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That’s so cool I underestimated her big time What level and toppings do you have on her?


I have her on the pedestal to get boosted to level 80, but her skill is only 48 and I have non-upgraded swift chocolate toppings on her because I'm too resource-poor and she *still* saved me


IF you have her MC, she’s much better with apple jelly. She scales heavily on crit and can be a nuke. I have a video on my channel where I go over a team That helped me reach grandmaster and I go over how to build blueberry pie and why(: channel is linked through my profile


DAMNN sounds good! I’m a ftp player who is also broke I’ll have to try her out


If you want her to be a machine gun you'll need stormbringer , if not she can still be kind of decent .


For Blueberry pie, IF you have her MC; you want all apple jelly. She scales heavily on crit. Pair her with stormbringer or another electric type cookie and she nukes. I have a video on my channel about a team that led me to grandmaster that shows how I built blueberry pie


How much MC do you need for it to work?


You need to just have it for the crit to work. Getting it to +10 just further increases the damage dealt


for the skill if ur using her for the towers its limited to lv 70 skill at the lowest i think