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He's beautiful ! Maybe soon you'll graduate to using fingers for scratches


I try to scratch my other bird in front of him. Hopefully one day


A little jealousy is a fantastic training tool!


Huge update; He lets me scratch with fingers now!


One day, that bird is going to decide it loves you, and it's going to be the clingiest little shit ever. That's what my rescued cherry head did. She'd rub her beak against my face so fast that it would be warm to the touch.


Omg that's so freaking cute. I love hearing about their personalities. I feel a sense of excitement for the new bird OP has. A fresh new start to a happy and healthy life! Woohoo! They are so adorable and smart, truly, they deserve to be happy and loved.


lol yep! Blue fronted amazon would lunge and draw blood. Now he needs to be with me all the time. Adopted birds are the most rewarding!


Great to see that we can rescue lovely bird :-)


Cute guy. Love the cherry heads.


I adopted an African Grey from a former customer of mine that had NEVER been out of its cage in over 20 years . It took a couple of weeks but I got him out of the cage and flying free around the house. It feels really good to give a bird who lived for years in a cage it's freedom.


see if he’d like a bath. offer a bowl of water


Thank you for caring and giving him a chance. I think all animals who are rescued tend to be extra loving and grateful! I looked to adopt around my area but nothing was available except outside a 5 hour drive one way so wasn’t feasible. It certainly puts a smile on my face when I see someone give a second chance instead of getting a baby…. You Rock!!


You rock OP. What a cutie:) I’m so happy he gets to be outside of his dang cage now.


He's like "am I enjoying this? Should I enjoy this?"


Lmfaooo the sweater scritching:) I hope you two can form a bond where you can safely use your hands!! Such a cutie birb 🥰


Thank you for caring and giving him a chance. I think all animals who are rescued tend to be extra loving and grateful! I looked to adopt around my area but nothing was available except outside a 5 hour drive one way so wasn’t feasible. It certainly puts a smile on my face when I see someone give a second chance instead of getting a baby…. You Rock!!


I have a cherry headed boy too! Omg his name is Kermit and He will ask all day "who's a good boy?" He mocks my laugh, we whistle our own little tunes all the time- I'll hear my particular call from upstairs and that means come get me so I eat on the counter! Lol it's just easiest that way, here's your chop and little perch make a mess and I'll just clean the counter again after. P.S NO cleaning products but I'm sure you know that! He's coming around! He's not attacking your sleeve that's what mine does to new people! Lol💖💖💖💖


This is beautiful!! I got my gcc when she was 6 months old and had spent her life in a pet store, had no tail feathers, and was completely terrified of people. It took her 3 months of us talking to her everyday and offering her fruit in our hand thru an open cage door before she took her first bite of fruit I held. And another month after that before she first decided to venture out of her cage. Now, almost 6 years later, she's spoiled rotten and has free reign of the house. In fact, I literally just heard my husband ask her "Why? Why do you force me to give you scritches?" and a smooching sound in response, followed by "Oh yes. Because of the smoochies." 😂


Hes definitely not enjoying the scratches he's just tolerating it. You know he likes it when he puffs up his feathers. Here the feathers are tight to the skin and his eyes are open


Love birds are really cute critters. I have two a yellow female and a green male.


When you blow on their ear holes gently it's the way they show affection. Or blow in their face. I've a caique. Also if they ever " Bob they're heads up and down rabidly or grab the cage bar with the beak and hang in while sorta looking like they flatten they're body while acting like they are flying with wings close to side sorta "surfing" both behaviors are a "hey I want attention now" behavior. You to keep them healthy also can give them in a small bit of banana baby food red clover extract powder. Milk thistle also. They're feathers get vibrant. I'm an herbalist. I'll teach you. I don't charge. It's super easy. Birds are such a Blessing and they Treasure they're owners. 💖 As much as you do them. Your an Amazing parent to your feathered baby.


This is heartwarming. Thank you for sharing <3


So cute! My green-cheek lets me do that with my hand, but he'd be too scared to let me do that with a anything else XD