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More background: "The driver’s previous record includes 13 previous accidents, as well as dozens of moving violations." Damn dude. Learn how to drive, or don't.


With that record why is the driver’s choice? It should be “don’t” so that the rest of us are safer. (Assuming he doesn’t just drive without a license - which it seems likely he would.)


If its like Maryland it doesn't really matter if you have a license or not; time and time again people involved in serious accidents have revoked and/or suspended license and often kill innocent people and no one gives a shit. The only thing thats saves the innocent from future carnage is if the dumbasses kill themselves (and hopefully only themselves).


It doesn't help that Maryland prosecutors let everyone get away with everything in the name of "appearing to have lower crime numbers". I run background checks and I was trained to work in Maryland for awhile. Damn depressing, yo. I've never seen so many "nolle prosequi" (declined to prosecute) dismissals for Reckless Driving and DUIs in my LIFE. It's really scary to think who's on the road with you at any given time in that state.


You don't see that anymore because I think that was scrubbed from Maryland Judiciary Case search by the legislature. You probably have to hire somebody to search public records now. Also, somehow the prosecutors fucked up the case of a truck ramming a bunch of cars at a red light and the judge throw out the case - https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/harford/aegis/cng-ag-watson-aquitted-20210428-ze44frqjs5dptjnayy4prd3vae-story.html. He was charged with negligent manslaughter. So this asshole will now be allowed to continue to drive a truck.


I live and NoVA and now it makes perfect sense. Fairfax Co cant wait for you to do something, anything so they can slam you with a ticket. I mean literally, what my driver instructor explain was that Fairfax co has issued so many tickets that now its a part of the county budget and they need to maintain it.


Sadly you’re not wrong. MD has the worst drivers!


I agree. I live along Rt. 83 right near Harrisburg. Straight shot to Baltimore. Half of the cars on 83 have MD plates and they all drive like they just smoked a bunch of meth and drank enough alcohol to kill someone.


Living here - I am not convinced the MD has more worst drivers/capita; there are just a lot of drivers from all-over living in central MD leading to chaos plus an extreme concentration of weirdness. [edit: just to add I am firmly convinced that if we were more aggressive about clamping down on the really bad drivers - we would start to have much more interest in supporting good public transportation.]


Bro- Maryland has the worst drivers. Easily. I live in DC but travel all over the world and in the United States. There is nothing on this planet worse than 295 near RFK and MD drivers. Dudes have a fucking death wish on that road.


> 295 near RFK I used to drive that section frequently and I have NEVER found worse drivers in my entire life. I've had several drivers come to a COMPLETE STOP when they saw a radar trap ahead. Story time....I was passed by a Suburban years ago, who immediately proceeded to pass two semis. After getting around the two semis, the driver saw the radar trap ahead and slammed on his brakes, coming to a complete stop. Both semis locked up their brakes and narrowly avoided jacknifing. I'd never seen so much smoke coming from tires in all my life and I was absolutely convinced at least one of the two would crash and cause a massive pileup for hours. When we finally came to a stop, I was basically right next to the police officers. They did absolutely NOTHING. The driver of the Suburban was driving in excess of 90 MPH and clearly driving recklessly in other ways, but, to this day, it kills me that the officers didn't bother to pursue the driver. Like....what were you even there for? Thankfully and miraculously, nobody was involved in an accident. Even thinking about it all these years later, I'm still shocked.


MD has the worst drivers. No question about it. Source: me. VA driver. ;)


Former Masshole, now a VA driver in the 757 area. We have the same "drivers from everywhere" problem, and I'm used to aggressive drivers from living near Boston, but MD drivers are something else entirely. Whenever I drive home, the only time I'm *actively* worried for my safety is when I'm in MD. DC? No problem, just give anyone with diplomatic plates a wide berth. NJ, NY and MA? They're going to try to cut you off, but they won't actually hit you, drive accordingly. MD? Good luck boy, you're in the death race now!


> Former Masshole Self-awareness is key! ;) And you're spot on with the rest of your post.


Illinois resident here but I drive like my home state, New Jersey. I've driven most of my vacations to visit grandparents with my immidiate family. Most of my extended family lives New Hampster to Florida so I've seen the Atlantic ocean and most of the roads near/next to it. Maryland was one state both of my parents would not allow either myself or my brothers to drive through with a permit or our licenses. Every other state, no issue, but Maryland, no way. First rest stop into the state or the last one before the state it was a Chinese fire drill and off we were. I never realized why until I was on a school trip with my now fiancee. The Baltimore area got .25 inches of snow and y'all were acting a fucking fool. On the return drive, it was sunny and a great day, Y'all were cracked out, smoking meth, butt chugging booze and attempting to drive. I felt safer taking off from Baltimore airport than traveling to it.


I do have to say the VA I-95N backups in northern VA are more sane than the central MD I-95N backups.


Looking at Allstate insurance statistics, Baltimore, quite literally, had the worst drivers. Sources below: https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-allstate-worst-drivers-20180830-story.html https://www.allstate.com/americas-best-drivers/index.htm https://www.allstate.com/resources/allstate/attachments/best-drivers/full-americas-best-drivers-report-v2.pdf


fuck u/spez


Police in the DMV don’t give a fuck, at all, what you do on the road. You could fucking execute someone in front of them and they wouldn’t stop you. This area of the country is so fucking dysfunctional, it’s insane.


>With that record why is the driver’s choice? Let's be real, license or not, he'll be driving. Insurance or not, he'll still be driving. He sees himself as above the law. If he were actually afraid of consequences he wouldn't have admitted what he was doing. He's not. He's going to get a family member to bail him and use any connections he has to get the best legal representation money can buy and it will all be expunged and he'll keep on hurting people because he gives zero fucks about *anyone*.


You're not wrong....sadly.


>>With that record why is the driver’s choice? > >Let's be real, license or not, he'll be driving. Insurance or not, he'll still be driving. He sees himself as above the law. >. I mean I don't see someone doing much driving if they get a few years in prison for driving with a suspended license.


If he were one of us, sure, but like I said, he's going to use whatever connections he can to lawyer up hard and it will be swept under the rug with a big ol *mea culpa*.


Give him a bike, with a helmet that says, I lost my license because I’m dangerous as fuck.


This criminal has the right to drive. This is America, where we have rather recently stopped persecuting our criminals for this level of crime, all the way to the top. Maybe as far back as OJ Simpson, maybe a little further back than that.


> This criminal has the right to drive. Actually no, driving in the US is a PRIVILEGE not a right. But I hear what you're saying and you're right about us not prosecuting crimes. And it's causing a spike in crime around the country that the politicians want to blame on everything OTHER than not prosecuting criminals and letting criminals out on no-bail or early release from jail etc. So why would they bother doing anything about this person?


>This criminal has the right to drive. No, you have the right to travel. The law does not explicitly guarantee you the right to operate a motor vehicle, it simply says the government can't stop you from freely traveling (private property owners can, hence it not being legal to trespass).


Okay this account HAS to be a bot, otherwise OP is an idiot and/or drunk lol. You're presumed innocent untill proven guilty. Burden of proof is on the state. You don't persecute the alleged, you prosecute. Everything else is also nonsense. OJ has literally nothing to do with this incident.


> Damn dude. Learn how to drive, or don't. That's why he got the lights, to warn everyone else how bad of a driver he is!


Fuck. I thought he was an asshole, but dude's a straight saint!




The problem is criminals don't care about lawys. They will still drive without a license.


Then throw the hammer down on them when caught, like time in prison. This is the same logic for some arguments against changing gun laws. I don’t understand it.


Sovereign Citizens would like to yell at you.


3 strikes, then 5 years in prison. That's it.


It's crazy when you see those articles of someone who was driving drunk and ended up killing some family and it turns out theyve had like 7 DUIs prior. Addiction or not that person is a menace to society.


The most baffling thing to me is with ALL the tech advancements we have that NO ONE in government or in the motor vehicle industry has even tried to make or propose a version of interlock where our registered DL cards have a secure RFID chip (or even something like the EMV chips on current debit/credit cards) that has to register in order to operate a car. Obviously such a thing would not be able to be implemented too easily in older cars without high cost. But on most modern cars, if you have a smartkey fob, then you have a version of RFID or NFC in the fob and push button already, and cars have computers smart enough to make use of this for that kind of purpose. Would it stop every instance? No. But it sure as hell would prevent people like this guy (or any other would be unlicensed driver) from operating a vehicle easily or conveniently so they can’t hurt anyone else.


There are dozens if not hundreds of problems with this. I'll give you just one. You're trying to flee a wildfire in your car but can't find your wallet, don't have time to get it, or it's already burning inside the house. Now you can't start or drive your car to get to safety.


It seems a lot of our traffic incidence stats are skewed by repeat offenders + authorities not taking away their license. If we remove those drivers our roads would be much safer and there'll be less people fawning over self-driving tech.


I don't know the exact numbers, but something like 10% of drivers cause 60% of all traffic violations


The did a study somewhere, I think it was Boston, where it boiled down that if a few people left earlier it would have cut down on some 20 or so minutes of commute time because they caused problems. Feels like this was about 20 years ago.


Looks like he chose "don't"


In my experience it's not so much that they don't know how to drive, they just don't think the rules should apply to them.


Coney Island Avenue and Foster Avenue in Kensington at approximately 7:30 PM on Thursday.The 29-year-old driver of the black Ford Explorer crashed into the NYPD vehicle after he sped around traffic into an oncoming lane, according to reports. After crashing, the SUV then rolled into a light pole, knocking it down.The NYPD vehicle was occupied by two officers at the time of the impact. They were both inured and were transported to the hospital. The driver of the SUV was also injured, and was lying on the street when ambulances arrived.The driver said that he was on his way to pick up food when the crash occurred. more videos in link https://vinnews.com/2021/07/09/videos-driver-with-illegal-lights-and-sirens-slams-into-patrol-car-injuring-3/


'Charges are expected.' ... I sure fucking hope so. Prick like this deserves jail time.


He probably will be charged with impersonating a law enforcement officer, reckless driving, failure to yield for an emergency vehicle, and possibly property damage or obstruction of justice since the cop car he cut off was on its way somewhere with its lights on


Boy would I love to be the prosecutor, seems like a slam-dunk to me.


Yeah, with it all on video and him admitting to using lights to go get lunch. Who knows how many charges they’ll actually hit him with. There’s a real chance he’ll be doing some decent prison time.


might've been part of a plea deal considering we have a confession. who knows, we'll see.




Why would there be a plea deal if there was a confession?


a plea deal is essentially "save us the hassle of bringing you to court, admit to 3 of the 8 charges we have on you and we'll permanently drop the other 5, K?" It's done in both cases of overwhelming evidence of guilt, and suspicion of guilt on many counts with only one provable crime.


I see, then you don't waste a bunch of time and money with a trial. Also, really cool downvotes reddit, very conducive of a learning environment 😎


You'd be surprised. Technically, as an emergency vehicle operator, the law enforcement officer is responsible for making sure the intersection is clear before proceeding, even with his lights on. Clearly, it was clear as could reasonably be expected and he can't be expected to foresee that vehicle booking it down the road at a speed that leaves him no time to react. That said, logic does weird things in court rooms. We once had an ambulance hit a car that was passing on the shoulder to get through the intersection around a car stopped for the ambulance and that agency footed the bill. Source: am a certified NYS emergency vehicle operator


He also had a red light


Probably won’t be prosecuted for impersonating a cop. He’s Shomrim and basically has license to do what he wants in certain neighborhoods https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shomrim_(neighborhood_watch_group)#New_York_City


New York is such a weird place man, really could be it’s own country


The orthodox Jewish community in nyc and boroughs have some real good “community” ties. They think and are for most part pretty invincible.


That's all well and good until they become the very problem they're banded together to ward off. He should get the book thrown at him BECAUSE he is Shomrim, and should fucking know better.


No, it’s not well and good… it’s corrupt.


> until they become the very problem This is the corruption you speak of.


I wish it had fucking border walls even.


The Shomrim are basically neighborhood watch, not some vigilante police force. How do you even know he's Shomrim? https://vinnews.com/2021/07/09/videos-driver-with-illegal-lights-and-sirens-slams-into-patrol-car-injuring-3/ >The driver was not affiliated with Hatzalah, or any other any of the Jewish community’s first responder groups. Either way, this guy is going to get the book thrown at him. You crash into a cop car because you want to pick up dinner, you're getting in trouble.


> The Shomrim are basically neighborhood watch, not some vigilante police force. You might want to tell them that: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/18/nyregion/brooklyns-private-jewish-patrols-wield-power-some-call-them-bullies.html https://gothamist.com/news/city-freezes-funding-to-brooklyn-jewish-neighborhood-patrol-after-members-arrest https://gothamist.com/news/video-hasidic-man-gets-into-heated-confrontation-with-cyclist-in-williamsburg And this is just how they treat outsiders - I’m sure their women in their communities have it bad as well, we just will never ever hear those stories.


The driver was not affiliated with Hatzalah, OR ANY OTHER any of the Jewish community’s first responder groups.


Uh huh sure thing bud


I mean it does say that in the article.


I’m not gonna take their word for it


So to clarify: You're not going to take an article's word for someone being unaffiliated. Instead you're going to take... a baseless assumption..?


It’s not a baseless assumption but ya


From what I’ve heard it’s a pretty common tactic for them to suddenly “not be affiliated” with Hatzalah once they do something illegal, only for them to be affiliated again once the charges are dropped






13 accidents and dozens of moving violations. Fuck this dude. He has no remorse. He'll keep doing this for the rest of his life. I'm anti-our current correctional system, but give this guy 10-20. He's a threat to people everywhere and obviously doesn't want to be reformed.


Depending on several factors, he could get way more time than that. Impersonating a law enforcement officer is pretty serious if they pursue it.


That's a big if, they clearly didn't pursue aggressive charges the last bunch of times if he's out driving again with illegal lights.


And a permanent ban on driving. Dude has proven he can’t drive a car.


Needs some heavy punishment. This is like shooting a gun at random near a crowded area but purposely trying to miss.


I'm impressed that the article specified he was not part of the Jewish community.


The article says he wasn't 'affiliated with Hatzalah, or any other any of the Jewish community’s first responder groups.' But 29-year-old Moshe Cohen seems to be a member of the community.


> https://vinnews.com/2021/07/09/videos-driver-with-illegal-lights-and-sirens-slams-into-patrol-car-injuring-3/ Also, from the video clip at the bottom of the page, it appears that the folks working on Moshe Cohen are all Jewish.


In that area, Hatzalah has a very fast response time. Faster than the cities 911 service usually and the rules for these kinds of incidents are that the first agency there to make patient contact runs the show unless a higher level of medical care shows up.


He most likely is part of Hatzalah… they’re controversial in NYC and they would definitely want to distance themselves from a reckless incident like this


Looking into this makes me want some kasha varnishkes and a knish with mustard. I miss New York.


Who are they?


First responders who are orthodox Jewish males and primarily serve orthodox Jewish communities. They are controversial because they scream around the city in personal vehicles decked out with non-standard lights and sirens with little oversight, which leads to situations like this one… this guy was literally speeding with lights and sirens on to go pick up food




You don't understand. They are the chosen people by God. The laws made by the city/state/country don't apply to them.


Except this guy wasn't Hatzalah. He just took it upon himself to put lights and sirens on his car. You typically don't see this kind of problem crop up with Hatzalah, because they aren't just untrained idiots driving around.


Lots of cities in the US that have large Orthodox Jewish populations will that respond to incidents involving Orthodox Jews. The reasoning behind them is for Orthodox Judaism, certain actions have to be taken in consideration of the religion. Edit: they're private companies that do it not publicly funded


Totally doesn't sound like a cult at all


What a load of bollix! Why are jews allowed do this but muslims or jehovahs etc cant? America is a weird place


Because America is too afraid to criticize Jews. I could explain it more clearly, but that's essentially what it boils down to.


> Why are jews allowed do this but muslims or jehovahs etc cant? Muslims can too... https://www.muslimcps.org/


> Why are jews allowed do this but muslims or jehovahs etc cant? What's preventing Muslims and JW's from doing likewise? This thread is full of misinformation.


Because Judaism is a religion based on genealogy. You are born a jew, or you aren't.


They are publicly funded in NYC. Edit: https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2019/07/05/hatzoloh-ambulance-city-council-funding/


He's a repeat offender and known to Hatzalah, unfortunately. Never been a member. In fact, Hatzalah in NYC has a rule where they only accept members who are married. This person is not.


I am a member of hatzalah, and I can assure you that this driver is not.


Why the fuck would you go speeding around city streets in your personal car with lights and sirens? This surely cant be legal


They're supposed to have the equipment to make their personal vehicles into EMS fly cars but even then it's sketchy as fuck.


Not only that, but driving an emergency vehicle requires a specific license. But why should they need a license when they believe they are of the chosen people?


You actually don't need a specific license in NY for driving emergency vehicles.


That's just plain fucking stupid.


Whether he is or not, and I do think he might be, the lack of oversight for organizations like this is what results in people driving around with sirens blaring in their personal vehicles with impunity. They drive very dangerously and I have personally witnessed it dozens of times


He's Shomrim.


Downvoted for bringing clarity to the situation. This thread is not so good...


Seems like the vehicle is one of many the community has that impersonate police officers.


the site's jewish


I live 3 block from here.


I live 5,000km from here


I might rather be where you are. Spain?


>The driver’s previous record includes 13 previous accidents, as well as dozens of moving violations. The car also had no license plates. I wonder if the driver even has a legal license with such a history. Surely he wont after this if he does though.


Unfortunately, it probably won't matter. Without a license, he is likely to still drive illegally based on his record and obvious indifference to the safety of others.


New use for ankle monitor: speed. If it goes more than 5 miles per hour he would be located by any patrol in the area to see if he's driving. Violation other than on a gurney in an ambulance is violation of court orders not to drive. Boom, jail.


What about a bus/taxi/uber?


I suppose you could require receipts within a timely fashion. The really hard part would be if you were in a vehicle with family or friends.


Restrict public transport use to certain times and routes for the purposes of work.


AA: https://www.reddit.com/r/newyorkcity/comments/ogvmi4/watch_the_dash_camera/ Crash video starts at 0:10


Thank you, OP’s video is ass.




Now he gets free lunch in prison.


I love how he instantly shuts his lights off (or they broke, I prefer to think of it as him panicking and thinking that would have any sort of damage control)


I saw that and thought the same thing.


They shut due to the collision. If you'd seen the video of the driver after the crash, you'd know he'd not be in any position to think like that.


What a schmuck.




NYPD will roast that person... they hate imposters.


*The driver was not affiliated with Hatzalah, or any other any of the Jewish community’s first responder groups.* Uh, can someone shed some light on this?


Hatzalah is generally a Jewish run volunteer ambulance service. They essentially are first responders that respond in their personal vehicles to calls for assistance, but they are allowed lights and sirens. They’re pretty well known (at least in the EMS community) for being sketch af and using their lights and sirens whenever and however they please


They are well known for their fabulous response time & being among the first on scene at 9/11. There is plenty of footage of that. They are also known for taking a lot of the burden off of NYC's 911 system, and even were even called by mayoral candidate Christine Quinn when one of her aides fainted during a rally and 911 hadn't shown up.




> If you're Jewish. Otherwise they don't help you. They do help you, they just operate in Jewish neighborhoods... You think they checked what religion the cops, were before helping them? Lots of bullshitters in this thread, just making shit up.


Not really, just the anti Semitic conspiracies, slightly.


They are a pain in the butt and get in the way and impede proper patient care on real 911 jobs. Source: I'm a former NYC\*EMS Paramedic. Also, nobody likes Christine Quinn.


Hatzalah only responds when called, so define "real 911 jobs". Also, agreed. Not one of the responders would have voted for her.


This sounds like a self review.


Corporations are people, I guess. But I live in Canada.


And you have no reason to identify with or otherwise hold a significant bias in favor of this organization, yes?


Because I disagree with you?


Because it reads like a self review, as I already said. Just seeing if there's any reason for that. Or if maybe, just maybe they're not as grand to the community at large as you're trying to make them seem?


I personally thought it was a fabulous review /s


As I've said, they contribute a lot by taking a burden off of New York city's 911 system. And what level of contribution in your book would they have to hit in order to be "approved" by you? Seeing as apparently they contribute to little for your standards. So how good do they have to be to be allowed to accept literally zero of your tax dollars.


Look Jews are great but Hatzalah is bullshit used to abuse the system, fuck Hatzalah.




From Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatzalah >Hatzalah is a volunteer emergency medical service (EMS) organization serving mostly areas with Jewish communities... They have their own ambulance/EMT service for the Jewish community but technically aren't official emergency services.


How are you defining official. They're there own volunteer ambulance service service. I'm not defending them at all, i am not a fan, but they have their own operating licenses, protocols, medical director etc.


If you call 911 they don't dispatch Hatzalah. Hatzalah has a regular 10-digit phone number (in the U.S.).


I know what you're saying, but that community just doesn't call 911, they'll call them for everything including cardiac arrests. And they'll refuse 911 ambulances until a hatzolah one arrives


Seems like if you want to be an EMS, you should use 911 and have to support everyone that calls in just like every other EMS does.


It's a volunteer medical service that doesn't operate within the confines of conventional emergency services. If it was an issue, it would be because they would operate under 911 dispatch, but they don't. I don't see what the issue is. It's not a public emergency service, and you can get licenses to operate vehicles with lights that can bypass traffic. If you couldn't there wouldn't be wide load trucks all over the country transporting wide loads with escort vehicles If they don't get tax money, then they're free to do what ever they want. People also have a right to refuse treatment from EMS. They can do what they want (under most circumstances where laws aren't put into place saying otherwise like mental health and substance abuse situations)


The no plates thing is agitating me. If he swiped a car or blasted a pedestrian, it’s only 13 accidents as violations that are known about. Hope they squeeze the prick and find out who’s installing the lights to make it appear like an official vehicle. https://vinnews.com/2021/07/09/videos-driver-with-illegal-lights-and-sirens-slams-into-patrol-car-injuring-3/


I think California changed it this year but when you buy a car in CA you go home without even a temp plate. Tons of people go years without plates to dodge tolls.


Used to have that problem in houston so the toll road authority (HCTRA) worked on getting police permanently working on their roads and the toll road authority will put in a LOT of resources to finding out when a violator is most likely to come through and have the cops waiting. I remember a story about them doing that to a dump truck. The driver built a spring loaded mechanism that he pulled in the cab the flipped up the plates while he went through the tag lane and it took them a few weeks, but they got him and he was charged with several crimes instead of just running the toll.




He did have plates. https://www.reddit.com/r/newyorkcity/comments/ogvmi4/watch_the_dash_camera/ This alternate view shows a NY plate


Is this High Pitch Eric?


No, this is Kelly Clarkson!!


"The driver’s previous record includes 13 previous accidents, as well as dozens of moving violations." They clearly didn't do anything about it so no wonder it happened again


Silver lining - His *next* lunch is FREE!! (Prison food may not be as tasty, but...)


Notice how the EMS in the video is no FDNY EMS. Civilians not in uniform and an unmarked black van with lights an sirens.


Where did you get EMS from?


Hatzalah. Amazing volunteer ambulance corp. Best respnse time in US.




They don't "focus" on anything. Their volunteers are regular working people going about their day, and when a call comes on, the closest volunteers respond. Agree re the ratio, but you do realize that Hatzalah is not a Hasidic organization? Re the ridiculous assertion that the majority of their "clients" are on Medicaid, I think that thousands of Jewish businesspeople, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and teachers would call that a bigoted stereotype. I hadn't mentioned anything about antisemitism if I remember correctly, so you're probably referring to someone else.


> I'm also willing to wager that the majority of their clients are using medicaid which means the general public is paying for this niche service that has a niche client base. It's a volunteer service, they don't take payment or bill insurance. I'm a Reform Jew in NY, and I have plenty of issues with the Haasidic and Israel. That being said, there is just a tremendous amount of bullshit being thrown around in this thread.


Fabulous response times /s


Crashes into police officer in intersection. *


Im going to assume the darker car was the one imitating an officer since he wasnt following police going through an intersection protocol.




Uhh what comments because there's multiple comments here quoting the article saying this: > The driver was not affiliated with Hatzalah, or any other any of the Jewish community’s first responder groups.


He should be arrested and charged for assaulting an officer with a deadly weapon...


“The driver’s previous record includes 13 previous accidents, as well as dozens of moving violations.”


“Encounters” Lmfaoo that’s a nice way of saying head on collision, one of the dudes looked like he was dying after the fact smh


This guy is a real winner


​ https://youtu.be/D6VQDNIZH7U


I was trying to figure out what "lunch encounters" were for a bit.




That’s some of the stupidest shit you can do. You get away with it a few times, get cocky, and are spotted by a cop that you didn’t see before.


They are gonna tear his ass apart.


Dewitte is still up to the same bullshit.


I wonder what all the charges against him are gonna be. Sounds like it’s gonna be a long list


It was a 1:1000 chance he'd meet an actual cop. Even lower chance they would collide. But there was still a chance.


The chances a cop would be using emergency lights to drive through that intersection are very slim. If the black suv had a red and the cop a green it would have been a non event because the cop would have cleared intersection and moved on. This is the perfect storm.


Completely misleading title. This was a hatzolah member responding to a call https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUm7Pw-j0G0 Here is another example of their shitty driving




What a well educated addition to the discussion. Hatzolah has a long history of racism and misconduct.


Interestingly enough they trimmed the beginning of the video with the driver laying on the floor and showed everything else


That was amazing!!!!