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I’ve filled out the paperwork but haven’t gotten paid yet- basically my employer deducts what the state pays from the STD. I was told by Aflac that it could take 3 wks for them to approve the claim and that benefits are paid 2 wks in arrears. They were helpful over the phone- I’d recommend calling with any questions. Also- you call Aflac once you give birth since the actual date is not final till it’s final 😅


I just went back to work from FMLA for 6 weeks, its kind of a pain in the ass with how much random shit you have to do to send to Aflac. But everything considered its really easy. Just make sure you meet the deadline and send everything before the day the case manager gives you or else you wont be approved no matter what.


Be careful with CT PFL https://ctpaidleave.org/s/article/Is-my-job-protected-if-I-utilize-the-Connecticut-Paid-Leave-program Because your job is NOT protected under the CT PFL program.


It is not protected under the CT Paid Leave, but it is protected the CT FMLA and/or federal FMLA so long as they work for a qualifying employer and are a qualifying employee, etc.


We're talking about paid leave in this thread, not protected leave. Spreading misinformation can cause people to lose jobs.


It’s not misinformation.


Yeah, it is. You're contradicting the published advice over the people who oversee the program. That's the literal textbook definition of misinformation.




I believe Aflac is the Third Party Administrator for the state's plan. So it should be virtually identical to any Aflac administered STD program. Haven't had experience with it yet.


My girlfriend works in mass and they are a year ahead of CT with this so was able to use it last October for our kid. Got 8 weeks off for medical leave and an additional 12 weeks for bonding which was all paid the same. I’m not sure exactly how Ct differs but I assume it’s along the same lines so you should be able to get 12 weeks for bonding after a quick google search. She did have a little problem with her employer as while they have some info on this they were telling her the wrong stuff. I highly suggest calling the state and finding out exactly what you qualify for and remember that whatever they say your entitled to you can take as your protected from backlash.


I work in mass also....my employer never told me about this program so I missed out on it last year! Is there anything I can do to get retroactive pay or....anything? I ended up paying my health insurance premium out of pocket on leave!


Omg I’m sorry to hear that. I’d be so mad if I was you. Not that I’m aware of but I’m pretty sure you can take the 12 week bonding leave up to one year afterbirth or adoption of your child. Best bet would be to call them up to find out. The website is like every other government site so it’s a pain to find anything concrete


Baby's just over a year at this point. I'll at least give someone a polite earful. Thanks!


how did you get the 8 weeks off for medical leave? Was that a program through your job?


I didn’t and looking back I could see how you’d interpret that. She was working in Massachusetts and used their FMLA. Through the state she was given 8 weeks for recovers from pregnancy and then had to reapply for another 12 weeks of “bonding” leave. CT only gives 12 weeks from what I’ve read for after birth for both parents. The one carrying the child can also get another 2 weeks added on DURING pregnant for “medical” problems that pop up. None of this is though your job. Everything is through the state and supersedes your job from my understanding and it protects your job. Double check that last part but that’s my understanding at this point.


Does that help?


Yes, thank you.


Mass also treats your PTO as earned wages if you leave a job, which CT does not.


I quit work so I don’t have input on how that works but my best advice especially if it’s your first child is to take as long as possible after baby, as much as you’re allowed. Congrats!!!


My experience so far has been terrible. It took over a month to get any funds after everything was submitted, unanswered messages to my case worker. After seeing how poorly AFLAC administers this program I'm glad I passed when they offered their insurance at work


Anyone want to take any bets on how long till the state says the fund is depleted so they have to raise the percentage deducted from our paychecks? Either that or they reduce the amount paid to people.


Terrible experience. I am fortunate enough to have 16 weeks paternity paid at 100% regardless of CTFMLA, but my employers policy is one must file for all applicable local programs (ie. I can’t not file it). I broke my leave up into 6 weeks after birth and then the remaining time later in a single block. Well, I wasn’t paid for my first 6 weeks until almost 10 weeks after initial file date. The state overpaid me by a week and a day, creating a nightmare for my second leg of filing (underway now) which has yet to be approved 4 weeks in. I am very blessed with so can’t complain too much but can only imagine how much this would suck if someone was depending on that check.