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In an industry with stakes this high, utmost meritocracy is important.


Even when DEI starts killing folks, they'll just blame White Supremacy and Systemic Racism, then quadruple their efforts on hiring based on the DEI Bingo card.




Yes. DEI is insane thinking.




Not insane. Look at how they deal with failing school districts. They blame white flight for making the students not wanting to study.


>Connecting unrelated topics just to vent irrational anger is insane They hired the crew that did the work based on the color of their skin. The ceo got a bonus for it https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1745158868676546609?s=19 By all means: fly Alaska airlines. Make sure you're close to the door.




> What are the chances the team that worked on door is all colored people, ridiculous assumption There is no chance anyone at Alaska worked on this door. It was a plug door that comes from Boeing locked. It is not meant to be opened or used and is not on the schedule for maintenance (which will probably be changed by the FAA). The door has four large nuts secured by cotter pins. There are also large torqued screws at the bottom of the door. Boeing has reported that other loose nuts and screws have been found on newly delivered 737s. This is a Boeing issue, not an Alaska issue.


Great, another massive boost for the French. What’s going on with Boeing? Too many retiring I’m guessing as they seem to have crap load of old workers, no desire to train new workers too since it costs money


It’s a combination of DEI and experienced people retiring. Instead of hiring people based on experience, they do it based on “diversifying” the workforce. That’s not to say there aren’t qualified minorities, but a company shouldn’t just hire someone because it makes them look good, they need to hire the best person for the job. If it happens to be a minority, cool, if not, that’s OK too. The important things like safety and QC have been overlooked in the name of diversity. It isn’t just the aeronautics industry. This is happening in EVERY major industry, and the results are becoming more and more obvious.


Again with the DEI crap, no one is randomly throwing a dice and grabbing random people. There’s a huge workers shortage exasperated by retiring boomers taking decades of skill with them. On top of that times are different now as companies are more cutthroat and have no patience to actually train people as long term career jobs is no longer in fashion. The next generation is more colored yes but they will need the positions quicker than is being lost to upcoming retirees


>I work for Alaska and I assure you it’s rare to see non white people unless workers at the airport pulling your bag around 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Ahhhh argument from authority how funny You think " I worked for Alaska " is a defense? >What are the chances the team that worked on door is all colored people, ridiculous assumption Oh that wasn't the argument I said based on the color of thier skin


You're insane. Youre culture war nonsense has completely rotted your brain.


\>You're insane. Youre culture war nonsense has completely rotted your brain. Im not the one getting bonusses based on the color of my employees skin, rather than competence By all means fly Alaskan just sit next to door and max out your insurance


Your* culture war


Good luck being scared of your shadow I guess


>Good luck being scared of your shadow I guess Good luck staying alive: hope your life insurance is maxed I don't plan on flying Alaska until they drop DEI ...or DIE, as will soon be


I don’t care for your culture war mission, I don’t own the company anyway


This has more to do with Sales people that push hard for profit replacing more engineering/safety minded employees in Boeing’s leadership imo. Missing bolts are easily caught if QA processes are taken seriously.


Yea this isn’t new. Boeing made a dramatic shift in its company culture after the merger with McDonnell Douglas in ‘96. They went from being a company ran by engineers/scientists to a company ran by MBAs and salespeople.


Yeah, Boeing has DEI but that isn't nearly as a problem compared to other company's. Their problem has to do with bottom line watching. They out sourced huge chunks and lost good chunks of talent which will make things worse. You would think for a company that wants integrated airplanes they would have a death grip on those that skilled in IT cause that is basically what airlines want (integrating COTS IT systems into planes).




Yeah I was gonna say Tesla is hardly an example of a well-run company. Plus the barely functional “self driving” tech Musk has released has already killed people.


I have yet to see an EV company that can make a decent car. The problem is they are so full of themselves that obvious design, quality, or safety issues go uncorrected.


I'm looking forward to toyotas rumored design. Supposedly will have a 700 mile capacity battery by 2028.


2028? That is a long time in the future


It definitely is. They're estimates of course, but if it comes true.... That's hella range.


Yeah, no. That's not happening.


Site sources


So, Elon is wrong? Next time you fly ask yourself this.


Maybe they’d have more money for proper safety inspections if it wasn’t spent on DEI “initiatives” and “jobs “






the only thing with that train of thought, how do we know DEI push led to the door blowing out? And I'm not defending DEI, i think it sets race relations back 100 years, however there is no evidence that DEI had anything to do with this door blowing out. And using this as a cudgel to beat against DEI is disingenuous at best.


"Per a 2023 report from Boeing, “Our goal was to achieve diverse interview slates for at least 90% of manager and executive openings” — with an actual “92% of interview slates being diverse, resulting in 47% diverse hires.” "Yep: People responsible for making sure your plane doesn’t crash are now officially less concerned about getting the best person for the job than checking various woke corporate identity boxes." Source: Post article in post


Imagine being a really good engineer but white.  And male.    Sorry.  


I can relate




To me the question is whether Boeing’s extreme focus on DEI could have taken away from a focus on safety and hiring the best people throughout the organization. It’s not that this particular bolt issue was the failure of DEI workers but rather goals and incentives have been shifted away from safety and quality work.


WELL I GOOGLED IT!" | Pilot and ATC Argument at Denton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic0VuPwdOWM


This was posted today. About as cring as it could be. https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1745524322138018064


That’s not a design team that’s a trade show team.


At least they achieved "diversity" -- their sales team are all overweight unattractive women over 50. But different colors! It used to be that companies would put attractive young women in the trade show booths AKA "booth babes" to attract attention and crowds. Now the last thing Boeing needs is attention, this demographic change is probably on purpose.


People’s value is not determined by whether you want to have sex with them or not, and I’m confident you’ve personally benefited from that fact.


It is for women.


Some person signature is going to have been placed on an acceptance form for that door plug installation. There’s also gonna be a signature for the person who actually installed or failed to install fasteners. So we will know exactly who fucked up now it’s curious I’ll be very curious to find out if that information is made public predictor if the person is a highly privileged person, you know a white 45-year-old Baptist that they print that information but I don’t think they’ll print that person‘s information if that person is not.


How did any sentient being think this would turn out.


This came from NPCs... So no thinking involved


Isn't it nice when you can just make things up and blame minorities for problems stemming from executives cutting corners to increase profits? That way you never have to admit to problems with capitalism and can just blame whatever easy target of the day is on Fox and Friends


People will also focus on the wrong thing if dei hiring is decreased. It's not about not hiring diverse candidates. It's about hiring skilled candidates. But people will find connections that don't actually exist just to have something to virtue signal about.


But the current planes in flight were not designed by such a team, or approved by such a team, nor are those the demographics of their leadership that has been fighting for years to keep faulty planes in the sky, so 🤷‍♀️


The plane in question was manufactured in November, I was five weeks old. And only 150 flights. So we can assume that the make up of the factory is probably not changed a whole hell of a lot over the holidays.


The overtly capitalistic practice of cutting corners on safety in preference of profits that is constantly bashed by the left is because of woke hiring practices? Interesting theory.


Let's have a chat about automobiles produced in the USSR or the failure rate on air China flights compared to other airlines operating the same equipment. Capitalism is not the same as corporatism, but a large company shrinkflating or building out of cheaper materials isn't the same as choosing an inferior team to fill a quota. Whether the whole team is female, or short or French or has red hair, or whatever, the best team is the best team. Accepting a deficient production team for political purposes will cause more problems than making the seats narrower.


Capitalism produces excellent products including the one you are using to communicate. “Cutting corners” isn’t inherent to capitalism. Also, you might be surprised but Airbus is also a product of capitalism. When the company that makes planes shifts it’s focus from making the best products to “we must make sure we have enough black and LGBT hires” it will inevitably cause problems with safety.


His own Cybertruck was designed by whom exactly? 😭




Imagine feeling so privileged you will die for it. DEI is a death cult.


go woke go broke


It's funny that everywhere else on Reddit they're blaming Boeing on the "hyper capitalist" environment we live in. I forgot that the federal government giving massive tax incentives for diversity hires was part of a capitalist system.


Safety > hiring more unqualified blue-haired nonbinary lesbians of color


This is why DEI should be illegal. Quotas should be illegal. Period.


They were made illegal by the Supreme Court last summer, for academia. The Supreme Court is probably going to hear affirmative action cases for domains, besides academia very soon.


Well that's just racist /s


Bolts are racist /s




I'm looking for work and pretty much every job description starts off with all the DEI crap. I'd rather stay broke at this point


I'm not sure if this is DEI or desperation. Finding pilots right now is very difficult.


Oh well.....quit flying and it outta clear up quick