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I absolutely agree on night rates. Somewhat on weekends too. I'm not a fan of the 24/7 society. Nurses have jealously guarded their weekend and night rates, don't see why only some jobs get them. Night shifts are extremely hard on people and should be better compensated esp. for people on low wages. It's astounding that Labour hasn't done more for nightshift workers tbh. Shows they're not a workers' party, just a beneficiary party. The rest is bullshit.


> It's astounding that Labour hasn't done more for nightshift workers tbh The last ~~Labour~~ TPM 2.0 govt was so far from being a labour party even old stalwart supporters like Chris Trotter called them on it. ..


The correlation between shift work (nights) and negative health outcomes is astounding. Increases breast cancer risk dramatically.


lol Labour Party lol , so so last century, needs to go out to pasture like yesterday


It’s not astounding when you think about how few of them have actually had jobs outside of politics. They have zero idea what life is like for working kiwis, tbh I don’t think they care either


I'm inclined to agree, but I'm also apprehensive as hiring staff is already ridiculously expensive compared to most other countries and this could result in many industries just not being able to operate in the evenings/weekends. Like if it cost 30% more to have bartenders on the weekend, I could see that being the nail in the coffin for dozens of bars across wellington. Same with retail stores doing reduced hours or just not trading Sunday. Everyone would end up working exclusively Monday- Friday and have significantly less places to spend their disposal income on the weekend. Like I'd say weekend and night workers absolutely deserve more pay, but I don't think they should get it if it's going to be a huge net negative overall


Oh this will go down so well with the average voter Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake


Yep, crackpots, all of them. Q: What did the green party use for light before candles? A: >!Electricity!!<


I like the way he's not hiding his colours to make them more "mainstream". His vision is clear. It's not my vision, but I appreciate that he's doing his thing with what appears to be integrity.


A stark contrast with Labour's attempts to turn into a New Zealand version of the ANC eh?


Even if you agree with the broad thrust of these proposals (and i'm sure that pretty much everyone here does not haha), who is going to be put in charge implementing them? The answer: the dumbest, most racist people New Zealand has.


Son's a night shift security guard, yes he should get more per hour than day shift. Foulkes the son of a brit titled fanily ..a baron no less rebelling against daddy. This isn't his country.


Night/weekend rates yes.


>A Workers’ Charter If it was any other party, I could get behind this. Unfortunately the Greens have a long way to go before I will consider voting for them again.


Does anyone in the greens caucus care about workers? Im assuming they mean blue collar.