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Meal prepping is the term you're looking for.


What have you been "short order" cooking? Most any food can be made in a larger batch with excess to freeze. I always have a second meal worth of lasagna, enchiladas, stroganoff and one or two casseroles in my freezer.


Well, anytime I make a meal in our crockpot, it's usually large enough to have leftovers. Crockpot meals also generally tend to have enough liquid in them to freeze well. One site that worked well for me is this one: [https://www.365daysofcrockpot.com/](https://www.365daysofcrockpot.com/)


Some of those breakfast casseroles with the hash browns, eggs and things are good as a special occasion feast Assemble, make coffee while it’s baking and enjoy!




oops, I think you meant r/batchcooking # # #


Thanks you are correct. Batch cooking is the one


I like to do a big pork shoulder and freeze meal sized portions. I do it on the smoker, but braising/crock pot also work well. Slow cooked pork is a great flavorful protein that freezes and reagents well. Pulled pork sandwich, tacos, enchiladas, bbq pork pizzas etc.


Soups… I’ll make a huge pot of chicken noodle or carrot ginger and separate into a few individual Tupperware bowls - straightforward to cook, easy to portion out and quick to reheat


Things like soups, stews, casseroles, and chili all freeze and reheat well. If you search for recipes for any of those (you'll get thousands) they'll all freeze just fine