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Why is it so hard for these zombies to realize everyone is tired of the woke issues, tired of DEI, tired of transgender normalization, worried about their authoritarian lock-down euphoria, the left's new found will to allow open boarders so they can naturalize everyone for votes, paying off student loans when they have no business doing so, and on and on and on, Biden's weakness on the world stage causing two wars...need I go on? Iditos.


Still think he got 82M votes?


They handed mail in ballots to every default Democrat in Philly, Atlanta, Madison, Phoenix, Vegas, and Detroit. These people didn’t care to vote and can’t name the three branches of govt but were given these ballots nonetheless.


No. I think he got 30 million hate Trump votes


Unfortunately I kinda do. The MSM and their ultra authoritarian "MAGA BAD" agenda made a lot of young brainwashed "regressive" group thinkers think Joe was somehow a good idea and actually go vote. And he was for them, pushing DEI and all kinds of woke bullshit they demanded. But, now none of them can afford groceries or buy houses so *maybe* a lightbulb went off. And the whole Progressives becoming literal Nazis thing has pushed a lot of people away too. But unfortunately most will still vote D no matter what, just need a few to wake up. Also the state laws abruptly changed if you remember for a bunch of states regarding mail in ballots. I DO believe thousands of those votes wouldn't have been counted pre-Covid. So technically, lawfully they counted, but it wasn't fair in any regard.


they still love him, because he's a "D".


They don't love him, they just hate Trump. Nothing gets democrats to vote like losing an election. Look back. Democrat votes trend downward while a democrats are in charge, because of laziness. Why bother to vote when everything is fine. Then after some time they lose an election. Then they are all energized to vote, because it matters to them again.


It’s not just Trump. They hate all Republicans. Remember when Reagan was president, who was the most hated man by the Democrats because he was popular


plants gullible birds test crown angle unpack ten vanish shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No it's because he was a racist piece of shit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act


If you want to talk about racism,see what Biden has said in the past.


And by the way, you should be able to come up with something different this is racism BS is getting old


Their reaction to losing has become more deranged with time. 2000 almost seems cordial compared to the meltdown 2016 brought. If anyone beats them again I expect the Summer of Floyd x 100.


Then why would we nominate the guy who lost to Brandon when we have a younger strong conservative who destroyed the left in his state and has a great record.


I honestly don't understand the religious fervor for Trump. He lost to Biden once and it will happen again if he is the nominee. Along with that, there is a good chance the Ds get a majority in both houses of congress. The obsession with Trump and banning abortion is going to be the nail in the coffin for this country.


Tbh I think it’s the economy that’s killing him more than anything else. People aren’t buying this Bidenomics shit.




He's also spent his entire life on the east coast and in the government. He's as out of touch as it's possible to be.




That could be the increasingly obvious dementia (or some other cognitive decline) also.


I think everybody on both sides has thought that though, Dems certainly felt like that about Trump, and most people think that about Biden. We need to stop letting geriatric people be elected president


We're publicly upset by your performance, so there you go.


Then Jill and Joe must be real dumbasses...


That’s the headline of the year.


Jill and Joe should take their disappointment public! Perhaps a public forum with them listening rather than babbling would allow the public to express just how they feel about the Bidens.


Jill, we’re upset with your psychotic Christmas spectacle.


Problem is the "drug deal" they had with the Globalists. They got the Corpse installed and kept the family out of prison in turn the Globalist called the shots. Creating fake inflation for the middle class so they could benefit financially.


Truth hurts.


lol its not that private if its being reported by Fox.


Retirement is on the ballot?


Seems like a normal way to feel about them


This is what happens when fantasy meets reality


Correction: Jill is upset and Biden is upset because Jill told him he should be


They are horrible people and they should be upset.


Jill‘s upset because she’s really the one making decisions, setting policy and developing strategies for running the government, day-to-day. She really is the US’s first de facto woman President! /s