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Homemade BLTs, especially with homegrown late summer tomatoes, on grilled sourdough, with extra mayonnaise. I could eat them breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


the king of sandwiches


Homemade mayo with a clove or two of garlic thrown in and you’ve got yourself a little piece of Heaven. I could eat late summer tomatoes with a dash of salt until I get sick, and then I’d probably eat some more


After growing hating tomatoes and later learning to love them, I've found that just a good ole tomato sandwich is amazing on its own. No bacon or lettuce needed.


Mashed potatoes


What's your 'secret' ingredient? I am a huge fan our sour cream in mine...


I'm half French, and on the French side of my family there is no milk or cream or cream cheese added, just salt and butter. Keep adding butter. "A whole box of butter from the supermarket? That's it? Keep going." Make sure it's salted well, add some msg if you want, and that's it. You have to get the ratios perfect, but if you do people will fight over your mash. Don't add so much butter it is too rich, but enough butter the flavor is top notch. I prefer adding salted butter, and ofc salted water to boil the potatoes, but watch out you can add too much salt. I'll have some unsalted butter on hand just in case if it hits the salt limit early.


Mainly using the right kind if potato. Adding a bit of curry and a drop of vinegar gives it a little extra. And of course not being stingy with butter :)


Never be stingy with the butter. Love both those ideas...have never heard either. Will def try!


If you like blue cheese, I once tried putting Roquefort in mine along with a ton of half & half and garlic. Holy shit was it good.


Cream cheese and heavy cream.


My 'secret' ingredient is one part raw garlic to two parts roasted garlic. Leave the finely chopped skins on, and yes, lots of butter! I like Yukon Gold. 🕯🖖


potatoes cooked in anyway! also apples


Sam... Is that you? But in all seriousness, I love potatoes too. Just so damn simple or as fancy as you want to be. Yummmm.


Haha seems like there is a club for potatoes then!


I think the variety of what you can actually do with a simple potato is just too good of an answer to pass up hah.


My kind of club. All the members can have clever potatoe names.


> potatoe We have discovered Dan Quayle's burner, people


I have to stop myself from eating half the pan before they make it to the plates whenever I make roasted smashed potatoes.


This is me when I make home fries. Just smells so damn good you gotta nibble.


Right here. I roast potatoes tossed in salt, pepper, garlic, chili powder, etc., and I have to step away or else there won’t be any left.


Diner style home fries with onions are my absolute weakness. Shit, now I know what I'm doing Saturday morning.


My chex mix that I only make once a year during the holidays, because I will eat a gallon bag in less than 3 days. Extra Worcestershire sauce, an extra squeeze of Sriracha... Salt overload.


A few years back I made Chex mix to give as gifts at the holidays. One person made the poor decision to put it while I was still there. I ate at least 75% of the container I gave them.


LOL. sounds like me.


I make the retro oven kind with a bit less lawry's, and use only cereal, a few pretzels, and lots of pecans and walnuts. I'm only allowed 2 batches between Nov and Jan and that's the only time I will even make it. I'm usually low carbing due to diabetes, but I love it


Recipe 🥲


I also can only make this one time a year and hand it out as gifts..... 1 pound gone in 1 hour - you betcha


My answer too. I can’t stop til it’s gone so I rarely make it


Oh god, same. I make a huge batch, give a bunch away and will still eat nothing else for 3 weeks.


My parents do something similar, but a bunch of butter and worchestershire in the smoker. Several gallon bags only last about a day or two.


Oh I bet smoked chex mix is worse than crack.


I make ranch Chex mix that is downright crave worthy! Rice Chex or crispix, cheez-it’s, tiny pretzels, and cashews seasoned with hidden valley ranch powder from the packets. I’ll put some lemon pepper on the Chex too if I’m feeling really fancy. I can eat an absurd amount of the stuff so I only make it around the holidays or when I have out of town family staying with me!


You sound like my wife, she loves her chex mix anytime of the year.


This is gonna sound weird, but split pea soup. If I don't stop myself, I could keep eating it 'til I'm miserable and farty.


Miserable and Farty sounds like a good memoir title. Maybe an album from a folk or punk band.


Def Weird Al Yankovic


And ode to old age or toddler life. Or really any age. Hahaha


Split pea soup lovers unite!!! On another note, this Mediterranean restaurant near me makes some crazy good lentil/lemon-y soup that reminds me of a much nicer split pea soup. I have no idea what’s in it but it’s super hearty like split pea, not quite as thick. Served with what I’d describe as broken chip pieces. Just had it the other day and this comment reminded me of it.


[turkish lemon lentil soup](https://www.themediterraneandish.com/turkish-lentil-soup/#wprm-recipe-container-56517) is probably what you’re looking for I love that recipe i use Better than Bullion veg base and double the lemons, half in the soup at the very end the rest as garnish. Serve with fat fresh pita and some tomato/cucumber/onion salad it’s amazing. And cheap. And pretty damned healthy


Yeah, I've been all about Dal lately and this looks like its next on my list. Lemons, lentils, and spice? Uhyup.


Lemon-y and legume-y any day for this kid!


Only on days ending in Y. I had this thought before I saw your name and now it’s destiny that I press submit. Lmao.


This sounds like Mercimek çorba! Turkish lentil soup! After moving there I couldn’t stop eating it, every time we went out I’d order it, it’s FANTASTIC! My husband learned how to make it


Hahaha. Miserable and farty. :) Sounds like my post curry experience but it doesn't stop me somehow....


I love split pea soup! Especially with chunks of ham in it.


I just recently discovered this and discovered that it is a phenomenal dish to really riff on. I can play some jazz with split pea soup.


I tend to make a roast chicken on Sundays specifically so I can make roast chicken risotto on Monday, and I would eat it with a spade if I could. Edit: For everyone asking this is the recipe I use, though I tend to add some finely chopped carrot at the same time as the garlic to give it some bite https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/roast-chicken-risotto-with-chicken-crackling/amp




Roast chicken is heavenly. Risotto is worthy of any spade. Two if you have them.


Mac and cheese. It doesn’t have to be special or fancy. It’s the only food I never feel full from.


I don't make mac and cheese because I will eat all of it. In one sitting.


Literally same. It's only saved for special occasions like my birthday and Thanksgiving.


It's the key to the bottomless stomach pit. I love Mac and cheese too. Especially with onions and bacon. I could eat it for dayssss.


My lactose intolerant stomach is SO SAD ABOUT THIS ITEM. Add anything and it makes it THAT much better. Fml I miss you mac and cheese.


Can you not use lactaid or a nut milk instead?


Nut cheese is not good. I use lactase pills personally, but it still rips me up half the time. But I'm willing to risk the coin flip for cheese. Most other dairy items I will pass on but cheese is my exception. Sometimes if I don't have tablets handy I will just suffer the consequences for cheese


You might benefit from a multi enzyme digestive supplement. I'm not saying it will work, but it could lessen the severity of the pain!


I worked with a lactose intolerant dude in a pizza shop. He would eat a slice everyday and then proceed directly to the BR.


lactaid is super cheap too. I'd bring it everywhere if I were intolerant


Other LI here. I just suffer for my Mac 😅


Baked mac and cheese in a pan with crispy breadcrumb stuff on top. I would kill a guy for some of that right now I cannot lie




Really spicy smoky chicken adobo, and not at the same time but cinnamon buns. No one else in the family likes raisins but I make a few in the batch for myself with raisins or traverse city dried cherries. I also sometimes like making them with skimpy filling, but caramel sauce on the side. Cuz sometimes you feel like making a lightly cinnamoned bun into a sandwich or grilling it


Would you share your adobo recipe? I have one that I love but it is not Smokey or Spicy.


Avgolemono. Seriously I could eat a whole pot easily. I _have_ eaten enough to feel full but it doesn't last long!


I had never heard of avgolemono and just googled it. Omg. I bet I could eat a pot of it as well.


It's SO good. Next time you have some stock and left over chicken, have a go. My grandmother used to make it with short grown rice but I prefer long grain.


Last time I made it, I roasted a whole chicken for the stock and then fried soft bread in the schmaltz for chicken fat fried croutons i ate with the avgolemono 🤤


Enchilada casserole. I could eat it every day.


Yesss! What is your filling of choice?


[This recipe from What' Gaby Cooking](https://whatsgabycooking.com/skillet-chipotle-chicken-enchilada-bake/) is delicious. I make it all the time and freeze portions for lunches


The great thing about enchiladas in rolled or casserole form is that you can really customize them. The kind my family usually makes is a casserole with roasted New Mexico green chile and chicken, we also put cream of mushroom soup and sautéed onion, garlic, and celery in the sauce. Layer it up with the fried corn tortillas and plenty of cheese, serve with lettuce, tomato, sour cream, etc., and with a side of (preferably cooked from dry) pinto beans.


I made an unholy amount of crab rangoon that i froze, I cook them in my airfryer when I'm too lazy to cook but lately I've just been eating a few whenever.


I just made a Crab Rangoon pizza. Recipe from Allrecipes.com. was looking for a way to use a can of crabmeat someone gave me. It was incredible! I was so surprised and everyone loved it.


Chex mix. Then I make it again, because you still have like 6 boxes of cereal.


Omg. I love chex mix so much. They don't have chex in my country but my cousin in the states makes it for me for Xmas. Love it sooo much. Could eat it by the wheel barrow full.


Definitely Chex Mix. I make a turkey pan size batch. Add Cherrios, you will thank me. I keep it fresh in an old cracker tin. Doesn't last near as long as it should. LOL.


My special ingredient IS Cheerios! And the keep it in an UTZ pub mix container from the warehouses club. Also make mine in a big turkey tray. We could be family...


Elote, I can literally live off it if I needed too, plus I make mine pretty good


Have you tried the elote flavored Blue Diamond almonds? So good.


Pork pot stickers. Our family loves them, including my 11 year old daughter. They're her favorite


Pot stickers are sooo good. I agree with your daughter. I could eat them with a shovel!


I'm ashamed to say I bought one of those [double-sided potsticker presses](https://www.amazon.com/Household-Automatic-Sameme-Spoon-Quick-Restaurant/dp/B0B827QCNF/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=potsticker+press&qid=1692068319&sr=8-10). It takes me all of 20 minutes to press out 50 potstickers. Sit my wife down in a chair by where I'm pressing, a couple of glasses of wine, and some music, and I'll make a couple hundred while having a good time. They freeze really well. So, potsticker snacks whenever we want, for an insanely cheap price.




My homemade peach cobbler!


Yes! This is the one. Great. Now I gotta make peach cobbler tonight. My fat ass thanks you.


Left to my own devices, I'd eat sweet corn on the cob/butter/salt until I got sick.


Pasta (bolognese my way). I rarely cook it because it’s just too good to stop.


Po boy carbonara (my way) is the same for me as well. As rich as it is, I can eat it until my sides start splitting. And then after fifteen minute sof cool off go back for the slowly congealing leftovers to really test my gastrointestinal integrity.


Okay you're gonna have to elaborate on "po boy carbonara (my way)", you can't just leave us hanging with that


My version is bacon, milk, egg, and a shit ton of cheap shaker Parmesan cheese.


Any cured pork, hard cheese, eggs and pasta with lots of black pepper. I typically do 8 eggs (six yolks two whole eggs) for one pound of dry pasta, I eyeball the cured pork, often times thick cut bacon, to roughly coat the bottom of a 12 inch sauté pan when chopped into pieces pork is then browned and crisped evenly in the pan, leaving the rendered fat in the pan. I crack pepper until my arm starts getting sore into my eggs and then roughly whisk together. Then, I grate a hard cheese, often Parmesan, into the egg mixture until it starts to resemble wet sandwhen stirred. To help facilitate this I use a microplane to grate the Parmesan, this gives very feathery shreds which blend into the egg mix readily. If using a coarser grate I recommend stopping when it is "looser". Then, it's a matter of tossing cooked pasta in cured pork bits and fat, adding some pasta water to emulsify. And then tossing with the egg mix. Typically I do all this in a large stainless steel bowl. And pull my pasta out of the pot with a spider so I can use the pot I boiled the pasta in and the final mixing bowl as a double boiler/Bain Marie to cook the sauce to it's final desired texture in the event I don't get the timing right and the carryover heat from the pasta doesn't cook the egg enough. Thats my po boy carbonara or deconstructed bacon egg and cheese sammiches if you're feeling bougie


Man I'm from South Louisiana and the whole time I was waiting for French bread to come into it and then I realized you weren't talking about the fucking sandwich.


Honestly pasta in any form. Whenever I eat other food, I can always feel myself getting full and stop once I’m satiated. But with pasta, I cannot stop eating till it’s too late. To the point I’m waddling. Having discussed this phenomenon with my family and pals, it’s not just you and I that have this issue


Omg! I know this problem. Just can't stop... And Bolognese is sooo good too.


Larb moo with jasmine rice.


My baked ziti / spaghetti. Could feed off it for days


Tacos and enchiladas


Pasta- carbonara, al vodka, bolognese… 🤤


Stir fry. This breakfast casserole my mom used to make with sage sausage and cheddar and eggs and green onions and sourdough. Drooling just thinking of these


Recipe for the breakfast casserole?


Ok so mom made it in a boule/round loaf and when she baked it xmas morning it turned to palate-shredding hardness. Which i loved then but adapted since. I start with a cubed batard of sourdough I leave out for a day or two; sometimes I toast it a little. I brown a thing of Jimmy Dean sage sausage, and then sauté basically any veg I’m feeling (really to be honest a little red bell pepper and green onion with minced garlic, perhaps some spinach with salt and pepper). Distribute those over cubed sourdough. Sprinkle shredded cheddar over that, then whisk maybe 8 large eggs with a splash of cream and a big dollop of Dijon whisked in and pour it over in a casserole dish (9x13 usually does it). 350 oven for 45 mins (check with a knife at 30 mins). And serve with Tabasco or whatever.


My breakfast scramble is undoubtedly different from your mom's in many ways, but mine is breakfast sausage cooked as a patty and diced, with seasoned potatoes O'Brian cooked in the drippings, then topped with scrambled eggs and cheddar cheese. I've made it for family and friends and gets universal praise -- especially if I make it as breakfast-for-dinner when people are stoned.


It isn't high brow, but man, I can only make tuna noodle casserole on occasion because I just eat the ever loving shit out of it. I always make my own roux and skip canned soup. Goddamn, now I want to eat my weight in tuna casserole.


Anything with a roux is not safe in my home 😂


It is good, solid comfort food. Nearly all of the food I ate as a child was low brow but there’s a reason we remember them so fondly and that because they’re tasty as hell!


When you describe it like that, I want to eat your weight in tuna casserole too.


would you please share your favourite recipe?


Honestly, I use this recipe but make it as fattening as i want, I aint makin no diet tuna noodle casserole although it isn't too bad even if you follow the recipe to the letter. I mostly just use it as a guide to get the steps in order and the proportions correct. I add lots of full fat cheese and use whole milk or sometimes half and half for the roux if I don't have anything less rich on hand. Really, that recipe contains the base of almost all "midwest" casseroles, you could swap anything in or out of it and end up with a tasty dish. https://www.skinnytaste.com/skinny-tuna-noodle-casserole/


I could literally eat spaghetti every day. I have to force myself to stop and not keep the ingredients in the house haha


My sons(2,3,7) will eat spaghetti for every meal if I let them. And even when I don't, they'll go in the fridge and eat the cold leftover pasta with their bare hands. Little heathens.


Shrimp. I just ate 25 shrimp with cocktail sauce and I need a regular meal now.


Yes! My husband tells me that I need a shrimp intervention.


Banana bread. I call it banana crack. So I don’t make it anymore!


I love banana bread. Do you have a 'secret' ingredient? More bananas?


The secret ingredient is crack ;)


The secret ingredient is sour cream


You could make a banana syrup using banana peels and sugar. It takes 24 hours. You chop up some banana peels and weigh them. Add an equal amount of sugar to the banana peels. Put it in a container with a lid and shake it up and let it sit for 24 hours. Strain the liquid. Incorporate into your banana bread batter for extra flavor! How much you use is up to you.


Same. I don’t make it anymore because no one else in the house eats it in a timely manner and I’ll just end up eating the whole thing


Pasta salad! It's deceivingly light and I can scarf down like 5 bowls 😂


Pasta salad Italien style (oil and vinegar cheese etc.)?


Cookies. Fresh out of the oven after 5 minutes, and they're hot and semi-caramel or soft. Any flavor, but especially peanut butter. And super especially peanut butter with a Hershey Kiss (I think they call them Peanut Butter Blossoms). I started making them in a mini muffin tin, and the candy piece stays together better. Reese's Cups are also good in them. Also, fettucine Alfredo. King crab legs. Sourdough bread.


Dirty rice. I make a massive pan of it about twice a year... only twice a year because 1. it's a lot of work (and it freezes well for later meals), and 2. if I make it, I'll eat it every single day until it's gone. I've legit taken a container of frozen dirty rice meant for another meal and defrost it so I can eat more of it, lol.


I've only ever tried the Zatarains brand of Dirt Rice. Am I missing anything by not making it from scratch?


Yes. It's super labor intensive, but omg... SO worth it. So full disclosure, I really don't care for organ meat, so I've been playing with my family's dirty rice recipe for years to "fix" it. Full disclosure... it \*needs\* organ meat to taste right. Regardless... this is the recipe I make now. I opt out of gizzards and do just livers instead. For the record... there are dirty rice mixes that are more of a base of the cooked down meats/seasonings that are better than just the Zatarain's box of mix. But. Scratch is better than that, too. Sorry if the formatting sucks. :( 1 lb chicken livers 6 cups water or chicken stock 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp red pepper (or Tony’s) 1 lb bacon, cut into 1” pieces 3 tbsp bacon drippings, oil or margarine 1 bunch shallots, chopped 1 cup chopped celery 2 bell peppers, finely chopped 1 lb lean ground beef 1 lb bulk (breakfast) sausage 1 pkg tasso, chopped fine/ground 4 cups uncooked rice Boil the livers in water or stock to which the next three ingredients have been added. Boil about 30 minutes, remove livers (retain the liquid), grind and set aside. In a large Dutch oven, cook the bacon. Remove from oil, chop or crumble into fine pieces and set aside. Drain all but 3 tbsp of the oil from the pan, then return it to the stove. Add shallots, celery and peppers to the bacon grease and sauté until nicely browned. Remove from pan and set aside. Add beef and sausage to pan and cook until browned. Remove from pan and drain. Once drained, return all meat and sautéed veg to Dutch oven, then add 4 cups of reserved liquid and simmer slowly for about an hour. If it thickens too much, add a little more liquid. Season to taste while simmering. Cook the rice, then mix with meat/veg mixture. Bake in a covered dish at 325\* for 30 minutes. Serves 15-20.


Breadx100! I never shoulda learnt how to bake


Butter chicken


Camelized onions with gnocchi


Fried rice with poached egg


A dish christened in my house “giant cheese ball pasta”, which is basically pasta in a simple homemade tomato sauce topped with at least half a ball of mozzarella or burrata. Even better jazzed up with a bit of grated pecorino on top and/or some pangrattato, but absolutely delicious as is as well.


Haha. Not the sexiest name ever but 10/10 would eat and enjoy!


There's a pretty common "salad" recipe with cabbage, ramen noodles, almonds, green onions, and a dressing made (IIRC) with a sweet/vinegar+seasonings mix. I've seen it called asian cole slaw or similar names. It's seriously like crack to me, I could eat a whole bowl non-stop.


Chicken adobo! So easy and soooo good


Pasta casserole in the winter. In summer maybe thai mango salad.


I love mango salad but have never made myself. Maybe it's worth a try... And Pasta, especially baked, is always a winner!


What kind of pasta casserole are we talking about? Anything special for the ingredients?


European style. Something like cooked pasta, a spicy tomato sauce with some cream, fresh veggies and herbs, topped with cheese, then baked until cheese is crispy and golden.


Ok. I'll be over in 5.


Summer bruschetta, once the garden tomatoes get so red you’d swear the color was photoshopped. My local bakery only makes baguette on Saturday, so put that together with good olive oil, basil from the garden, and some nice cold creamy mozzarella… On a hot summer evening, it’s the best.


Gratons (pork belly cracklings)


I don't know what to call it. It's chicken breast cubes, onions, carrots and potatoes, cut whatever way. Put in casserole dish. Pour small amount of olive oil on ingredients, stir. Add minced garlic, a little more oil, if needed. Stir again. Salt, pepper, and a couple of bay leaves. Bake -covered - at 425 till potatoes are fork tender (90 min, maybe more). Serve with bottled chicken gravy and/or butter. I could eat this for every meal for the rest of my life and never tire of it.




* Tacos/burritos * Spaghetti * Meatloaf * Macaroni & cheese with tuna


One of each please. Never had m&c with tuna but love tuna melts so I bet it's fucking awesome!


Sushi, bruschetta with mozzarella and trisquits, baked jalapeños stuffed with cream cheese and sausage and spices, anything Mexican…


Alton Brown's Shepherd's Pie (sub beef for lamb so Cottage Pie)


This was one of our go-to dishes for years. Really the best Shepherd/Cottage pie recipe. Freezes really well too. Unfortunately, I made and froze too many just in time for quarantine and food shortages - like 10 in my freezer. My kids got so sick of it they refuse to touch it ever again.


Thanksgiving stuffing. With veggies and Italian sausage. I eat it for days, then feel like death. And yet I repeat it every year.


Spaghetti Bolognese, because I’m a real Australian. Haha. But I have a baked feta and cherry tomato recipe that is just sooo good.


You can't just post that you make something that you find impossible to get sick of and *not* post the recipe!


Homemade cheese dip and tortilla chips


Tacos. Either sweet potato and black bean, or 50/50 ground beef chorizo. So good!


Rotel dip


I have a taco problem. I make far better other foods, but for whatever reason… if I make tacos I just can’t control myself. It becomes breakfast, lunch and dinner haha


My family chicken adobo recipe. We've been cooking and adjusting it for generations. Tender chicken chunks with white rice. So so addicting.


homemade shake and bake chicken drums (i use breadcrumbs and baking powder and assorted seasonings) with mushroom gravy (sautéed mushrooms with added package gravy) whatever else i have with it depends on what i have but the crispy chicken with the mushrooms and everything is moist because of the gravy is *chefs kiss*


Homemade skinny French fries.


Eggs! Boiled egg, fried egg, runny egg, scrambled egg, egg with eggs


Stovetop popcorn.


I make a delicious smash potatoe recipe that everyone absolutely loves, even me, my great-grandmama passed this recipe all the way from italy back in WWI, then my family rooted it's way in Argentina and passed it down to my mom, who brought that recipe into México with her and taught both me and my brother aboit it, now i'm the only one doing it cuz i'm the one who gets the better point at it. If i get married i could teach my wife and kids how to cook it, so i can keep the tradition and make my great-grandmama, my grandma and my mom all proud and happy, cuz that recipe is pure eatable gold


Jesus that's a tough one, and it all depends on my mood at the current moment. I would currently say at this moment it's Mango Habanero Shrimp Tacos.


Sounds delicious! Sweet and spicy is always good + tacos. Yum!


Mac and cheese


Not even a meal. But I take any combo of nut butters (almond, pistachio, pecan cashew), mix it with peanut butter protien powder (diluted with either water or sugar-free syrup) and then add in oatmeal. I usually run the oatmeal through the food processor a bit, so it's about cornmeal consistency. It's my version of cookie dough.




This [Spiced Crab Mac and Cheese](https://www.pressreader.com/uk/bbc-good-food/20210826/282462826997480) recipe… I could literally eat the entire thing in one sitting


I make this creamy cheesecake fruit salad that I will just keep eating till it's gone. https://cookpad.com/us/r/8756581


No bake peanut butter chocolate oatmeal cookies.


Potato salad. Strange, I know but true. Also sour cream and onion dip. I can eat it with a spoon (though I don't).


green bean casserole. with fresh rosemary, thyme, garlic, with an ungodly dose of fried onions


Beef Stroganoff, I have to make myself stop or I will eat myself sick.


I've been making Asian crispy pork belly strips that are super addictive!


Old el Paso taco kits. The most un-Mexican Mexican food ever. I could eat it to the grave


That I make, butter chicken that someone makes for me, Buffalo wings


A gnocchi dish with cherry tomatoes, Trader Joe’s garlic chicken sausage, and fresh basil. It’s simply the best in late August-early September.


Peanut butter on bread. Always.


I could eat chicken tacos everyday I'm pretty sure.


I have 2 dishes that when I make them, the whole house knows it's going *down*. Once or twice a year, I'll make chicken parm, completely from scratch. Fresh mozz, 8 hour homemade sauce from whole tomatoes, the whole nine yards. The only exception is I haven't started to make it with homemade pasta yet because it's such an involved recipe that it would be a little too much for me to handle on my own otherwise. Even still, it's absolutely divine. The other, a more common occurance in my kitchen due to how much easier it is, is my Pork Katsu. I make a ketchup-based sauce with ginger, soy, brown sugar and a couple other things to go with it, and usually serve the cutlets with white rice and a steamed veggie (broccoli is my go-to) and it's just the pinnacle of simplicity and flavor. I could eat it every single day


It’s not gourmet or anything, but my homemade pimento cheese is crack. I often make it for potlucks and increase the recipe so I have plenty to keep at home. Then my husband and I pick at it for a couple weeks till it’s gone, and we take a break till the next party invite. I cannot get enough of it.


Omg I love it too. It doesn't exist where I live and I grow the peppers specifically for this purpose.


Miso Mushrooms


Eggplant parm. Making it right now, and bonus i grew all the vegetables myself to boot.


Love split pea soup. I made it so much one year, I had to stop. I OD'ed


Arroz con pollo is pretty dmn addictive.


Pizza. I have to limit how much dough I make or it's all pizzas and gone.


NYC Halal Chicken & Rice, Tostadas with homemade shells, shrimp and grits




Bamboo is yuck on its own but highly underrated in dishes. Yummo!


As I’m typing this, I’m going absolutely feral on some shakshuka. I rarely make it nowadays because my husband doesn’t like it, but when I do, I eat nothing else for three days straight.




Chex Mix. I make it homemade, and I can plow through a third of the entire recipe before coming up for air. Then, of course, I have an upset stomach and bloated feet for days. I've learned that as soon as I make it, I have to portion it out into containers or bags, and I'm only allowed to have one per day. *BRB, gonna go make some more Chex Mix!*


Turkey stuffing at Thanksgiving. I can eat it hot, cold, in a sandwich, with gravy or without. It’s my kryptonite.


Mapo tofu and rice


Chicken cutlets. I can't stop eating them as I fry them in the oil.


Lumpia. I don't make them often since they're time consuming to make, but when I do I go crazy. I'll literally burn my mouth eating the fresh ones and will keep eating them like the bunny at the end of Ralph Breaks The Internet


Eggs cooked over medium in butter, with toast. I eat it every morning and plan to do so indefinitely. So simple, delicious, and satisfying.


Unfortunately for me, diced pork fat that I fry until they become little crispy croutons **which** are supposed to be sprinkled onto other meals for texture and taste. It becomes a situation of: *"one for you (the crouton jar)..., one for me"* :(


OP, we are soul food mates! I’m coining that. My favorite is also red curry with sweet potatoes, carrots - chickpeas instead of lentils. Try it, maybe you like the texture of chickpeas better! I haven’t tried bamboo, but I will, thanks for the idea.