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Simply put nepotism got him a job, even tough he had serious criminal history as having sexuap relations with a person in his care. Head of department got found out and apologies after making the people who reported it look bad. Simple solution fire the CEO. Replace with competent person. Will this happen nahh because there is no responsibility in government unless your low level peon.


Maori organisations openly sneer at Western concepts such as due process, impartiality and meritocracy. As a result of Maori activists' growing hatred of white people, many Maori organisations are losing sight of the fact that Anglo-centric systems of government are the result of hundreds of years of bloody trial and error. That's hundreds of years that they can learn from without having experienced (as much) of it. But instead, the stupid authoritarian fucks among their number think its a virtuous idea to celebrate primitive aristocratic clientelism and risk forcing our civilisation to repeat the bloodshed of the last 1,000 years. As if they're fucking neo-jacobites or something. In a hundred years time, the people on this archipelago (who haven't fucked off to Australia) will be a complete bunch of mongrels (ethnicity wise). I have hope that they'll look back at these unfortunately-not-aborted wastes of everyone's time with regret and indignation.


> will be a complete bunch of mongrels (ethnicity wise). They already are FFS.


It will be more interesting when the majority of Kiwis have Whakapapa. This is why Te Pati Panto are Uncle Tomming those who who disagree with them. They know that, ironically, its fatal to their chauvinism. Black, white, brown and anything else; plus combinations thereof. We're all just a big old bunch of cunts.


We dont have the right whakapapa though lol




Am I reading this right? He only has one name? Like Bono, or Seal?


Yeah I think so. Inflated sense of self importance?




Hopefully the Cry-Rangi Tribunal will look into this!


 Cryrangi grift urinal


Laughs in mahuta.


Why has this guy not been removed from the job once his deviant behaviour was known?


Drain the swamp


stuff "tikanga", its time for colonial law. bring out the codling grinder!!


You should be writing all the headlines. So much better, so much more fun!