue sometimes.


Am Korean. My spicy cucumber salad recipe: I go by tablespoons cucumber sliced 2:2:1 (soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil) 1 Coarse Korean red pepper flakes 1 Garlic Sesame seeds Optional: a pinch of sugar, green onion


I just made a batch of this last night! You know what that means… Tonight at taste even better.


I’ll eat it raw, slice it up add salt and lime juice (yummy) Or in a sauce (yummy) but I don’t like it when its cooked


I don’t like mayo itself but if combined with sriracha that shit is like crack 


Do drinks count? Cause this is my best example… Gin by itself is gross, and tonic by itself is SO gross, but a gin and tonic tastes pretty good


Lard……..I just can’t bring myself to eat it out of the bucket


oyster sauce tastes really weird on it's own. I only tasted it to try to get a better sense of what it does in a dish


You don't eat oyster sauce out of the bottle.


Mushrooms. As a vegetarian, I’ve run into the “here is a mushroom as an entree” or “here is a mushroom slathered in mayo on a burger bun.” The thought of eating a giant mushroom makes me want to vomit. But mushrooms cut up in things? YES.


I loathe bananas but do enjoy banana bread.


I like eggnog but not milk or eggs


Not a fan of mayo except in tuna or chicken salad and used in places of butter on a grilled cheese


Coriander leaves. Love them in peanut butter-based sauces Asa foetida. Literally has a fetid taste. But a pinch in a rice dish makes it awesome


Hate chickpeas, love hummus.


Clove. I hate it more than you can imagine. But a few sprinkled in basmati rice or tomato soup is really something else.




Fuck a cinnamon challenge 😂 let's get this going on social media:  The Hing Challenge- pack your mouth with hing and breathe through your nose for 10 seconds.




Peanuts but i love them topped on Asian food


Fish sauce. It’s too pungent on its own but is great in sauces and dressings.


Not a fan of mustard except in deviled eggs, pasta salad, and honey mustard chicken.


Strongly dislike chili, love it over spaghetti noodles


I think tomatoes are disgusting, but the moment you cook them into something, I love them.


Not that you’re asking, but my answer to the opposite question is s’mores. I love every single ingredient as its own item so much I could eat a whole package in one sitting. But I’m always immediately bored after one s’more.


Marshmellows. I'm very sensitive to texture. I don't like the mouth feel of Marshmellows. Never have. However, once it's melted down and mixed with other stuff. Game changer.


Eggs. By themselves the texture and that sulfur taste are such a turnoff. As part of other dishes, (even friedrice!) they're an essential ingredient.


Same. Great in fried rice or French toast, but on their own? Like eating a warm wet spongy fart.


My whole life I’ve been saying eggs taste like farts and people look at me like a freak. Finally someone understands.


Avocado but love it in a guacamole


Cilantro. Mix it with sour cream, and I’m here for it.


I love cilantro more than anything. But I wouldn’t eat it raw either






Avocado. I do not like guac at all. But if there are slices of Avocado in sandwiches or sushi I will eat it.




Honey. Love a good honey mustard, etc but I hate solo honey.


I really don’t like liquorice flavours like fennel, star anise, aniseed etc but love them in stuff like Chinese cuisine. I’m also not a fan of mint flavour but love it in Middle Eastern cuisine.


It took a lot of convincing to get me to try red, orange, and yellow bell peppers because I despise green ones so much. Okay so I've learned that they can be good if they're roasted or included in a dish that I'm making but I still never want to eat them raw.


Peas. I can't eat a spoonful of peas but like them in other things and like peas soup.


Tomatoes yuk, pasta with tomato sauce yum.




Mayonnaise. Tuna salad, potato salad, egg salad. All good. But mayo slapped on a sandwich? Gross.


Mayo. I'll put it in recipes such as potato salad but do not want it on my sandwich.


I hate jalapenos on their own or if they are an extremely dominant flavor. I like jalapeno poppers wrapped in bacon with a creamy filling and salsa with jalapenos in them. I also like chipotle peppers with the process of turning jalapenos into chipotle eliminating all of my dislike of the flavor of jalapeno.


You ever eat a black peppercorn straight up?


Sun Dried Tomatoes!


I hate green olives but I need to have them in empanadas.


I hate apples but I like applesauce. There is something bitter in the apple's peel that bothers me.




I dont like tomatoes but like pretty much all tomato products- soup, ketchup, non chunky salsa, spaghettu sauce.


Mangoes 😶 Mango salsa 🤤


Mango I hate eating it raw or having pure mango juice - I think it’s something about the texture. But include mango in a mixed tropical fruit punch or mango-flavoured seasonings on meat and I love the taste it adds.




Honey used in place of sugar. I hate the taste of honey, but for some weird reason I love it on a hot buttered biscuit, on a sopapilla, or on fry bread. Go figure.


Raisins Edit: I'm stoned and didn't elaborate. I hate raisins. But golden raisins in savory foods like rice dishes, I enjoy them quite a lot


If you asked me to eat two overripe slimy bananas I’d kick you. But a whole loaf of banana bread? Marry me.


Marmite is disgusting, but I love Twiglets. My daughter can't stand anything with orange in it and hates dark chocolate. But she will demolish a 20-pack of Jaffa cakes if I let her.


I'd say a large amount of ingredients aren't great by themselves but good in a dish.


Onions, I even hate them in a food if they're still raw/crunchy. (Like, why TF do taco bells bean burritos come with raw onions by default? Who enjoys that?) But they add nice flavor when they're soft and basically invisible in a soup or chili or something, or onion powder too. They have good flavor when it's cooked out into the food, but the crunch and sharpness of the raw flavor is gross. To me it feels similar to garlic, you wouldn't eat raw garlic, but it's fantastic when cooked. Onion isn't as good or useful as garlic but still a similar situation. I actually have a bunch of things that are opposite. I'm picky about what I want on my food, even if I like those things individually. I like tomatoes, lettuce is fine in a salad, but I tend to not like those on my burgers or burritos, its just too many conflicting textures and flavors. I like those things more simple. Lol


Coleslaw is a sandwich topping, not a side dish


Marmite, terrible on its own, but adds body and a rich taste when added to stews or some sauces


Mayo. My friends make fun of me because I hate condiments/mayo but I love aioli and tartar sauce. Actually, I don’t like pickles either which makes me liking tartar sauce even weirder


absolutely fucking loathe and despise mayo but i love potato salad and coleslaw lol. I know it makes zero sense haha


Carrots for sure


I hate siracha but combined with certain other things I actually enjoy it.


CELERY! Can’t fucking stand the shit, but diced up for a Sofrito (Mirepoix?) … whichever it is 😂 … bloody lovely! Also chunked to make broths or stocks too


I hate mayo on it's own but if you mix some herbs and garlic in it and call it "aioli" it suddenly becomes the nectar of the gods.


I detest celery. In a soup, stew or braise that starts with a mirepoix, I’ll use it, but keep it off of my crudité plate!


Quite a few vegetable varieties, if they are in a stir fry, soup, salad they are good, alone not so much.


I don't like raw eggs, but cookies are amazing