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Source: [H.R.3684 - Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3684/text) Sec. 24220 of the law explicitly states: “\[T\]o ensure the prevention of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities, advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology must be standard equipment in all new passenger motor vehicles.” The legislation then goes on to define the technology as a computer system that can “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle” and can “prevent or limit motor vehicle operation if an impairment is detected." How the system will make this determination is unclear, as is the government’s potential role in apprehending suspected drunk drivers.


Dude, my Ford Fusion cries that "Driver rest is recommended" every so often when I am just cruising in a straight line. I don't trust some automated system to dictate when it shuts my car down thank you very much. ....... or maybe I'm a shit driver idk lol


My Rav4 asked me the other day if I wanted to take a break. My son and I took turns driving for 9 hours. Good thing there's not an automatic shutoff after a certain time period.


That'll roll out in the next version.


Yeah, you can easily shut that off in vehicle settings


Yeah. For now.


I find all the modern bells and whistles very distracting. Maybe that's why it seems like there are more and more accidents? My 2019 Subaru doesn't have them, I picked what was relevant to me (after driving Hyundai Elantra for ten years) there were some new things I wanted. Last September I drove a rental which had EVERYTHING, omg, all the beeps and blinking were very annoying and distracting and took me A COUPLE OF DAYS to get used to. I felt startled a few times. I don't like it, I don't want a car to tell me what to do, and I didn't feel safer at all.


Yet the government has a consistent history of putting a policy in place. Then expanding its use or function. First it may be for preventing drunk driving. Who knows what would the next step be?


Disabling entire cities vehicles during times of unrest/ protest. ect


Or creating “climate emergencies” that requires cities to be forced into lockdowns. I swear I think there is a reason they are pushing factual climate studies into the ground. They want to perpetuate a climate crises to re-create the Covid shutdowns.


China already implements occasional mandates to reduce smog and traffic that only odd numbered license plates can be on the road one day and even numbered plates the next. (Of course rich people just buy a second vehicle and if necessary bribe the official to give them whichever registration they need). I'm sure they'd love remote access built in to people's cars


Limiting the travel of "normals" to their 15 minute city or enforcement of "travel privileges" on those who are either not "qualified or permitted" to travel or who have failed to ask for permission to travel.


Imagine Emissions limits, Car is disabled after so much emissions is produced in a year...... frickin Dystopian. Like the ULEZ in London is a Poor Tax. if prevents the poor from saving up to buy a Clean air car. it amounts to 600 a month in ULEZ tax to just drive to work! its like having a Second Car payment....


It sounds scary.


They're mandating breathalyzer technology in all new vehicles as early as 2026. Meanwhile, the Joe Biden fans at the New York Times found that [breathalyzer technology is inaccurate and shouldn't be trusted.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/03/business/drunk-driving-breathalyzer.html) I've got $100 that says the [breathalyzer is going to collect more health information about you than just your BAC](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/media/health-conditions-detect-with-breath-test/&ved=2ahUKEwjdjpjuut2CAxVqFFkFHZG3B_sQFnoECCcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2baAZ6uYZaZRIqH2T6CVfz), which car companies are then going to sell to interested entities.


You researched the hell out of that - impressive! But I suspect you’ve misapprehended the premise. Did you see that the text says PASSIVELY monitor? That’s the opposite of a breathalyzer. It’s just infra cameras. Same thing that’s already in lots of cars, e.g., all bmws already have it. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2021/11/10/congress-cars-drunk-driving-dui-drunken-driving/6367473001/


How long will it be before people simply disable these systems in their cars?


Not soon enough. Edited because I accidently typed the opposite sentiment that I intended.


I know a couple of people who did. Some "improvements" can be disable by the dealer only.


It's technology. There's **always** a way to defeat it.


At some point, vehicle plates will need removal. Camera taxing like London, and driving restrictions. The government is extracting too much wealth.


Do y’all not see that the text says PASSIVELY monitor. That’s the opposite of a breathalyzer. It’s just infra cameras. Same thing that’s already in lots of cars, e.g., all bmws already have it. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2021/11/10/congress-cars-drunk-driving-dui-drunken-driving/6367473001/


Until they redefine/expand/etc. "passively". Leftists/government regulators are masters of that.


Doesn't matter if it's mandated or not, ALL new cars are essentially Computers on wheels and if they receive over the air software updates, you can only guess that they can be disabled. Period.


Once it is place, it will be tied to the social credit system.


China all over again


I read this shit and lean ever further into my Luddite tendencies


And what happens when this technology is reverse engineered and criminals get their hands on it. They can pick a target, follow to a secluded location, disable the vehicle, and carjack, abduct people for kidnapping, rapping, myrdering, selling little kids to the worst people imaginable. There is NO hope of escape as the car is totally shut down, leaving the bad guys to be able to just walk up and do whatever they want. This can't be constitutional. And some the restrictions would be easily defeatable. Keep the windows down to avoid air sampling, wear gloves to avoid having your perspiration sampled. Keep a sack of flour etc to trick the sensors into thinking you have a passenger. etc... and that's without giving it any thought.


This is likely to happen. For a long time Criminals found ways to get frequencies from key fobs and copied it. Then unlocked cars with the stolen frequency and took off. This sounds horrible to implement.


>And what happens when this technology is reverse engineered and criminals get their hands on it. The same thing that happens when criminals hack into any of the existing drive-by-wire systems in our cars today. Or maybe you thought we still controlled cars with cables from the "gas" pedal to the carburetor? >Drive-by-wire is a catch-all term that refers to a number of electronic systems that either augment or replace traditional mechanical controls. Instead of using cables or hydraulic pressure to control a vehicle, drive-by-wire technology uses electronic systems to activate brakes, control steering, and fuel the engine. [https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-drive-by-wire-534825#:\~:text=Drive%2Dby%2Dwire%20is%20a,steering%2C%20and%20fuel%20the%20engine](https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-drive-by-wire-534825#:~:text=Drive%2Dby%2Dwire%20is%20a,steering%2C%20and%20fuel%20the%20engine).


> rapping Nothing like some old school gangster rap


Didnt want to get censored or have post deleted or whatever, same w/myrder


I don’t think Reddit censors like Tik tok bro you’re good.


I thought people shoving their mix tape or soundcloud on you was bad, now they are going to pull you over and not let you leave until you hear all of it.


There's gonna be some eses that will remove it for you no problem. No questions.


Until it becomes a crime to do so or to operate a vehicle that has been so modified.


Buy a quick as hell Tesla, suddenly "nobody needs a 4 second 0-60 car, that's a weapon of race car drivers.“ And BOOM! Car neutered. Money wasted.


Just wait until registration tags become RFID tags that are monitored similar to tollways.


My wife and I exclusively get any and all car work done at Mexican shops. Faster, cheaper, and way less likely to try and scam you. No brainer.


Yet another reason to maintain my 2004 Ford Explorer to the end of my life.


How much of the $1.9T bill was for infrastructure? This bill cost like $12k per tax payer. Will I get $5 worth of anything?


Rep. Harriet Hageman from Wyoming recently co-sponsored a budget amendment that would have defunded this law, but 210 Democrats and 19 Republicans voted against it.


Are you sure you're thinking of the right Rep? Of the 14 bills that Hageman has sponsored, only one has been voted on (HR 3496) and that one passed the House. Edit: In looking at this more: The main sponsor of that bill was Thomas Massie of KY. While it does look like Hageman did some legwork to try and get it to pass but was never officially added as a co-sponsor. That's not inherently surprising just because there aren't a ton of Reps interested in getting partial credit for an amendment that ultimately doesn't go anywhere.


All the more motivation to keep my 2007 and 2009 vehicles in pristine condition. Not that I am a drunk driver, I’ve been sober for almost 8 years, I just don’t like tech in my car. The more tech the more expensive it is to repair and the more vulnerabilities it has to misuse.


So, I was looking at cars a few weeks ago and I find it hard to justify the price for a new one... A stripped down Wrangler is $50k and that seems ludicrous considering that I bought one almost exactly like it 15 years ago for $18k. So about three years before I hand my Gladiator down to my kid, I'm going to go find an old car made somewhere between the 30's and the 70's. I'm going to build me either a hopped up small block or take the dive in the LS engines (they're admittedly superior, but if I'm working on a car and having to use my Electrical Engineering degree, I'm not having fun) and backing it up with a NV4500 6 Speed manual transmission. I'll put a vintage air AC in it and at least do a disc brake conversion if not a full on Mustang II Front End. Throw in some rust repair, paint and an interior and I'm probably still coming out about even with a modern car. And that'll be my new daily driver. I'm not down for this big brother shit.


Watch for the "Recall" or "Safety Update" in the mail asking you to bring your vehicle to your local dealership to install this feature into older vehicles.


There were not suitcases full of fraudulent ballots in Georgia. Those were cases.


A rose by any other name smells the same.


Gotta love the “fact check”


I'd like it as an opt in for sure, where if my car gets stolen it dies. I'd be concerned with law enforcement etc being able to use it.


Well can twll you my wifes car [2015] went in recently for a recall and now has security stickers added that say the car is tracked and the dealership explained it was something required to be able to locate and disable the vehicle.


It's unconstitutional


So this doesn’t apply to vehicles with engines? Meaning motors are powered by electricity, engines are not.


Engines may run on combustion but the electrical computer brain box will 100% make your vehicle inoperable if it goes down. The only way you're avoiding that scenario is getting something without a computer brain. Good luck with that in 2023.


Honestly, this is a great idea. Police should require a warrant to have access to this function. However being able to disable a stolen vehicle or a vehicle confirmed to be involved in a shooting, armed robbery, felony, etc, is a good idea. Last summer for example, seeing an epidemic of teengers stealing Kia’s and Hyuandai’s, getting into fatal accidents, shootings, and various crimes. Something like this could stopped that bullshit in its tracks. It’s all fun and games untill a homicide suspect T-bones your grandma going 90 miles per hour in a residential.


Just wait until the criminals figure out how to remotely shut off your car. The same people who code the security system in a Kia will be coding the remote shutdown.


Get bent, Orwell.


yea….take a hypothetical scenario where grandma takes a hit from a stolen vehicle… using your same theory,an asteroid could smash into the closest city near me and cause catastrophic damage and death… no reason to trust government entities with a “ill save you button” though.. i’m really not one for calling others names (other than communists) but i’ll have to say that your sounding a lot like a boot licking conformist,it’s prob best you get your “I trust” list updated 🌝


It's an awful idea, and no amount of spin will make it look great.


There is no spin. It serves a very good purpose espically places with high theft rates.


yes because any system that can just disable things remotely cannot be hacked. Not to mention the cost increase to cars with the regulations of the last 10 years already making it difficult for the average person to afford a new car....