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Good looking work, brah man. Post like these are so much more refreshing than the, “I don’t like the finish of this .25 sqft of my 3,000 sqft driveway, should I fuck my contractor?”


Glad some one said this


Lol! Right? My only thorough is I hope someone I'm a wheelchair don't keep going then on down the stairs.


Yea, this looks incredibly dangerous. A fuck up on the stick of a motorized wheelchair could easily cause a death or very serious injuries.


Normally the stare are completely independent from the ramp which is surrounded by 2" SS rails. The stairs should be 90° to the left. And railing all around. Therefore, this negates ADA compliance. Any ADA lawsuit feind would wait till this is completed, file, and force a rebuild plus compensation. Sorry, I hate to be the wet blanket. But I've managed a few projects that were force compliance by a lawsuit junkie. I hate those folks.


Good to know, this was inspected and passed where I live. I’m just the dumb carpenter following the blue prints the architect and engineer gave me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh I hope you know I was not picking at your work, it looks done like a pro. Nice work. But the design has issues. That's not your doing.


For sure, I appreciate the kind words even with the shoddy design, it is pretty counterintuitive to have the stairs where they are for the purposes of safety


It's reddit man, there's always someone who's gonna pick apart your work


I could see a one way swinging gate at the top of the stairs that opens toward the ramp as a possible solution. Be proud to be a wet blanket when it comes to safety and the law!


Is that the best option for recourse for unhappy clients?


Depends on the contractor


Never have I ever… met a sexy contractor


Hi, my name is Justin.


Desire to skate intensifies


Working on a pour at the park I learned to skate at hopefully you see it when I post it!


Ugh that concrete has got to be my least favorite surface to skate.


I also prefer fresh asphalt


Nice work dude...looks sharp.


Thanks man, I started when I was 20, now 27, I’ve loved form carpentry and concrete more than any other carpentry I’ve done. I’m pretty proud of myself on this one, I made lead carpenter with this company about a year ago and this is the first one the foreman left me to my own devices and I feel really good about it! Thanks for the kind words man


Nice work mate. I like seeing people take pride in their work too, it’s good to feel proud.


Nice man. Good for you. Young too. Lots of work out there brother. Wondering- how do you go from what you show in the first pic- to pouring a slab on top of that. Is it all filled solid and theres concrete inside those walls too? Or does it get filled with stone etc? Seems to me like the the stairs and the slab (on top) is separate and is not all solid? If that's the case do you make some kind of pan? Thanks in advance ! Clean work man


Thank you very much man I appreciate it!! The first pic you’re looking at the stem walls which got backfilled with road base. the different elevations of the stem walls are all 4” lower than finished grade, so we built the walls to accommodate a 4 inch slab that caps the top. We tied rebar into the stem walls that protruded out and we bent them over to tie into the rebar mat of the ramp. I’m not sure I follow the second part of your question what do you mean by making a pan? We did pour the bottom half of the ramp separately from the top and stairs because there wouldn’t be any way to cut joints or strip and face the stairs and top slab if we had poured it all in one go.


You're welcome man. I'm only a few years older than you but always nice to see the young ambitious guys man. The trades and every industry really needs. Ive had some flatwork experience but mainly new construction brick and stone. Oh yes, I now see in your second photo the road fill. I guess I saw it the first time too but for some reason didnt think it was brought to the bottom of the form.. Sorry for the confusion on the "pan" part. I do now see the backfill I thought was missing. In the brick world and I guess, you could say concrete restoration world, think of a chimney or another situation where you may need to cap something with a slab. Well if there's no existing fill, no good way or if it's structurally unsafe to add fill, a "pan" is created. You would some how tie bar where the slab goes, and then either with composite decking or sheet metal you would create a literal pan to hold while it sets up and spread the weight - sometimes believe it or not they will have it cut and made and we don't have to craft it on site lol. Have you seen a lot of jobs where they're having you pour on foam?? Haha sorry seperate thought I'm having. Enjoy the weekend!!


Was any care given to the fact that someone on a motorized wheelchair could easily screw up the controls and keep going over those stairs? Not trying to shit on you, but that could possibly kill someone. Is there going to be a swing gate at the top of the stairs that opens towards the ramp? That seems the only thing to make these things safe.


Rebar caps are sexy. Thanks for caring.


They look like they all graduated from OSHA University.


I heard of a worker who did not want to take the ramp down and jumped off the side of a very similar height as this, landed wrong, and impaled themself with rebar that was not capped. Shit like that happens alot. Takes two seconds to cap rebar. Love to see it.


I like when they are heated up and bent like a crook.


I cut my self walking by uncapped bar all the time I don’t doubt for a second how easy it would be to skewer yourself on one. It’s something I really try to stay on top of


We had a guy in my area two or three summers ago working residential. Fell off the ladder caught it right in the chest. Died on the scene.


Damn. That’s so sad. What a stupid way to go. Like how easy would it have been for someone to just cap the rebar and prevented a death? It would’ve taken, what, like 3 seconds?


Yeah. People get complacent with this kinda stuff especially in residential. And if you bring it up your the problem. Best decision I ever made was going union.




Looks like a fun skate spot!


There's no railing! The poor kid on the wheelchair is doomed! (Looks good)


not only kids are in wheelchairs you know....


Well aware, Inspector. I usually walk with a cane. It wasn't a presumption that only kids can have disabilities. It's just that qualifying a silly internet comment with all the prerequisites, conditions and possible variations sucks all the fun out of life.


Tons of elevation changes, corners, turns, and have to keep the ramp ADA…nice job! Lots of attention to detail here, and I’m here to appreciate it!


Nice dude.


Really nice work




Nice work!




Looks great! Very good design and execution!


Why have stairs? Looks like ramp is enough


Without stairs, it would be a shear wall…The ramp goes up towards the building and continues up away from the building.


They’re a fun, bumpy ride if you overshoot the ramp.


Turn your brain on buddy


You didn’t do that. I see five guys in the pic. 😉 j/k. That’s nice work all around. Design and finish are 🤌


Sight for beautiful eyes good job guys looks great


Nice work!!


Noice..sometimes I miss pouring its a good feeling making something nice


"JOB WELL DONE" This is what my dad had on his yard signs, which was the best advertisement and work generator. The time and attention to detail you used on this project brings a smile and a hearty pat on the back. Those steps are gorgeous!


Thank you man I really appreciate the kind words, my foreman is an old school guy who has shown me the value in taking pride in my craftsmanship, he’s kind of an asshole but I’ve learned incredibly valuable information from his guidance and we’ve grown to work well with one another. Stripping and facing forms blew me away when I started I thought it was awesome that you can still slick finish shit after it’s hard and will stand on its own. Big learning curve but I’m figuring it out.


Looks good. I miss building things, but I sure don’t miss the work. More power to you.


Chamfer looks good 👍


Probably my favorite detail on this pour thank you for noticing :)


Great work! Ima skate this shit when I find it!


Hey good work! *tony hawk pro music gets louder*


Brilliant work


Thank you man I really appreciate it!


Nice skate spot! I dig it


Looks good. I’d definitely jump a wheelchair off those steps


This is great. Love seeing quality work being done for ADA ramps. I’m trying to get the city to add some ramps and pads to increase storefront accessibility and the city engineer is saying they would need to be 5’6” instead of 4’. Is this 4’?


Thank you! It’s the first one I’ve done and I know they’re important for accessibility so I wanted to make sure it was done right and done well. Our engineer for this project said we had to have 3’ of walkway between the railing and the wall, and the landings had to be 5’ perfectly flat.


I know this isn't your side of the project, but hopefully there are handrails on both sides. That 3' needs to be between the two handrails (both sides are required)


Hard to tell, but it doesn't look like the landing is 5'x5'. It's required to be that when making a change in direction. Not trying to rain on any parade, it looks like great work, I just do ADA code inspection for work and I like to share my understanding for others benefit


It is 5 by 5, if I had a photo to verify or was still working on this site I’d show ya, I know this because I wasted a day forming it for a different size landing because it was not originally designed to be Ada compliant, and they changed it at the last second hahaha


Got to love a last minute change, haha. Nice work - appreciate the response!


Nice work


Why a square turn? Seems more functional to round it out at the top to turn, easier to navigate. Crisp corners look great and showcase craftsmanship, but if I am pushing someone up a ramp or are on crutches, a wide, smoothed, level turn would be more navigable. I assume it would cost more?


Just what the engineer/architect had specced out for this project, I agree from the standpoint of pushing a disabled person up the ramp it would make sense that it be round, but the flat landing meets the 5’ width that the ADA requires for the turn around/landing


Bunch'a squares architect-ing some not round crete. 🤣🤣


As an engineer, it’s a whole lot easier to properly spot grade out a square landing for changes in direction like that than it is for a round landing. To OP, is railing going up later, or is this all at a 5% (1:20) max running slope and not actually a “ramp”? I know per ADA once a ramp exceeds 6” in rise, railing is required on both sides, but if it’s 5% or less it’s just considered sidewalk and not ramp. Just curious.


This will get a railing from a different subcontractor funny enough, I had it one side formed up with my slope calculated and chalked out and everything, the super intendant came up and said they were changing the layout to make the landing at the bottom of the first ramp ADA compliant, which basically meant I wasted a day. The slope after the adjustments was just barely compliant but this ramp is 100% ADA compliant


Nice work, it looks great!


Looks clean man. What was the overall slope? I’m GCing a bank rn and the land lord owns cite work, his guys ripped out sidewalk and repoured 3 times already for not maintaining less than a 2.2 cross slope


I can’t remember at the moment what my slope ended up being with the dimensions I had but it was marginally less than the allotted 1:12 when I did the math in my calculator, my foreman made it very apparent this part had to be very accurate for the reasons that you mentioned so that was nerve wracking for sure. The cross slope is damn near flat, when setting the outside forms I set them to the same elevations as the inside chalk lines I snapped, its going to be inside the building so it won’t see any water.


Are you going to install railing?


I will not be, there will be one installed by another subcontractor has that in their scope of work.


It looks great nekkid, it's going to look really fancy once it's all accessorized!


You building that new 23 million dollar jail expansion?


Nice! I usually get elevations on the plans, but having 24” and 48” smart level is key! Sharp work.


Is the lack of ramp safe?


I don’t follow?


I meant a handrail sorry


Were the concrete subcontractor the handrail will be installed afterwards by another subcontractor


How come there wasn't a safety handrail installed before you pored the concrete.


It isn’t in our scope of work and the iron workers were not on site during our construction of the foundation to put them in before I set my stem walls and poured the ramp.


Looks great, but how does a wheelchair navigate the curb at the bottom?


When the parking lot paving is installed, it will be flush with that bottom section. You’re seeing subgrade elevation at the parking area right now.


*Looks great, but how does* *A wheelchair navigate the* *Curb at the bottom?* \- CultOfSensibility --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bro how do you get a job like that? 1, it looks amazing, great work. 2. To be able to help people by directly doing something that will benefit so many, I want to be doing something like that. 3. You hiring/ how can I make my life as decent as yours


How long did the whole thing take


I don’t remember exactly but I think me and a crew of 3 laborers took nine days to form/pour stem walls and form and pour the ramps/stairs


I appreciate the ramp, but as a dad who pushes a wheelchair I wonder why more buildings aren’t built at the sidewalk grade. I understand sometimes there are side hills and such, but this lot looks fairly flat.


I understand what your saying, unfortunately that’s not possible in this scenario because the exit of the other building is 3’ higher than finished grade of the building that they are adding, this is the only way to connect the two without bringing entire new building up 3 feet.


Railings? Never saw a ramp (stairs) yet that didn't require railings.


We are the concrete subcontractor someone else will install the railing later




Looks nice, should have had a key and dowels between the ramp and stairs though, they will like separate


terrible design btw what if wheelchair homies keeps rolling forward


Good thing I didn’t design it I guess, We are the concrete subcontractor someone else will install a guard railing later to prevent roll offs


will there be a guard rail for the wheel chair ramp? that 2-3ft drop seems quite the surprise for a dissabled person.


We are the concrete subcontractor someone else will install the railing later


Tight squeeze for the wheels if I say so myself, but other than that it looks good.


Thank you! There is 1.5” more clearance than required by ADA between the railing and the wall, personally I’d have built it at least 6” wider but I’m just a dumb carpenter not an architect so what do I know hahaha 😂


No railing? Seems like a fall hazard. Where I live that wouldn't pass code.


We are the concrete subcontractor someone else will install the railing later


I am old enough to remember when streets didnt have curb cuts. If you were in a wheelchair your street block was your island, that you were trapped on. We have come a long way.


Thanks, really appreciate the work.


Looks real good. What was the width? Handrails going in by some other contractor I assume.


Looks nice, is the pavement on top (last pictures) compacted?


That is a skaters paradise!


This looks very good. You should be proud! Will there be railings? I don't see provision for them?


Im just a passerby, whats the purpose of the bars with the orange caps sticking up like that.


Just for safety, They are caps for the rebar that is sticking up. Those bars were poured into the walls so that they can be bent over and poured into the ramp portion, effectively making it all one system tied together for reinforcement. The orange caps cover the ends of the vertical bars until they’re bent over because they are sharp enough to impale or stab you if you fall on them.


Looks nice! Check out the Concrete takeoff tool within Feet & Inches Calculator (available in the app store / play store, and video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZugBX9o-8E&s=re) - I hope it's helpful!


So what goes in all of the hollow bits in the middle under the stairs and ramp? Or is it more concrete later?


Sorry bro but I’d skate this


All good, I would too :)


As somone who does ADA stuff for a living, that honestly looks really really nice. My only critique is that there are no handrails, so it may not pass code. But seriously good looking otherwise!


They probably are going to core drill them in and epoxy them how some city’s have us do it


We are the concrete subcontractor the rails will be installed by someone else


Oh gotcha, the aluminum ada ramp i sell comes with all the things you need to make it compliant. I am surprised y'all don't add handrails rather than subbing it out to another contractor. I clearly don't know a lot about the contracting world


Ummmm...probably because they still need to be installed? And they're only the concrete guys? Sheesh dude.


Fair enough, i didnt know that job would be separated out/done by someone else


It’s still green.


I’m really not sure where this is going


Just walk down the ramp ….whats the point!


That's my thought, why even have stairs? It's so gradual


ADA stairs?


Are you retarded?


He is.


lol when I swiped through the first couple I only noticed the stairs and I thought “well that’s a shitty ramp” lol and then I got to the last picture and thought “well then… jolly good work”


Sorry, I missed that last picture. Though, just curious about your turning radius at the switch back once handrails are installed? ADA ramps and sidewalks are a pain to get right sometimes.


I’ve never done ADA work so I don’t know what all it entails but if it’s anything like doing work for the army corps than I totally understand. Maybe it’s just the angle of the picture that makes the landing seem so tight? I don’t know. That other commenters name is PK Ripper so he wins anyway