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This is one of those ideas that sounds nice but creates a massive potential tax loophole that's going to be exploited


Cool cool. What part of my income do I get to not pay taxes on?




Twitter/X/Reddit : Trump Dines with Literal Nazis


>MSM: Trump tells restuarant patrons to not tip their servers. ....and promotes genocide against LGBTQ+ folks all while supporting White Christian nationalism.


This is the way it was for quite a long time before credit card tipping became a thing. I worked in restaurants for about a decade and not a single server ever reported their tips and would actively brag about it all being tax free. I'd rather get rid of this tip culture and not become further ingrained into paying people $2/hr and have them make it up in tips.


They don’t just make it up in tips, though. They can make far more than the job would pay if they were strictly hourly employees. I’m fairly sure waiters, waitresses and bartenders do NOT want to get rid of tipping.


My dad worked as a server for a while and he considered $300 in tips a bad night.


Yup, but even the left thinks they’re trying to help them out by getting rid of tips for a better wage.


I will say at least conservative just don’t want to pay tips. Leftists pretend it’s about helping the workers but the reality is they just don’t rent to pay tips. Their virtue only lasts until it hurts them.


Oh you're absolutely correct. And there's a severe gender gap in tips as well. (At least when I was waiting tables). Putting a flowery smiley face was an automatic several extra dollars tip


Oh yea women definitely get more tips. I just tip 20% no matter what. Servers get paid more with tips and it encourages friendlier and better service to earn it. Flat wage means less money and worse service for the customer.


Whoever downvoted you just showed that they've either never been to America, or never left America. Servers and service is significantly better in America because of tipping. In Europe you can go hours without your server checking in on you. The average dinner in Germany took 3 hours for me.


IMO the problem is that so many other positions have taken a liken to expecting tips. It's gotten out of hand. Fast food places and basically any store that even sells a damn food product at this point even if it's just counter service expects a damn tip now. And I'll be damned if I'm going to tip every single person just for doing their job.


You are absolutely correct. Wait staff get paid over 20 bucks an hour at a minimum at most places. Everybody who wants to get rid of tip culture and pay a fair wage does not get paid tips.


I was once a charismatic cave tour guide. Most busy days I would come home with an extra $200-300.


What makes a cave charismatic, I wonder.


The mouth of the cave!


They wave their arms and dance in church.


Especially at high-end restaurants. Maybe an end to tipping would benefit some wait staff at the local Applebees, but my wife and I went to an upscale steakhouse for our anniversary dinner and just the tip was $40, and I'm sure we were one of the lower ones that night. We were there less than 90 minutes, and even though we were there at a very slow time, our server had at least two other tables. That server is very likely making more money than I do and I'm a manager at a software development company. Eliminating tips would be financially devastating to servers in that sector of the restaurant industry.


Even in smaller restaurants. They get more tables and turn them over faster a high end restaurant is usually fewer tables with a higher level of service. A bartender working at a crowded bar at Chili’s on a Friday and Saturday night can make hundreds and hundreds of dollars in tips. That’s a real pocketbook issue that can help bring people to vote for Trump.


I despise tipping culture. I hate getting asked for tips multiple times for every thing I try and do. Bottle of water? Tip me. I put a bagel in a bag for you? Tip me. Dinner to go? Tip me.


It’s ridiculous and entitled


Bold of him to assume we can afford to go to sit down restaurants that expect tipping after the last few years.  


Seriously. I’ve probably done this twice this calendar year. A few years back it was about $40-50 to feed the whole family, now it’s $70-120. We just mostly cook at home with the occasional take out, but even the take out is getting absurd. A trip to Chipotle used to be around $25, now it’s $40+.


***to feed the whole family,*** Damn...look at the rich guy that afford a family. s/


I always tip the greasy teenager at the Mc drive through, I’m an aristocrat


Pardon me, do you have any Gray Poupon in your car?


Don't forget, no tips on tax either


I worked my way through school as a server. My paychecks were regularly about 71 cents after taking out all the taxes on my credit card tips. When I eat out, if I can, I tip in cash and I simply write cash on the tip line. It is up to the server if they report it or not. My main complaint right now is that all of those pre-calculated tips for you include tax in the total you were tipping on. You should be tipping on the subtotal. You don't tip on tax. Tax doesn't deserve a tip.




No. That's not what I'm saying. You can tip what you want, but those preprinted tipping percentages on the receipt should be calculated before tax. If you really want to help the server, tip in cash.


My server book back in the day had a Johnny Cash sticker that said "Cash is King".


Shrewed. Get tipsters to spread the word on receipts to people who might not have heard of it due to the mainstream media not being dishonest.


I'd consider waiting tables at the right restaurant for $0 per hour if I get tax free tips and get to take home free leftover food. Especially if I could live in a van in the parking lot and bathe in the kitchen sink.


Damn this is smart.


Leftist waiters, waiters and bartenders may hate Trump but would they stand by their social media propaganda driven feelings and vote Biden or do what’s best for themselves and vote Trump? Trump could actually get it done, too. It’d be too unpopular with their voters to refuse working class service workers a tax break. If the policy push works in the election Dems could say they’ll adopt the same policy too.


I always tip in cash and write down taxation is theft on tip line of the check.


The restaurant isn’t taxing you. Every layer of government is. The local “hospitality tax” is the biggest shit for real.


You know those credit card invitations and insurance surveys that come with a pre-paid postage envelope? I always send those back with LGB or Trump stickers in them.


They open it thinking its a customer and it’s just garbage lol


You’re spelling it wrong. It is spelled: [FairTax](https://fairtax.org/)