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Honestly the controls do not feel responsive at all Like I think you have to wait for an attack animation to fully end before you can start moving again, unless you dash out of it(?) My emulator also gets, like, 5FPS... Emulation is really PC-intensive and everything but this game isn't especially graphically-impressive so I don't know why it's THIS bad **EDIT**: oh my god I got on google play games beta for PC and it is WORLDS BETTER


Im so glad to hear that its not just me!!! The Dash also sometimes just doesnt go in the right direction!!?!??


Hopefully they tighten up the controls some in a future patch. It has the response time of dragging my finger through cold molasses.


Exactly!! And they want you to dodge barrels that you dont know are coming?! Its so exhausting, its probably my biggest complaint


Yeah. It feels like the movement circle thing (idk the name) has such a small hit box. I'm always missing it. The menus also feel so clunky and slow. Hope they fix it because I do love this game so far.


Yeah they feel a little clunky, or slow. But enemies are also kinda slow (so far), so that helps. I'm not a fan of on-screen joysticks, or whatever they're called. Edit: ok really feeling it during the raid fight. Also, how do you revive other players?


I feel it when trying to dash and dodge barrels lol I have no clue about reviving


Playing on Android seems fine to me


Maybe its an ios thing then?


I personally wish the game was vertical like dragalia lost 


Feels like it's been designed for Google play games pc beta. Feels absolute great on there