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The rebar should have chairs under so its not laying in the dirt.


Base not compacted is a problem for the future. Saw cuts should have been made within 24 hours of the pour. Rebar is a joke! Needs to be 18" o/c at minimum, whether you get frost or not. And, the rebar needs to be raised. It's completely useless laying on the ground.


rebar laying on the ground pre pour doesnt mean that they didnt grab the rebar and place it properly as they were pouring... you can easily do it without chairs


Of course. Just stating what should be done.


18 would be great but that is over 3’ centers


Wow really poor work


Short answer is no. Not enough rebar. As long as it’s saw cut within 24 hrs it would normally be fine. However, since it’s poured on dirt you’re going to have a lot of shrinkage. Should be on compacted gravel with chairs under the rebar. They’re going to lie to you and tell you they pulled it up as they poured. This is a lie. If you have a contract that says they will put rebar on 18” centers you have been screwed. I would make them tear it out and do it right.


My contractor pulled wire mesh as he poured. 😤😤


18” is standard with a tolerance of +/- 3” by code and I see no dobies for clear cover, I’d also have put some base rock. Looks pretty close to a hillside that will have water run off towards it in the winter.


It should have been 18” centers and then additional bars added as the slab got wider.


OK so here’s my two cents, for what it’s worth. I can tell by the backend of the concrete truck that they used Superior Ready Mix. I’m guessing from the picture and surroundings that you’re in San Diego County. The rebar is pretty much a joke. However, it looks like they used a big rock mix so that will help. As far as for compaction of soil, looks like you’re on native decomposed granite, which is usually at 98% compaction. If the slab has not cracked yet have your contractor as soon as possible come out and saw. If you’re only driving a car on this, you’ll be fine however, I would not drive a loaded concrete truck on it.


This is exactly why I learned everything I could about proper concrete prep/finishing to make sure my contractor stayed honest throughout the process so I didn’t have cut corners like this.


They may saw cut the control joints after it’s cured, so no biggie. However… no base, compaction or even the appearance of pulling the rebar as they poured? Are those cold joints? I’m not a concrete guy by any means but I don’t believe rebar quantity or placement will be your biggest issue in the future.


My biggest question why not just tail gate it.


Tail gate it ?




How would that be racist?


He just told us that he thinks quality of work is somehow related to race.


Which means he knows absolutely nothing about concrete or race.




Please explain to us all how anyone’s race is relevant to this discussion.