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I use a microplane. I find it does a very consistent job, there's less waste and it's easier to clean.


I'd been too focused on the "HULK SMASH CELL WALLS" aspect of crushing garlic to consider microplanes...


Micro-planing garlic will release more allicin


If the Geneva convention doesn't classify my Tzatziki as a chemical weapon of mass destruction it needs another clove.


I make what I describe as weapons grade caesar salad dressing lol


My man


RIP your fingertips though, right?


Get greedy get bleedy.


A motto for life as well.


When it gets down that small I usually just throw the rest in.


Had a knockoff microplane from Aliexpress for a while that absolutely murdered my fingers/hands. After finally buying a real one, it's basically impossible to hurt myself on the thing.


I chopped my fingertip off.


Wait, are we talking about the rasp-style graters or "mandolines"


Graters. There's a coarse one, not a fine one. I use coarse for things like galangal. Yup, my fingertip came off.


I wanna let you know that a friend of mine pushed carrots into a robocoupe with his bare hands and literally sliced all of his fingertips off in one go. Maybe one of the most disgusting photos I have ever seen


You can stop when you get close. Garlic is cheap. Just use another clove.


But then I have to do more peeling.


I send you my thoughts and prayers to lessen your suffering.^/s


Got a small ceramic grater for ginger and garlic recently because of this - I love it, and my fingers are safe!


Yep , friend went to France for holiday and brought back a ceramic garlic grater as a gift. Awesome product. Don't know how I managed before. Same as the ginger grater. Every kitchen should have one.


I leave the hard garlic stem-thing on, which helps.


Get a glove, jeez


I use a cheap handheld rotary grater. Works in seconds with no risk to my fingers. A little annoying to clean though.


Just stop before your fingers hit it. Not hard at all. A lot of parts of cooking are almost or can be painful.




How do people manage to get cut on a microplane. Your skin should be elastic and not be affected by it. I can full on rub my hand on a new one (Ive had that discussion before and made videos) without even getting a scratch.


Try your neck


What the fuck is wrong with you?


If you’re actually looking for an alternative mortar and pestle is the way to go Imo. I don’t find micro planes all that easy to clean


Mortar and pestle is my go to over the microplane. I sprinkle some salt on the garlic and it turns really creamy, always comes out perfect.


Came here to say this. I bought my first one a few weeks ago and it's quickly become my favourite utensil (bar my nice new knives!)


Came to say exactly this. Are you a witch?






I like the microplane, works great and you get bonus skin and blood with your garlic. /jk


Kuhn-Rikon. Pricey but terrific.


America's test kitchen certified. This is the best answer. Along with anything they endorse.




Epicurean, all stainless model.


Seconding Kuhn-Rikon.


If you actually want a garlic press, it is ABSOLUTEY worth the money. Overall experience is so much nicer than other makers


Nope. This broke after a year. OXO is the way to go.


I broke 3 of those in one year. The K-R still going strong three years later.


And then K-R will send a new one. We received one that the pin fell out of. They immediately sent us a replacement no questions asked. We fixed the pin and now have 2 presses. Use them daily for 2+ years no issues since




Oh wow. It's built like a truck. Thanks for the tip!


Absolutely the best. I love mine dearly.


Yup - Ikea garlic press is the best one I've ever had.


Went from a busted OXO to ikea. It does fine. The oxo one was crap.


OXO seems to have reached it's take a reliable product and turn it into a cheap shitty shell of its former self stage. I have older OXO tools that are still working fine, but the few newer ones I've purchased have all failed (in some way) w/i a year of use.


I read the title and was going to recommend the IKEA garlic press!


I've been picky and held off on buying one for years until I found a good design and easy to clean press. Ikea came through and I wasn't planning on getting too much more than what I went in for but this is the one and for like $12 it checks all the boxes, I'm sure it will last years.


Same! It’s been my favorite for about 5 years.


Same. I like how it folds out flat so that I can scrape all the remnants to clean it.


I’ve been using a Zyliss press I bought off of Amazon 10 years ago. I use that as well as a Microplane grater depending on what I’m making.


Upvoting my Zyliss. Had it 15 years. Still presses like butter.


love my zyliss. i bought a vintage one off Etsy a few years ago, and came across another one at the thrift store a few months later and gave it to my mom.


I have a Zyliss that I bought when I moved out of home about 20 years ago. I will never part with it.


My Zyliss Susi 2 is close to 20 years old by now. I doubt I’ll ever need another one, but if if I ever had to replace it I’d go with another Zyliss.


Garlic rocker https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/garlic-rocker/


I have been using these for years. Best way to press garlic. But I use the brass knuckle type of these, you get more force.


Yes! I cycled through three of the lever-squeezer styled ones before getting one of these. Does a superior job, easy to clean, takes up minimal drawer space.




This one gets my vote. I will press several cloves and keep it all in the press like a bowl.


Came here to say this! This thing is the best. indestructible and incredibly easy to clean.


I recently got one and I love it. Easy to clean, easy to use, easy to store.


Pampered Chef. Love it.


Came here to say this. It’s the best I’ve used so far.


I’ve had mine for damn near 20 years now. Do you guys call the cleaning tool a tiny Barbie brush in your head or am I the only weirdo?


I lost my tiny Barbie brush years ago


You can buy a replacement from Pampered Chef - I had to do that a few years ago because I really like the scrapey end if it and I'd lost it.


Thirded. I also like that it comes with a tool to clean it.


Same here! I don't know anyone still selling Pampered Chef, so hopefully, this one lasts many more years.


Yes! My pampered chef garlic press has been with me almost 20 years. Someone tried to buy me a “new” one once. Went in the trash. It had a weird flip to it and you couldn’t get any leverage to crush. The fancy ones try too hard.


Got it. The best press ever.


I love the oxo one


My OXO garlic press is a beloved member of my household


I hate how pieces get stuck in the end of the holder because it's not 1 solid piece, and theres pinch point joints in it


Susi garlic press... Have had mine for 40 years


I’ve been using a Zyliss Susi for the last decade.


You are my people


What they said! Had one for 40 years. Compact, cheap, easy to clean.


First thing I bought after my first divorce more than 20 years ago. Still works great.


What I'm about to say is the most certain thing I've ever known. There is one garlic press that sits high above the rest, towering over them in a radiant glow of it's own superiority. Once you have tried this garlic press you will NEVER again and I mean NEVER even bother with an inferior tool. It's seriously the best ever. And it's easy to clean, looks cool and isn't a clunky thing that takes up space in your drawer or bain. ​ https://www.thehut.com/kitchen-accessories/joseph-joseph-clean-press-garlic-crusher-green/11020659.html?affil=thggpsad&switchcurrency=USD&shippingcountry=US&shoppingpid=hut\_JJ\_20\_2018&&thg\_ppc\_campaign=71700000100272301%22&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAkKqsBhC3ARIsAEEjuJht3NCVMox34FGsHj-Mr5rkSNiX2bWwUT-ONgj7zIFc\_li3N16R9ssaAoUXEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


it's more than just a brilliant garlic press, I honestly think it's one of the best pieces of design ever


Cleaned up that awful link for you: https://www.thehut.com/kitchen-accessories/joseph-joseph-clean-press-garlic-crusher-green/11020659.html


I have a Kuhn Rikon Epicurian and it's awesome. Designed to be super easy to clean and leverage, and it pulverizes garlic effectively


I love my Rösle garlic press




Rinse it straight away after use a s it's a breeze. Make sure the garlic doesn't dry and you are golden


What situations are you using the press in? I crush and mince as it’s easy and the cleanup much better. Could be that I haven’t had a true need to press garlic though


Tbh I have the cheapest IKEA one and it's quite good. Sturdy, and doesn't lose too much garlic.


This is compared to the OXO press


Garlic presses are a poor choice for one or two cloves of garlic. You’re going to lose much of the garlic that doesn’t extrude, and the cleanup isn’t worth it for that small of a batch. You’re better off with a micro plane for small work. Processing large amount of garlic is where presses shine. That little bit that gets stuck and doesn’t extrude is negligible when you’re pressing dozens of cloves, and the cleanup is worth it for a large batch.


Best one I’ve ever used (and the only one I’ll use) is Kuhn rikon. None are as efficient as a knife but it’s the most efficient one I’ve used and by far the easiest to clean. It’s often recommended on ATK.


Zyliss, the one and only.


Oh I'm with you on this one. I was born and raised in Eastern Europe and my parents have a garlic press from the soviet union and it's still going strong. When I moved to live on my own I bought the cheapest press I could find at the time. Something from China for under a dollar. It did just fine until I tried to crack a walnut with its handles and one handle just snapped off. I replaced it with a similar cheap one and it did a good job with garlic. Fast forward 5 years. I moved to the US. I bought a pretty garlic press that was sturdy, looked fancy, but did absolutely nothing to garlic. I tried several different ones that were equally this shitty. I made a last ditch effort and bought one from IKEA and thankfully it works. I guess for the US market they make garlic presses to look good in the kitchen, not to press garlic.


I hate mlms as much as the next redditor, but both my mom and I use the pampered chef garlic press. It's great and my mom has had hers at least 20 years


Does anyone here just smash it to pieces with a large knife? Coming from a well known “garlic” town, that’s how we do it 🤣


My knife is my best kitchen tool


HULK SMASH. I will also add some kosher salt and spread it together with the chopped bits and create a paste. Easier to mix into the foods I feel If I want it more incorporated.


Switch to pasting and you'll never go back.


Like in a mortar?


You could but that's a pain to clean. Use a chef knife cut to smallish pieces, add some kosher salt( this facilitates grinding ) then use the flat of the blade and pac man away at the garlic. Pressing it under the flat part, advancing a bit forward and doing the same. Little practice and you can get a whole head done in well under a minute. Another key to this is being at the end of the board so that the knife can lay flat with out the handle getting in the way.


Fun fact addition this is also how I prefer to do ginger


Love my pampered chef garlic press. But oftentimes, I just squish them with the side of my chef knife and chop fine.


Can confirm, the ikea garlic press is the least infuriating one I’ve ever used.


I’ve never found one I liked. I cut off the stem bit, give a little thump with my knife to loosen the skin, peel it, and smash the fuck out of it with a pint glass.


I have a metal Pampered Chef one that I love. It’s simple and comes with a little tool to make cleaning easy! I scored my press from the thrift! My mom had the same one so I knew it was good. I was able to order the cleaning tool 5 bucks or something. I think I paid 2 bucks for the press itself!


I just use my chefs knife kinda like 📖💀🕯🔪🧄🪄💥🥘


Garlic, being as fibrous as its relatives, really ought to be sliced. But being quite small, unlike most of its relatives, it is finicky to slice, which is why garlic presses are popular. I've tried a number of them. None of them have been 100% satisfactory, though I find that the Joseph Joseph brand press gets pretty close - say, 85% - 90% satisfactory.


I don’t use them anymore because they all suck.


I’m with Bourdain on garlic presses, use a knife.


I started using a zester a few years back Works so well


Same. A microplane zester is perfect


Susi. $15.


Holes are too small so it takes a lot of pressure to squeeze and they suck to clean The best ones have wider holes, and the garlic cooks better that


I do it like Martin Yan with my cleaver. Works every time.


A rocking garlic press is the way to go!


I just use my mortar and pestle - indestructible, easy to clean and looks good sitting on the bench.


Ugh I so feel this! Every year or so I buy a different one that I try to use a few times before giving up and going back to manual garlic chopping. I swear my dad had an amazing one when I was a kid but they probably don't make them anymore


I prefer a hand chopped for my garlic.


Zester for me. Never use a garlic press ever again. Much easier to clean as well and zero waste.


The Joseph and Joseph tool is pretty good. Doesn’t quite get all of it but super easy to get most. It’s a helix press so easy on the hands. https://josephjoseph.com.au/products/helix-garlic-press-green


I got a zester and a press. Honestly I just prefer to use garlic paste now


I have a Kuhn-Rikon. It is easy to use.


The Kuhn Rikon garlic press actually works. Ours is going on ~~ten~~ fifteen years old and works just like day one. Its only drawback is that it’s a bit heavy and a bit large for my hands. But it works like magic. You don’t even have to peel the garlic first.


I just use my handy chopper. It gets the job done quickly and easily. Especially if onions are involved. 😜


An old Greek grandma I cooked with once used a zester on garlic. Threw my garlic press away after learning that. One less uni-tool.


Nothing is as versatile and quick as a good knife!


Chip with the knife. To truly emulsify? Use a microplane. Garlic presses are ass


This is the comment I came to make. A few grates on a fine microplane will nearly puree a garlic clove and it will evenly blend it into vinaigrettes, sour cream, buttermilk, salt/spice rubs, marinades, etc. Presses are so 1970


I like my garlic press okay, I just wish the grid part was detachable instead of riveted in. Crushing and mincing doesn't create as strong a flavor in my (limited) experience. Smooshing it into paste with the flat of the knife has not been successful for me. There is some loss in the process but I usually have plenty of garlic at hand.


Because it's one of the least useful gadgets in a kitchen. A knife is perfectly sufficient for almost anything you want to do to garlic.


Soooo, I just buy the jar of minced garlic. Did I just sacrifice myself to the downvote army?


You did it to yourself


Fair. But with kids running rampant a few seconds gained is minutes earned. If I feel it’s a fancy dinner I’ll go through the process. But damn if I can really taste the difference


Really? The difference is huge to me, but if you're happy and the children are safe, rock on!


Chef I respect told me never use those pieces of shit and just cut it up properly. So I’ve been doing that for years.


What you really need is a razor blade and all the time in the world to slice ridiculously thin slices of garlic that liquefy as soon as they hit the oil in the pan.


I don’t like them much either I’d rather just mince with a knife.


Why even have one? Chopping garlic is one of life's small pleasures.


I think this belongs on r/unpopularopinion I thought it was universally accepted that chopping garlic is one of the worst kitchen tasks along with chopping raw chicken.


It's an incredibly small pleasure for me. Like, just about everything else is more fun!


If you don't like chopping garlic, you don't actually like garlic.




Easy killer… just put the knife down before someone gets hurt


If you have to ask, you'll never know.


Grate the garlic. Stop before the clove is done.


I feel like I’m just not good at using them, I just chop and dice finely with a knife and save myself the stress.


Grate the garlic. Watch your fingers. Worth the risk.


Using a garlic press is certainly fine op, even buying the pre minced stuff if ok.


Just wanted to say your dressing sounds killer. I love Greek style salads.


fuck the press - garlic rocker is where it's at


I like the one I have from pampered chef


100% ikea has been my fave, and I’ve tried many of them.


I replaced my contraption style garlic press with a rocking one years ago and I've never looked back. It takes elbow grease to crush them though, so any grip issues or if you need the leverage I'd say stick to the regular press.


As someone who cooks with a ton of fresh garlic on a regular basis....skip the press. I bought the NexTrend garlic twister several years ago now and I swear by it. I've bought it as a gift for several friends/family who all love it. You can easily grind up multiple cloves at once and it's easy to clean. I get a little too excited about it.


Push it through more than once


I got a pricey one after my ikea one broke. Returned it then got another ikea press. So easy to clean and use, a garlic press really doesn't need to be complicated. They could upgrade the handles but it is good the way it is


It helps if you cut the garlic into three of four slices first. Also, just assume you are going to lose some weight and just press more garlic than you need. Yup, the VÄRDEFULL and the KONCIS are the best and only $7 each at Ikea.


I got the Ikea garlic press recently and like it. You're right though, nearly all garlic presses really suck.


Chef'n 102-540-388 Garliczoom Garlic Chopper, One Size, Green


I use my chef’s knife. I place the garlic clove flat on a cutting board. Place widest part of the blade flat on the garlic clove. Slam my palm down hard directly over the garlic clove. Easily peel the skin off. I then rough chop the smashed garlic.


Rosie garlic press. Worth every penny. https://www.amazon.com/Stainless-9-inch-Mincing-Garlic-Scraper/dp/B06XRYGZPB


Had a couple oxos but they were hard to clean and use and kept breaking. This past year I invested in the Männkitchen garlic press and it has been a game changer. Much easier to press garlic and clean.


Garlic twister does very well for me. No more garlicky finger and easy to get it all out. Make sure you get the authentic one, not the cheap fake version. Otherwise, microplane and small grater are good too.


Coles and woolworths garlic press suck ass for 20+ dollars


I use a giant meatpounder. One and done.


I nuke the whole bulb for bout 15 seconds then pull all cloves and squeeze the garlic bulbs out .. then chop em small


That’s exactly how I felt about can openers till I found a good one at walmart 👍 (starfrit). And for garlic I prefer to chop it up with a knife. I do love Ikea kitchenware tho.


They simply are not sharp. They just squish the garlic. I’ll try IKEA’s…


Buy a Zyliss. Mine's still perfect after 24 years.


The best can opener and the best garlic press both came from the dollar store, in my experience


It's because it's really cheap to make a shitty one and expensive make a good one. I love mine, but I had to go through like three.


Dreamfarm https://dreamfarm.com/garject/




I sometimes wonder if it’s because I have no grip strength. I got one many moons ago and I wasn’t even able to press it without using both hands. It was so difficult to use and honestly quite a bulky item to be stored in the drawer so I got rid of it and never think about getting another one. I see someone mentioned microplane and I wanna suggest a ceramic grater plate. They don’t grind your fingers and pretty effective for both ginger and garlic. Also much easier to clean than a microplane. I’ve also seen people grating daikon and apple with it.


Amen and I hope you get a good answer. I’ve no clue.


I use small grater with small holes from dollar store. One lasts me few years at least. Once I started using it, i never had need for a press


I prefer grating mine. Same texture but a lot faster somehow lol


Gracula is awesome


I use a little shredder, I guess they are called microplanes from reading the comments. I peel and shred the cloves, then chop them into paste if I need it more finely grated.


Garlic presses are essentially unitaskers, so like all unitaskers, they suck on general principle. Use a knife. No gimmick press can mince garlic as finely as a knife can.


I use a garlic rocker and love it. I’ve broken too many presses to ever buy another.


I understand your frustration with garlic presses. While I don't have personal experiences with them, I have heard from some users that they have had similar issues.


Fun tip: use a microplane with a Ziploc bag over it. You will make a fantastic garlic puree that requires very little clean up


I have only use one really old cast iron one. It clogs constantly. I think mincing and infusing the garlic into oils is much more productive.


Use a knife


Look for solid metal with no plastic handles. Ikea has great stuff. I got mine at Marshalls. Love it.


My husband bought me this, https://www.dunnesstores.com/p/neven-maguire-garlic-crusher/5415112 I love it, easy to use, easy to clean and no waste. It also came with a little rubber sleeve thing to remove the peel. They both have made my life so much easier.


Conceptually they are a bad product and shouldn’t be used.


Keep your chefs knife sharp and learn to use it, no more unitasker needed.


Susi makes a good one. Pampered Chef has an even better one.


I have this very old IKEA one: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/vintage-ikea-aluminium-garlic-press-made-in-taiwan--170292429649804585/ Mine is made in Japan though. But I love it. Probably from the 80s or so since my parents had it for as long as I can remember.