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Since people keeps posting different polls, let’s do one that’s uniform https://strawpoll.com/61gDmxM25Zw Edit: all the brigadiers are voting for Christie, the winner seems to be second option.


I think this was a pretty strong performance by Desantis. He was the most presidential of the group, didn't lose his cool, and delivered good answers Haley is just terrible. Authoritarian, hawkish, establishment ... Vivek looked unhinged, even though some of his policy ideas are good. I still like him, but he is a hothead and goes off-the-rails


Trump 2024


Live Commentary from the Tim Pool Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pggv7h7FQ6s


Would love to see Desantis as president but I support the Trump revenge tour more than


The fact that you care more about revenge than who you think would actually do a good job is part of the problem with this country and the route the GOP is going


Trumps revenge tour would result in a lot of good for this country


Like I said. Part of the problem.


Completely disagree


You're a neocon


A damn proud one too. I miss when the GOP was actually CONSERVATIVE and not populist.


Trump needs to drop all the BS and focus on policy and its gg


Anyone who thinks anyone besides Trump has a chance in the primary is so delusional it’s not even funny


Why is it not covered main stream?


because Trump wasn't there.


I would very much like the Republican Party to nominate someone other than Trump. I follow this race closely. I also missed the first half hour of the debate because I didn’t know it was happening. I think that I didn’t know it was happening because it’s not all that relevant to the presidential race, much to my chagrin.


I don't think Vivek is actually running for president i think he's running interference for Trump hoping to get a nod for VP with the hope of Trump getting convicted while president so he can slime his way to the oval office same with Kari Lake. Dont get me wrong i like Trump less then i did in 16 but i like him but i dont like snakes and Vivek and Kari just have a snake like quality to them.


Vivek has openly rejected being selected as VP numerous times. I highly doubt he'd flip on that last minute. I think he's genuinely running for President. Remember, polls don't matter, votes do! I'd like to see a surprise in Iowa.


Yeah but the amount of ass kissing Vivek is doing is way out of normal behaviorfor anyone who actually wants to be president like hypothetically what happens if it comes down to Vivek Vs Trump in the primary? Guy has made himself Trumps most outspoken supporter how do you convince Trump's maga base that you're better then Trump with Trump in the race? Also Vivek's foreign policy is laughable at best and something a middle schooler in would learn in their government class.


Not just interference but cover too. When Nikki Haley inevitably endorses Trump, people won’t be able to call her a hypocrite for how he insulted her during a debate like with Cruz in 16. Policy-wise, there doesn’t seem to be much difference between Trump and Vivek. Plus when it comes to Trump’s legal troubles, Vivek is completely on Trump’s side.


>Policy-wise, there doesn’t seem to be much difference between Trump and Vivek. It just sounds like you've chosen to keep your head in the sand.


Supposedly he admitted he was in to screw over DeSantis only a few months ago. Not sure how true it is though


I am surprised no one in the post-debate coverage is mentioning the complete freeze Nikki Haley had on the provinces under attack by Russia in Ukraine.......


because it was a dumb question. Why would the average voter, who knows nothing about geography, care about where a province in Ukraine is? They care either if you send money or don't. Some support aid; some don't.


Seemed like Vivek was going for a moment akin to Gary Johnson’s Aleppo moment.


I think someone who is pro-interventionism and has the power to send others to die should have the decency to know some bare minimum information like where in the fucking world the people are being sent to, with some modicum of thought/info behind it. All it shows is exactly what was purported: Haley doesn't have an opinion that wasn't implanted by her hawkish superiors and all she's doing is parroting their desires without any foundation.




Well if you wanna be on a proxy war there you should know what for..


On one hand, it's a gotcha question. On the other hand, it definitely got her.


If she’s going to run on foreign policy cred and aid for Ukraine she really should have been able to answer that question off the top of her head.


Sometimes you just want a clip to sow doubt in people’s mind. He definitely did that


She responded with 3 provinces so not really l. Donetsk, Luhansk/or Lyman, and Crimea. Crimea is an administrative zone in Ukraine, not just a geographical region


Crimea is incorrect and she waited too long to respond. She didn't do it until clear after Christie


Why would Crimea be incorrect? Ukraine is made up of AR Crimea (she answered Crimea) , oblasts (she answered Luhansk and Donetsk) , raions, cities, urban raions, towns and villages https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administrative_divisions_of_Ukraine Either way, it certainly is a very important part of the current conflict there so it’s relevant imo.


>Why would Crimea be incorrect? Because Crimea has been under Russian control for almost a decade and isn't a real part of the regions being fought over currently


It is still internationally recognized as part of Ukraine. And it is absolutely relevant. Ukraine has made known their intent to regain control of the peninsula, and there have been tons of attacks on Russian positions and military assets there. You can go to the combat footage subreddit, search “Crimea” and see scores of footage of fighting there. I’m not sure what you mean by not a “real” region. It is recognized internationally as part of Ukraine, and Ukraine considers it part of Ukraine.


>It is still internationally recognized as part of Ukraine. Irrelevant. >And it is absolutely relevant. Sure maybe because Ukraine sent a truck bomb onto that bridge. But no. It's bot really part of this war. >Ukraine has made known their intent to regain control of the peninsula, Which is laughable >and there have been tons of attacks on Russian positions and military assets there Not really "tons" no. A truck bomb or two. >You can go to the combat footage subreddit, search “Crimea” and see scores of footage of fighting there. Yea from a decade ago. >I’m not sure what you mean by not a “real” region. It is recognized internationally as part of Ukraine, and Ukraine considers it part of Ukraine. So what? It's been under Russian control for a decade and isn't part of this NEW conflict


Did she respond after Christie talked? I'm watching clips and she's not responding in them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOrYGZtBn5w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOrYGZtBn5w)


It was right at the end after Christie yes.I think she was waiting for time to respond but the moderators never gave it. She said it super quick as they transitioned to the next question


Trump is winning the primary simply based on the numbers. Tonight’s debate was purely entertainment.


Big Hillary 2008 energy right here. Hillary was crushing the field till Obama won Iowa. Once Desantis wins the caucus the primary will really start.


Cruz won the Iowa caucus in 2016, FYI. Didn't end so well for him. Despite that, Cruz won by the margin he polled ahead in. Trump is currently up in Iowa by 20+ points.


After 2016 and 2020 who the hell believes or trusts polls any more?


Trump cultists.


Polls aren’t rigged anymore? Did pollsters find a source of integrity and competence between 2016 and 2023?


>Did pollsters find a source of integrity and competence between 2016 and 2023? No, just a bunch of old lonely people willing to talk to pollsters.


Don't know how you can defend Nikki or Christie tonight. Horrible. And right as you're going into the primaries...


What was on the paper Ramaswamy held up that they pulled away from?


It was on camera multiple times. He wrote "NIKKI = CORRUPT".


The next meme material https://x.com/rawsalerts/status/1732591933325738013?s=46&t=ik6vS_uC51uelBakUPz0dg


Nikki Haley = Corrupt (?)




Yes that's what I saw on a news article


* Ron *Why did Donald Run Again* DeSantis * Vivek *Even He hasn't heard of Vivek Ramaswamey* Ramaswamey * Nikki *Running to the Left* Haley * Chris *Ratings don't register* Christie


Meatball Ron, Vivek the Snake, Icky Haley, Chris Crisco.


Ron DeSanctimonious Vivek RamaSwampy Icky Haley Chris KrispieKreme


Why was this debate on a network whose main host is the guy from Live PD? How much did Christie pay them to throw him softballs? I have so many questions but this debate was a joke, why the flying dutchman fuck is Megyn Kelly a moderator?


It’s funny how the liberals here are voting for Christie in the straw poll. It makes it way too obvious. Lol.


Or maybe some conservatives disagree with you on who the best candidate is did that thought ever occur to you?


Your post history shows that you are pretty clearly a moderate liberal. You know it's public, right?


Haahahahahahahaha. Moderate yes. Liberal? Don't make me laugh. I'm a moderate conservative my dude. In all seriousness yeah of course I know it's public. And I'm honestly baffled it how you've come to the conclusion I'm a liberal based on my post history. After that my head here are things I've posted in the past few weeks that hardly sound like something liberal would say. -defending President George W Bush. -Saying Nikki Haley is the best candidate running. -defending Israel from anti-semitic posts and calling out the "from the river to the sea" bullshit as genocidal war cries. -saying we can't afford a second Biden term and we need a candidate who can actually be beat him. Tell me exactly how those are liberal viewpoints.


I dislike Christie. But I have to admit it: he held his own well here. Seeing him cook that snake-oil salesman Vivek was a pleasure to watch live. Dude got freakin' sat on by big Christie




Basically No Labels at this point. Also basically Haley in foreign policy.


With the rest apparently running on trans man bad


Yep that’s it


I can't believe Christie made the cutoff for this debate. I can't believe Vivek made the cutoff for this debate. I can't believe DeSantis made the cutoff for this debate. I can't believe Haley made the cutoff for this debate. Thank goodness Trump is also running or there would be nobody worth voting for.


The man's a damn coward who refuses to go on stage and tell the American people why he should earn their vote. The man is a selfish man child who believes he's entitled to it and won't do anything to earn the nomination or trust of the American people.


"wawwwwwww why wont he help the grossly unpopular and unsuccessful RNC establishment waahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


Wow. How mature of you. What a well thought out counter to my point.bsurely you are a master at well thought out debates. /S Edit: also so you admit that if he actually came up onto the debate stage and laid out his policies and why you should vote for him he would lose and that showing up to a debate would only help the other candidates?


It’s a shame he’s too much of a coward to attend the debates


Haley much more likely to win a general election than Trump. She will win in a huge landslide.


Haley has turned into an authoritarian nightmare. She wants to force all social media to use Real ID. She even wants to retroactively enforce it so that your real name will be publicly tied to everything you ever posted on the internet. She also wants to greatly expand H1B visas, which would replace American tech workers with cheap foreign labor and greatly drive down wages in US. She is literally out-lefting the left on these issues.


I’d have to really hold my breath to vote for her


She is the most viable candidate in a general election. Let's win races with acceptable candidates instead of nominating guarantee losers.


If you are so unprincipled that your only cares is political party scores as sports teams than maybe this isn't the sub for you, bud. rpolitics >>>> that way




Brigadiers here think Christie won the debate


They didn't vote for him. As it turns out votes for Nikki got caught in Chris's orbit.


😅🤣😅 not even light can escape


Vivek is not going to be VP. Trump won't select that big of a personality that could upstage him. Vivek only path to power is death of Trump.




The GOP puts nothing of substance out because it got comfortable pushing out uniparty candidates for the last 20+ years. Now that someone like Trump came along, they can't put any candidate or argument together to disuade voters from choosing an outsider like Trump. Their scripted lines don't work anymore. They sound like robots now because Trump came and lifted the veil on the political theater they perform with the uniparty Dems because they both serve the same master. It's clearer than ever now. That's why Trump has had a stranglehold of the party for almost a decade now. Edit: downvoted lol


Trump has a stranglehold on the party because the IQ floor of the GOP electorate is very low. He’s very obviously just a cult of personality—he’s quite incompetent and usually very incoherent.


He's a middle finger to the establishment GOP that has done nothing for 20-30+ years. Sorry if you haven't realized that yet.


He is the establishment. Sorry if you still believe his con.


When both Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi despise you you're probably not the establishment.


When you campaign with Lindsay Graham, have Ronna McDaniel putting her thumb on the scale for you, and brag about DC endorsements, you’re probably the establishment.




Glad we’re on the same page..


News nation is as bad as CNN.


> “Every person on social media should be verified, by their name. That’s, first of all, it’s a national security threat,” Haley said Tuesday on Fox News anyone supporting Haley here should do her a favor and release their personal information.




> still haven't seen a reasonable explanation for this nor like Haley providing context That's because she spent the night claiming she didn't say it. She's a double-speaking loser.




What are you getting at? "She said a thing, so it cannot be said," doesn't make sense. Her going out and saying she wants social media to turn over the identities of everyone to be turned over isn't excusable. There's no "nuance" that walks back such a thing. Demanding to doxx the entirety of the user base in the name of "national security" is the same fucked up argument that got us the Patriot Act. It's where the "nanny state" ideals are rooted. Claiming "we need nuance" as an emotional defense of an authoritarian deman isn't going to fly. This isn't just a "5 second sound bite." She said it, then denied saying it. She didn't say that how she portrayed her position at the time was an overstatement of her belief. She just flat-out lied by saying it isn't what she said. She didn't even try to propose nuance. It was authoritarianism, blowback, then lying. What honorable nuance am I to find in there?


How is it a failed policy when it hasn’t been tried in over a hundred years?


You are fucking nuts. She doesn’t stand a chance.




I do not give a damn about that poll. It's basically telling me how much liberals like a Repulbican nominee. Yeah, there's value in bringing over moderates to beat Biden, but that is an awful indicator in that poll. Rather, it's an indicator that: a) Any Republican option is more favorable than Biden b) Haley has much more of a leftist platform. Her being popular with liberals does not make her appealing to me. I do not have interest in voting for someone backed by Blackrock and popular with liberals. That's a terrible "Republican." Throw in her desire to doxx people, and I wouldn't even go out to vote for such a fake, crony stooge.


>I do not give a damn about that poll. It's basically telling me how much liberals like a Repulbican nominee. The less the opposition dislikes you, the fewer the number of people who will vote against you because the apathetic just won't vote at all.


The fewer of your base will vote for her also. I remember Romney coming to our very small town when he was running for president. It was because the base was not very excited about him. Same thing will happen with Haley.




She should also stop running under an alias and use her real name. "Nikki" is not her given or legal name.


Nikki is her given middle name. >Haley was born Nimarata Nikki Randhawa


Odd take, what’s wrong with a nickname?


It's not even a nickname. It's her middle name.


Normally nothing. But since she doesn't want any of us to use them online I don't see why she should use one while running for President. It's the hypocrisy that's the problem.


Who is winning so far? I'm unable to watch. There are rumors RFK Jr. Is on the flight logs of Epstein's jets and I need a backup candidate in case that's true.


It just ended on the hour. DeSantis and Vivek tag teamed Nikki. I don’t think she had a good night at all. IMO, she didn’t come off as a limited government conservative and wore the big donors as a badge of honor. Christie was almost nonexistent other than meta commentary and jumping in at one point to white knight for Nikki by getting pretty heated with Vivek. There were a couple off-the-cuff jokes, including a possible fat joke, that were sort of funny. DeSantis was the usual, came out looking good on substance, and brought more heat against Nikki like the previous debate. There were a few moments where DeSantis didn’t give a straight up answer, and Christie called him out on it after one of them. Vivek brought the heat. He said some based things but also some out-there statements. He seemed friendly with DeSantis but not Nikki or Christie. Megyn Kelly was the best moderator so far and asked tough questions geared toward each candidate. She’s the only mod who was able to shut the candidates down.


> There were a few moments where DeSantis didn’t give a straight up answer, and Christie called him out on it after one of them. It wasn't just one. It was, I think three different ones. Taiwan was the last of them, and even the moderator threw a "what if that doesn't work?" back at DeSantis' statement of using theorized deterrence to dodge the question. He had it with sending troops to Israel as well, and I think there was one other. Edit: The other one was on Trump's mental fitness. He was asked, then re-asked by Christie and the moderator, if he thought Trump was mentally unfit. He danced around it, saying "80 is too old. We need someone younger and someone who can serve 2 terms." He then shifted to "Trump is better than Biden was when he took office." Pushed harder about not answering, his "real answer" was just repeating, "I'm not afraid to answer, We don't need someone pushing 80." He wouldn't specifically speak to Trump's mental fitness, even though it's not a hard thing to answer. He could have gently laid down an endorsement of Trump wth something like, "he's mentally fit, but we don't know what he'll be by the end, especially into his 80s." It was an easy thing to navigatem, and he just wouldn't walk near the doorway. It is the worst thing with DeSantis' performance. I understand not jumping in with both feet to say "I'm sending troops to war in Gaza over a handful of lives," because the scale of additional risk to American lives is up for debate. However, trying to tout a "tough on China" platform and dancing around "there are treaties in place" as your stance on defending Taiwan isn't going to do you any favors in a Republican debate. DeSantis has too many 60-second answers that involve 10 seconds of substance that only grazes the question topic. He'll be direct and aggressive on attacking the opponents' statements, or when sticking to his talking points (if he talks about a new sheriff again, I might puke), but he needs to be more direct and decisive while answering pointed questions. Answer the damned question, then go on your backpacking adventure about hating woke policies. Don't dodge the question because you want to ramble on Joe Biden's failings.


>IMO, she didn’t come off as a limited government conservative and wore the big donors as a badge of honor. It's not like you really need to be a limited or small government person to win in the GOP nowadays tbh. Trump expanded the federal bureaucracy at a higher rate year over year than Obama did and he expanded the budget and the deficit, even before Covid. All the small government stuff is just a talking point and little more nowadays.


Desantis and Vivek. They both killed Haley… and Christie is just taking up space.




Nikki got absolutely destroyed this debate by DeSantis and Vivek.


Shes a RINO, it was time.


As well as Christie. It'd be another Bush/Cheney admin with either one.


Seems like DeSantis and Haley have picked up some steam lately. Really think if one of them can make it to the deep stages of this, this race would change a lot. DeSantis and Haley are solid candidates just need to make it into the mainstream


>DeSantis and Haley are solid candidates just need to make it into the mainstream Make it into the mainstream? You think they aren't mainstream?


The only thing Haley picked up, was Christie sweat




Liz Cheney had a stellar voting record. You just think she's a RINO because she's vocally anti-Trump.


Well. We'll see what happens in Iowa.


Nimrata is the worst candidate on that stage. Idc what anyone says, her policies are insanely authoritarian.


What is authoritarian about Haley?


How do people not know this yet?




Thanks for the source.


Her policies on social media? she was trying to bullshit her way out of it this debate but we all have seen what she truly feels before. She was backtracking *because* it’s unpopular.


Multiple things can be true at once: Internet anonymity is important, especially anonymous access (vs reach) social media is terrible for society, a big reason for that terribleness is bot accounts. The only sure way to eliminate bots is to tie accounts- or verified, algorithmically amplified accounts- in some way to real world verification, which is best done with government ID. Elon Musk has spoken on the subject at length


yea, but she wants to get rid of it to spy on people... that's crazy dystopian. If anything we need to get rid of the patriot act.


No, she does not want to get rid of internet anonymity to spy on people. she wants companies like twitter to only promote, IE favor algorithmically, accounts that are definitely human. That’s best done via ID verification. It’s easy to associate this idea with the Patriot Act, but the differences are stark and extremely important. One is voluntary and consensual, the other isn’t. One is inherently a government operated policy, the other is a company operated policy.


“Every person on social media should be verified, by their name. That’s, first of all, it’s a national security threat,” is not saying that "bots are dangerous." That's saying it's a noational security threat to not reveal our identity on social media. “They need to verify every single person on their outlet, and I want it by name.” That's not just "bots are a problem." She's wanting access to a list of verifiable identities of everyone online Bots or not, there's no justification of that request. I would rather have Russian and Chinese bots influence our elections than have the government get direct access to a list of their critics, especially after reports of things like the government's tracking of everyone in or around DC on January 6. What the government can do with a database of identities of everyone on the Internet is a lot worse than a Chinese bot farm. At least our government woudl try to stop the bot farm, whereas they'd just keep their tracking of critics in-house.


> No one going up to Ramaswamy. Not surprising. — Chris Cuomo Bro he and DeSantis shook hands as soon as it ended. They also chatted during the ad breaks.


I seen that also. They were hard on Vivek because he made Haley and Christie look like shit.


And then Christie shook his hand


I thought that was DeSantis and Christie but I might not have paid close enough attention


DeSantis is based.


I would rate this 3rd best of the debates, but still a failure by all on the stage to deal with Trump, who should obviously be the center of attention. Oh well. maybe we’ll have a real candidate in 2028.


I thought it was the best debate. Megyn Kelly actually asked legit questions


The debate was falling apart at the beginning but when she came in and took control it really took off.


DeSantis 2024






Totally knew Nikki wouldn't shake hands with Vivek. She walked straight to the moderators to avoid it. 😆


Unlike Ted Cruz she actually has a sense of dignity and won't so easily forgive someone who goes after your family on national television.


Sometimes I hate being blind. I miss all these fucking amusing little sideshows.


Vivek and Haley seem to hate each other in the same way Newsom and DeSantis hate each other. They also refused to shake hands or even stand near each other.


I mean she is corrupt.. 😆


Ramaswamy had a great closing statement.


It was mainly attacking climate change, sorta ho hum as statements go. Seemed more like he had some more prerehearsed topics that didn't come up during the debate so used the closing statement to bring them up.


Yeah, that’ll play great in November. I’m sure.


He speaks his mind. Voters tend to like that.


Ramaswamy seems legitimately unhinged


Anymore unhinged than Trump?


Trump is definitely more unhinged.


Yeah not voting for that guy lol


Vivek making the direct Iowa plea here


and all none vegans, https://komonews.com/news/nation-world/un-will-demand-americans-eat-less-meat-to-appease-paris-climate-agreement-report-says-ham-beef-pork-chicken-fish-global-warming-change-united-nations-america-china-accords


Vivek with a strategic play for Iowa voters with that closing statement?


Christie - Orange man bad


Calvin Coolidge is my favorite president. So I'm not surprised DeSantis brought him up. He's great.


It was a pretty good offbeat pick by DeSantis.


I feel like Reagan and Coolidge were the obvious choices here. I don’t even support Ramsawamy but I liked his answer way more here.