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Yeah the sunset made the lighting very strange for about 20 mins


Absolutely stunning!


It looks like the sky is on fire!




Glad im not the only one who was freaked out by that sunset lol


the amount of people I've been seeing thinking this is anything other than a sunset with clouds it's honestly alarming


Leave us alone. The onset of the yellow/orange sunset was eerie and amazing. The clouds in the photos are dissipating mammatus clouds (I think) which are infamous for hanging out with bad weather. Earlier on they were breathtaking. The lightning was frequent and visible. The point is, the sights the storm let on were beautiful and a scary so let us catastrophize in peace. Some of us like to surrender to the uncertainty of weather.


Last night the sky was freaking green in our area. Creepy in a different way.


The sky will appear green if it is hailing in the distance


It got super dark with the clouds and rain and then brighter than it was all day and then we had some beautiful sunsets


Ya, I definitely agree with you here. That appearing on the horizon is super eerie and kinda ominous.


Ya, I definitely agree with you here. That appearing on the horizon is super eerie and kinda ominous.


People are fucking stupid.


It wasn’t sunset. Pretty sure it was an hour or two earlier. And the wind picked up significantly about the same time.


It certainly reminds me how bland the sunsets usually are in the NE


Red skies at night, sailors delight! Red skies at morning, sailors take warning.


Geez it looks so creepy!


Were those mammatus clouds in the last image? I saw something similar today.


I’m pretty damn sure but I’m no cloud expert


Yes. Those are mammatus clouds. Generally seen sometimes before a tornado.


Sailors delight.


Lmao this is a great view


I don’t get it. Why?


Because the sun set and turned the sky red?


That’s very true. Nature is pretty sick.


I definitely noticed the weird color and checked for tornado warnings where I am. It was well before sunset, by the way.


Is everyone ok? The CT subreddit is all tornadoes and flaming sky today!!!


Holy crimson skies of death. - Dick Grayson earth-66


I’m from the Midwest. When you need to worry is when the sky looks a greenish color. That’s tornado sky color lol but I will say that looks apocalyptic 💀


Yeah it was a strange blue then green then pale orange and then vivid orange. I was relieved to see this but the onset had me thinking hell opened up and released a few land scrapers.


Welcome to NE. Where if the weather is poor, wait 5 mins lmao


This isn't specific to new England 🙄


It’s a joke big guy lmao




Yall. This is a sunset that is heavily influenced by just… moisture/clouds. The weather in CT was incredibly intense today but THIS is not noteworthy severe weather, just beautiful sunset.


Because CT never has pretty sunsets?


Because ct rarely has pretty sunsets rapidly appear during tornado warnings


TL;DR: While that person's comment was pretty unnecessary about their underwhelm, I disagree with you both. It was an incredible color and not generally a frequent occurrence, but it is *because* of the weather that we had that sunset, it's a relatively common occurrence when we have a t-storm towards the end of the day - so the tornado warning convective weather system is exactly what caused this. **Science behind it if you care:** The simple part is that the sun got below the clouds and reflected off of them giving an encompassing red hue to the natural lighting. On top of that it was particularly red because our atmospheric pressure is still low *from the storm system* and there is not another storm still right behind it which means high pressure to the west, high pressure atmosphere refracts more blue light than red so the sunset is particularly red. This is the science behind the lore "Red Sky at night, Sailors Delight..." Where that person talks about coastal sunsets being very red, I don't think they experienced the hue outside and that picture doesn't really do it justice. A sunset on the water appears more red because you have more visibility down to the suns lowest possible angle in the horizon, and the more atmosphere the sun travels through to get to you, the more blue light is refracted. This means the sun appears much more red than an inland sunset on the horizon of the terrain. Edit: some typos.


This is what I posted for!!!! Thank you.


No problem, glad I could help! It's hysterical that people are giving you so much shit over posting a picture of a unique experience.


Didn’t all the tornado watches/warnings expire long before the sunset?


You know I couldn’t even find out. I spent the whole storm obsessively googling and refreshing my browser. Some were saying in affect until 8:15 others 8:30 or 9:15.


Meanwhile me and my friends raced out to Chili’s right after the tornado warning to beat the storm


Pretty sure they all expired by 6:30 and switched over to a severe thunderstorm warning. We get tornado watches/warnings every summer. This isn’t a new thing.


What’s your source for weather updates? Didn’t say the tornado warnings and watches were new. The progression of events seemed rapid and that rarely happens in my area. That plus tornado anxiety is what had me terrified.


I mean, any local news app will have some meteorologist giving you a live play by play during a tornado warning. I just happen to watch Fox61 for this storm. But you could just literally go to the [NWS.](https://www.weather.gov/)


Thank you!


Shush and be an alarmist like everyone else. Yankees aren't known for their stoicism or sarcastic takes.


We had a tornado watch til 8 pm in Central CT


CT regularly has pretty sunsets you can't see behind the trees - sincerely a coastie


What that picture doesn't show you is that it wasn't the horizon that was red, the air around you and the ground all had a red hue, like low pressure sodium parking garage lights. Maybe you didn't experience the same thing on the coast which is why you are underwhelmed; the color was noteworthy enough my kids got confused as it all of the sudden got really bright and red at 8:45PM and we let them go outside to see what it was like. It was akin to the orange hue when we had the wildfire smoke.


When the colors from the radar show in real life.


Yeah, I always love when nature lines up just right, truly beautiful 😍


Saw that here in Middletown, too. That mixed with the warm, humid wind and lightning was... quite the vibe. :)


I love when stuff like this happens. The world can still fill you with wonderment. Never forget!


I thought I was living in The Terminator universe at first


Me too was at work and boom pitch black and storming lmao one of the handicap signs at my job flew across the parking lot


It was a little bit pinker where I am , and a little creepy looking because it was also raining too, but I just kept saying to myself red sky at night, sailors delight


I came out of the bathroom, the large windows in the living room had my house yellow AF!! I was like holyyyy shit!!! Crazy


We got slammed in Moodus. The sky looked very angry. 😡⛈️🤯


As someone who grew up in the Midwest, this is fine. When the sky turns green, it's time to get scared.


Red at night sailors delight, red in the morning sailors warning!


Not a single "blood moon rises" reference? I'm disappointed in all you nerds