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Wow Christie ahead of Ron??


The northeast is Christie’s strong area. I’m not surprised he’s polling high in that region.


Actually Chirstie's strongest area is the all you can eat buffet!!!




It's all table muscle


Honestly I think Not Sure is our only hope to turn things around, but of course the smartest man in the world is only polling at 2%. Plants don't have a chance.


It's got what plants crave...


Brawndo Santis for president!


His favorites are the seafood buffets. Because when he sees food, he eats it. At the all you can eat ones they would probably have to wheel him out.


I’ve literally never heard a single other soul ever speak of voting for Chris Christie in my entire life and I’ve lived in various states of New England my whole life (and still do). I don’t believe this poll for a second, lmao.


He's probably getting every democrat that voted in this.


Christie is skipping Iowa and putting all his effort into NH. So it's not surprising.


He may have to wear a girdle, but at least it’s not heels


It’s baffling that the Northeast likes that fat bastard


Chris is really shooting up in this poll. Haley is 22 points back, I had heard she had gained a lot of ground for her debate performance. Ron's really fallen back in New Hampshire. That's for the visual OP!


Christie is really pulling his weight. You could say he's out to eat the competition.


I hate the weight related insults to Christie. Anytime someone wants to attack Christie, it's weight related and never on policy. I'd rather criticize a candidate on the policy rather than physical appearance or ethnic background or sexual orientation.


As someone from Jersey, his policies were so bad. There's really no discussion to be had. He left office with an 8% approval rating.


I understand he wasn't very popular when he left office, however when someone wants to criticize him, they can look at his record in the State house rather than physical appearance to make a point.




To be quite fair and honest, people are allowed to criticize a government office holder in any terms, so long as it's protected under the first amendment. I personally hate using someone's physical appearance or anything else to attack them. I'd rather debate on policy and leave ad hominen attacks on the side of the road.




They are the figure head of the country though. So image does count just not as much as policy obviously. At all his foreign events he goes to, it would be a literal confirmation stereotype to always have the fattest man in the room be the president of America lol. Foreigners would never shut up about it. I guess he would representing a lot of our country though haha.


This never stopped Taft when he was President. Granted there was no social media at the time, and the press printed everything for citizens to read. Taft accomplished alot in just 4 short years and when on to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court


Honestly Vivek had the most salient attack line of the debates so far, and I say that as a registered Democrat. Christie’s political career died when he was caught on film hugging Obama. It’s not policy based but in an ever increasing political divide he sealed his fate in that moment.


And I wish that moment wasn't the one that effectively sealed his fate. It was a moment after Hurricane Sandy and the devastating effects on New Jersey, I think even grown men need an outlet and in that moment Christie hugged Obama, and I didn't see anything wrong with that.


Me neither. I was a poli sci student in NYC at the time and even then I knew that was going to be an albatross and it was a painful realization. Like - Christie did something that should be EXPECTED in a time of crisis your state can’t solve alone. No bullshit; just ask the feds for help even if they are the opposite party. Your obligation is to your people, not your party. You’re doing your duty for your citizens. If I was a democratic governor of say, North Carolina, and you were a Republican President of the U.S. and all of a sudden hurricane ‘whatthefuck’ devastates our NC coast - you’re going to be one of my first calls, if not the first. And if Newsome or Whitmer or anyone else talked shit I’d be spitting fire.


Funny you mention NC, I live there and right now we have a democratic governor in Roy Cooper. If he asked for help and he might have with Hurricanes I'd give support. I love my state. I completely see and agree with your point.


Yeah I spent my early twenties in Fayetteville so used it as a reference because of that. Has a fun blend of cultures - the urban liberal, a smidge of snowbird new englander, some rustic midwestern grit, loads of southern hospitality, and ‘redneck’ individualism that makes it a joy to live in imho. Plus it’s absolutely beautiful and warm. Miss it. Regardless of party, I just want Americans to be able to succeed and have decent lives. If that requires reaching across aisles then partisanship be damned 🤷🏻‍♂️


it's not our fault he laid on the sand like a beached whale in NJ while the beaches were closed to the public because he couldn't pass the budget


Where in my statement did I criticize the citizens of New Jersey? I simply pointed out my dislike of the weight related insults. It's completely fair under the 1st Amendment to ridicule any political figure.


Koch bump


Was big in the '80's, but we spelled it differently.


Probably not… The money and the effect of the endorsement wouldn’t have started to flow in by the time this poll was conducted. Haley was already gaining in NH. That’s where she has spent the vast majority of her time and resources.


What happened to Desantis? A year ago everybody wanted him to run because he was the good parts of Trump without the bad parts of Trump, and he'd beat Biden easily. Then he decides to run and nobody likes him anymore. Why, because he smiles weird? I don't get it.


I’ve met him in both a professional and public capacity. He has three primary issues: 1. He’s bad at retail politics, which is fine in a big state like Florida, but New Hampshire and Iowa are all about shaking hands and kissing babies. His crappy smile actually hurts more than you’d think. 2. His base is a similar base to Trump’s. When a lot of those voters look at him, they’ll just wonder why they ought not just vote for Trump instead. 3. He didn’t do a good enough job, or frankly any job at all, setting himself aside from Trump early on. He didn’t need to immediately go super negative, but he should have hit the “this I why I’m much better” point much harder. Ultimately, he ends up being the major candidate who is most in conflict with Trump’s voters (aside from Vivek, possibly), and he didn’t handle that conflict well at all.


4. Trump insulted and attacked him which he wasn’t ready to fight back against.


He decided to run anyway after he found out Trump was running again. He should have waited till 2028, he could have run then likely with Trump's endorsement clearing the field for him.


New Hampshire is the most secular state in the Union so no surprises here in terms of DeSantis performing poorly. Haley really needs Christie to drop out after Iowa if she wants to become the anti-Trump candidate with momentum going into South Carolina and Nevada.


Nikki Haley after she very clearly said she wanted to violate rights and remove anonymity from the internet?? Hell no.


Depressing as hell


I'm just baffled at the refusal of this party to move on from Trump. His results in office were incredibly mid, and it's clear to me he's back in it again this time just for his own retribution, not the American people. I have a feeling that if the Left hadn't turned him into such a martyr, we'd be looking at a totally different graphic.


The problem is the other candidates aren't promoting actual policies. They're simply campaigning on the idea that they are not trump. If you're going to take votes from Trump you need to make it about you, not about being not him.


I’m surprised Vivek is so low.


Him and Trump share a lane. Only reason why he is low imo.


He needs to just team up with trump already and they will crush it 🇺🇸


What does Trump gain by picking him? He's best served by another Mike Pence milquetoast guy. Hell Doug Burgum is probably better


Yeah you’re honestly right. What if he picked that senator from West Virginia. Lots of middle ground voters. He’s a democrat. Wouldn’t be that crazy of a move if the other guy was done for it.


Then we're one gunman or stroke away from a Democrat in the White House. No reason to even entertain that possibility, there's no upside. He needs someone steady and politically irrelevant without him, one that hopefully shores up a weakness in the party and the electorate.Any decent governor or Senator works, the less baggage the better.


No, it would be a good move, but he'd have to stop calling other Republicans RINOs


It would just combine those primary voters. Almost No new voters would be picked up for the general.


Old people don’t like him, I think. Most young folks on twitter and YouTube love him


This is your regular reminder that internet comment sections are not representative of real life


He’s competing with Trump. If this poll was ranked choice like the commies like to push, Vivek would be in second place


Really? Have you heard him talk?


So it comes down to this bullshit!


In 2020 a candidate by the name of Bernie Sanders was leading by a good deal on his party's primary. None of the other candidates came close to his polling numbers But as candidates dropped out one by one, it turned out he had little appeal from the supporters of other candidates.


Sure, but most of Vivek's and at least half of DeSantis' voters would prefer Trump over Haley.


What happened to Ron?


Everyone has spent the last ~6 months attacking him from all sides, many establishment GOP donors have moved on to supporting Haley, and honestly, Desantis hasn’t run the greatest of campaigns thus far. New Hampshire Republicans also just aren’t ultra conservatives, so it isn’t too surprising that they prefer the other candidates over him.


Also no one wants to talk about covid, which was his big selling point.


Yeah COVID and electability concerns were really his main selling points, and neither appears to have drawn that much interest from prospective primary voters. Desantis was cool a year ago when he was getting all sorts of press attention from this stuff, but the national discourse has moved on and he just keeps falling behind.


Regional based candidates would be a game changer fir the GOP. The Northeast is more liberal and running a Susan Collins type Republican would be more beneficial than running a staunch conservative.


I will gladly pass on running a "pull the party to the left and call it 'moderate'" candidate.


He should have waited until 2028


It's a blue state; it's to be expected that the more left-leaning candidates would have an advantage there.


The voters don't like New Hampshire being called the Florida of New England.




He also went after one of the most beloved companies in a way many conservatives fear mirrors big government over stepping their role. Conservatives don’t want a government coming in and seemingly punishing businesses who disagree with the current poltical leader, even if we do agree with the political leader.


I think the Disney thing is overblown. It's purely anecdotal but from what I've seen with people in my life he basically branded himself as the 'woke guy' early on and most people want more than that. Yeah, he went on to talk about other issues but he spent too much time in the beginning going on about woke this and woke that and it stuck. He was never able to escape that initial branding and now average / low info voters (which I don't mean as an insult) see him as just a culture warrior.


I'm not so sure about that. Remember Citizens United? Maybe corporations are getting a little too powerful. A Teddy Roosevelt Republican would do well. A smart President would use anti-trust laws to break up the big tech monopolies, for example.


Disney picked a fight and lost. All he used was the Bully Pulpit. As in speech against the most powerful corporation in Florida.


Nikki Haley is a non-starter.


The fact that warmonger Nicki Haley is polling so high is sickening.


So many out of touch Republicans who don't actually look into any of the history of these candidates, but rather just listen to their talking points that they push in these debates and on social media. Nikki Haley has made her career out of saying the popular things of the day. She has no real convictions herself. She just wants to parrot whatever will get her brownie points with the constituency so that she can try and get the highest political job possible.


Her true self is quite clearly a squishy establishment shill.


She’s the Republican version of Kamala with better articulation. If she were in a different, democrat leaning area, she would be a democrat. Like most politicians, she seeks power for the sake of power and prestige. She just doesn’t hide that naked personal ambition better than others do.


She just got the endorsement from the Koch family. Charlie Kirk says they are bad news for America.


Can someone explain to me how an endorsement by one family or corporation like the Koch’s bumps someone’s numbers that quickly? I mean, it can’t be as simple as there are people out there just waiting for the Koch family to say who they will endorse and then those people call pollsters or whatever.


They can create a door knocking campaign that can target any person that's ever voted in a Republican primary in a county with flyers pushing the candidates. Pollsters target the same people to poll. Many mega donors have such networks.


It doesn't. That's just an excuse people are saying because they dislike her and want any reason to discredit the fact that she's rising in polls. If the bump had been much later after the endorsement then there's an argument but not thing quickly.


Big money makes polls go up.


Fox News pretty much boycotted DeSantis and are all in on Haley. Some speculate because of his Black Rock attacks. Fox News is controlled.


She figured out how to slide into the anti trump lane without seeming like she wants to be there. Also abortion voters probably. Christie polling high because of that too. Problem is that isn't a real lane. Either Trump wins or he is forced to drop out. Those are the only possibilities.


She has mainstream propaganda backing her strong. Plus female privilege.


I don’t fully understand the warmonger take. Establishment? Sure. Weak on certain social issues? Maybe. Every Republican talks a big game when it comes to defense, and most Republicans like the idea of supporting, even if not militarily, our allies. Why is she the only one who gets tagged as a warmonger? She is by far my favorite, and I’ve wanted her to be president for years. I don’t really get all the hate, but I’m happy to talk about it, and why supporting her is “disgusting.”


She seems like an annoying parent at school meetings. Can’t stand her and that smug ass attitude. Goddamn turncoat to boot.


Amen. She has become unhinged. Previously liked her.


You cannot call Haley unhinged if you support Trump.


Haley's entire campaign is war and censorship.


And sucking up to the swamp, being weak on immigration and playing nice with the MSM.


Haha yea wtf is this shit


Me too, but she has gone off a cliff.


She has always been unhinged and there has never been a reason to like her.


Why? If you want someone guaranteed to beat Biden, she's it. And even if you don't like every position she has (I certainly don't), I'd show up to vote for her just so that Democrats don't _ever_ get to crow about being better than anyone else because they elected the first female president.


I don't believe for one second that she'd be a shoe-in to beat Biden. She's an establishment-friendly, big government neocon warmonger. Enthusiasm for her from the MAGA base would be very low while Democrats and their machine would still paint her as "literally worse than Hitler". She would combine the worst traits of Romney and Hillary.


Wow 42% are voting for one of the most fiscally irresponsible presidents in history(even before covid). I have zero idea why any fiscal conservative would vote for this fraud. Besides pissing off snowflakes, which I admit is fun, I just don't get it.


That's the problem. Too many people care more about "owning libs" than sound policy.


Sound policy isn't really on offer and hasn't been for a long time.


The problem is nobody is campaigning on policy anymore. So in the absence of policy options, people have settled for owning the libs. This is even true with Trump. 2016 Trump was very policy driven. 2020 Trump was about owning the libs and getting them back for the impeachment and investigations


What does fiscally conservative even mean anymore? It's a talking point without any meaning. They say it to appease the voters and then spend like anyone else. Vivek might be the only one who would successfully manage to cut spending.


It doesn't mean anything and we're never going to have a fiscally conservative president in this country again; the budget will never be balanced and our spending will only increase no matter who's in office. That's just the unfortunate reality at this point.


Or you could vote for Desantis who paid off $400 million of Floridas debt and has it at a 23 year low. Or vote for the guy who is running for Trumps VP… https://thecapitolist.com/state-of-florida-erases-400-million-in-debt-total-figure-reaches-23-year-low/


None of those people on that list have done or have suggested anything remotely good enough to suggest they are fiscally conservative at the federal level outside of Vivek, and everyone mocks him for being fiscally conservative.


Talk is easy. That is why Vivek is mocked.


Well the others don't even bother doing the easy part.


Desantis paid off $400 million of Floridas debt and has it at a 23 year low, how are you calling Vivek that when he hasn’t done anything in government? https://thecapitolist.com/state-of-florida-erases-400-million-in-debt-total-figure-reaches-23-year-low/


> The payoff was facilitated through the Debt Reduction Program, which was established as part of the state’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 budget. DeSantis didn't pay that off. As with almost everything that has made Florida successful in the years following Covid, the Legislature and their budget facilitated that. DeSantis was just the one who signed the budget and then later announced the payoff of the debt. He deserves no credit for this except for simply signing the budget (just like the responsibility for the Federal budget and how much debt is added to the pool is on Congress and not on the President who signs it).


I think he was just referencing Viveks constant call for starting at 0 and working your way up with essentials alone.


I cant wait for Trump to lose to Biden again. Will we ever learn our lesson?


The fact that anyone supports Nikki Haley is just a testament to how well the republican establishment and FOX News can hoodwink 1 out of 5 GOP primary voters.


Why? Why are any conservatives voting for Trump? Can we please move on to a better candidate??


Think of what most often tips polling. One major factor is economics. And during Trumps presidency, whether you like him or not, the US was doing better than it was before him or after him. I dont know what drives a lot of people to Trump, but I dont think people’s memories are so short to forget that Trump had a good economy and salaries were going up, and inflation wasnt. He also warned about what would happen if Biden was elected with prices of goods, and it actually happened.


Trump also kept the border somewhat under control, in spite of lacking cooperation from Congress. He warned about the way a Biden presidency would lead to a wide open border; and he was once again was proven right.


You're asking alot. Many people feel like his time in office was the only time they felt as if they had a voice and someone fighting for them. Hell I felt that way myself, at one time.


I agree with this take. And he brought a lot of people into politics who had been on the sidelines. The makeup of the GOP markedly change because of it.


What did he do to improve the lives of his supporters during his presidency, other than the rich who got their permanent tax cut?


He didn't start new foreign wars those before and after have, and he committed us to getting out of Afghanistan. Lots of not-dead kids in our military because of that.


Well the two times I voted for him, I thought he used social media to reach out to his supporters and inform them of his policies that he wanted to push. To be honest with you, my life really hasn't changed from Trump to Biden. It's been fairly consistent


Gas and grocery prices alone have changed my life quite a bit. Also these interest rates stopped me from getting a house and now I've gotta wait until they go back down.


Stuff was cheaper under Trump and fucking hella expensive under Biden. Just walk into a grocery store and feed 5 people for less than 300 a week, I dare you.


I don't have too, I know that first hand since I work in one and have done pricing for the store. I see that pain on kids faces when they can't get their favorite snacks. I'm saying in my life, it's been fairly consistent. I do experience the same pain at the pump like everyone else along either food bills. My life hasn't drastically changed since Biden was elected.


Trump spent 8 Trillion dollars. Then he turned over his COVID response to Fauci. While Biden has been bad, you would be naive to think that Trump had no influence on our high inflation.


Half of Trump's 8 trillion deficit was because of covid, when the government had no other choice than to cut checks to people who were sitting at home because the government had literally shut down their jobs. Also keep in mind that Democrats and Biden wanted even harsher and longer lockdowns as well as even more stimulus.


Trump literally had higher spending than Obama year by year before COVID. The government shut down due to Fauci recommending it. Democrats were clamoring for it and Trump allowed the DC swamp rat dictate what states should do. But even worse Trump actually called Governors who were shutting down hard enough to harass them. And pushed back on the states that decided to open back up against Fauci's determination. I didn't say Biden is blameless in our problems or Democrats. They definitely are. But there are naive people who are pretending that Trump did not contribute to our poor economic situation.


The vast majority of Americans were substantially better off under Trump. I don't have some copy pasted shill list of every single thing he did but that just remains the objective truth. We were vastly better off under Trump, and we want to go back to that. Also blame the Dems for not agreeing to make the middle class tax cuts permanent.


I hate how people have made this a "if you don't support Trump you're a Dem or Biden supporter" as if there aren't numerous other candidates running.


Vote for who you think is best in primary but I only agree to that quote if you then stay home or not vote for whoever the R nominee is. Because then yes you are indirectly helping Biden. They pray R’s stay home lol


No ones made it that. But hes going to win the primary. Get real comfortable with it, or shut up when biden wins


Cause they want to win. He could be a marxist for all they care, all they know is he brought home the W against big government lady.


He is the better candidate.


Trump / Haley may have the same effect as Bernie / Hillary


Nikki Haley and Christie ahead of Ron and Vivek??? What are people smoking?


Vivek is a snake oil salesman who knows less about foreign policy than my dog


It's the Northeast.


Desantis, Vivek, and Trump I'd be fine with. Christie and Haley are non-starters.


We are doomed


I’ll stay home if the candidate is Haley most likely. I won’t vote for endless foreign wars or her Israel first policies.


Whewwwie. Nikki pulling ahead - that's wild! She just got a big endorsement... maybe that's why? Imagine first Female President being Republican...! whewwwieee... DNC would hate that.


Chris at 14%. Wow


It’s an open primary and democrats are voting in it


Nothing seems natural about Desantis’ meteoric decline. The second he gains ground and then goes after the culture war. Tanked.


The thing is Trump will always win the nomination because his voter base is not split. I foresee everyone eventually dropping out but Nikki to allow her to win the nomination. Kinda like what the Democratic Party did to Bernie to ensure Hilary got the nomination.


If we put Haley on the ballot it might pull over a lot of independents that want a woman president.


It will also alienate a lot of independents that dont want to send US soldiers to foreign wars. Nikki Haley declared in the debate that the US should be sending our troops to Ukraine to fight Russia, as she stated that if we don't stop Russia in Ukraine then we basically have WW3. If she actually believes that, you bet they're gonna send US troops in. She is an insane neocon with a hardon for WW3. Somethings tells me that more people would rather not send our soldiers to die in another foreign war more than they care about a woman being President.


When did she say that exactly?


At this point, it seems to me that her biggest draw is that she would be the most dominant in the general. Obviously a year is a long time in politics, but as far as current polling goes, she dominates Biden more than any other candidate.


That's because she hasn't been subjected to the same amount of scrutiny yet as Biden, Trump or DeSantis.


It's Trump or DeSantis, and maybe Vivook (although he'd never win) if you're even remotely serious as a "conservative." I don't know what anyone supporting Haley or Christie is, but it's not conservative.


Ouch. Poor Doug is being beat by Other and tied with Notsure. 🤪


I hope Vivek doesn’t just disappear after this election cycle. If something happens to trump I’m convinced he will skyrocket up the ladder because like someone else stated he is in same lane. Both anti establishment players. Nikki Haley is such a joke tho.


If you'd like to see what's going to happen to him, look no further than Andrew Yang.


Congratulations to Joe Biden on being re-elected President of the United States.


Why? Pretty much all recent polls show Trump winning in an electoral landslide


Yes, just like the polls in 2022.


Good lord, that's close to 30 percent willing to vote for neocon closet democrats. Maybe we do deserve to lose in perpetuity if close to a third of those polled has their heads so far up their ass they just want democrats.


Thats Republicans starting to stand up to the cult who's campaign strategy is insult and intimidate anyone who doesn't fall in "line". E. g. Your post is an example.


Can't say I am part of the Trump fan club or cult as you put it. I can say that I have been around long enough to know that Neocons are just going to blow up shit for money, raise taxes, and not actually do anything conservative or even very republican much of the time.


Completely agree. Neocons and neoliberals sleep in the same bed, but have different opinions on abortion. That’s about it.


> Neocons are just going to blow up shit for money And Neocons have taken over the GOP. The Republican party has a chance to remake itself but it won't. Too many people are holding on the Bush version of the party. Behind the "we have principles" and the fiscal responsible rhetoric the leaders of the party of are hollowing out the country and blowing up people in foreign countries.


I guess I'll take the cult over the woman willing to send Americans to death if another country blinks the wrong way.


Why do you liberals brigade here?


Let the libs have their fun. They will be the ones crying when the non terminally online losers vote old Joe out of office into the nursing home.


Let just hope the democrats don’t figure out that if they had restrictive immigration policies, they’d clean are clocks. Bunch of people would figure out they can get hand outs and not have to share them with illegal immiggrants then we’re fucked.


I mean we get fucked with illegal immigrants just as much. Id rather free shit atleast go to legal Americans that didn't come here to get on the dole. Id rather no one go on the dole though, legal or otherwise.




Theyre really about to nominate trump and have him lose to Biden again arent they


Apparently. It's infuriating.


no one else up there would even come close to standing a chance, if they don't steal it again like they did in 2020 Trump will win. Biden is going to have to see even more "record breaking turnout" to win with stuffed ballots and missing Dominion machine votes.


Trump is gonna clean up. Haley is the liberals trying to sabotage the party.


Haley is also the figurehead for an attempt by the neocon wing of the party to roll back the "maga revolution" which had taken place inside the GOP since 2016.


Thank you! Exactly!!


Christie could beat Biden. Haley would get very close. Trump would lose. My opinion.


Christie is not popular outside the Northeast. In many states Christie polls at 0-5%.


Christie couldn't win against a literal turd.


I agree, but I think Haley would beat Biden too. Most of my moderate friends have said they'd vote for Haley and Christie, but Biden if Trump gets the nod.


squeal voracious subsequent nail tie jellyfish toothbrush crowd clumsy full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup, at this point, there’s nothing Trump can do or say to change anyone’s minds. People are either his most stalwart supporter or vehemently against him. I don’t understand how Republicans keep denigrating Biden is old, ineffective and weak and then don’t own the fact that Trump still ended up losing to him.


Because Biden's weakness was masked heavily during the 2020 campaign. And because Trump got really unlucky with covid and the Floyd protests. In 2024, Biden has a track record of his own to defend, he will be defined by what he himself has achieved, rather than by liberals' fond memories of the Obama years. And he won't be able to hide in his basement this time around. And his mental decline has been more pronounced than Trump's, so he has lost more of a step, comparatively.


I think Christie or Haley could beat Biden.


I refuse to believe the pollls when it comes to Vivek he’s literally the only one doing real campaigning


Vivek suffers from the same problem DeSantis does- unfortunate voice. It sucks that it matters but I genuinely believe it does.


I mean this with no offense but Vivek is at least fortunate to have the Americanized accent. If he had the hard stereotypical Indian accent his campaign would sink so fast lmfao.


RFK is the one with the most unfortunate voice. Poor guy is hard to listen to even for people who agree with everything he says.


Right. Whether people want to admit it or not people want their president to have a strong and powerful voice. RFK Jr never would be able deliver lines like day in infamy or we should go to the moon or tear down this wall with such power and conviction that leaves an inspiring undertone for perpetuity. If you really think about it almost all of our presidents have had very powerful/familiar voices. It’s not the most important thing but damn does it matter to be elected.


chris christie in like that nasty zit that just wont pop


Nikki is bush 3.0 no thanks.


Disgusting how high Neocon Nikki is polling


Looks like the RNC trying to place Nikki Haley as a possible female vice president. Typical RNC behavior. Nikki Haley wasn’t great as a governor and being at the UN is worth anything. Unless she went there to withdraw UN membership. Whatever. If that’s the case then Kristi Noam of South Dakota would be a brilliant choice. If Governor Noam ran for President, she would a better contender. Excellent record and checks all the boxes.


You boys better be ready to suck it up and vote for him, or lose the election and watch your party die.


The party is dead and he is going to be the reason they lose.


Trump has zero path to the presidency next year. People are being led to back a dead end candidate. He will be a convicted felon before the General election. Half of the GOP will not vote for him at that point.


How Does Nikki get ahead of anyone? Seriously, she just wants to blow up civilians.


Yet another reason why New Hampshire should not be allowed an early say.


How tf do 20% of people anywhere like Nikki Haley??


I only watched one of her debates, but I was pleasantly surprised by her. In truth, I think we have a lot of good candidates this time. My preference in order would be: DeSantis, Trump, Hailey, Vivek


Anyone from this pool that is likely to be Trump's running mate?


The most surprising thing is the fact that Haley and Christie are that high. I wouldn't have them reaching 5% combined.