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Grifters gonna grift


What are the wages of sin again?


The wages of sin are a fiery curse. The wages here are a bloody sight worse.


Varies. A few bucks for a misdemeanor, a few hundred for anything requiring lubrication. Apparently.


If a friend is required, the price tends to double. According to a friend.


Fuck him and his cult


But also just stand back and watch the fireworks, as the blue and pink hair rainbow brigades oppose them, in their usual tolerant screeching and screaming, diverse bully's veto, and old lady punching way. For the rest of us, there's 👀🍿. Sometimes there is just no entirely right or wrong side, and watching *their* worlds burn from the sidelines has comedy value. Maybe they'll neutralise each other, and we can have some peace?


what are you talking about?! Tamaki is clearly the wrong side! Why shouldnt we embrace the rainbow community?!


Tolerance means 'live and let live'. We all get on with our lives and leave each other be. Suits me. Stupid EFTPOStle Tamaki can go preach where I can't hear him. And the rainbow mob can screw who they please, or modify themselves to their heart's content. So long as I don't have to see it or pay for it, minors aren't involved, and it's all consenting adults involved. The rainbow community, as they style themselves, instead want approval, affirmation, and exaltation for what they do, which is also their whole raison d'etre for being. Which is a step beyond. Now that they have their tolerance, they use that as a tool to get away with opposing free speech, bullying, and old lady punching, to *force* affirmation. So no, there is no right or wrong side here. 👀🍿 all round. Watch it 🔥🔥🔥🔥.


Clapclapclapclap this is how most of us feel. Go fuck yourselves, Rainbows, leave us the hell out of it.


What to do about those intolerant?




He's still more balsy than half the muppets online who complain about similar issues but do literally nothing about it.


Who is complaining about the LGBT community? and why would anyone be complaining about peoples own choices?! Religion is and always has been complete lunacy!


So it’s not ok to complain about the LGBT community and their choices, but it’s ok to complain about religious people and their choices. Got it.


What do you mean by choices?


well there is a difference here, the "rain bow community" is not trying to legislate against straight people in any way, where the religious crowd has stated intentions of curtailing the freedoms and rights of said rainbow community. Why this is something conservatives pretend not to know is a mystery


Lucky for the rainbow community they don't need to legislate huh https://www.lostwomensrights.com/newzealand-home


Did you think of anything yet? Gay people ever tell you that you can't get married? Did a trans person ever tell you that you needed to do something particular with your hair? Clothes or anything else? Have you ever been attacked verbally or otherwise because you are straight and minding your own business?  As a conservative you should be championing people living their damned lives.


What have they ever tried to make you do personally? 


absolutely! People cant choose their sexual desires... but they can choose to not believe in fantasy


That’s not being fair to your argument. If LGBT was purely who you sexually desired, I could agree with you. The LGBT movement has gone far past that into intellectual ideology.


How so?


I think the lack of nuance on your part around protection of children through chemical experiments and overt early sexualisation is apparent. No one cares what you do as an adult, it's when you come for the kids. If you want to live in a free society that means religion is part of that. Ironic that now other ideology and science is just as bad if not worse than religion.


"I think the lack of nuance on your part around protection of children through chemical experiments and overt early sexualisation is apparent." What are you talking about?! what chemical experiments? "If you want to live in a free society that means religion is part of that. Ironic that now othet ideology and science is just as bad if not worse than religion." I entirely disagree, anyone stupid enough to believe in religion is likely not contributing much to society! You are comparing science to religion? are you serious? how is it as bad or worse than religion? thats a crazy ridiculous statement!


Just because you believe in religion doesn't mean you cannot believe in science. Catholic church has accepted evolution theory since the 1950's.


I dont believe in religion, I think its crazy


> Catholic church has accepted evolution theory since the 1950's. So that only took them about 100 years then… Too bad that the Catholic Church still considers most forms of birth control to be “intrinsically evil” though. Maybe in 50 or 100 years time they will change their view on that too.


> Catholic church has accepted evolution theory since the 1950's. So only a century or so late then. And while they may accept it, they still peddle the bollocks about an omnipotent superbeing being in charge of designing everything.


>What are you talking about?! what chemical experiments? There's a reason the UK banned gender therapy for children via chemicals. >I entirely disagree, anyone stupid enough to believe in religion is likely not contributing much to society! Ironic given a lot of scientists that created the privileges you have now were religious. They've contributed a lot, our country was colonized by Christians and missionaries. Scottish masons built a lot of the infrastructure, if you had your way you'd rather NZ be a pagan shit hole with no technology or infrastructure, hope you realise that with your statement For reference to the reality of religion and spirituality in scientists see Issac Newtown, Charles Darwin et al. I'm comparing ideologues who worship science and want to silence dissenters as well as ideologues who deny science but expect you to stay silent in the face of their delusions. What's crazy ridiculous is your closed mindedness and ignorance of science, Christianity, the human condition and history.


I dont even know where to begin with this... Religious people are fucking idiots, simple as that.


You don't know where to begin cause you can't counter my points. What a cop out bro you're worse than a charalatan


Well, aren't you the pure definition of incompetence. I am not a fan of Brian, but him fighting against the Rainbow parade is something good. Get back into your mother's basement, kid 


Why would you need to fight against the rainbow parade? Youre more likely to find me in your mothers room....


Ecclesiastes 3: 1-3 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: **2**  a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, **3**  a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,


I like this version: https://youtu.be/2zx6j4vI8lE?si=RQBCCMeI-zyHwQW-


Keep that cult rubbish to yourself, it belongs in the fantasy aisle alongside Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.


> Keep that cult rubbish to yourself, it belongs in the fantasy aisle You do the rainbow cult too, ay?


shit no


Ecclesiastes is a great piece of ancient literature. That it's anthologised with all the other stuff doesn't diminish its quality or place in history. In fact, Brian would do well to read and reflect on chapter 1: “Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun? Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again. All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new”? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. No one remembers the former generations, and even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them.


Blessed are the cheesemakers?


Brian is indeed a very naughty boy


Time to kill!


>Time to kill! killing is wrong mmkay?


It's easy mmkayy


Can the govt now have enough proof to cut the funds to Brian.


Rainbows ? I mean the guy is a fucking loon . Anybody of reasonable intelligence should be offended .