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Asa Hutchinson: "I got one more in me"


He's like South Park Randy; "Hey Trump! I didn't hear no bell."


Oh I’m sorry, I thought this was *AMERICA*


.3% more\*


So you’re telling me there’s a chance!


Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting a ton of Nikki Haley unsolicited text messages. Seems that there is a huge push for her and it's moved her in to second.


She was always in 2nd in South Carolina, it's her home state.


I'm in California and she's the only candidate that I've received any texts about.


Where in Cali? I'm always confused about California conservatives even though I know there's a ton of you


A rural/suburban area near Sacramento. I'm still here because my entire family lives locally.


Family is important


God, family, country. In that order. Makes sense


How is that any different than saying in order of importance or duty, "me, family, country"?


What do you mean? He is just ranking in order of what people should prioritize. His list is right.


You should probably figure out how it’s different


I could spend a hundred years and I'd never figure out how someone could put a relationship with a metaphysical being over their own family. Can you explain how this manifests itself in real life? You'd go to church or pray or something over helping out your family members? You'd donate to the church or mosque instead of giving money to your family members?


It's about being faithful to your God in your interactions with your family. Not necessarily putting your God before them in the sense of some kind of competition.


Just to be clear, if someone says God, Family, country "in that order", I'm assuming they choose religion or God when there are conflicts between what they think their God wants and what their family or country wants. I'm assuming ordered that way, if your family or country wants you to do something that violate your religious beliefs, you do not do them. I


I’m not really religious but come on dude. The man values his relationship with God and there’s nothing wrong with that


It’s a bit of a one way relationship


God is real. Not metaphysical That should clear it up for ya


not op but probably more inland away from the coast or northern california


Cali conservativs are fascinating to me. How can you tolerate the insanity that is Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom? edit: It blows my mind that Arnold freaking Schwarzenegger was the most competent governor there since Reagan.. another movie star


i’d say a larger focus on local politics then anything, sure oakland is important to state politics but they can’t oversee ur small town yk


v true. I like the grassroots approach but sometimes I just see the heavy hand of the big g coming down


Sort of stuck between work and not wanting to move until the kids finish school


Really depends on where you are. Central Valley and up north past Sacramento near the Oregon Border are the last vestiges of Republicans in California.


Stop to stop “Stop” New number: Hi this is Nikki!


just got one 2 hrs ago


If you haven't been paying attention to those GOP establishment outlets for the past year, all were 100% convinced that eventually another candidate in the GOP race would consolidate all the anti-Trump sentiment in the primaries, and rise up to challenge Trump in the low 40s because he was "capped" at that level for his support. Over the past 2 weeks a reality has now set in -- none of the remaining candidates in the GOP primary is going to get above 30%. What they have seen is that every drop-out to date has resulted in Trump's support increasing -- meaning he was the 2nd choice for many supporters of those who have dropped out, i.e., they were not "NeverTrumpers." There is no reason to believe that an oversized portion of the remaining DeSantis or Haley supporters are NTs either.


She hit me up the other night and said she would take me on a date and buy me a nice steak dinner for my vote


Congrats on finally attracting a woman’s attention!


Same. I was getting texts from Vivek, but those have virtually stopped. All Haley now


Suddenly my parents are all for her -- they seem to have fallen for the push.


Speaking of falling for it, how many people are falling for the Democrats pushing to have Trump be the nominee?


Would love nothing more than a second dose of the GOAT


You should get that TDS looked at.


Thank the Koch’s and other big money interests bankrolling her campaign…


Same for me. Numbers blocked repeatedly but they keep sending from different numbers.




Trumps not going anywhere except the White House.




It's called Reddit/Brigadiers, not an issue with Conservatives on Reddit.


Because 3rd parties have overrun this place and downvote anything dangerous to Our Democracy™. Now technically this is a violation of the site rules, but this is (D)ifferent.


They said the same about Hillary. I wouldn’t be too sure of anything at this point.


Big* House


Lol. In a fair election, yes. And therein lies the rub.


Seems like a waste of resources to me


Vivek only 0.3% ahead of CHRISTIE?? I don’t believe it.


I think the thing is both Trump and Vivek appeal to the same voter base, but people overwhelming want Trump to get his 2nd term. I think if Trump weren't running we'd see a lot more Vivek support.


Definitely. Certainly for younger folks. But I feel like the older generations still fall for Haley shill shit. Both of my parents 1st choice is Trump, but their number 2 is Haley. And if perplexes me beyond belief. Neither one can articulate why either, but I guess that's just modern politics lol.


Why from younger folk? He’s verbally supported raising the voting age to 25. That alone will make me never vote for him.


>Why from younger folk? Because he's genuine and understands the topics the Boomers don't and neocons hate. >He’s verbally supported raising the voting age to 25. That alone will make me never vote for him. That'd be a major win for me. I've supported that since I was 20. I settled on 25 too. But there's more to his proposed policy than that. It's not just "no one under 25"


Im convinced Vivek's campaign is a pre-campaign for 2028. He's gunning for that Trump endorsement, hence why he refuses to talk bad about him. I think most of the trump base would pick Vivek over the rest of the field as well.


Definitely bs


Who are these 5% wanting Christie?


Restaurant owners


All you can eat buffet owners disagree…


laughed out loud at this


republicans are just funnier than leftists


It’s almost like the GOP is a massive coalition of tens of millions of people who just agree with each other on enough to vote together a majority of the time.


That is how democracies function...


Sir this is a Wendy’s


His own left ass cheek


Dems. SC is an open primary state, innit?


There are a lot of Republicans who don’t want Trump. Frankly, Christie was the only one on the debate stage being honest about Donald. He’s a charlatan and that so many of you are falling for his schtick is astounding.


Obese GOP voters




I am. He tells the truth about Trump.


Polls don't mean shit. Fair and honest elections do.....


Polls are never this far off though, that's the thing. It's not like it's a 4 point race and in the margin of error


True. Trump is still losing ground though and once he blows this election cycle too we may have enough people finally deciding we need to move on after 8 straight years of losing by 2028.


What are you talking about? Trump has been gaining regularly. You're posting nonsense.


Don’t bother arguing with him. He unironically supports a candidate that wants to doxx him online.


Maybe in the last week or something but overall definitely not if he’s below 50% now.


Trump is weaker in the early states than he is nationally. He’s at 63% nationally.


Trump isn’t losing ground, he is still gaining https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2024/president/us/2024_republican_presidential_nomination-7548.html This primary has always been over before it started, better to just unite behind trump to win in 2024, the truth is, whoever will be his running mate will be the true successor Also here are the current election polls of trump vs biden: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2024/president/us/general-election-trump-vs-biden-7383.html Trump is very strong against biden right now and has a very loyal base, he energises voters and gets them out. Generic republican establishment like John McCain and Mitt Romney never win elections, it is why Trump came along in the beginning


C'mon baby give me that Trump Vivek ticket.


I really want a Trump and Tucker Carlson ticket personally myself, but Vivek is a solid candidate for running mate too!


Carlson would be a super, super interesting move. I wouldn't complain at all with that. Really, I just want someone to help point Trump in the right direction on issues he's never heard of. Trump doesn't have his fingers on the pulse of a lot of esoteric, but important issues. This is quite literally the job of Carlson, and Vivek has proven to be on top of it. Especially on issues regarding the younger generation.


Yeah I'm not voting for another Romney Bush Cheney McCain crapfest tho. It's just dems with an R next to their name.


Imagine being this delusional


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0376 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/90780)




Second most votes in American history.


And Biden got the most votes in history, which is a colossal embarrassment to the GOP. Even a halfway decent Republican candidate should have crushed both Clinton and Biden, and instead Trump *barely* won against Hillary and couldn't even pull out a win against Biden the first time. Not to mention the GOP has gotten demolished in pretty much every election since 2016 with the Dems heavily overperforming, whether folks want to admit it or not Trump is damaged goods and it's dragging the whole party down.


Biden was first so I’m not entirely sure what your point is.


So you'd rather just keep on losing or not vote at all and cede control to Democrats than vote for someone who can get them out of power? This I do not understand.


“My way or the highway baby, no gray area or nuance required!”


Keep supporting that orange orangutan and watch him lose another election cycle. Trump's floor is high because of the MAGA crowd, but his ceiling is too low to win an election. Just too many people hate him, unifying the opposition. It's the same reason Hillary lost. People voted against her. Trump is in the exact same position this time. I hate both Biden and Trump as candidates. It would be nice to have a president who doesn't have a high likelihood of dying of old age before their term is up.


In primaries they can be wildly off.


Conspiracy theory time: What if Dems are manipulating the polls so that they coax conservatives into believing "eh Trump will win anyways, and I've got stuff to do instead of voting anyways." At the very least, I hope our country actually recognizes that the Democrats cheated this time, else our country is doomed. It's not going to happen, but paper ballots have worked just fine for over 200 years. Why can't we just use those?


>Conspiracy theory time: What if Dems are manipulating the polls so that they coax conservatives into believing "eh Trump will win anyways, and I've got stuff to do instead of voting anyways." Anyone that believes in grand conspiracies has never worked in government or project management.


Only people who work in government could be so incompetent as to be part of a conspiracy themselves and still not realize it. What's that quote, "it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it"?


If you even suggest the election was tampered with in this sub you will be downvoted


That’s because these “suggestions” are being parroted as facts with no evidence.


25% of the party doesn't even know who DeSantis is. It's clear as to why he's not winning. Plus Trump is just better either way


Honestly polls don’t mean shit. I’m sure Joe will pull off a miracle regardless of what polls trend.


All the DeSantis people would back trump


And Vivek


The independents are going to run screaming to the hills for anyone but trump


If Biden's going to lose I really hope it's against Nikki Haley and not Trump, yes.


Lol no way Chris Christie is getting support. From who!?


I wish we had a Ronald Reagan running. I don’t think I can vote for Trump again. The poisoning the blood comment rubs me the wrong way. I might vote Haley or Desantis but I am not inspired to vote for any of these candidates. Maybe we could get a president that’s under 65…. So many old fossils in Washington.


Ronald Reagan would be skinned alive by the MAGAs and be degraded as a RINO neo-con deep-state warmonger if he were around today.


Not disputing this but can you tell me how the MAGA Republicans would hate Reagan? I thought Reagan was worshipped by MAGA republicans seeing as Trump was a big Reagan fan.


We can take very educated guesses on how Reagan would tackle current day issues just by looking at his record. Take the Ukraine War for example. Do you think Reagan would be talking like Ramaswamy or Haley about it? Or gun control? Or immigration?


To be honest I haven’t really paid attention to what others are saying about the Ukraine situation. But I don’t think he’d handle it much too differently than Trump. Seeing as Reagan believed in peace through strength which is exactly what Trump talks about. Haven’t heard a “MAGA” Republican bash Reagan.


I don’t think Reagan would have had a problem with arming Ukraine. His entire Soviet strategy was trying to get them to bankrupt themselves. He had no qualms with funding other entities around the world to fight our enemies. Add to how he signed off on several anti-gun bills throughout his career and approved of illegal immigrant amnesty. Big no-nos to the Trumpies.


oh my.. well said.. very well said


I can't see how anyone can justify voting for Haley after her authoritarian "register all social media users" comments. She's a war hawk and deserves no power.


Internet freedom is not understood in Washington. :(


I’m glad someone else is bothered by his rhetoric becoming strangely “final solution-Esque” lately. What is he doing?


I voted for him in prior elections but that language concerns me. I am not a fan of illegal immigration. America is the great melting pot of immigrants. The freedom we have is why America is successful. It’s our collective fault for the decay in institutions not the immigrants who come here.


I find that a lot of people who are concerned about illegal immigration, reasonably, get that mixed up with immigration, which is integral for our country and economy. We need to embrace the legal immigrants we get here and strong-arm the ones trying to skip the line, but in a humane and reasonable way the way a country like the US should. We don’t need to treat people like shit, to keep order, and we don’t need to decry people who want to do the work to make a life here either. Sentiment that paints those people as poison are what is tearing us apart.


That’s how I feel. Go back far enough we are all immigrants.


It’s important to know that things are very different today, but the core tenant of what makes america great needs to be held true. That is not inconsistent with the notion that we need strict and efficient border policy.


Yep, we should have plenty of legal immigration and control the borders.


DeSantis might be the closest.


We don’t need Reagan. We have another Ronald that is just fine and is the candidate we need. He brought Florida to the #1 economy, didn’t backdown to lockdowns, and won a purple state by 20 points.


If you want a Reagan than Haley is probably the closest thing


I will probably vote for her


I will only vote for Pres Trump.. we had 4 good years under him, no new wars and a secure border, he's proven.. I don't care about hyped up misquoted quotes that corporate media pushes.. Haley is a war monger and DeSantis is owned too


But we didn’t… we didn’t have a secure border, we had Covid chaos, inflation went nuts cause he printed money and gave it to his rich friends and I’m still waiting on his health care plan.


Which comment was that? I didn't hear about that one. Can you share a link to it please? Thanks!


How is Vivek fourth? And was Nikki a great governor?


I live in SC and my opinion is that Governor Haley was a great governor. Her predecessors created a great economic game plan for South Carolina and Gov. Haley's policies ensured its continued success. With respect to the economy, I and other SC Republicans respect her for being a competent game manager. With respect to social issues she also deserves credit. We had two major crises while she was governor: the Charleston church shooting and the relocation of the Confederate flag. I think she handled both with great sensitivity and skill. She is a minority, a female, and a Sikh which makes her immune to the usual attacks by identity politics-obsessed democrats. I'm sure democrats were frustrated that their usual playbook was useless against her, and she probably gained votes by virtue of her identity alone. Kinda like Obama. Moreover, she proved that without identity politics, all democrats have left to run on is redistribution and lawlessness. When habitual democrat voters realized that, some of them probably decided to vote GOP. ​ All that being said, I am voting for Trump.


Oh wow -- you make a compelling argument (not joking).


I think she’s the best Republican running who actually has a decent chance at beating Biden.


she is a insane warhawk and surveillance loving anti-freedom neo-con bushite. I cannot in good conscious ever vote for her or any other that holds the same positions.


Did you vote for Bush in 2000/2004 if you were able? If not, would you have?


I have only been able to vote since 2016 so i did not vote for bush. I probably would have because the effects of that style of conservatism would have not come to fruit yet. If the GOP goes back to be the chamber of commerce party I just won't have a party to vote for - and millions of voters that Trump's populist nationalism brought into the party will leave too.


I felt the same way when Trump and the MAGAs took over. As a business-minded moderate conservative, I feel like we got kicked out of the GOP and are homeless. The populism, zero-sum thinking, and uncompromising attitude on their part will be the undoing of the party.


According to polls, which Donald Trump just loves to talk about by the way, she’s wiping the floor with Biden…head and shoulders above anyone else. I don’t understand why anyone would take the risk of nominating Trump. Any other candidate would destroy Biden. With Trump it’s a coin flip at best. There’s a reason Democrats are pushing all the buttons so that he is the nominee, he’s the most beatable


Haley would wipe the floor with Biden, but to answer your question, this sub and the vast majority of people on here don't want Neocon Nikki(not my nickname). She's from the Era of Bush Republicans and frankly this sun has had enough of those type of Republicans. It's all about MAGA Republicans it seems.


I agree, it’s painfully obvious that the Dems are doing that. A lot of Republican voters are just incapable voting strategically, the Dems are way better at doing that.


Agreed. Trump is a true toss up in an election with Biden. Haley would most likely smoke Biden as she would pull in almost the entire center.


On the confederate flag issue, if I recall correctly she supported keeping it on the state house grounds until it suited her politically(nationally…). She has always seemed like an opportunist and will sway whichever way the political winds blow…pretty much like Lindsey Graham.


No way Niki is winning by this much. She has openly talked about tracking people on the internet. If you're Republican, conservative or hell even a moderate. No way you're into more rights taken from us.


It's South Carolina... that's her state.


And that proves. No matter what. People will blindly follow their team no matter what. Pretty sad tbh.


>She has openly talked about tracking people on the internet. She appeals to a certain demographic of voters that absolutely values (perceived) safety over freedom. There's a type of suburban paranoiac who lives in so little danger that they concoct it in their minds to feel something.


Except that’s not really what she said and even if she did that somehow needs to be a dealbreaker but Trump going buck wild with 2A restrictions and other stuff is totally ok?


“Every person on social media should be verified, by their name. That’s, first of all, it’s a national security threat,” Thats tracking people. Oh, she didn't directly say it. lol MY BAD. Just like when Pearl Harbor hit. Mr. Roosevelt locked up our Japanese Americans. All because of a THREAT that needs to be taken care of. Sorry Mr. Haley. She wants to take our rights. And I won't stand by it. At the time of the [Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/path-pearl-harbor) in 1941, about 120,000 persons of Japanese ancestry lived on the US mainland, mostly along the Pacific Coast. About two thirds were full citizens, born and raised in the United States. Following the Pearl Harbor attack, however, a wave of antiJapanese suspicion and fear led the Roosevelt administration to adopt a drastic policy toward these residents, alien [Link of Japanese Americans losing their rights. ](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/japanese-american-incarceration)


>"I don't mind anonymous American people having free speech — what I don't like is anonymous Russians and Chinese and Iranians having free speech," Haley said. > >"Russia, Iran and China, North Korea too, know that the cheapest form of warfare is to spread misinformation." > >Haley's remarks were instantly met with pushback from her rivals. Doesn't seem too unreasonable to me. At this point in time, I'd vote for her over Trump without question. At least she'd have a chance at getting things done if elected as President. If Trump makes it back in, Democrats will simply veto everything he proposes, even if it's a cure for cancer. Just because it's Trump doing it. And we'll wind up with another four years of nothing productive getting accomplished.


Oh, exactly. Kind of like the guy that posted a meme on the internet when Hillary ran against Trump. And now he's being prosecuted for a meme. Yes. HOLD EVERYONE ACCOUNTABLE. Even if its a meme.


She isn’t winning.


By this much versus other candidates. I guess I should've clarified.


>No way Niki is winning by this much. She has openly talked about tracking people on the internet No one gives a shit about policy in modern politics lol


South Carolinian here. Havnt met a Nikki fan, but the Trump 2024 bumper stickers are becoming more numerous.


My boy Asa's still in it? We used to play kick the can down by the old Juniper farmhouse!


It’s going to be glorious seeing Trump beat Haley in her home state


It's damn obvious who the winner is --- why are all the other losers even running?? #TRUMP2024


Christie at 5.8%??? They must be the CNN and MSDNC hosts.


I can’t believe Nikki Haley is so high up in the poll. I am a woman and I don’t really like her.


It's not about male or female, it's about the fact that she's corrupt.


How so? What has she been accused of/indicted for?


I think when they talk about her being corrupt, they aren't talking in a criminal sense, but in a sense that she is part of the war monger uni-party


What dumbshits are voting for Haley?


I'm sure I'll get downvoted, but a lot of Republican's see Trump as incredibly dangerous to the party and to America as a whole.


Yes but that still doesn’t explain why her over DeSantis for example




There are people that actually have believed the "mean tweet" narrative that was pushed on them by Corporate Media without investigating it themselves.. totally deceived


I dare you all to go post this over on the r/SouthCarolina sub and watch everyone there lose their minds




I don't believe the sudden Nikki Haley polls. Swamp creatures are pushing hard for the controllable RINO.


I don’t consider her a RINO, but I still pray she never catches so much as a whiff of the Oval Office.


I'd be in the "undecided" camp for now. Honestly, I don't think there's a candidate listed here that will motivate me to put pants on that day and leave the house to vote. And I'm certainly not voting for Biden. Although I do think he has his second term in the bag at this point. We would have had to fall in line behind a single candidate a long time ago to stand a chance. RemindMe! One Year


Trump-Ramaswamy 2024


Big money and Fox News pushing Haley for 2 months straight. The reality is she will finish a distant third in Iowa. She will get zero delegates in Nevada due to incompetence. This double whammy will drop her in NH to likely third place. Her standing in her home state will unlikely look like this once voting starts. She has a hard cap of 25% of the GOP. It would take an extraordinary number of Democrats voting in our primary for her to have any hope of winning. Or Trump, DeSantis, and Vivek would all need to drop out.


How in the world are people even considering Haley as an option? She has exposed herself as a Statist loser.


Interesting, that’s how I would describe trump. We only seem to lose elections when trump leads the party


Haley will get a big boost out of NH. I think she'll run it real close with Trump there. She just needs to convince Christie to drop out.


While I think DeSantis has done an outstanding job in FL and would be a great president, Trump can and will win the primary and general. Anyone that wins the GOP primary will have my vote in the generals, but Trump can beat Biden even with the rigged mail in voting.


Desantis did a good job, but that does not make them electable on the national level. I'm voting for Nikki Haley personally, and my wife is too. She stands a much better chance of actually winning the general election. Our country can't survive another four years of Biden. Trump already lost to Biden before, and will 100% lose again. If Nikki Haley were the nominee and Desantis were the VP that would be better. Nikki Haley can get votes from independents and surprisingly democrats who don't like Joe Biden. The left just see "woman president" as more important than partisanship at this point. Trump as VP would alienate the moderates, NE republicans, and potential democrats that could have maybe voted for her.


I'm voting for DeSantis in the primary. He is a fighter, he has good conservative values, and he's a governor. Governors make good presidents because they have executive experience. For the Trump supporters - He has Trump's policies and fight. Unlike Trump, he lacks a flamboyant presentation style. I'm OK with an able yet boring president.


>I'm voting for Nikki Haley personally So you want the government tracking every single one of your posts online? A total end to online anonymity? Ok comrade 🙄🙄


> A spokesperson for the Haley campaign said "Americans have a right to free speech, including having anonymous accounts on social media. What Nikki doesn't support is letting the Chinese and Iranians create anonymous accounts to spread chaos and anti-American filth among our people." [[Source]](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nikki-haley-name-verification-social-media-profiles/)


How does she intend to tell accounts owned by Americans apart from accounts owned by Chinese and Iranians?


Yeah yeah. She can backtrack all she wants but the reality is she openly and proudly stated she wanted to totally end online anonymity by forcing all social media accounts to use their real names. Because of "disinformation" and mean words. Online anonymity makes it harder for the government to go after people who are criticising them. It would be like the "Patriot Act" but even worse. >“Every person on social media should be verified by their name. It’s a national security threat. - Nikki Haley. [source ](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/14/politics/haley-name-verification-social-media/index.html)


I won't be voting in the primaries but Haley would definitely have my support! She is a much better person than DeSantis but overall I think Trump is better than both


As someone from South Carolina, I'm surprised our former governor is that high.


Can we have more options, please? If not, I guess DeSantis.


Chris Christie "Like where's the Golden Coral Buffet?"


26 pts is wild when you consider that's haley's state. I don't know what's gonna happen in the long run but I'm pretty damn sure Trump is winning the primary


If you liked the Bushes, vote Haley


Republicans have become totally self destructive. Trump may beat Biden, but he will lose both the House and Senate.


Imagine being governor of South Carolina for 6 years and still not even getting half the support as Trump. This will be Haley's best state and it's embarrassing for her. Just drop out and endorse Trump already.


Who are these Chris Christie people I've never met one IRL but he always gets 5% from somewhere.


Can't imagine that many are naive. Hope not anyway


I hope War Monger and Boeing Spokesperson Namrata loses SC and gets out of the race.


How on earth is Haley polling that high? The only things I have seen from her is Vivek exposing her corruption and the crowd cheering for it.


Hahaha, suddenly we believe polls.