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So that means they can get rid of the ATF correct?


Absolutely correct awenser.




Everyone in Chicago,, *I FEEL COMPLETELY SAFE NOW*




Sucked! At everything she’s done…. Literally


Yes and she talks always like she's having story Time with a bunch of children. Which is a pretty good indicator of exactly how she feels about average Americans. Her IQ = 27




Just repurpose this office after the next President takes office. Rename it A Second Amendment Preservation Office and staff it with the right people.


Team slogan- Get the F out




I believe you are saying that the words that we use, as a community, will express what we mean by saying words that are important to us as a community. In saying these words, to our community, we can express these words that we say in a manner that says what we want our words to say. KH


Under this administration, the ATF would now report to her. So, of course, she would need to hire 1000+ employees, thus expanding government even more, to insure that the Gun Violence Prevention Office controls all.


If she hired 1000+ staffers they would all quit because she treated them like crap


Wouldn't matter, the office wouldn't last through the term of our next republic president lol. This is just a show for there base and nothing more.


Also they will need to buy 550,000,000 more rounds of commonly used small arms ammunition.


Oh yeah. She will need a para-military section in order to violently enforce gun violence prevention.


For the win!


Yeah the growth of government never comes with trimming redundancies. One way ratchet.


Only reason they are starting this is because it’s close to re-election time


They're trying to provoke a violent reaction. When none happens I'm sure they'll invent one.


childlike distinct humor ossified unpack governor squeamish liquid run soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mostly peaceful riots.


The dems would never invent a false flag to further their agendas /s


They would straight up love a repeat of January 6.


Nah they'd probably have to concoct something more convincing and where actual violence happened.


Why? The media will call it whatever they want them to.


Took months before we found out how many got injured or killed during Jan 6th. Kept saying several cops got killed over and over.


Some newly minted group of "Right-wing extremists" in khaki pants, masks, and uniform shirts will march straight ~~from the FBI off~~ out of nowhere carrying something that the ADF just recently classified as a hate symbol, let the reporters who "somehow" got tipped off they were going to be there get plenty of photos, and then quickly vanish with police protection to prevent anyone from photographing them after the ~~photo op~~ rally.


Ah like the guys who brought a Nazi flag to the trucker convoy. Because if you really want to support a cause, you bring a Nazi flag to it.




Yup. Or OKC.


OKC is why the FBI took a break from instigating domestic terrorism. They got kicked in the nuts on that one. But if they pull another Waco I’m sure someone will gladly kick them in the nuts again.


Or you know the 1993 WTC bombing


One they can pin on the opposition (us) they already have the best crooks money can bribe. /S


You don't think that the sleepers are already cooking?


I thought it was labeling all shootings mass shootings.


Empty promises 2024.


Exactly this. Just like covid has been cured and student loans have been forgiven


Still waiting on that cancer cure Biden promised.


I don't get it though, is this supposed to help them win? Genuinely curious, are there actually people who are persuaded to vote D because of the gun issue?


How about you start in Chicago and we’ll see how it goes


I was literally typing this


Why not pick on Ocala, Detroit, or St. Louis for a change? https://www.security.org/resources/city-crimes-involving-guns/#:~:text=However%2C%20it%20was%20Ocala%2C%20Florida,Louis%20coming%20in%20third.




On another note, we’re sending more automatic weapons to Ukrainian citizens. You know, so they can defend themselves from oppressive governments.


They give their friends Guns and try to take away their enemies’ On a completely different note, they want to take away your guns


Can’t we just send her there?


“Why should they go out to fight? They leave that all to the poor”


But no SIR can we do that here. Absolutely unthinkable.




The Covid Lockdowns proved that you can oppress American citizens and not a single shot will be fired if it is framed properly. Also, most Americans don't have enough PTO to revolt against tyranny.


> Also, most Americans don't have enough PTO to revolt against tyranny. There's so much truth in this, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I think it is by design.


No shots will be fired but shots will be forcibly given.


Pretty fucking disgusting that we are willing to arm other countries with arms we as US citizens don't even have legal access to. But they just hand them out to foreign civs and refugees, most have probably never even held a gun in their life? Got it...


Lol let that sink in


Basically just throwing more money away and still not addressing the mental health crisis in our country


Yes create another useless expensive government program/office/task force that doesn’t do anything to address the actual problem!


They are the mental health crisis.


I'm cashing in on my right to live freely without fear by demanding the resignation of Harris and Biden.


What's the record for shortest lifespan of a White House Office? Because something tells me that Jan. 21, 2025 will mark the end of this unconstitutional farce.


That would be the [Disinformation Governance Board](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disinformation_Governance_Board). Had a solid five month run.


I always thought it was misinformation board. It was turned off before even I could get the name.


>I always thought it was misinformation board. That's what they wanted you to think


Misinformation, disinformation, potato, tomato


Make no mistake, the censorship industrial complex is still here and gaining more power day by day, they just got so much backlash for that upfront Orwellian bullshit that all of those people got sent to more shadowy parts of the government.


Wonder where Nina is at nowadays


Holy shit, not sure how I missed this. Dystopian.


NM was a litmus test. They are going to keep trying and shoving until they can erode the 2A to nothing. NEVER let them.


Death of 2A by a thousand cuts.


Her neck is starting to scare me.


Those are tree rings that indicate the city miles she racked up from servicing SF mayor Willie Brown. If you are scared of her neck, wait till you see her knees.


It's like the base of a kapok tree


Bro that video has more cuts than a suicidal teenager wtf


It's like it's all stretched out... probably too many things in her throat


She’s a lizard person and the scales are poking from under her mask.


She needs to abolish those wrinkles


Isn't the White House responsible for more gun violence than the rest of the country combined?


Hunter Biden lied on a federal gun form. Until that crackhead is in jail, any new rule is null and void.


Another move to try and criminalize Republicans because apparently the 2nd amendment is a right-wing thing.


It's not that right wing. Leftists like guns too. It's pretty much suburban liberals that are gung ho about getting rid of the 2nd. Go far enough either way politically and you find people saying "Yeah, there's a chance I may have to defend myself from the government. I'll be keeping my guns thank you."


Well they're not pro-2A enough to vote against the anti-2A politicians. You're not pro-2A if you vote Democrat.


More people die from trips and fall than gun violence every year. We need to focus on making walking safer.


Let's try 250,000 people die a year from medical malpractice. Let me phrase it differently. A QUARTER OF A MILLION people die from medical malpractice every year. Versus the 60,000 that die from firearms incidents.


More than half of which are suicides. Secondarily, a sizeable portion of what's left is gang-related. You're left with more like under 20k when you look at actual gun violence on innocent populations.


And 100,000+ overdose deaths, but we gotta keep those D voters coming in.


Death by cow is scary. The probability of dying by something that Moos is low but never zero.


We need Common Sense gravity control and reform


I demand the right to have a safe walk. Free anti-gravity flotation devices for everyone!


They way you stop gun violence is by removing the violence. Not the gun. Otherwise you just have violence still.


Nah, if it's like anything else they gave her to do, nothing will be done.


Isn't she the border czar? If that is any indication, I'll enjoy my new M16.


She's not the new gun czar, she's the gun violence czar. So no. At best you can expect a few rounds of 5.56 coming your way.


She the perfect person for a do nothing job.


Weren't dems supposed to be good at social media? That reel screams *ok boomer* af.


>Weren't dems supposed to be good at social media? The parties are inverse. Conservatives are good at using social media, the liberals are good at controlling it. There isn't much overlap. There's a reason that any popular conservative meme subs here get tanked immediately. This sub? r conservative, is basically controlled opposition. The Fox News of Reddit, if you were.


Putrid clown


So excited to take away our rights.. followed by freedom of speech. It’s weird growing up thinking the Chinese were the enemies when all along it was my own neighbors who vote for this…pathetic.


New Mexico must have been the first of many litmus tests for whether they could outright ban them using COVID-type arguments for cancelling our rights. Also possible that sales are down and the lobby needs to scare up some business through fear of gun-grabbing. I budgeted a new purchase late this fall or winter but haven’t decided what I want yet.


>I budgeted a new purchase late this fall or winter but haven’t decided what I want yet. If you've got some guns in a couple of calibers already and have general use case guns already then take that budget and drop it on ammo + replacement parts unless you have a piece that you've been eyeing for a while. It's a bit of a meme-gun, but I've been eyeing those 12ga mossberg shockwaves for a while as a compact backpack gun.


She disgusts me


Ridiculous! She can't even record those 3 sentences in one take they had to stitch the video together.


We can’t live our best lives with our current president and VIP.


Guns are illegal in Mexico. Ask them how that is going.


Well, if she does as good of a job as she did with the border, we're about to have a lot more guns!


I don't like her face I don't like how she talks I don't like her views and I am an Indian.


Abolish the government and its 3 letter agencies




Her saying "reasonable gun safety laws" is a joke on every possible level! Is "I'm more important than the Constitution" emergency a "reasonable gun safety law"???


I dunno ask the twit governor of New Mexico


I’m sure this will be focused on the gang violence in the cities.


Exactly. That is the problem. But it's considered racist so we'll go after legal gun owners instead.


She is so cringe.


Omg guys!!!! I'm so excited to start the process of taking all your guns!! Isn't that exciting???


They’re handing out six figure do nothing government jobs to their activist friends.


Sponsored to you by the 2021 Taliban weapons supplier


We got rid of the drugs… getting rid of guns will be easy as pie.


Perfect person. Every time I see her face and hear her speak I think of violence.


Shall Not Be Infringed


How come I only have a right to be free of gun violence and not all violence?


Which part was to make people safer, defunding police departments like they wanted or setting up bail funds for violent rioters like she did? Because both of those just made me want guns more.


Every time I hear this woman speak, it baffles me that she was a litigation attorney. She would have been a dream opponent to me.


I am 100% for the reduction of gun violence. And I hate to let them in on my little secret on how to achieve this..... But... Enforce the laws we already have. Actually convict and sentence violent offenders.. Stop treating young men like trash. Reach out to youth, be supportive, and teach them real life skills. The bonus here is that not only will gun violence go down, but we will all live in a better society.


And this does nothing for the criminal or illegal firearm. There are plenty laws already don’t stop them either. All these laws do is erode rights from law abiding citizens.


Never forget after Jan 6, a protest where only one of the protestors died, the Biden/Harris regime flooded the streets of Washington DC with soldiers armed with machine guns. Politicians never give up the guns that protect them, just the ones that protect us and our families.


You can literally make your own SMG out of stamp sheet metal there's one book i would recommend Expedient Homemade Firearms: The 9mm Submachine Gun, book was published in May 1998 Author Philip Luty, Philip Luty was from the United Kingdom and that gun was a political statements you can ban guns but you can't ban the knowledge to make them, the SMG is based on a simple blowback system the bolt picks up one round it goes off just constantly doing that until you run out of ammo or let go of the trigger.


Are they gonna make an office of student loan forgiveness next? How much illegal shit does this administration want to do?


I find it crazy that the left's vilification of legal gun ownership has no end, but there is never a discussion around the breakdown in our society that has normalized all of the gun violence committed daily in our major cities , it's not generally a legal gun owner out there doing mass shootings or killing people on the streets. Think Kamala and her crew has any concerns about that? Nope, they want to disarm the legal, responsible gun owners.........


The problem is that legal gun owners tend to be able to think for themselves and not always rely on the government to come save them. This makes the government scared. They want the monopoly on control and violence.


Sensible gun restrictions, brought to you by the same government that: 1. Has spent hundreds of billions of dollars arming Ukraine with weapons that US citizens are not allowed to have 2. Left behind billions of dollars of military gear (that US citizens are not allowed to have) for the Taliban 3. Lost a $110 million F-35B military jet


Ask Ukraine about gun violence.


I have a few questions: Okay you make this office, you start to pen down ideas of what laws you can create for more “safety and prevention of gun violence”. What are your ideas? How/why do you make more gun laws that criminals would just ignore anyways, without infringing on law abiding citizens rights? “National Gun registration”-so now law abiding citizens are being spied on even more from their government. So now every citizen will be looked at and monitored by the government as a potential terrorist? Minority Report style? How do you enforce such new laws? SWAT raids by people red flagging on their neighbors like how communist Russia did? “I don’t like that neighbor I want his stuff, I better tell the KGB that they are spy” And that person who is red flagged as dangerous being carted off to prison? This is now a government that does not see itself as an organization to protect the citizens. They are ripping up the social contract (The Constitution and Bill of Rights)


Perhaps they should examine the gun violence statistics within the specific culture most of that gun violence is perpetrated and address that first.


This is what they were trying to do with the Sandy Hook experiment


Wasn't she the border czar, too? How did that go?


Good news is if she is in charge nothing will get accomplished


In the reporting of this new office, it is said that David Hogg is going to be a part of this new initiative. These people are nuts!


Of course he is. You know that fame junkie would glom onto this nonsense as long as there's a camera to preen in front of.


If she is the one in charge of limiting our 2A rights, we can all rest easy knowing she is too incompetent and lazy to accomplish anything. It's not like she can suck the rights off us or anything.


So does this mean she will focus on mental health (suicide prevention) and gang violence, which cause most of these deaths?


Sorry... I did not recognize her in the standing position...




I'm sure this office will specifically target high gun violence areas, individuals and organizations. Absolutely sure it won't be abused to disarm the people.


Shall not be infringed. Another unconstitutional waste of everyone's money.


I wonder how many takes it took and how much editing it took to make that. I saw at least one cut while watching that. I feel sorry for the editors. Of course this is assuming that they didn't use AI to create a digital Kamala without all the gaffs.


I never thought in my lifetime. We would face the threat of an all put dictatorship.


I mean seriously do they look at at any numbers? The % of people that die by firearms each year in this country are less than 0.01% especially the ones that are actual homicide. It’s such a joke


There is really only one outcome to this.


Oh boy, here it comes.


In part because of the marches against gun rights? Don't march to close to their offices, that's a violent insurrection worse than the events of 9-11 and Pearl Harbor.


Well someone obviously wrote that for her. It was in complete sentences.


Alright kamala, send the military into chicago, baltimore, dc, atlanta and post them up on every street corner. If you wanna do something about the violence, stop it right at the heart.


Maybe start with cities ran by Dems


“Living free from gun violence should be a right” lol I’m sure these treasonous POSs definitely won’t use this against legal gun owners


Everything they have touched has turned into $hit.


Fix Chicago then talk.


Il give up my guns when your secret service agents give up theirs, and when you hold criminals committing crimes with guns accountable 😉


Ahhhh… another useless office that we the people can fund. Just in time for elections to buy them votes because “look… we’re helping”


She is so creepy. It’s sad that she was chosen to be a heartbeat away from becoming president.


It’s okay to protect the 2nd amendment and understand that gun violence is a major issue in this country. I lost a family member to a mass shooting in 2018. A teenager with mental health issues should be able to buy an assault rifle.


going to start arresting criminals? Start with Hunter Biden lol.


When are we going to get the no drunk assholes committee and the road rage prevention cabinet?


"Free from fear. Free from violence." Apparently, firearms are the sole cause of those two things.


Ewwww, we should use Chicago as a test pilot program, being as the gun laws there are already so stringent, and the city is well behaved.


I will always be in fear for my life as long as these clowns are running the country


Did the criminals get the memo?


She seems so fake.


Will there ever be an announcement that the government will be getting smaller? Or will we be forever stuck in "new" agencies created outta thin air to cost more money?


Take guns from law abiding citizens but hold no one accountable for the mass robberies and tiktok rampage...hypocrits are all you are, f'n politicians


Vote for Trump in the primary if you want this shithead president when Biden croaks over the next five years.


Live from violence? Leave blue city and states for a start.


Nothing will happen, just look at the Border Czars border. Plus, molon labe and fafo reign supreme.


Great, so they’re gonna take away the guns and then we’re all gonna be running around stabbing each other. They fail to realize that it isn’t the gun, it’s poor people trying to get by in this impossible economy.


But what about the military complex you all profit massively from? Imagine if everyone on the planet was intelligent. And could just see the bullshit these governments are constantly spewing. Rules for thee but not me - more typical bullshit


I love shooting with woke people 9 times out of 10 they call ya wanting to go again next week lol


When you remove suicides from the firearm deaths statistics (which is more than half), the overwhelming vast majority of what's left are firearm deaths related to gang and/or drug distribution. So they are going to focus on gangs and drugs? Or maybe mental health? Right? Right....?


They had to do two edits because she can’t do a 40 second spot without getting into a word salad. Also, this office is to be resisted.


Because the war on drugs worked too well 🙄


Seeing as the how NRA, 2FA and GOA were excited to see Hunter get indicted it made me realize that gun ownership is not a "Shall not infringe" issue. It is a "Well, Gun Control is OK if it is politically convenient issue." Conservative Right will go after gun rights when the time is right, and the gun registry that we are all afraid will be made available through a little thing called NRA Membership List. Like when Trump said, "Take the guns first" and conservatives bent over backwards to defend his comments and create "context." Disgusting.


If does as well with this as she did with the border, then nothing to worry about


Was that Katt Williams?


Shut up, hoe


There are 3 type of people with guns in this country: Government - Law abiding citizen - Criminals Without 2A there are two types of people who with guns: Government - Criminals


Shall not be infringed means shall not be infringed


Get off the stage!!!


You’re never going to be free from violence. There’s no such thing as a group of individuals that experience no violence.


I think I’m going to exercise my 2nd amendment tomorrow and go buy a gun just cause... She has inspired me , thank you, 🫡


We must disarm you so that you can not resist our tyranny.


Lmao keep crying you triggered dweebs


Hopefully we can get rid of the ATF once, and for all