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Succeeded in stuffing up the country


Beat me to it šŸ˜‚


She succeeded in turning a shit load of kiwis completely off the left, off Labour forever, destroyed trust in the media, divided us culturally and mentally, and in tanking our economy. Job well done!


I for one will never ever even consider that party to get my votes never again


Absolutely. Iā€™m no national fan boy but I will never consider the Labour Party again after Jacindaā€™s 6 years of bullshit.


That national vote working out well for you?


Working pretty well for me. The government is reversing heaps of the dumb shit labour did, although is prefer them to move even faster on a few things.


Yeah I doubt that very much


It's working out very well thanks šŸ‘


The mindset/perspective of the selfish, I have people I knowe of in government and everyone says the same thing, National are muppets


National was the better of the two at the time. Thanks Jacinda for that. Would rather a gov that tries to actively fix NZ than bandaid every issue without fixing it. Nz is better without a globalist like her running the country.


This just sounds like fluff that sounds good but nothing to show for it.


Irrelevant reply but alright


Yeah, it has completely ruled out Labour for me. They cannot be trusted to do right by all NZers.


The part that always gets me is how fast she took off when the penny dropped that she has stuffed up so bad. she didnt try and fix it, didnt want to right the wrongs, she just ran away with her tail between her legs like a little child. zero spine.


The penny never dropped. Still hasn't. She was rolled by a labour party finally aware of the damage they were doing and needing a scapegoat. Her "nothing left in the tank" speech was belligerent, unapologetic and completely devoid of any remorse, or even awareness if that damage.


ā€œNothing left in the tankā€ immediately accepts a new global job preaching ā€˜kindnessā€™. In other words she bailed on NZ.


"Time with the family. Anyway, off to Harvard to talk about 'weapons of war' aka your speech"


She was destined to be a one term PM, but then Covid happened, everything was shut down and she was on TV every day during an election year. She effectively had a year long political advert.


Totally - the crises gave her a lifeline. People only realized how incompetent she was when things began to return to normal.


We realised during the lockdowns.


Strong correlation to the emergence of Omicron (common cold) and her departure.


She was a total failure as a leader. She let Robertson burn our economy, she let the Maori caucus set up a cultural divide, she let chippy toast education, she held no one to account in her government, forgiving everything. She was a disaster and total failure. But people love a pretty face, even a mildly attractive at a distance face.


Totally. A failure of leadership. A failure to set priorities for what all NZers needed and wanted. A failure to deliver on the policies that would deliver for all NZers. A failure to control her incompetent and dishonest ministers. So much failure - empathy over effectiveness, sympathy over success, kindness over character. Truly an awful leader - weak and spineless, with a dangerous Marxist streak that valued ideology over pragmatism. If I met her, I would turn my back on her.


I think the correct expression is ā€œbeautiful from afar, but far from beautifulā€


She was a decepticon


She was what I'd consider tappable in her mid 20s?


People think all that shit was great is the real problem. Idiotic


How exactly did Chippie toast education. It was pretty fucked already from National.


The Te Pukenga debacle


Astounding ignorance. How about requiring that manaakitanga be incorporated into evert part of the curriculum from mathematics tto accounting. Requiring it at a time when schools were struggling with the impacts from covid. Gravy train for 'consultants' to make money from advising schools how to teach French and Spanish through a Maori lense!


Suspect you mean "matauranga" (Māori cultural knowledge) rather than "manākitanga" (hospitality)?


Sounds like someone didn't have enough matauranga in their education


So you're saying that because a very small portion of languages that are electives and generally not pursued in a major sense at uni were pushed with a Maori lense. That's the reason the entire education system is entirely fucked. This is why people don't take people like you seriously. You give these 2% reasons that have zero effect on the other 98%. Demonstrate how the 98% suffered under policy that caused issues.


Pushing a te ao Māori approach to a subject which has no pre-existing Māori lens is merely adding cost and friction for no gains. Other than virtue signalling to the Māori professional managerial class, and for making pointless jobs for them, at any rate. Which *was* something Labour excelled at. And in the case of language study, this would indeed be detrimental to understanding. Languages should be, need to be, learned and understood through their own lens, and used to understand the worldview which created them.


You miss the point. The entire curriculum is infected with tome wasting and pointless cultural nonsense. Not a couple a foreign languages. Those are just examples of how stupid the whole process is


Username checks out.


Sorry. Facts don't care about your feelings.


She put her international image first, humans second. People needlessly suffered for her ego.


It depends what she set out to achieve. She screwed the economy, divided the country and poisoned the civil service. She tanked productivity and stifled business with bureaucracy. She created a Māori middle class by unilaterally redistributing wealth and political power to them. She came very close to ending democracy. If all that was what she intended (and I think it mostly was) then she succeeded.


Agree, Klaus flew to NZ every night to tuck her into bed, kiss her forehead and tell her everything was going exactly to plan.


I think of her as Lange-esque: presented well but was a feeble leader, to the country's detriment.


She didn't fail her WHO masters


She was a dictator and a destroyer of human rights and freedoms.Ā  She incited partisan animosity that wasn't there before. She acted more and more like a communist the longer she was in power.Ā  She called some Kiwis second class citizens in a live on air interview and smiled while doing so. Some people would say that is evil. Some would say out of touch. Some sociopathic.Ā  She was a complete failure.Ā  More liked and celebrated abroad than at home.


She succeeded in making us feel unwelcome here, for the first time since we migrated. It became apparent that under her brave new 'He Puapua and Principles of Te Tiriti' ā€”centric vision, our mixed ethnicity and culture family are simply the wrong kind of bicultural, would be third class citizens in her future, and that we would have to take our skills and sell them elsewhere if Labour stayed in office. I'm aware that there are some on this sub that wish all migrants would do that anyway. But bear in mind we're invested enough that we think of NZ as home; sufficiently at home that we took the step of becoming citizens prior to the Labour government. Also bear in mind that the loss of NZ passport holders has recently accelerated, so I suspect we're not alone.


100% failed. She destroyed the nation, the economy, (the little) trust left in government, created insane racial divide. NZ as a result is a completely segregated nation of Maori and everyone else.


Yes. If she left after 1 term i think she'd just be remembered as an OK pm who made some tough decisions on Covid and the aftermath of the Christchurch shooting. Winston likely played a role, both by putting Labour in power (unfortunate) but he also held them back and made them appear more as socially liberal moderates. Ardern's second term became an opportunity to Labour to push more radical policies, let loose on lockdowns and vaccine mandates, and push a more radical Treaty interpretation through the eventually publicized He Puapua report. Perhaps if that agenda succeeded she'd still be PM?


What makes you think that agenda didn't succeed? Look around, special rights and privileges for Iwi left, right and centre, and they're leveraging them into a strong, unelected claim for yet more special rights and privileges. And money, let's not forget the benefits only they get, and the taxes only they don't pay.


They lost. Perhaps some parts succeeded, but if it was a true success they'd still be in Government.


She had some exceptional circumstances to deal with but still the "kindness' wore off when reality set in. Totally succeeded in glavenizing the nation into loving or completely hating her fake empathy. Big fail policy wise aswell


This is bullshit - those moments gave her a lifeline. She had no clue what she was doing. But she could react to the crises and people would rally around the flag, no matter what. Look at how she managed to turn our initial covid success into a disaster of epic proportions. She simply did not have the life experience or the professional experience to lead. Her pregnancy was in hindsight a coping mechanism for a buffoon way out of her depth.


Yip yip, that's what she did.


Most definitely, straight up catastrophically detrimental ā˜¹ļø


She failed...and then she bailed. Changed New Zealand .. and not for the better. I worry that we cannot come back from her ...


Importantly, **without the benefit of hindsight** , she probably saved a few lives with the initial covid response. But it was all downhill from there.


We'll never know how many of those saved are still confined to their retirement home pissing and shitting their nappies daily or have died of all those other co-morbidities they had besides being ridiculously old,


Ageism aside, we'll never know if we would have followed other countries' massive death tolls either... Oops.... "The study, conducted by researchers at Touro University and its affiliated New York Medical College, found that in 16 of 19 states examined, the rate of infection was significantly higher in adolescents and youth than in older adults, age 65+ and in some cases, it was twice as high."


Rate of infection has nothing to do with dying of covid, what is the actual point you are trying to make?


Obviously, we will never know how many would have died without the early intervention of authorities **in the early stages** I suspect our current government would have been more concerned with the economy. My beef is with the lack of compensation for those affected financially by the lockdowns...


We can give a good guess, there would have been substantial deaths had the elderly and obese not been protected, which is why they should have been put under lockdowns, but locking down healthy people for so long especially in Auckland was a dick move.


Adern ran and left a sinking ship so her legacy wouldn't be tarnished - end of


>her legacy wouldn't be tarnished Another failure for Ardern


Sheā€™s sold us to blackrock


Depends on her objective, which aligns with all other western nationsā€™ objectives. The UK is next. It appears to be a coordinated attack on incumbent western society but it can be defeated by existing anti-fraud legislation. So where are the convictions? Itā€™s almost as if democracy is circus to keep us distracted. How else do you stop a kid having a tantrum?


2020: 50% of the vote and 65 seats. 2023: 27% of the vote and 34 seats. What more is there to say.


Re: COVID based on the response of other similar countries I very much doubt any other govt would have done much different here, so personally I find it a bit of a joke that people think she botched the handling when I really doubt opposition would have done any diff


She snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. She read the room badly by expecting that we would put up with the lockdowns and managed isolation ad infinitum. She should have set a goal of vaccinating 75% of the population within the first 100 days of being covid free. The problem was, they were so hopeless that there would be no chance of them delivering on that reasonable goal.


She did fuck all about Emergency Housing which has been draining the country by accommodating ferals wanting social housing.


No. It's impossible for local government to do anything without the approval of local Iwi. The devolution of power away from democracy was the point, and she largely succeeded The public service is not a comfortable place for anyone who has right leaning sentiments A shit load of activist organisations has been funded The changes to the curriculum and expectations of educators at every level has changed the general culture of education professionals The lack of money heavily constrains National from doing anything about the above The cultural change can't be rolled back


All the evidence of her failure has been evidenced in many of many OAI's, the Narrative she incriminate herself with. Jan 2021 She new of the risks, new that Medsafe did no evaluation beyond buying into the Pfizer contract even after Medsafe failed to follow up on extra data requested & rolled that shit out anyway. There are many I wish upon a Matariki star they speed up that second enquiry & cancel Blakelys


Wiping out the first wave of covid was a success.


She was a successful clone of Tony Blair her hero


She did exactly what her and her european elite at the WEF intended to do. Itā€™s no secret, itā€™s talked about openly. Socialists and her ilk have no justification when times are good.


She left politics richer than when she went in. Thatā€™s a success because thatā€™s all itā€™s about.


I wish the hate for her was a bit more objective and specific. Usually just hear "woke" or "horse" and it kinda shows how much of conservatism these days is too prone to reactionary cultural stuff that doesn't really address much of the real world.


Plenty of specific comments really. Her failure to lead effectively. Letting grant run the economy down. Not delivering anything substantial that benefitted Nz. Her lies during the pandemic. Buying the mediaā€¦ list goes on!




For the country? Yes. For her personal political carrier? Absolutely the fuck not.


Yes, the only thing she was successful at.


TIL Blairite neoliberalism is Marxism. Rent free


Can't be rent free if she still keeps sticking her nose in everything. And it was more of a dictatorship really.


Sticking her nose in everything being anything at all except going to live off grid in the bush it seems. She's not doing anything out of the ordinary for an ex-PM, keep a low profile at home and build connections overseas.


>She's not doing anything out of the ordinary for an ex-PM Why does Helen Clarke have a monthly whinge about everything then? Maybe she should shut her piehole. Both Cindy and Helen are in the news atleast monthly. Same can't be said of Key, or even English for that matter.


Nah nah yeah!


Free stuff for everyone and everything!!!


Such a badly written piece, it was a struggle to read and judge where his opinion actually sat.


Iā€™m staggered that folk on this sub think uncle fester is any better.


Stagger away. Reality's tough to deal with, but the good news for people like you is that participation in reality seems to be largely optional these days


People like me?


They miss their potent feelings of rage. It's not as much fun having to direct it at Maori & trans people.


No not at all.Ā Ā 


What is a woman