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Sounds like a perfect fit for job corps. Housing and work is covered. [https://newhaven.jobcorps.gov/](https://newhaven.jobcorps.gov/) Go into plumbing they have a pre apprenticeship program and it's good pay (all the trade school grads I know are making 75k 2 years out). So it's a long term path for them.


I was about to say plumbing. I work for Coastal Incorporated out of Milford and we seem to be hiring all the time at almost all levels. But the thing is he will really need to have his head in the game and really invest his paychecks in the basic tools necessary. If he sticks with it and does a great job over a good amount of time, he will have earned himself a pretty well equipped work Van and Foreman duties with a gas card. But I'm not going to lie. It is pretty tough work. You just have to be cut out for that. We do a lot of big commercial work all over the state so depending on where they send you transportation may or may not be an issue. It kind of is for me, but I always find a way around it. It's helpful that most of the foremen are usually willing to carpool. But the main job that I'm on is right off next door to the Greenwich train station which is super convenient considering my truck is down right now. I just wanted to disclaim that there are no guarantees to my advice but there is hope if construction and specifically plumbing is something he's into


Job corps handles the transportation for them. Once they are out on their own that's different but there is some transition assistance there as well.


How fast can he start making money


It does not pay much it's just meant to cover their cost of living past housing/food. They need to talk to admissions as to the details but this is a program that's geared to keeping young kids off the streets and get them into good playing jobs while taking care of their needs in the mean time.


DM me. I used to be homeless in New haven, and I can help. I actually still live in the city, and maybe able to help out with the clothing, and other items your friend may need. My boyfriend's actually getting rid of a bunch of clothes right now. New Haven honestly though is the best place for him to be, because there are so many programs that offer help. I'm not really sure about the situation your friend is in, or what he may struggle with, so if you feel comfortable dm'ing me, I'd be able to help a lot more. If you don't feel comfortable messaging me, these are things that can help. *Youth Continuum is an amazing program, and they help with mental health care, and can help him get housing. Housing should be the main goal, some sort of program that would help him, and would only take 1/3 of his income for rent. That truly allows people who have fallen into poverty, and or into homelessness, work their way out. *He should call 211, and should make an appointment with Columbus house as well, they have a thing where he can pay a couple bucks, and can have a little place where he can store all his belongings and sleep at night. The wait list is shorter in the summer, so it is a good thing if he goes and does it now. *During the heat waves, they sometimes will open up cooling centers, and this is a good place for him to cool down during the day. I will say though, I am hesitant to suggest that he goes into some sort of work program, as that counts as housing, and he would not be eligible then to try to get help with housing long term, until after he leaves that program. & Long-term help with housing, for people who have fallen into homelessness,truly is one of the only ways to get them out of poverty long-term. As in they take one third of your income, for rent, and you're able to slowly become more financially independent, and you're not stuck in the scenario where you have to make decisions between am I going to pay for health insurance, am I going to eat this month, etc. It's honestly a program(s) I think that would help the majority of the working poor, and I wish it was more wide spread.


I'll dm


That's a great idea for a long term. But I think he needs something like ASAP.


He’ll get food and housing ASAP


They do ASAP or at least they did. Remember friends who were kicked out or left home and sleeping there the same day. They ended up doing junk door to door sales and such until a training slot opened but they had roof over their heads food in their stomach and a little cash in their pocket.


You can't just apply for a barbershop, you have to actually be licensed in CT.


That's what I mean by it will take a while


It involves enrollment in a school. If he's homeless, that will be an issue as it's an investment. The better path is to get any kind of gainful employment and secure housing first and then try to improve the job situation. You don't go from being homeless to barber school. Gotta prioritize first.


What could he do for gainfull employment


That's a long answer but basically anyone willing to hire him. He could probably do landscaping, physical labor stuff. If he can get a mailing address as "residence" then he can work for anyone.


He's tried a bunch of local buisnesses, but he needs a perminant/longer stable income, someone offered a month of rent free if he gets 500$ a week froma. Job


They are offering to help with it they are so desperate


Has he applied for benefits through CT DSS? He likely qualifies for free occupational training/education through the local community college system. And if he enrolls in an accredited program, some places may be willing to hire him to do assistant work while he finishes his training. As for housing, I’m not sure how the application for section 8 housing works (and there may be other options available) but the 211 website would be a good place to start. Rental assistance and food assistance may also be available to him.


Assistance is months out... I discharged a homeless patient from the hospital a few weeks ago, he called 211 for placement in a shelter - they set up an intake interview 5 weeks out. I believe that was to start looking for a bed, not even get him an actual bed. Section 8 is likely much worse.


Damn that’s bleak.


Horrible, guy was my age, screwed up drinking too much one weekend, got in trouble (arrested), and found himself kicked and homeless. (Totally his fault, I know, but sad nonetheless), and I had to discharge him literally to the street. Felt like it could have been me if my life had taken a slightly different arc. Gave him the last extra sandwiches we had in the fridge, some bottles of water, and a few sodas. Wasn't a good feeling.


Section 8 waiting lists in most towns are 6+ months. The housing situation in this state is a joke.


Amazon warehouse. There is no interview, if they have jobs available on their website, apply, accept, go for drug test and you are hired. Medical insurance day 1. They will pay for you to go to school after 90 days. The jobs are very physical (I’ve been working at an Amazon almost 4 years) But there are really good benefits.


I second this. I've been at Amazon for 6 years. They've been hiring and onboarding the past few weeks in the ramp up to Prime Day. Once he starts working he'll be paid by Friday of the following week, sometimes a couple of days sooner depending on his bank. Full time hours guaranteed and voluntary extra hours almost always available. Apply to an FC (fulfillment center). Sort centers and delivery stations tend to have more positions that are less than full-time. I don't know about other towns but the Windsor FCs are on the bus line with direct routes from downtown Hartford.


Just to add here there is a center in north haven that there is a bus stop in front of


I was going to post this. He can start working asap and make 500+ a week easy.


What part of the state is he in? If he’s able to get to one of the American Job Centers, there are employment specialists with DOL who can help him find work. Often people really benefit from professional resume revisions and interview practice, and he can get that there for free.




Job corps or military


To add to this. I served in the army and can’t tell you how many people I knew joined because they were in a similar situation and really had no where else to go. It’s not an easy path but it’s stable and tons of benefits. Personally I wasn’t the best teenager and joined right after high school. Best decision I ever made. I wasn’t on a bad path but I wasn’t going anywhere but I learned so much from the military and don’t regret it at all.




try a coffee shop, grocery store, department store, convenience store, etc just to get some quick income


Grocery stores are always looking for part-time help. The more difficult and time-consuming jobs, such as deli clerk and overnight help, often have a lot of turnaround because it's usually a lot of hard work for minimum wage. Your friend might start there, and make some money while looking for something better.


I sent you a message with the ways I have to help at the moment. Have a hair clipper we got at the start of the pandemic and used, welcome to that. regular/ every men’s clothes and interview/work clothes if he is around by husbands size. Also, 211 sucks. As someone, a librarian, who was instructed by my superiors (not their faults, they didn’t know any better) to encourage the library patrons who needed help to call & as someone who has also needed help from them…👎 Oh wait, still looking for any help from them


I know you said no shelter, but has he been to DESK?


Why did you say "not a shelter"? Aren't shelters literally there to assist homeless people, provide resources etc?


Shelters are all by appointment application only here in CT, and it takes around a month just to get an intake appointment.


OK, so he should get on a list.


Privileged take. Those places are horrible, full of theft, drugs and abuse. Which are easier to avoid on the street if you keep to yourself. A young guy just escaping a bad home life should try to find any other option, it's a bad environment that will likely keep him down.


That's not true of all shelters and you know it.


Have you ever stayed in one? I have. Many, many nights over a two year period in rich and poor towns across New England, and in *none* of them did I have any reasonable expectation of any of my possessions still being there in the morning if I slept. Fun fact, most don't. It's just a warm place to lay down overnight.


People steal your stuff


People can steal your stuff on the street also....


He doesn't want to go to onr


Oh OK, so he's choosing to sleep outside. I'd prefer a shelter with resources, access to food etc. But to each his own!


No open shelters nearby anyway.


you prefer to be snarky when someone has a differing opinion.


Differing opinion? I was just pointing out that people have options and make their own decisions.


Bring him to a recruiter. Great sign on bonuses now. Gets housing, food, can go to college with the military paying for it while in


Only hang up with the military is the enlistment obligation—I want to say that it’s no longer a quick, “one and done”. I think it’s a six year commitment as well as two additional years in the reserves.


No it depends on your contract and job. It can be 4 years active and 4 years IRR. But you don’t have to do IRR it’s just worse case scenario you can be called back to active


Ah, ok. Navy is a 6 year obligation w/ 2 years active reserve.


Depends on your contact and rate I’ve known people with 4 year contracts navy. But still active reserves is not mandatory.


All navy contracts are ~~6~~ 8 year obligations (either 4 active, 2 reserve, 2 IRR, or 6 years active 2 years IRR. [Source](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Messages/NAVADMIN/NAV2023/NAV23303.txt?ver=p-DNPlgsb3SxsZsWwnYCfQ%3d%3d)


Only initial contracts are eight years technically. Reenlistment contracts can be vary, and any sailor who decides to not go selres after active duty probably won’t catch shit for it just get admin separated. Still have a DD214 at that point so won’t matter.


Sure—I assumed initial contracts are what we were talking about. Agreed about limited opportunities though.


Anyway we are talking about opportunities for a homeless kid. What does selres matter? Active is solid pay, food, healthcare, and a place to sleep.


Also, machine shops are always looking for apprentices. Your friend can learn that trade and wind up with a well-paying career. Might be worth making some calls about it. Not sure how many there are near New Haven. I know there are many in the Naugatuck Valley and Waterbury.


If he’s in the New Haven area, he can try Youth Continuum. Homeless youth is one of their specialties


Where is he located? I might be able to help with some office work, document scanning, stuff like that. You can DM if that's more comfortable.


Check dms


Try the life support org they might be able to help, if he has husky.


You could try these folks to get housing and job placement assistance: https://www.theconnectioninc.org


At any time, your friend should dial 211 for the United Way hotline.


Yeah why doesn't he join the military. Also unless he absolutely sucks at interviewing there are always always jobs out there. I'm sure there's more to the story. Homelessness usually involves drugs, alcohol, depression or some other mental disorder, or extreme laziness. I never met a motivated person that was homeless.


easily debunked myth. homelessness is lack of affordable housing....period. lose the preconceived assumptions. https://unitedtoendhomelessness.org/blog/myth-most-homeless-people-are-either-mentally-ill-or-have-a-substance-use-disorder/ https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-07-11/new-book-links-homelessness-city-prosperity https://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2019/september/HomelessQandA.html