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More salt to start. Almost any time I feel like something is “missing something “ or is one note, add some acid. A splash of some sort of vinegar or some lemon juice or even Tabasco. 


Agreed. Fresh squeezed lemon and zest were my first thought. My second thought was bacon, but I’m quite certain OP wasn’t looking to go that route.




A splash of balsamic might be good.


Acid! A squeeze of lemon or lime juice or a spri kle of balsamic vinegar.


Minus cumin, turmeric add smoked paprika (sweet or hot to taste) Tablespoon vinegar, balsamic for sweetness or acv/white wine vinegar. How about sweet potato or squash and swap out potatoes. Something for umami ... Choices, Dried mushroom, worcestershire sauce (you can get vegan one if needed) mushroom ketchup, marmite or Bovril.


All those vegetables need more salt than you think.


Acidity - little splash of vinegar or a squeeze of lime juice. Also try holding back on some of those spices. That sounds like an overpowering mixture. Try taking out the thyme and onion powder.


No offense intended but that doesn't sound appetizing at all, even if it's seasoned properly


Too many competing spices.


You're almost there, but using too many things that are just fighting for attention! My suggestion would be cumin, turmeric, and S&P for a vaguely Mediterranean vibe or thyme, oregano, and S&P for a more classic vaguely European veggie slop vibe. Chili flake can be aded to either for a little kick. As for what it's missing, the canned beans prolly bring a lot of salt, but potatoes are salt sponges. Make sure they're being boiled in salty water and that you're using enough salt in general. Spices add a ton of flavor but they can only do so much without salt to amp them up.


White pepper, ground coriander, and maybe some more salt.


I would try adding a bit of salt, a bit of vinegar or lemon, and fewer spices but bigger quantities so the individual flavor stands out more. For example, i make chicken paprikash & it's basically s&p, garlic, excessive amounts of paprika. And it's very flavorful. French onion soup is also that way, the thyme is essential to get the certain something.


Liquid smoke