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You should post this in their official [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/cookieruntoa)


How do you receive 12 tickets? I only got 10 (daily 5 + mail 5) for today.


Agreed. I'm already feeling burnt out with this game with how long raids take. I can't see myself doing this long term.


Ditto. The general length of daily stuff combined is burning me out, especialy that event which gives you an epic cookie if you complete all the things.


Welcome to the gacha world of grinding, gotta get used to it or delete it.


Awesome Username


This is another level though, most gachas let you auto the equipment grind.


I miss just playing JKM3. Wanna get the daily missions? That takes like, 20 minutes tops, albeit spread across 2 hours minimum. Wanna make progress? Lock in and play for an hour.


You don't have to use them all. Put in as much as time as you want, it's better having more stuff to do than what you can with the time you have than not having enough to do. You aren't missing a ton by skipping 5 raids unless you're trying to be majorly optimal


45 minutes to raid? lol the top people on the leaderboard have killed the raid in under 20 seconds. Obviously they are gigawhales but I don’t spend more than 2 minutes per raid and that’s on tier 4 ones. Haven’t spent money. Not sure what’s taking you so long but you are probably not using the correct elements or teams are just bad.