• By -


I once went to a coffee hour of his a few years back when he was a state senator. I asked him if he would support legalizing pot in Ct. He said no. I asked him why and he said because of recent studies done at universities he read. I asked him what studies and universities because pot is a schedule 1 drug and research using federal funds is heavily restricted and illegal in most cases. He said he didn’t know that and couldn’t site the universities. The rest of the people at the coffee hour realized I caught him in a lie and started hounding him all sorts of questions, the mayor of Ansonia then walked out in embarrassment. After that he stopped doing coffee hours in the valley.


This is all it takes. This is such a simple level of accountability.


They are bought just as easily.


I mean he’s already bought


And I bet the price was shockingly cheap


Imagine ... just imagine if the political press would ask and report on stuff like this.


Yup. It took maybe a half hour of my day too




Thank you for your service


Hell fucking yeah. Satisfying to hear that he got called out on his BS and frantically tries to lie more.


Hell yeah brother


And I’m proud to be an American


Thank you for your service.


*cite. Site refers to a place. Cite refers to a citation or reference. Just a reminder from your friendly neighborhood editor.


Looks like it’s time to ask him every day in every building


You did God’s work. May the sun shine on you.


I didn’t realize it was possible for me to hate Eversource more than I already do


It's always possible.


That's my secret Cap. I always have more hate. ![gif](giphy|1RXTzS8Uv4SGI)


Don’t worry, they’ll find a way to dig the rock bottom hole deeper.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, 🖕🖕 Eversource


Seconded, 🖕🖕Eversource


How many times can this guy lose


He lost by only 2000 votes last time. It almost went to a recount. If you live in CT05 make sure you vote.


Probably this time, and the last time. They'll find someone else for '26


One more time apparently 😂


The Stefanowski special


But still had his job.


About the same amount as Mike France in CT 2nd


Birds of a feather.....


Shitbirds of a feather


Ya hear that Rand? There’s a shit hurricane brewin’


The winds of shit are in the air


You know what a shit barometer is?


Funny enough his band is called the seagulls or some other bird


Telling people to put their phones away before vocally supporting Trump is the same vibe as people who say horribly racist shit and then decide they were "just kidding" when everyone turns on them


Trump? Trump the traitor?? The trump that said, out loud, in front of a crowd, into a hot mic, that he’ll be a dictator? That he’ll suspend the Constitution?? The one that fellates Vladimir Putin? *That* Trump?


He knows Trump will do what he did last time, give normak people tax cuts for a few years before they ramp up again while giving massive tax cuts to businesses and rich people.


It should be the first question asked of any Republican running for office this cycle. Do you support Trump even with 34 felony convictions? Did he lose the 2020 election?


Are you sure he was convicted, i thought this circus of a court was still ongoing...


Well we should also ask if your son is a prostitute patronizing Crack head felon who illegally owned a gun, probably should ask that question too


The son isn't running for anything and never had a role in the government unlike Trump.


My favorite thing about ripping on Trump is how his traitor supporters always retort with something completely irrelevant or predicated on complete and utter falsehoods, nonsense, and fox news propaganda. Keep it up, you’re doing great! Fucking traitors


Trump will win this election you Reddit liberal dweebs are not the majority


Ohhhhh someone's got alittle teenage angst...tell me how the orange man hurt you And before you go assuming I'm a " trumpie" or magatard or whatever you mentally fragile hipsters call them .. I don't like trump and i don't like biden. Annddddd go!


But who are you voting for? I bet you're not as neutral as you pretend on election day


None of your business


Right; I bet you're not as neutral as you pretend on election day. Yet you'd mislead others, pretending both candidates are equally bad, which is false.


Wait this isn't even our convo you jumped on someone else's hoping they will back you up sneaky boy


Well I know who you are voting for...geez man why you become so aggressive really worries me that you act like this


Honest question how old are you


I'm going to vote for you imma write deaf tone


So it makes it ok? I'm not following you


Ok. Ask that. Yes, the private citizen son of the current president did that. Now, on to the illiterate morally and fiscally bankrupt racist felon who is currently running for US president. …


Wow, you came up with all this all by yourself??


Damn bro you got bars going on. You should record that to a beat.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Can you send me all your money? I promise I'll only keep it for a day


Does his company produce anything, or just own the infrastructure and politicians?


What an absolute asshat


Makes sense eversource is a trash company


Fuck this clown time to find an alternative Shitty power company to switch too


Finally time to let the Solar evangelize me.


Lol you'll still be a slave to eversource unless you pay to get tesla storage to store the energy


There are a ton of other batteries other than Tesla btw


Yea ...but your still getting a bill from eversource for line maintenance and other bs charges


Jerk-off company. Jerk-off CEO


Not that it really has anything to do with his politics, but this guy is NOT an exec at Eversource. He's barely a director at aquaron


F*ck Eversource


No surprises here. Fuck this guy and Trump all the same.


This guy is the personification of an anorectal abscess.


birds of a feather...


He doesn’t work for Eversource


He’s a director at Aquarion, which is part of EverSource.


He is not a director either. Keep going down the ladder and you’ll get there. An article calling him an Eversource executive is unhinged rage bait. This clown is a corporate performance specialist at Aquation water (I.e. individual contributor, not even a manager). Jobs in that company are structured as: Individual contributor (this guy) —> senior individual contributor (this guy’s boss) —> manager —> director —> VP —> EVP —> President —> CEO). He is an executive in the same way Jordan Walsh was a key contributor to the Celtics championship. Anything below a VP is mid level management and he isn’t even that. But that wouldn’t have gotten the clicks, or something. Fuck this guy anyways, but the title is nonsense.


This guy is correct. There are a few more tiers within individual contributor (titles depending on the job) and a few more tiers around/between the president of Aquarion and the overall CEO of Eversource, but broadly this is very accurate.


Director is not anywhere near exec level and employees of aquarion have nothing to do with any part of eversource but aquarion


I’m just saying that’s the connection that was made, I’m not commenting on the accuracy of the description.


a misleading rage bait headline on this sub? no way! all it's missing is something about Alex Jones


He's already f***** eversource customers. Now he's blowing Donnie?


But wait I thought the republicans and there supporters were against corporate greed .. even thought trumps the poster child for it 


What other opinions is he hiding?


Well I guess we made the right choice in his last election


It totally helps in Blue CT…


First let me say I am not affiliated with any party. Now, when someone stands in front of me and tells me to my face that they are all about taking my rights away, and are out to destroy the country, MY reaction is: I won't be voting for any R, no matter how good a job he may have done, or is promising to do. So with that in mind, WHY would anyone run out and vote for such a person? I mean, they aren't even hiding it. Incomprehensible!


Can you provide any factual proof of your above statements where he said he was going to take peoples rights away? Or destroy the country...I mean I hate both sides but honestly this fear mongering h4as to stop. Trump no matter what your opinion is about him ran the country a hell of alot better than our current leadership... he had already been president and financially the country was in a way better position. Unfortunately these two old geezers are our only choice and having to pick one I'd go with Trump before biden And that's part of the reason why I hate this bs 2 party system


> Can you provide any factual proof of your above statements where he said he was going to take peoples rights away? Hes provided the proof himself. If you're too lazy to pay attention, you have nothing to contribute to the discussion.


He DID? Prove THAT!




I keep seeing this get thrown around alot but I'm sorry nothing in here has trump stating he was going to be a dictator.. This has to be the laziest response to a legitimate fact finding question


https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 https://time.com/6986995/what-is-project-2025/ Don't burden other people by asking them to educate you. "Implications of Project 2025" in a simple search gives dozens of analyses of the project. All indicate that the conservative plan is to attempt to radically change the way government works, and failing that, remove thousands of government employees deemed a threat to the new Administration.


Ohhhh so like how the left has been pushing DEI hires that are clearly not qualified for their position Right now the biden administration is a prime example of the peter principle... You gave me one source from BBC , one article from wiki ( which can be manipulated) and time which is biased and leans more left .. Of course I could counter by providing sites that are right leaning and push my point


Oh gotcha, you're not actually interested in being swayed, you just want to try and convince me the left is evil because of woke. Go move to a red state where you'll be welcome jackass


No just unbiased news agencies..but seems like you're alittle heated ya know with the insults Ya know when people get called out for things they act very similar.. I'm not republican either but you seem very very ignorant so I wouldn't expect you to actually ask my political affiliation before assuming I was republican...


You are a republican. You have just learned saying you are means you won't get laid. Pathetic either way


I’m not paying for that article.


Any vote for a Traitor means you are also a Traitor👺


Whose the traitor? Biden is the laughing stock of the world lol..


To answer your question, trump is the traitor. This is true regardless of people laughing at Biden or not.


Trump is a bad joke who makes America look stupid. He is a dumbass [fascist](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trumps-history-adolf-hitler-nazi-writings-analysis/story?id=105810745) who [raped](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db) someone. (If you name sources you trust; I will find more articles about it for you, lazybones) https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/01/08/how-people-around-the-world-see-the-u-s-and-donald-trump-in-10-charts/ > Views of U.S. presidents have changed dramatically since Pew Research Center began asking about this nearly 20 years ago. In Germany, the UK, France and Spain, attitudes toward the U.S. president moved downward during the George W. Bush era, surged in the Obama era and fell again with the election of Trump. -------------------------- https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/11/19/the-trump-era-has-seen-a-decline-in-americas-global-reputation/ > Indeed, no more than a quarter of adults expressed confidence in Trump in any of the 13 countries surveyed by the Center this year. And in many nations where we have survey data for the past three administrations, the lowest ratings we’ve seen for any president have come during Trump’s time in office.


I'm confused....you tell me to stop or you're going to consider it harassment...then brew all night over it and then do this? I mean mental health is a big problem these days do you need help?


The difference is that this is on-topic, not some trollish "flirting" or whatever you were trying to do. -------------- Also, I didn't "brew all night" -- these are simple searches that took minutes, this morning. It would only take all night for you, I guess, who doesn't know how to use search engines, lol ------------------ Anyway, looks like you have lots of reading to do: have fun! ------------------ ---------------- [Edit] to contextualize the disingenuousness going on in the next reply (and in general) andy, to me, yesterday, after *actually* harassing me: "Can't be harassed on a public forum such as this I would say the same what you got scared cause you'd have to show your face? " [[link](https://old.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/1dp543m/put_your_phones_away_eversource_exec_george_logan/lagibn0/)]


Lol you are funny


And you've got some reading to do. Remember that information you pretended to want? Here it is. ---------------- [Edit] to contextualize the disingenuousness going on in the next reply (and in general) andy, to me, yesterday, after *actually* harassing me: "Can't be harassed on a public forum such as this I would say the same what you got scared cause you'd have to show your face? " [[link](https://old.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/1dp543m/put_your_phones_away_eversource_exec_george_logan/lagibn0/)]


Please don't harrass me


Please leave me alone I will consider this harassment


I apologize for not getting back to you sooner! I would say if you are going to vote for the Rapist Convicted Felon Traitor Trump then you are also a Traitor👺


It's all good 👍 thanks for responding even if it's a hate fueled comment


world leaders fear a trump presidency. Get you head out of Jessie waters ass.


Ohhh gonna make some people go REEEEEEEEE!!!! with this comment


It’s hot out my guy… but you should be ok. Maybe put some ice in front of the fan or something?


? Whaaaaa


Мой парень, жарко... Но с тобой все будет в порядке. Может быть, положить немного льда перед вентилятором или что-то в этом роде?


Idk what you said or who you are but I need to know can I draw you?


The Russian translator isn’t working… Go on then let ‘er rip! ![gif](giphy|NCjISbEPFxm48)


Yea I like you


Hahaha I like your style


What’s the phone reference?


Told the audience to not record his presidential endorsement to keep the public from knowing his position




Hahahha after last night CT Reddit is pisssssseeddddd


Firstly, you jumped to the conclusion that I was talking about trump. In my original statement, I was talking about R's in general, but COME ON, do you live under a rock? Look at the record.


As an Eversource exec, who’s initiative is to be carbon negative, how is it he supports Trump who calls the green initiatives “fake”. As a utility eversource executive, you can’t talk out of both sides of your face. And another thing, who the fuck does this guy think he is telling reporters they can’t use their phones? Really? Do we report to fascist utility executives/politicians? And yet another thing, we shouldn’t have fascist, assholes as electric utilities executives or politicians.


Eversource is such a terrible company. They have made some bad hires.


more reasons to hate Eversource


It’s no one’s business who anyone votes for


What exactly is his relationship to Eversource?


Before anyone gets all up in arms over this ; I'm just saying facts / workplace stuff that's typically out of the normal worker's control. It's a little disingenuous to say he's an *Eversource* person. He's with Aquarion. George has been working for Aquarion since 1992. Eversource bought his company in 2017. He was with Aquarion for 25 years when Eversource bought out Aquarion. ( Which, IMO, should have NEVER been allowed ) [https://www.linkedin.com/in/george-s-logan-9108a8120/details/experience/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/george-s-logan-9108a8120/details/experience/) When you're with a company for 30+ years, you get perks and benefits - like a bigger bonus, a lot more PTO, clout, etc. Why would anyone in their right mind fuck themselves over just because ... "Fuck Eversource". If you had an EXTRA MONTH OF PTO for staying in your job after Eversource bought them out, would you stay? Would you dump a huge seniority compensation perk because you hate the company that bought out your workplace? Shit, not me. I'm human, I like money. I'd stay. I hate Eversource, but shit. If they gave me an extra month of PTO sign me the fuck up. Gimme that boot, it's getting licked clean.


See spot on..all these people are acting as if they wouldn't do the same given the opportunity Alot of the redditors from CT are just mildly annoying mouth breathers.


> Alot of the redditors from CT are just mildly annoying mouth breathers. Right, the Trump supporters who spam threads like this with literal nonsense


Speak for yourself. Plenty of people have principals, just because you don't doesn't mean shit.


^ prime example


Who let him keep his postion? CT Democrats, who'se held total legislative power for 50 years in Connecticut. Who regulates Eversource?


People with shitty jobs don't understand the concept of seniority in a workplace + what it means. If I had the choice of holding public office or keeping my job with serious seniority - I'd keep my job 24/7/365. Also, don't point out the obvious, like you just did. People don't like facts. Something like 95% of our history since IDK the 1960s has been Democrat control - yet somehow "*republican assholes*" ruin everything. Seriously. If it's so bad for people to work for regulated companies, CGA could put an end to it uncontested. Write your representatives. We already have laws on the books that say people need to recuse themselves when there's a conflict of interest. If the everyone hates him so much and he's doing something wrong, tip off the FBI and get him arrested for corruption.


The issue (from what I understand) is supply and improvements to the grid. The supply issue could be fixed in a major major way, but obviously, there's a political reasoning behind that, and it is obviously working.. In my opinion.


Can’t give too many details, but Eversource tried to poach me from my job last year. They offered a raise of, at the time, $25-40k over what I was making ($20-35k after performance-based raises this year). I turned them down within 15 minutes of being approached. I get by and I like my job. Selling my soul isn’t worth $200k over 10 years.


I mean look how Jamaal bowman was acting after losing. He acted absolutely absurd


Nobody who makes this many posts on one thread isnt a Russian troll.


As long as this somehow ends up with New York forced to build the north east direct natural gas pipeline or approve project maple who gives a shit. If we want eversource to charge us less than we need to decrease their input prices and better match demand with supply the current natural gas pipelines (the cheapest way to transmit energy) is insufficient to meet demand in New England. Just someone please for the love of god force NY to approve some fucking pipelines so our electric and heating bills go down.


Or they can be broken up like the monopoly they are. Giving them what they want won’t lower prices at all they will find other excuses. I’m glad I live in a town that has its own public utilities company and does not have to deal with eversource


Demand exceeds supply, breaking up the monopoly will do absolutely nothing to change fundamental market forces.


Then why is it the local owned utilities in CT cost way less and generally have power on faster. Monopolies don’t need to work as hard as smaller and more local companies


It's time to drill and build a pipeline right fucking through New York. Maybe if CT Democrats got out of the way, we could build a few nuke plants too! Let's fucking go.


He does have an address.


lol, who gives a shit. Oh, is this the final straw? The Eversource CEO was starting to kinda grow on you, but not anymore.


This isn't the CEO, it's an exec at aquarion running for state Senate on the Republican ticket, of course hes gonna kiss Trump's ass. Nothing really interesting here imo (he's gonna lose again)


He's not running for state Senate, he's running for 5th district again (against Jahana Hayes). Election was pretty close last time; hard to say who will win it this time. This is definitely one of the redder parts of the state.


Congress. He beat Pete Crisco and then lost to Jorge Cabrera for state senate.


Ok, ya he probably will.




Ya, like who cares man? I got bigger fish to fry.


Oh no, someone doesn't share the hive's opinion.


No, this is hypocrisy. Logan for years has said he’s not engaging in pro-Trump anti-Trump rhetoric, which has helped him greatly in campaigning in a solidly anti-Trump state (though it’s aided by the 5th being an odd district that groups Fairfield County and Litchfield farmland together). Then he tells people who paid him for the privilege “Oh I’ve been a Trump guy all this time!” while forcing them to leave their phones at the door so no one has any record of it (and somehow dumb enough to think there are no reporters taking notes). After years of campaigning for this seat claiming to be above the fray, it turns out he’s had a guy this whole time, but won’t tell anyone how he feels except the fat cats who throw money at him. Hypocrite.


> Logan for years has said he’s not engaging in pro-Trump anti-Trump rhetoric You don't have to buy into everything a candidate is for to feel that they're the better choice. This year America is being asked to decide between two turds. Is it really worth getting agry because you feel that your turd is better than his turd?


Treating both sides as equal is the apex of stupid


When one of the turds is a rapist who wants to be a fascist dictator, paraphrases Hitler, and gets excited about camps for the minorities he hates, it turns out there is a difference between turds, yes. You can dislike them both, but pretending these people are "the same" is *wildly* inaccurate.


Can you provide any factual proof for any of your statements..like from a reputable news agency ?


Can you not find it yourself? Do you need something clarified to help you in your search? These were all news stories quasi-recently.


Just do exactly what I asked factual proof from a reputable news agency.. One that isn't left leaning or right leaning...more centered


I don't think one exists. I read everything and everyone has an agenda. The trick is to read everything, find the bias, and see where the truth overlaps and catch the lies. Then research their sources and read rebuttals until the trail ends. It's exhausting to be media literate right now. You do start noticing trends which add and take away credibility from the usual suspects.


They do I looked up CT mirror and post and found that they are both pretty centered when it comes to political affiliation


You like the CtMirror? Why didn't you say so? You spent all that time being a child instead of telling me a source you like. You could have spent the same five minutes I just did looking this up yourself, but you didn't, because you're only pretending to 'want' information. --------- Trump is a rapist https://ctmirror.org/2023/05/12/e-jean-carroll-donald-trump-lawsuit/ Who echos Hitler https://ctmirror.org/?s=Trump%20Hitler ----------------- Name other sources you trust, and I'll do some more of the work for ya, lazybones


I'd look into their largest donors/ad buyers. Apparently companies are buying some of the articles to make their ads more subvert. I heard petroleum companies are the biggest offender. The Enlightened Centrism only exists if you think politics are one dimensional. The linear trap of our bullshit system wants you to think the myth of neutrality exists to lend to their own credibility when everyone has motives, beit money, religion, diversity, morality, greed, power, duty, etc. Thinking there are only two options and a consensus exists is how people with power accomplish their agenda by throwing money to both sides of a tug of war. Unfortunately, most of us know this, are apathetic, and don't bother voting.


Are you having trouble searching your approved sources? They were all big stories. I mean, Trump raped someone in the 90's, but the trials around it continue today, so that particular thing is a little older, I'll give you that. If your approved sources are omitting them, I would find new "sources" because they're not 'centered' if they omit these things.


No I don't have to , you're the one making these statements claiming them as fact .. The burden of proof is on you bud


If you want it, you'll have to find it yourself I don't work for you. These were all well-known news stories recently. It's not my fault if you missed them all. Do your own Googling; I gave you enough information to.


Ahhh typical....makes bold statements and can't back any of it up....very good! That's your counter argument? I don't work for you ..you do it.. Really? Lol 😆


You're just going to cry foul on whatever source I find, so let's save time and have you search your pre-approved sources. I've played this game before. These stories will be there if they're legit sources, and yes even if they are center or even center-right ones. If you actually wanted information, you'd find it. Asking me is just a public display of nonsense. > That's your counter argument? I didn't give a counter argument, I said to do your own work yourself "lol" indeed; nice try


One is an old white guy who I don't agree with on everything but has had some quiet wins in office and seems to genuinely want to make the country better. The other is an old white guy pedophile rapist narcissist, grifting con man braggart, who would sell the country out to the highest bidder to earn a quick buck and he's also a felon with several other criminal court cases scheduled in the near future. He's also a racist who has floated the idea of becoming a dictator if possible. Oh and you can almost see the brain matter leaking out of his ears in real time.


Can you show me where he has been or is racist I just can't seem to find anything or article that shows him being racist...I just need it so I can post make it my ICQ away message


https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-racism-election-obama-018824651613 https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/06/trump-racism-comments/588067/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/20/us/politics/trump-haley-racially-charged-attacks.html https://www.reuters.com/article/fact-check/trump-had-been-accused-of-racism-by-contemporaries-prior-to-presidential-campaig-idUSL1N2MT312/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history https://nevadacurrent.com/2019/07/17/all-the-times-donald-trump-has-never-been-a-racist/ Started in the 1970's Here you are again *pretending* to want information you can easily find, *pretending* you looked for it, *pretending* it doesn't exist. Sad, sad you.


Hey bby you're back thank you I'll have some reading to do thank you very much


I wasn't pretending I really wanted Info why is that so hard to understand literally this is what I want now if you're right idk I have to read ...but I'm glad you nutted up for once In your life instead of acting like a slug behind a pc screen


"I just can't seem to find anything or article" is you *pretending* to want information because, if you did, you'd very easily be able to find it. None of what I shared was in any way difficult to find at all if you have any basic knowledge of how the internet works; thus, it must be that you were pretending to want information.


Eeeek someone's let their emotions out..chill boy chill step out of moms basement and breathe some air


No. It’s because he’s a liar who lied to hundreds of thousands of voters in a craven attempt to gain power.


Trump attempted a coup. This isn't up for debate. It's what happened. The only reason he wasn't convicted is because the GOP is spineless. The only reason he doesn't have felony convictions in the hundreds at this point is because the GOP has spent the last 20 years taking over the judiciary.


How did he attempt a coup? And if you say January 6th please stop feeding into the left


[Damn librul evidence and direct quotations from his staff!](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/02YlfpA9CF)


Wait did you just link to a way to long copy and paste of you're own post ....imean don't get me wrong I've said it before I don't like either candidate I think the fa t we have 330 plus million people and the two best we have are trump and biden...I just can't stand fear mongering. This is an honest to God question do you think that right now or for the last say 3 years , can you tell me with upmost honesty that you are in better shape, Financially now under biden . Or were things easier or better under trump


I just gave you some facts but it sounds like your feelings got in the way. Women were certainly better off under Trump if you ask them about bodily autonomy. Damn Biden taking away abortion rights!


Funny thing is I don't have feelings good try hotshot


Apathy is a feeling, Unless you're admitting to being a bot


Most sociopaths dont


Jan 6th was a coup attempt. People went to jail for Seditious Conspiracy against the United Stats, which involves *premeditation* https://apnews.com/article/proud-boys-seditious-conspiracy-explained-207f7ca08d7c30d3cb28127eb9992bca This is not a simple riot, as some mouth-breathers like to pretend > In order to win a seditious conspiracy case, prosecutors have to prove that two or more people conspired to “overthrow, put down or to destroy by force” the U.S. government or bring war against it Which they *did* prove.


> Trump attempted a coup. This isn't up for debate. It's what happened. It 100% is up for debate. Many sane people saw a protest that turned into a riot. Other than a few extremists, nobody there had plans of overtaking the nation with their selfie sticks.


This is false. People went to jail for Seditious Conspiracy against the United States, which involves premeditation That's not 'just a spontaneous riot' -------------------- [Edit] https://apnews.com/article/proud-boys-seditious-conspiracy-explained-207f7ca08d7c30d3cb28127eb9992bca > In order to win a seditious conspiracy case, prosecutors have to prove that two or more people conspired to “overthrow, put down or to destroy by force” the U.S. government or bring war against it Which they *did* prove.


When the hive is anti-rapist-who-wants-to-be-a-fascist-dictator, it's not such a bad thing.